Stop Digital Dictators with #CashFriday and #CashEveryDay
When we use a credit card, we feed the beastly plan to cancel cash and control us with Central Bank Digital Currency. Instead, use cash, the slingshot capable of downing the globalist Goliath.

My palms were sweating two weeks ago when I took possession of several hundred dollars and put them into my wallet and into my purse, determined to make perhaps the most important political statement of our time. Later in the day, I still felt a little out of practice when the bill at the veterinarians office came to $82.
I pulled four twenty-dollar bills and two one-dollar bills out of my wallet and paid up entirely in good old American cash. It felt much more real and more serious handing over that cash than when I pulled out a shiny plastic credit card to have the bill charged.
It also felt good to make a financial and political statement, “You can’t control me!” that will bring down the walls of globalism if enough of us do it.
It’s time to join us in the CashFriday and CashEveryDay movement, a brilliantly simple crusade to stop the globalists’ plan to create a global digital currency with Chinese Communist Party-style surveillance and control imposed on everyone by governments and oligarchs.
“When you use cash now, you can’t see where it goes. But when you use CBDC (the planned Central Bank Digital Currency), “we’ll be able to see everything,” said Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration and an investment banker who has led investment strategies for $300 billion.
Catherine launched the #CashFriday movement that morphed into the #CashEveryDay movement with Mary Holland, president and general counsel of Children’s Health Defense and a former law professor at Columbia University and New York University. It’s a grassroots movement that makes the statement, “We cannot be controlled.”
“It’s not a currency system. It’s a control system,” Catherine says. “They will have complete control. If they don’t want you buying a pizza, you can’t buy pizza. If they don’t want you traveling more than five miles from your home, your credit card will not work more than five miles from your home.”
Get ready for the next global media and government blitz that makes covid and Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four seem like warm-up acts.
For more than two years we have been locked up, masked, isolated, shamed, shunned, sickened, then shut out of school, work, family milestones, social events, restaurants, and sports. Covid feels as though it is over to many folks, now the globalists are in the process of enslaving us with digital chains. How?
As we documented in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators, the plan to create a global governance has been being developed and implemented for years. Those who advocate a global government envision an enforceable, global government system that will have the power to control citizens and populations through their money and through other critical resources every family needs, from food to gasoline to the energy that heats or cools our homes. Replacing cash with what is being called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in every country on Earth is more than crazy talk and conspiracy mutterings. Digital money along with technology is the lever through which a global government can exert control everywhere in the world. Global digital money and the global surveillance society have been designed and are being implemented now in China and other regions.
The 2020 World Economic Forum focused on the creation of frameworks for digital currencies and produced a CBDC Policy-Maker Toolkit for national governments.
President Biden issued an Executive Order March 9, 2022, stating a U.S. issued digital currency could be created to “support efficient and low-cost transactions, particularly for cross‑border funds transfers and payments, and to foster greater access to the financial system, with fewer of the risks posed by private sector-administered digital assets” like cryptocurrencies (bitcoin and others). The Executive order added there are “potential risks and downsides to consider,” and ordered federal agencies to prepare a report within six months identifying the issues.
Banks around the world are moving toward digital cash. The fact that China has already implemented digital currency is a grave warning for the future. The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States, and it has recently declared that digital currency is not going to replace physical cash. But the Fed’s admission that they are, in fact, developing digital currency should place all of us on the alert.
Using the Great Reset model being propagated worldwide by the WEF—the global governance and its bad actors we were the first to expose in our book⏤digital money will be controlled by a fusion of government, big banks, and big tech global forces. When the globalists control digital currency, they will be able to control individuals as never before. They’ll be able to put a choker on the Big Data leash that already monitors, markets, and tries to influence and nudge our movements, expenses, and habits from cradle to grave. The final step of digital money in all its forms—credit or debit cards, cryptocurrency, CBDC, our Apple wallet—would become the most powerful tool for ultimate data collection and control over our personal lives. It would be the most comprehensive totalitarianism system the world has ever known.
By cancelling cash, they force us to rely entirely on digital currency. By cancelling cash, they take away our most personal freedoms to purchase goods and services that we want, to invest wherever we want, and to send money to wherever and to whomever we want. By controlling how we spend our money, they will exert ultimate personal domination over us, and the U.S. will mirror the “social credit system” in China that enables the communist party to cancel your ability to board a train or plane, for instance, as punishment for excessive parking tickets or the wrong political opinions.

The Cash Revolution
Catherine expanded on the idea and now urges us to use cash every day.
“Each of us, as individuals, can make a difference in this unique moment. The Cash Revolution gives each of us an opportunity to become involved on a daily basis in the fight against the globalist takeover of our governments and our lives.”
After studying it, we’re convinced that Catherine, the former managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., who has personally designed and closed more than $25 billion in investments and transactions, is right.
We are at an unprecedented moment in time now to take decisive action that crosses partisan lines, cultures, and beliefs. Catherine says that if only 10 percent of people switch to using cash instead of digital payment sources, we can win the Cash Revolution. The big banks are heavily leveraged, which “refers to the use of debt (borrowed funds) to amplify returns from an investment or project.” In other words, banks borrow heavily and invest the borrowed funds to obtain further assets, overall weakening their financial solvency.
“This lack of financial resources to back up their loans and investments make the big banks perpetually teeter on the edge of bankruptcy,” Catherine says. “All that keeps them afloat is their knowledge that the central banks will always step in to rescue them and the hope that not too many people will pay off their loans at once or withdraw their money, creating a lethal run on the bank.”
The Big Banks also depend heavily on the fees they charge consumers and businesses for credit card use. By switching to cash and shopping locally, we give an extra boost to our community and our local merchants that can have a significant impact on them. Small banks, with their community-level relations, will further improve their condition. Using cash also protects individual privacy.
Globalists want to seize total control of our money partly to “accelerate digital transformation for long-term growth.” Catherine says:
“Once you have 100% digital, then you can have central digital control.
Once you go to CBDC, they can see everything you are doing, but more importantly, they can make rules about what you are allowed to do and enforce them. It is quite extraordinary.”

Digital Data Slavery
When we use digital currency, the data is always collected. Every bit of information about an individual has value, and increasingly that data is being sold or stored. Gather enough data about an individual, and a digital fingerprint begins to form and can be sold and used. Habits are being recorded. Purchases and preferences are being noted. Everywhere we go is mapped out for storage. All this data is being gathered about each individual, adding to data from other technologies, such as phone calls and texts. The management of all that data collection is a field of study in itself.
Marketers were some of the first to use collected data in order to “personalize” ads. Law enforcement and other government agencies collect data to surveil the population. Now presidential administrations and the Deep State use these data to spy on and harm their political opponents, including advocates of free speech and political freedom.
Ethical issues surrounding big data collection and management are being debated. But exactly as happened during covid-19, the controversial discussions mean nothing, and predatory globalists take over wherever they can. We need to fight back and protect ourselves by minimizing our digital footprint, including the use of cash whenever and wherever possible.
Central digital currency control will be fully accomplished only when paper and coin money is canceled. If cash is banished, money will be recorded only digitally and can be completely controlled by technology. If we protect paper and coin money, we humans have some control over our funds.
The Action Plan
I’m on board. Here is what we need to do and what we can do:
Start paying in cash! Then be prepared for a wake-up call. It’s surprisingly difficult to break the e-shopping and credit card chain. But we have actually found it enormously satisfying to open our wallets and give cash to our local restaurants and stores. We are doing them a favor in saving them from paying the big bankers’ cut of our exchange, and we are fighting for our personal freedom and for the cause of political freedom at the same time.
Starve the Amazon beast. That 5 percent back I am offered on Amazon purchases is like the candy being offered to children in a park by the shady-looking stranger in the beat-up white panel truck. First comes the candy, and then comes the enslavement in a musty soundproof cellar somewhere. We must break from being digital prisoners while we still can.
Get out of big corporate banks. International banks are not our friends. They are a major villain in the international globalist matrix. We must leave them behind. Catherine Austin Fitts recommends small community banks and credit unions. We have all seen the big banks actually suspend service to individuals and companies who are being socially ostracized. We are much safer with a local community bank or credit union.
Deposit our paychecks in local banks and withdraw weekly cash for our use. We cut out the big banks and keep the money in our community. For decades, the big banks have been swallowing up the little ones, and we must help reverse that by banking locally and using cash. That will significantly threaten the income of the banks—including the fees they skim off our digital purchases, the interest they gain from the holding of our money, and the power they get from possessing and manipulating so much money.
If we cannot pay in cash, pay using a check from our small community bank or credit union. Credit cards should be a last resort. Is it inconvenient to use cash? Sure. Is there an upside? Every time a person uses cash, they are making a declaration: “We cannot be controlled.”
Spread the word! Handing cash to the grocery clerk or our doctor’s office receptionist is a teachable moment. And anyone standing behind us in the checkout line may learn from our actions. Share this column.
Identify any negative considerations that may arise as we begin our cash journey. In 2020 we were programmed through the media to consider paper money contaminated. Some companies only accepted credit cards for a time. This was a propaganda attempt to “nudge” us toward digital currency. No one can catch covid-19 from handling cash.
The word is spreading across the Western democracies: Rescue cash—save the world!
Ginger Breggin and her husband Peter Breggin MD have now focused on the suppression of science and freedoms surrounding covid-19. They’ve written the bestselling new book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey. They ask “What’s next?”
This column was originally published as “Rescue Cash—Prevent Digital Slavery” on the America Out Loud platform. It was expanded for RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo.
All I use is cash unless it's a big purchase...which is hardly ever...when they ask how I am paying I always say, "Oh, cash definitely, until they take it away from us which is soon." ALWAYS, the reaction is WHAT? ..and then I tell them how they want digital id and currency to track us like they already did during the pandemic....most are dumbfounded but curious and ask lots of questions...sometimes the person behind me in line chimes in, too......I usually say it loud enough for a few people to hear me and I know they all won't start using cash but some will or at least look into what I am saying.....I encourage them...also, I remind them o the frozen back accounts as I live in the once grate country of Canada.....
Cash is King.