Sandra Jacobs's daughter Tatum just posted this article at her Facebook page. The link was immediately removed and she was banned for 24 hours for daring to post it. FB told her that it "goes against our standards on misinformation." According to FB it's against their policy to say there are "serious side effects of COVID-19 vaccines including...death." A few months ago I was permanently kicked off LinkedIn for posting an ivermectin article I co-authored. This is what we've come to. How are we ever going to get out of it? We are in deep shite. (British version sounds more polite.)

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This is an outrageous assault not only on the right to free expression but on truth itself. we are now very close to the kind of "Thought Police" we see in contemporary Russia. Facebook should be taken to task in a barrage of protests over this kind of repression (as should Twitter).

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Every governmental entity, public health agency and any & all corporations that benefited from or coerced free individuals into taking an experimental medical treatment should be tried under Nuremburg Code and imprisoned for the rest of their natural lives. Demanding anything less is an injustice to not only all of those who have been maimed or killed by these defective products, but to all of the free individuals in the future that will be killed or maimed if these irrational, unscientific demons are allowed to remain unchecked.

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Amen to that. Supposedly, Attorney Reiner Fuellmich in Germany (who is also licensed to practice law in USA) is working on filing a comprehensive lawsuit on all of this. Also, attorney Hannah Rose. But I do not know the status. It feels so incredibly overwhelming, as in David vs Goliath. That story serves to let us know, with the power of Christ that is in each of us, (unless you have chosen the darkness) we can also win this war. Godspeed!

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I believe Fuellmich, et. al., filed with the ICC in Poland, the only country willing to take the filing, in January. I read in February (I think) that the ICC is corrupted and nothing is getting done toward the filing. --- If anyone has heard anything newer, please answer this comment to LMK. Thank-you!

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He is due to file a massive lawsuit here in the US this week or next. Also, David Martin et al has a suit in Utah against Brandon.

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🤗🤗🤗 Thank-you! You have made my day!

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You’re welcome

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It’s people like Strieter-Byron who will make a difference and ensure there will be a reckoning. As the famous anthropologist Margaret Mead said “Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.”

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I'm so glad Jacob's daughter is fighting for justice for her mom.

I have been dismayed that there are families' who chose to hush the injuries. My cousin's son's best friend died of the jab and instead of fighting to get the truth out, the family decided to hide it because "it might dissuade others." They were so convinced this vaccine was the answer that even after it killed their son, it didn't hit them that the RIGHT thing to do was to save other young people from the same fate. I feel very strongly about the immorality of hiding the truth and encouraging vaccine coercion and pressure. I wrote a related post recently:


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I keep wondering if jabbed folks literally have their minds controlled, this is in the realm of possibility from the introduced circuitry, 'if you believe that'. If one of the WEF controlled papers like the NYT would simply present the injured and dead daily, why, that would save many lives...

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Something to look at : J&J used this vaccine in an earlier SARS study (around 2012?) and it was canceled due to blood clots. If you can show this is the same formulation, you can show they should be held legally liable. They would have been aware of the prior results. No reason to expect a different outcome now.

Good luck!

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Gee, the federal government warned about J&J's very rare brain clotting risk. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/mild-vs-severe-side-effects-from-the-johnson-and-johnson-covid-19-vaccine-what-to-know


There was this study in 2012, but it doesn't identify the makers of the vaccines. I'm sure with some digging around, it might come up. But I couldn't find a reference to a brain issue. I did see lung issues.

This "fact-checked" headline focuses on "mRNA" vaccines or "dying from disease" to dispute the fact that it's supposed to check (a common tactic), but there might be something to look at here.


Good luck... I know there was a blood clotting issue with a J&J vaccine back then. Just not sure if it's the same area.

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There's this reference/comparison to a current vaccine and something from 2012... but associating it with birth control. Low platelet counts, etc. Might have to massage this with a medical degree and read between the lines to see if it was modified after the fact to try to avoid obvious comparisons. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-04-13/dont-compare-blood-clots-after-johnson-and-johnson-vaccine-to-birth-control-risk

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There's an actual journal dedicated to blod clots! https://www.isth.org/general/custom.asp?page=JTH_volume10

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This is infuriating how corrupt our system is. It's only "very rare" because you have to fight tooth and nail to get anyone to look into these deaths and the health department shows up at your door and says "don't post anything on social media about your family member's death and the vaccine."

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That's flat-out medical tyranny!

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I love her perseverance and grit. Thank God for all of us that she persisted and demanded the autopsy that proved the experimental gene therapy inoculation killed her mother. Love her reply to the “it’s very rare” comment, “that doesn’t make my mom any less dead”. Also love the way she included her suspicions in her mother’s obituary. And yes, they answered her question about ending the “public emergency” by talking about several other “Acts” they have assigned to themselves to do whatever they want, whenever they want, to society as a whole with zero accountability or concern for the safety and benefit of society. As for me, they can absolutely screw off next time they decide to go tyrannical, draconian, and authoritarian while ignoring the facts, the science and the front line workers who were screaming from the rooftops “there is effective treatment! Stop killing people!” These doctors were slandered and cancelled. Wikipedia even changed these doctors pages to discredit them. This is a dark and nefarious agenda they have rolled out onto humanity. Many people see it, many do not. (As shocking as that is, since the entire operation has not exactly been covert). They are pulling off this diabolical “Reset” in plain sight!!

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When I shared the news with a healthcare provider that my own mother had had a stroke two days after her Moderna shot, her response was “yes, we do hear of that happening, anecdotally”. I was extremely insulted and hurt by such a dismissive comment. It is not anecdotal when it happens to someone you love, I can assure you.

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If every injured person and every family member of a person murdered by the “vaccine” would file a lawsuit regardless of if it would go anywhere, it would still complicate the lives of those being sued and hopefully would bring attention to this whole evil mess. I’m talking millions and millions of lawsuits. Maybe we need legal funds set up for just this reason.

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Re: "Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, a drugmaker’s suit of armor that emerged from the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. Spearheaded by then Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist"

Dr Frist 2005 - "Frist, a doctor whose family controlled one of the nation’s largest hospital chains, was then backing a Senate bill to limit legal accountability for doctors and hospitals when they commit medical malpractice. We publicly demanded that Frist sell at least $25 million of stock he held in the Frist family company, HCA. HCA was one of America’s largest hospital companies and owner of HCI, the nation’s fifth biggest medical malpractice insurer. No one had ever heard of this issue before we put it on the map for the media and opinion leaders, but afterward it was closely tracked.

“HCI, HCA and your entire family stand to profit directly from the passage of malpractice caps legislation,” we wrote to Frist. Of course, Frist did not divest his stock, nor recuse himself from the medical malpractice vote. We got some press at the time, but, more importantly, the record we created came back to haunt Senator Frist two years later. https://www.consumerwatchdog.org/exposing-senate-majority-leader-bill-frists-corruption?fbclid=IwAR09xYdpu_EACVIyqAkXVbYeC_9IldT5VAvXF_tooJQL1RAZjgK0E9ZkLxE

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How many need to needlessly die to matter? Is there a number? Or is it simply we can make up a “lives saved” number to justify the slaughter? Claim it collateral damage of sorts.

We know this is how the dark-triad thinks, people become “units” and units are simply + and - nothing more, the fairy tale end game is all that matters, be it 1, 10, or 100 years out.

The claim that the ends justify the means is all that ever matters to these types.

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The long march of biosecurity tyranny through the institutions of government. Was the "war on terror" a distraction from the power grab that enabled the current "war on covid-19," whose prime casualty is the freedom, health, and welfare of humanity?

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Great article

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“There will be a reckoning.” Those word so ring true. Godspeed.

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a long time in the making, this was.

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Hopefully this will help many finally understand that all their perceptions of America have been and are 100% wrong. We will witness the inevitable crash and burn of a once great idea trashed and mutilated by corrupt representatives of the Republic. Then again history tells us that Republics always fail because of corruption within. Rome lasted for 1000 years yet failed in 8.6. We get the privilege of watching history repeat once again

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