"When John Berndsen sought out a covid vaccine at a local Walgreen’s in 2021, it seemed the thing to do."

No, no, no! 'Seemed the thing to do', follow the crowd, do the right thing, etc. are NEVER good reasons to accept an EXPERIMENTAL, NOVEL medical intervention which is being pushed like crazy by governments, institutions and the media, even MANDATED in some instances. Alarm bells should ring. This is WHY we are where we are, because so many people suspended critical thinking, ignored warning signs from outside and from within their own heads, and proceeded to blindly follow the crowd.

I never actively sought 'vaccination'. I was harassed by my GP several times to get the shots, but declined, slamming the phone down the very last time they tried. The hard sell was the dead giveaway and I seriously believe I might be dead or seriously injured by now if I had given in to the temptation to 'protect myself and others' at the behest of my doctor. I suffered a spontaneous coronary arterial dissection in 2016. That made me LESS likely to want to 'protect myself' with an experimental 'vaccine', which was being linked to a number of serious cardiovascular adverse reactions early on in the rollout. Why was I so different, in rejecting all attempts by the medical establishment to 'vaccinate' me? I'm just normal. Why were SO many people pushed into ABNORMAL behavioural responses? I still don't get it, two years later.

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The "forcing" function should have been the tip-off to people.

No jab...no job...no travel...no medical care.

Draconian measures.

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I feel the same way. I just knew that it was a bad idea. I used to get the flu from the flu shots. I stopped taking them 15 years ago and haven’t been sick since. No needles for me ever.

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I would shop in Walgreens where chairs were placed up and down the aisles where masked people sat waiting for their turn behind the screens. It was absolutely creepy and surreal as by then I knew something of what might happen. Not all of it but enough. It had the feeling of a much quieter boxcar.

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It may not be the thing to do, but people do it.

It doesn't make any sense for grown men and women to do something because everybody else does it any more than young kids encouraging each other to eat Tide pods.

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It’s more important to them to be liked and accepted so they can go to restaurants and to the movies and whatever. I have 0 respect for the morons.

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That's not so many people got the shots, like the man in this article and my mother.

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Never follow advice from billionaire psychopaths whose goal is depopulation.

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Bitter laughter at your excellent advice . . . Ten words that could save billions of people. Or could have . . . may be too late now.

I didn't get the spikeshots myself, or allow my child to get them. Being the mother of a vaccine-injured child (now disabled young adult) has one advantage: Your Medical B.S. Detector is permanently turned up to MAX SUSPICION.

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I was able to save a lot of friends and and family, but many of them would not listen. My best friend died suddenly 5 months after his jabs, and he was very healthy. 7 of my friends got cancer after their jabs and 5 are now dead. Several more died suddenly. Several more died but their obits did not say how.

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I hardly know what to say. (That's why it's taken me three days to respond to your comment.) The magnitude of your loss - it must be very painful to lose that many friends! I can't even imagine losing that many people from my life over a period of a couple of years. I hope you are doing ok.

I admire you for being able to save a lot of friends and family. If I've saved a single person, it's someone I don't even know who read one of my many social media posts. I did try to warn family members and friends but they went ahead and got the spikeshots. I did persuade one friend to skip getting booster for herself and one of her kids. To tell the truth, I was shocked at how totally everyone "bought" the propaganda. They were proud of *not* being among the uneducated and conspiracy-minded people who refused to get vaccinated.

But I've been lucky - my friends and family have, so far, escaped the spikeshot holocaust. The areas where they live have apparently been recipients of "good lots" of spikeshots. But it sounds like many of your friends have gotten "hot lot" spikeshots...I'm so sorry.

About your best friend...in the late summer or early fall of 2021, there was an ultrasound technician who reported that he was seeing a large number of people with blood clots in their legs 5 months after their primary series of Pfizer or Moderna...the kind of clots that can break lose and kill people by going to lung, heart, or brain. (I think this was before the fibrous white clots were reported in the alternative news sources. The ultrasound technician didn't mention unusually long clots so maybe these clots he reported were still ordinary bloodclots...)

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Fortunately I was only close to my best friend from college, and he lived far away in Manhattan, but we emailed almost daily. The others were classmates I seldom saw.

But I never know when the next one will fall. My sister in California and her sons and granddaughters are all jabbed and boosted. My cousins and other sister are unjabbed.

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Then the loss isn't as great as I imagined -- good! -- except of course for your best friend. I'm sure that loss was painful.

My own best friend got the Moderna spikeshots. I've told her I know a lot about preventing and treating adverse effects, but she absolutely doesn't want to talk about the subject. So I worry about her but keep my mouth closed about it. Same with my other close friends, and my relatives. I go back and forth between "I'm a coward. I should work hard at getting through to these people and do my best to save them" and "These folks have chosen their path. It looks like they didn't get spikeshots from bad batches. Who am I to bust up their happiness? If they are going to die from the shots, maybe it's more merciful to let them be happy as long as they can. All I'd really accomplish by trying to educate them would be to make myself a persona non grata."

FWIW, California has been an "obedient" blue state and I think it's largely been spared the worst lots of the spikeshots. Maybe your relatives there will be lucky...at least as lucky as spikeshot recipients can be.

Good luck and best wishes to you!

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Ma'am while I agree people did seem to fall in line. They were fear mongered by the damn very people that are supposed to have the publics interest at heart. The man just as my mother had prior issues and with what was being passed by the damn MSM, doctors , actors , pro athletes, Gates they most likely didnt want to be a stay.

In order to understand how this happened, one would have had to be sharp, a gift for being able to look at a big picture from outside of it. I started noticing a dumbing down of the public around 35 years ago.

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My internist in April still skilled for the shot. He agreed that the shots did not prevent I infection or transmission but "studies show" they prevent hospitalization. As if I would ever willingly go to a hospital for a bad cold. Pharma rewards for him I am assuming.

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Awful. Ask for those studies- he probably only read the title. The only 2 studies I have seen that people claim “show that COVID jabs reduce hospitalization and mortality” are both sponsored by Pfizer/Astra Zeneca, based on flawed modeling studies, and consider individuals “unvaccinated” unless they have had all the boosters AND that last booster was given over 2 weeks ago🙄

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*unless they have had all the boosters

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(Helpful tip for you, Jenny: If you click on the three dots to the right of the "Reply" button at the end of your post, you'll see that there's an option to edit your post. So you can correct typos etc.)

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Shilled _ugh

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Click on the three dots to the right of the Reply button at the end of your post. You'll see that there's an option to edit your post and correct things like this misspelling. And if you "Like" this comment of mine, I'll come back here and erase my comment so it doesn't "clutter things up."

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Because they don’t know how to think for themselves! Lost many “friends” and family due to my view on jabs, COvid itself, faulty PCR tests, and masks. No grandkids either for two and a half years. The blindness of many libtards about all things medical and political is mind boggling!

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So many people looked at you like you were an insane nutter, conspiracy theorist when you told them why you had decided to NOT take the jab. Even in church where people should respect freedom of conscience, people would look at you with a doubtful look like you were an apostate for not going along with the narrative - which turned out to be a narrative straight from the pit of hell.

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I wrote to those in my small fellowship in 2020 when they weren't meeting together 'thinking' they had to obey the government, and warned them not to take the coming vaccines. I gather most did, but I have not been back to ask them individually. Many who got shot fell ill.


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Same!! Your post is so well said thank you. I knew almost immediately to avoid them !

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Perfectly stated!!!!!!!!!! Happy for you, too!!!!!!

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" I still don't get it, two years later." While I most certainly see the many arriving voices who avoided the scam explaining how clever they were to never fall for the propaganda, I wonder if we are seeing a new pile-on.

I got my two jabs about in the middle of the initial frenzy where you were "allowed" priority access to visit Walgreen's and get in a line. My appt was via some health dept app. At 80+ with various comorbidities, I was worried. Why there were even people much younger, appearing even healthier getting even more priority in that line!

Prior to getting the shots, I became a homebody leaving my house to shop in wee hours to limit exposure. I was more than aware that masks were nonsense. I was NOT aware that mouthwashes might reduce risk as noted https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/antiviral-effect-of-mouthwashes-against and via Dr Mercola. I debated the shots with others, reviewed the available data. At the time these negative voices could not/would not/were not public. I was concerned about the new miracle platform mRNA. There was sparse negative news at the time. I hated being trapped in my house.

Most importantly, I TRUSTED. I had no idea how corrupt our officials were. I believed, as millions have since, that we knew more than we did. I greatly dislike being a victim, but did succumb to the lies of a PsyOp created some time ago. Event 201, prep for a much more lethal virus, paved the way.

Bit exasperated at the "holier-than-thou" aspects of retro thought. I am happy that many have not been injured in this horrible scam. Glad so many were so wise. Our anger needs to point to those who created this situation. It is sad that there are some who still trust but given the booster stats, evidence the public at large knows the hazards. Hopefully this wiser public will find a way to vote in elections and get new leadership.

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I like your common sense response, the answer may be lack of discernment and fear of man over God. If people would listen to the prophets, they would know the truth about the vaccines and depopulation, this was all planned out by the elites who think they are superior and operate under a demonically inspired agenda. Jgminternational.org.

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I warned people in 2020 when I realised the full extent of what was going on. Many were aware well before me.



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The Pfizer and Moderna gold-standard randomized clinical trials had a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths (and of course no lives saved overall), with vaccine versus placebo.


Layman's summary here: https://dailysceptic.org/2022/04/09/covid-vaccines-increase-risk-of-heart-related-deaths-by-up-to-50-lancet-analysis-of-trial-data-finds/

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still amazed at the 2 following points:

more participants died in Pfizer's dose group than placebo group from the phase 3 clinical trial and the FDA rammed it through EUA.

most Americans have no idea

to add 1 more: excess deaths. more people died over all + died from covid during the biden years than 2020 under trump. yet if you were to ask the average American despite not taking the bivalent booster, you'd likely hear - i'm glad i got those initial doses.

Ed Dowd has been beating the excess deaths drum for 2 years now, with significant empirical data...and people dont seem to care despite the WIDE SPREAD DAMAGE being shown in not just excess deaths, but increases in disability, increases in missed work, etc.

WEF poster boy Yuval Harari hit on something when he said: people prefer the nice sounding lie than the uncomfortable truth.

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I’m sorry to say that people are incredibly stupid. If they can’t see by now that they are being culled then there is no hope for them. None.

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It's people being willfully stupid that gets me. . Not just covid but all the lies from the fed, the msm willing to push unsubstantiated propaganda. on the People. Most of all Biden's press sec KJB don't remember her name, stand at the podium peeing on the People's leg. When we say you're peeing on my leg, I see you. Her very earnest response is no, it's raining. The people that believe her are the same that are fooled into believing there more than 2 genders. Turning their blind eye to truth is killing America and the Western world.

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True! Beyond stupid.

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Yes, it is what I call a very severe outbreak of Stupid 20 which is highly contagious.


And it mutates!


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People need to learn about Harari and what true demon he is

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That one is dangerous indeed, Harari, side bit of let's call it trivia, that his book Sapiens is Obama's fav book? I have logged hours and hours of going down every rabbit hole looking for quality information. This was in 2020, before the people that I follow on SUBSTACK, Dr. John, Dr. McCollough were speaking about the shots.

I will never call the shot a vaccine. Anytime someone changes the definition of something 2x , a little research may be in order. That's my 411 for today.

Hirari bends the ear of Klaus Schwab. He is never very far. I will not extrapolate on that today. (Aren't you thankful, lol. 😂, and no I have not lost my sense of humor)

Just dropping a line to say I see and recognize your mention of Uvale Hirari.

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Thank you for posting those links. The quote below is from the first linked article.

“ Within the current understanding of vaccines, it is logical to assume that COVID-19 vaccines reduce overall mortality corresponding to the number of COVID-19 deaths prevented.”

Why is it logical to assume Covid -19 vaccines reduce overall mortality? Doesn’t it take years, in fact decades, to develop safe and effective vaccines? When, in the history of vaccines, has a safe and effective vaccine been produced so quickly?

In my opinion, taking these rushed vaccines is unnecessary and risky and mandating them is criminal.

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I dug in early into these shots, trying to provide some info for my mother. Sometimes I wished I had not opened the box, because it has morphed into something that now I can not stop. I knew I wasn't getting a shot. My mother did not listen to me (figured out in late 2021 she doesn't even know who I am I was 51 then) Bc she is who she is, I don't know how many shots she got, been given several different answers. I am going with at least 3 more than likely 4. She has been in and out of the hospital 5x, extremely sick. I have not gone there one time. The first 2x they were playing their little games about who could come in. Rules for this that. I didn't want to go to jail. The next 3 times (she just got out again about month and half ago) I let my sister and her husband handle it. I told her that I washed my hands of the entire thing when she left out at 4:30am to go wait in line at the fairgrounds to get a shot. It's my belief that the spike protein keeps replicating in her body.

They turned their backs on me.

The minute I saw everyone wearing masks in March 2020, I knew something was off, not long after I heard some numbers on MSM tv from the CDC, I said yes something stinks. Some years prior to that I did a research paper on CD. and The WHO. Their crappy history as entities, and I had no reason to think they had changed, is what I tried to tell people about. A couple taps of some buttons would have done the job. I walked to the fence right then and there and been there, it wasn't long before I wrapped some toes around the fence. I had thought that my Mother would at least listen to what I had to say. SUPRISE. The state of SC paid my b-i-l $400 to go 3 states away and get a shot. I don't exaggerate, I don't lie. I have been like this all my life.

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You are not alone - we are out here. Being in the medical laboratory world and seeing how many doctors are just paid pharma shills opened my eyes years ago. A few searches at the start of the vaccine madness revealed that we are not playing with these mRNA jabs. There was no way this household was going to get jabbed. It came down to the wire at my work (a big medical corporation) I was not backing down - I will not take this jab nor will I work in an office with those that have (I have worked remotely for years). The day before the deadline, upper management cancelled the jab requirement....quietly. I am so very glad I stood my ground.

My husband and I have always been rebels and I thank God every day for being able to see through the MSM BS. We never wore masks, didn't worry about catching the Rona and we are healthy and happy. So many are so sick now - grey faced zombie like people in the stores. It is really spooky at times.

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I'm tired. Have you seen anything on blood transfusions? I'm thinking that if secretions can carry the m-RNA, then surely the blood is capable, just trying to use some logic.

Anything you could pass along, would be appreciated.

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Sorry for the late reply...I used to be in blood bank but left years ago. I have not heard of anything in the blood supply but I would think logically if the donor had circulating spike protein it would be transfused. I would pray that the recipient's immune system could clear the spike but I have not seen any studies or heard anything.

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There are hazards to intelligent, thinking people (like you, and me too) "doing their own research." You know the risks and almost no one will listen to you. Been there, done that with my own family and friends. Good luck and best wishes to you.

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It's okay, I have learned to be comfortable in what I know. Sometimes it's not satisfying, and really frustrating when I read crap like what's still on the CDC website. Updated protocols for covid , as of April 23, 2023. Encouraging pregnant women to get shot, nursing women to get shot, women trying to get pregnant.

Always interested in hearing anything you want to pass along my friend. 💛

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You should have just said "When, in the history of vaccines, has a safe and effective vaccine been produced?"

It takes years for big pharma to con people that their vaccines are 'Safe and effective' by manipulating the statistics and bribing officials and academics.

All vaccines ever were and are harmful or deadly. Assuming they are not just saline as we can't be sure what is in each vial.


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Thank you for these fantastic references.

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They lost the controlled group data, so what food was the study. They lie like rugs. The data that was released, via court ordered from Pfizer proves that they knew about spike settling in reproductive organs, that the more shots received ☝️getting covid. (Direct correlation) matter of fact it's like 3rd or 4th in the top 10 adverse side effects of those shots.

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The Final Trial Protocol for Pfizer, and the corresponding document for Moderna, contained language that allowed massive "cheating" in the clinical trials. No ethical vaccine maker would have proposed such a protocol, and no ethical regulatory agency would have approved such a protocol.

Speaking of just one "cheat", the efficacy calculation for Pfizer spikeshots was based on 170 confirmed cases of COVID-19 among trial subjects. But 3410 "suspected but unconfirmed" cases of COVID occurred among the trial participants and were left out of the efficacy calculation. These 3410 cases were unconfirmed because the patients weren't tested for COVID - because the clinical trial instructions to principal investigators at trial sites allowed and even encouraged letting patients go untested.

BTW, this little tidbit about 3410 cases is buried in the "safety" section of the FDA's briefing paper on the Pfizer spikeshot prepared for ACIP. You have to really dig, and question, and dig some more to discover things like this. The cheaters count on the fact that almost nobody has the time, the will, and the knowledge-background to do the digging and discover the cheats.

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Oh yes. I found some interesting things on FDA and PFIZER'S website. Such as I read on there that the shot developed for SARS 1 was tinkered with by their people and 42 days later it was ready for mass mfg. People have repeatedly called me a liar. What would I need to lie about? You can't make this stuff up. I'm sure they removed it.

I believe it was FDA site where I saw the different groups that were part of the clinical trials and the dates that data should be in. That's when I started telling people you are in the clinical trial.

What you think?

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I love to dig and go down rabbit hole. I have learned now to get screen shots. 😏

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I think many, many people would rather believe the reassuring propaganda than deal with the fear aroused by awful truths. In a way, I don't blame them. I don't want to be afraid, either.

It occurs to me that in a way, I've traded some fears for others. Since I had COVID in mid-March 2020 and fought it off easily with early treatment, I haven't been afraid of COVID all this time. But I've been afraid of being force-vaccinated. Also afraid that some relative I've been around would come down with COVID and I'd be blamed because I wasn't vaccinated. Afraid that the powerful advocates of depopulation will create food shortages. Afraid that I'll have health consequences due to vaccinated people shedding spike proteins or mRNA or graphene.

Online, and in communicatiion with relatives, I've usually provided cites to back up "uncomfortable truths." Even the people who demand a cite for everything I say don't bother to read the articles, websites, books, interviews, or whatever it is that I cite.

When I'm tempted to sink into depression and passivity, I remind myself that that is exactly what the greedy globalists want . . . and then I pull up the old socks and keep plodding onward.

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I love the rebuttal of those small numbers aren't significant enough to prove the vax causes heart damage.

But then follow that up by saying the covid deaths in the trial (1 vs 2) are significant enough to prove it saves lives :D

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Thx for the good links. BTW - you can remove the '?' and everything after it in that first link you posted - i.e. this would be sufficient:


It makes the links a bit less scary. :- )

The stuff after the '?' are "query parameters" used to identify the user clicking the link. Note that there are some sites - YouTube for example - that *do* use the query parameters, so make sure to try the link out first.

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A good mate - semi pro ice hockey player - 34 yrs old -- mandated to take the shot or no hockey for him etc... --- takes shot 1 in the morning -- I see him at lunch and joke 'you are still alive - that's good news!' - he laughs .. ya so far so good... early evening -- get a message -- I'm not good - burning sensation -- severe chest pain -- shortness of breath ... his girlfriend takes him to the hospital -- they can find nothing wrong...

In his quest for help and a medical exemption he sees numerous doctors -- one of them suggests he take the second shot cuz she is not going to request an exemption ... try the Moderna this time --- he says -- so I can have a blood clot to go with the heart damage... she frowns - he leaves -- he refuses to pay the bill when it arrives -- she makes a fuss... he pays...

He was finally able to get some help from a sympathetic cardiologist ... but he is forever damaged.

Another healthy friend -- this guy is as pro vax as it gets... cancer... gets a 5th shot for 'added protection' pre chemo/surgery... has a heart attack.. Doctors are baffled because he tests out as having no blockages etc... they tell him the chemo caused the heart attack... recently had major surgery for the cancer... if he survives he'll likely take the next scheduled booster.

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That’s awful, Eddy. Too many stories like this.

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Well the Cancer Industry is built on scare tactics. And Stockholm Syndrome like behavior is sooo common after any interaction with the Cancerland narrative, ie, you should be grateful, they are saving your life as people get sicker and sicker.

They probably subtly terrorized your friend into getting the shots, telling him it decreased his chance of dying from a Covid infection due to being immunocompromised, yet neglected to mention that OOPS, cancer won’t kill you but a heart attack might.

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They didn't have to scare him - he believes the Rat Juice is the best thing since sliced bread -- and accepts the tale that chemo caused the heart attack.

Funny thing - I had never heard of someone having a heart attack caused by chemo - so I searched that and found that it can damage the heart - but it does not cause heart attacks. You'd think he'd have done the same ... but nope...

He'll not need to be pressed to take the next shot - he will demand it.

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The chemo is just as bad. And I had immuno-therapy in 2020 before I realised what was wrong. The treatment ingredients very similar to current vaccines!


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I wonder if all that chemo does is prolong the suffering - and monetizing cancer for the medical pharma industrial complex.

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I would say that it does. I am aware of those who heal via resolving diet issues rather than poisoning themselves via big pharma. If you haven't seen this explains some of my issues, having been given a diagnosis of cancer in early 2020.


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Thank you for courageously telling these stories that almost no other journalists will.

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Mary Beth Pfeiffer is the best.

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my cousin's wife spent a year in a wheelchair after the 1976 swine flu vaccine. that, coupled with my natural skeptism, is why i don't take flu shots even ones for covid. i lost my job of 40 years and my BF "retired" gracefully but we still have our principles and our good health.

i've been to the funeral of a 41 year old who "died unexpectedly." another friend developed "upper right chamber heart damage" a month after the JnJ shot and was dead a few days later.

i wonder how many of us will be left when this plays out.

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There are ways to clear the body of the crap from those vials. If people would just detox properly (which is not necessarily easy, I get that) then they would be better off. That's what gets me. I've suggested zeolite powder to people which is one helpful supplement from my research. The 2 that have taken the one supplement have had their symptoms disappear because the supplement binds to the positively charged substances in those vials and removes them from the body. I've met others who happened to be taking the supplement as well. And, again, nightmares they had went away. Seizures went away or improved.

There are options that can help those who got inoculated but most refuse to get help or just try ANYTHING. It's even more insane then getting jabbed in the first place. They think they'll be ok but they won't be especially if they've already had an adverse event. They are now manufacturing plants for spike proteins. They have toxic lipid nano particles in their body/brain. They have other very toxic substances in their bodies. This just doesn't go away. It needs to be removed by safe and gentle approaches.

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i'm always astonished by people who go back to the same well for help. i read many stories of young women damaged by the gardasil shots now on 30 pharmaceutical medications and bed ridden and i think "wait, the pharmaceutical paradigm got you into this mess in the first place! why would you go to them for help?"

i would try anything or anyone- a witch doctor, a snake oil salesman even might have a better approach. acupuncture, naturopath, holistic, homeopathy, anything but a died in the wool drug prescribing pharmaceutical rep.

and yes, i'd even listen to advice i got from random people on facebook or telling anecdotes on substack if their comments made sense to me

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Brilliant minds think alike! lol. YES, YES, YES, Exactly!!!!!! I've been saying the same exact thing. These people who have had adverse events just go back to the monster that made them that way to begin with.

Nobody apparently knows who's quote this is but it's very true and I bet you already know it:

"Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results"

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You know, you are right on the money, early on I got Covid and did some unique steam breathing in the am and allowed my body to shed the virus with prayer and healing from my Savior with Gods help and faith I managed to get through without a vaccine. Even then I got hit a second time, and know that the vacccinated were shedding out in public after boasting they were fully compliant with the rollouts. Thanking God for truthtellers and home remedies.

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i had been taking a small preventative weekly dose of the forbidden nobel prize winning drug when i got covid a year ago from a totally vaxxed and boosted friend. she was feeling bad and asked if she could come over to use my far infared sauna. of course i said yes. that was a friday. on monday morning i woke with headache, body aches and a fever. i automatically upped my dose to a therapeutic level, stayed in bed, had lots of chicken soup, vitamin C and took a hot epsom salt bath to drive up my temperature.

on tuesday i did the same except my BF brought home a rapid antigen test on his lunch break and i was positive for covid.

by wednesday i was fine. i've had generic non-pandemic flus that were much worse.

my BF started to feel bad on wednesday. he had been sleeping in another room and had already upped his IVM dose. he obviously caught it from me. he never had a fever but had a super bad sore throat. i made him a saline/H2O2 solution which he nebulized, 1 teaspoon every hour and felt better after the very first dose. he was back to normal in 3 days.

he was 74 and i was about to turn 69 so we were certainly in the age range targeted by fear porn although we are both very fit and youthful. i never felt in danger. he certainly had a harder time than i did.

it certainly wasn't worth abandoning the bill of rights over; we should not have lost our jobs; no one ever needed to close their businesses and churches. sure, my best friend died but her mistake was going to the hospital where they put her on a ventilator simply because she tested positive.

there should be lots of wrongful death suits.

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A standing ovation for your comment!

I was 68 when COVID came around and in mediocre health. I started DIY treatment (long before I heard about the Nobel-Prize-winning drug; I used other things) the first day I had symptoms of COVID. This was mid-March 2020, the Wuhan strain. Whopped that virus good, with no side effects of treatment. My symptoms never got beyond a mild sore throat, a few swollen glands in my neck, and slight lung discomfort. On day 8 of symptoms -- well, I was symptom free. I was never sick enough to even sit down to rest.

Unfortunately my daughter, who got sick exactly when I did (we lived together, did many things together) refused my early treatment regimen and went on to have an uncomfortable but not dangerous episode of COVID and took about 4 weeks to recover.

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and one for you as well! can you share your DIY treatment plan? we basically followed the FLCCC protocol and of course, when we got it, the omicron was going around. we somehow avoided it until it was mild.

though we have heavily vaccinated friends (they were in the moderna trial) who spent a few days with us the previous summer and then continued on with their travels and got delta. they also spent new years with us and later got omicron. they weren't getting it from us!

i was really super sick back in 2019. a few days before thanksgiving i started to feel bad and i was cooking the dinner which i managed to do and while the others were eating, i was on the floor of the powder room with the dry heaves. my BF cleaned up and i spent the next few days in bed.

now i wonder if it was covid? it was around before they pushed the panic button.

my best friend in NY went to her local major hospital the day after st patrick's day 2020 to get a covid test since none were available elsewhere. she had a fibrotic lung condition so the last things she needed were A) covid and B) to be put on a ventilator, although her chances of surviving covid by staying home and using her oxygen machine were much higher. instead mshe allowed them to intubate her when her test came back positive and two weeks later they tossed her corpse onto a freezer truck.

her sister died a little more than a year later of sudden heart trouble brought on by the JnJ jab.

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Excellent job in staying healthy through the Covid bug. Sadly many fell victim to the hijacked medical establishment but God will bring us through this and many are to be held accountable, not my opinion, but spoken by God through the prophets. These are the days of Haman. Thanks for sharing

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People shed spike proteins. I’m taking NAC and Humic Fulvic Acid.

Doctor said I have the cleanest blood panels she’s seen in years. She thinks it’s genetics. Maybe, maybe not.

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Genetics makes no sense. So many doctors don't know what they're talking about. That would mean that every organ, pathway, neurotransmitter, etc was perfect based on your genetics.

And what does "cleanest blood panels" even mean. What tests did you do? Doctor's almost never do the best and most accurate testing, either.

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FLCCC has excellent post-vaccine treatment options in its I-RECOVER POST VACCINE protocol on its website. I'm not sure whether they list zeolite among their suggestions, but to my surprise they list several "alternative medicine" options so I wouldn't be surprised if it's listed. Personally, I think Ivermectin is one of the best spikeshot recovery options -- several beneficial mechanisms in action with this drug.

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I'm not a fan of Pierre Kory at all. If you listen to Dr. Henry Ealy, Peirre Kory and others have stolen his work and they actually do not know what they are doing. How can a conventionally trained doctor know anything about holistic, natural health to actually detox people properly. See this video interview of Dr. Henry Ealy talking about it: Are mR N@ Shots Colonizing Gut Bacteria?


No, zeolite powder is not on his list. He does have black seed oil on his list which is fantastic at, I believe, stopping spike proteins like Ivermectin. Black seed oil is just an amazing supplement overall especially for those with asthma. It's very expensive and many people can't handle the harsh taste. I drink with down under my tongue with water so I don't taste it much. You also feel a burning sensation in your throat if you don't drink it down with water. Anyway, the real issue is that the production of the spike proteins and the lipid nano particles needs stop and be removed from the body along with the other severe contaminants. Many if not all are positively charged toxins because our cells are negatively charged. Since our cells are negatively charged these positively charged toxins are able to enter our cells. Zeolite is a negatively charged natural cage like structure that binds to these toxins and many others and removes them from the body. It works on a 6 - 8 hour timeline.

Humic acid is also fantastic as is fulvic acid. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea has talked about how humic acid neutralizes gr@phene ocxide.


This person has a protocol that has been helping people including himself clear their bodies of the toxins: http://estateartistry.com/blog/reversing-vaccine-injuries

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Thx for this additional information on detox etc. post-spikeshot!

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Dismally few. The vaxxers will stand and stare at Graves and still deny it. LET THEM DIE

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One in three will be left

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Didn't Deagel predict 1 in 2? And then the Georgia Guidestones sets the goal at just half a billion people on the planet. I think we should start a betting racket. How about the last 10 bet-ers left alive divide the money evenly . . . no matter what numbers they bet on.

OMG you can tell what kind of bitter mood I'm in. Everybody I love except one person took the damn spikeshots . . .

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Another EXCELLENT m, comprehensive and factual article by Mary Beth Pieter!! Thank you MBP, you were one of the sources of truth from the beginning of the Covid crisis. Only God knows how many lives you saved by warning us about the fake vaccine and the many government lies. You were fearless and never gave up. Thank you so much for all of your work- always outstanding!!

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Thank you, Ron. Share this article. It needs to be read widely. The lack of media attention to this scandal is horrifying.

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Yes so thankful for brave souls

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I am an engineer/biologist who has worked in the environmental field for over 38 years. Much of my work involves investigations and cleanups of contaminated sites. Health based risk assessments based on largely unrealistic hypothetical exposure scenarios (i.e. grossly overstated possible risks) are used to establish cleanup goals. Typically, federal and state risk levels for cleanup are set at 1 in one million excess cancer deaths for carcinogens and a Hazard Quotient of 1 for non-carcinogens. Per federal regulation a hazard quotient of 1 means that exposure to a given concentration of a chemical or group of chemicals is unlikely to result in ANY adverse effects EVEN TO SENSITIVE POPULATIONS. This could include transient effects such as skin irritation. Having dutifully adhered to these requirements for over 30 years, I was alarmed when government and the medical community failed to respond to undeniable adverse event signals early in the vaccination campaign. My concerns were heightened when those in authority refused to acknowledge acquired immunity through infection and insisted on forcing these experimental injections on the entire population. This COVID saga, as well as several other trends in society, and the public's unquestioning acceptance of endless pointless wars, suggest to me we are in a new dark age.

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Yes, read revelation in the Bible. It is all there, the end times reveal that many will be deceived because they refuse to listen to the truth. However understand that God sees all and is exposing this great reset, we are under assault and war is upon us. Best Advice, read the Bible, call upon Jesus, only He can save our nations from this Satanic assault.

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Yes, "He CAN save our nation" but the million dollar question is, "Is He willing to?" What would be the requirement of our "nation" for God's healing intervention? From what the Bible has time and time again referenced in the history of the Hebrews, the "return of the people unto God" and their "repentance and turning away from their idolatrous practices" was KEY to once again receiving God's protective hand for their nation. It repeats with regularity and points to the leaders' culpableness in the thing. I'm sure we know these truths as written therein. But do we know that God considers "idolatry as witchcraft?"

America has been infiltrated and inundated with Pagan customs and religions. She has allowed their evil presence to continue unabated, and the oversight agencies, which have fully been subverted by the Jesuits and their cohorts within every public system to control the minds of the people, are indeed, the wolves in sheep's clothing. Or less covertly, "the fox guarding the hen-house."

This has been the result of "infiltration" by Satan's forces, both demon and human, disguised with "philosophy and reason." This has been in the making for centuries. Will conditions become so horrible that the nation will come to her senses, and collectively repent of her apostacy? No she will not. She has adopted the apostate religion of Babylon; confusion. She has procured a sanctuary for every form of false religion known to man, even Satan worship! She is as far from righteous worship as the East is from the West. Revelation makes clear (as the Book's name implies!) that which will "shortly come to pass" as well as the Gospel of Christ, lighting the path for hope in the Eternal.

The time for national repentance is long past, but individuals are encouraged to "come out of Babylon" which signifies that Babylon is doomed as a figure of any false system of worship. I do realize that such a proclamation does not rest well, and be likely rejected, and that's what is known as "free will;" a benevolent gift of our Creator. But just as the Covid fiasco's propaganda ministers' workings have mopped up such a large percentage of the world's population, so too will the Babylonian doctrines (by God's decree) cause the demise of a great percent through well-polished deceptions. "Mass Formation Psychosis" is truly pandemic in scale. The preparation for it has been laid by the famed, Godless philosophers of the past century and a half or more. Being led along Satan's path to an end which they were probably unaware of, (or not) they allied themselves with evil, turning a blind eye to God's Commandments.

Will the utopian paradigm ever blossom? America has been massaged to be overtaken from within, since an overt militarily affront is not promising, and the results are now being seen. The "operation" has begun, and if allowed to continue, WILL certainly meet its objective. What can stop this evil? God can, but He will allow it to fester and manifest itself as evil surely will, to cement in the mind of God's faithful the necessity of obedience to, and trust in His Word.

If we as individuals fail in this regard, we are counted among the "lost." To believe is hope, to disbelieve; eternal death. It's now up to us personally, not nationally. Face that fact.



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I believe the church is awakened and the pushback Is in the beginning stages, the outrage is coming and the enemies of God are now facing judgement. These are the days of Haman who sought to destroy Gods people just as Pharaoh chased Israel into the desert, His pride and arrogance left him and his army swallowed up in the Red Sea. Haman was hung on the gallows. This is a Red Sea moment and the enemies of God are in for a Big Surprise. Jgminternational.org

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VAERS underreporting factor 41. How can this poison still be sold?

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Our government wants us dead.

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'Our government wants us dead.' as we die slowly, cuz raking in big💰 is waaay better for bigpHarma than our quick demise...

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They are not representing the electorate anymore. Most people vote. They don't have Lobbyist.

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Per Harvard study it is 100% under reported.

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Praying for the day when this terrible spell is broken and people are able to see clearly the crime that’s been done to them. I never thought I would live in a world where ignorance and arrogance would be so heavily promoted.

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Sorry, it`s too late for the jabbed

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I hope it’s not. Especially for those who were coerced in order to remain employed or in school or even the people who trusted the authorities who lied and promised that the vaxx would be their ticket back to normal. Lucky for me and maybe you that we payed close attention. The plandemic along with wars, financial disruption etc are all ways to administer shock and fear into public awareness. By controlling the media, it’s not hard to get Joe or Karen Normal to react in a way where common sense and freedom are tossed out the window.

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Thank you Jeff, well said

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A great post, I also wondered if much of what we see re injuries and deaths is the tip of the iceberg?

eg not attributed to the vax by naive or frightened doctors?

Take for example this heart transplant story from Australia...

To be working in Western Australia this girl is almost certainly vaxxed...

One of the strictest vaccine mandates in Australia re working anywhere...

The doctors only discovered what had caused this young girls heart to suddenly fail AFTER they removed it, her immune system was attacking the heart due to a "previous infection"... ??

I may have it wrong but I suspect this is a classic covid vaccine injury I'd think?...

Swept under the carpet deliberately or through cognitive dissonance? ...

I'll allow a one in one million chance this was a real "infection", it happens...

But given her age and the SUDDEN onset this seems very sus (if it were from a previous infection, one would think she'd have been experiencing a MASSIVE and NOTICEABLE cold and heart problems onset for a while if it were via natural infection, and she would have been sickly, unable to shake the cold leading to deteriorating health... Not for it to happen all of a sudden?!)


This reads like classic vax injury.. and would not be with the TGA (Australia) as a report ...

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VA still pushing covid shots and boosters on veterans.

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How many of us want to go back in time and make a different decision? Jamie Foxx does


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Oh yeah, get another shot.. Stupid bastards

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The Pfizer shot gave my dad a heart attack, and the doctors wouldn't report it to VAERS.

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Excellent article, really well done. Gut wrenching story. What I find interesting is how we only hear about the heart issues with young men, but these issues are happening to all ages. I know of one person close to me who had to drive himself to the hospital with chest pains. Was admitted, ran all the tests, etc. Clear arteries, but troponin levels through the roof. He asked his cardiologist if it was the shot, guy looked at him and didn’t say a word. Before being released, was asked if he wanted his 4th shot. Of course, he declined. Sad state of affairs we are in.

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How many more need to die before the promotion of boosters and annual covid vaccinations are stopped and proper analysis is done on the harm of these injections to some groups of people? Obviously they are a danger to be given without due diligence. When people like JFK speaks out about the dangers of these shots, he's labeled an anti-vaxxer!

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Dear Esteemed Readers, please watch Dr. David Martin's presentation at the EU Parliament this month. Link below!


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