Sentara did not interfere while Dr. Marik used this protocol for well over a year with great success. Why now? Who is behind this?

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GREAT question!!! Whoever it is, may God have mercy on his soul when the families of these dead patients find out.

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A 32-year-old woman was among those who died during this week.

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psychopaths have taken over the globe - how visciously cruel - Nuremburg II Trials 2022

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If you haven't figured out this story after almost two years and how unraveling plots fit in as they play out, well mentally you're in the same place as the ones rolling up their sleeves. The onus falls on YOU to see and hear. No one else can do that for you.

Drugs have been based on natural remedies. Unlike the former, the latter doesn't trigger all the nasty side effects unless one takes too much or in the wrong combination. God provided us with everything we needed. Man has created synthetic copies to make money and to enslave the minds of other people.

At one time, doctors prescribed natural remedies. As ever increasingly more synthetic copycats were created, they were trained and required to be Big Pharma's drug pushers. When goons ban something, the onus falls on us to research what in nature does the same thing.

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This is happening all over the country. It's heartbreaking and I send articles like this and videos of Covid Summit's to all our state reps, Governor and AG, yet nothing changes. Hold the line!

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It’s insane that all of the doctors in the hospitals are not working together to stop this.

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Thank you for this, Mr. Capuzzo. Carry on - -

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they (hospital administrators and sycophant's for big pharma in the health sector & government) DO NOT DESERVE IT, but for arguments sake - let's give them the line that ivermectin has NOT shown statistically significant benefit in randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical trials.

how does the hospital justify denying fluvoxamine with the recent paper that was just published (Lancet Oct 2021)?

https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(21)00448-4/fulltext =

Effect of early treatment with fluvoxamine on risk of emergency care and hospitalization among patients with COVID-19: the TOGETHER randomized, platform clinical trial

741 patients were allocated to fluvoxamine and 756 to placebo.

average age of participants was 50 years

The proportion of patients observed in a COVID-19 emergency setting for more than 6 h or transferred to a tertiary hospital due to COVID-19 was lower for the fluvoxamine group compared with placebo (79 [11%] of 741 vs 119 [16%] of 756); relative risk [RR] 0·68; 95% Bayesian credible interval [95% BCI]: 0·52–0·88), with a probability of superiority of 99·8% surpassing the prespecified superiority threshold of 97·6% (risk difference 5·0%).

compare this to clinical research used to gain EUA or provide a media firestorm in support of EUA for: remdisivir, molnuprinivir, pfizers new pill...

the double standard is so clear to any objective viewer. these low cost alternatives are undermined so big pharma can pandemic profiteer. to anyone who would argue the altruism of big pharma (they would never...) - state by state - state attorney generals are winning settlements from big pharma regarding mass opioid prescriptions and the substance abuse issues they created which also killed 500k+ US citizens over the past few years.

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Ivermectin has many papers supporting it’s use for Covid but more so it is successfully used worldwide. The only reason one would not acknowledge this is due to pharmas campaign to demonize it.

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Dr Marik also has a fine protocol for sepsis...they don’t want anyone to use that either..it’s inexpensive and EFFECTIVE...well we can’t have that can we?

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EXACTLY! My father-in-law was hospitalized with sepsis. I did a deep dive online and discovered Dr. Marik‘s HAT protocol for sepsis. I had a phone conversation with the PA who was treating Gary and told him that we wanted that protocol implemented. I was surprised because the PA had actually heard of it. He told me he would write the order but he was pretty sure that the pharmacy would kill the order during rounds the next day. I was aghast that they weren’t willing to utilize a treatment that has successfully saved thousands. Fortunately, my father-in-law survived their incompetence.

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Thank you so much for all the reporting but double hugs for this. An old friend generally super smart and well informed but has been all in on the vax and suspicious of Ivermectin. Reading this touched a part of his brain that isn't bound to his own health choices and this broke through. He was shocked and outraged & thanked me for sharing like it was a classified leak. So you know sometimes your words do make all the difference! <3

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Crimes against humanity are being commited before our eyes. Thank you to Dr Marik and all the doctors who are standing up for their patients and practising medicine as it should be practised.

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I am an attorney who is interested in the case and would like an update tomorrow.

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I'm assuming you want an update because you want to sue him for medical malpractice. Intentionally poisoning your patients is an egregious misuse of trust and your licence. He's the new Dr. Death

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Does big pharma have anything todo with this???

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"for the fist time in modern U.S. history"

Just volunteering a correction ;-)

I wouldn't have noticed it had I not used the Read Aloud feature on my PC

Long Live Dr. Marik and the FLCCC.

Thanks for all you do, Michael (and wife)


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Should have immediately resigned! You have an oath to follow, even at the expense of your job as a doctor! Why wait as others die?! Nazi doctors were not let go after saying “ I was just doing my job”!!

Nuremberg 2.0 coming soon!

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I am an attorney who is interested in the case and would like an update tomorrow.

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