And it's a good word, enshrined in law and dictionary, for an enterprise of people who conspire for ill-gotten power and wealth. No wonder thought police try to ban it in the globalist era.
Some would say the most important price in capitalism is the cost of capital. Since Jerome Powell will be setting that price for all of us tomorrow, do we really have a “free market” capitalist society?
The attempt to brand "conspiracy theories" as "crazy" is just facially absurd. The alternative to there being conspiracy theories is a world in which nobody with political and economic power ever does anything behing closed doors, outside public view. We know for an absolute fact that this is not true,s that nearly everything that people in power do is at that very least initially planned behind closed doors. The only question is at what point does the public learn about it.
I'm with you all the way until you hook up with some communism connection. you sound like some old fart right wing Fox News pundit. First off, China has no real communism economically. The Chinese political system is a dictatorship run by the communist party. It does have some state own industries , mostly in essential services, but it has a highly regulated private sector that could never be considered socialism. Your argument about capitalists ruling the world is evident, but once you through in a Russian , Chinese commie connection, your right wing ,(kill a Commie for your mommy) rhetoric dilutes your argument. The United States political system is their to support and enrich the American oligarchs like Gates. If supporting working people with laws that encourage medicare for all, supporting small businesses , worker owner cooperatives, a living wage, combating poverty , and putting money into housing the homeless is socialism, I guess most Americans are socialists. That's what people want and their not getting it from the oligarchs. We don't need some Chinese Commie connection, the WEF can do it on their own, unfortunately.
We develop the ability to develop conspiracy hypotheses in early childhood when we see and hear our parents, siblings, friends, classmates conversing, whispering, etc. It is a mechanism that defends us against danger, or informs us of what may be coming. Eventually, one’s understanding is no longer theory, it’s established fact. It’s the Law of Conspiracy, i.e, that people plan things together with ill intent.
amen - but i think you forgot a part of the tech conspiracy: foundations and governments fund news initiatives at big tech firms and media outlets. you don't have to look very far to find these and see how governments have paid tech firms and partisan non-profits to manage the narrative
Conspiracy theory / theorist - the ultimate shut down when trying to tell someone something that goes against their world view.
Here's a conspiracy theory from a French Infectious Disease Specialist
Some would say the most important price in capitalism is the cost of capital. Since Jerome Powell will be setting that price for all of us tomorrow, do we really have a “free market” capitalist society?
The attempt to brand "conspiracy theories" as "crazy" is just facially absurd. The alternative to there being conspiracy theories is a world in which nobody with political and economic power ever does anything behing closed doors, outside public view. We know for an absolute fact that this is not true,s that nearly everything that people in power do is at that very least initially planned behind closed doors. The only question is at what point does the public learn about it.
I'm with you all the way until you hook up with some communism connection. you sound like some old fart right wing Fox News pundit. First off, China has no real communism economically. The Chinese political system is a dictatorship run by the communist party. It does have some state own industries , mostly in essential services, but it has a highly regulated private sector that could never be considered socialism. Your argument about capitalists ruling the world is evident, but once you through in a Russian , Chinese commie connection, your right wing ,(kill a Commie for your mommy) rhetoric dilutes your argument. The United States political system is their to support and enrich the American oligarchs like Gates. If supporting working people with laws that encourage medicare for all, supporting small businesses , worker owner cooperatives, a living wage, combating poverty , and putting money into housing the homeless is socialism, I guess most Americans are socialists. That's what people want and their not getting it from the oligarchs. We don't need some Chinese Commie connection, the WEF can do it on their own, unfortunately.
B Gates bought Farmland here in the United States plans to grow poisoned Food for us to eat, why is very few reporters are telling us.about this.
We develop the ability to develop conspiracy hypotheses in early childhood when we see and hear our parents, siblings, friends, classmates conversing, whispering, etc. It is a mechanism that defends us against danger, or informs us of what may be coming. Eventually, one’s understanding is no longer theory, it’s established fact. It’s the Law of Conspiracy, i.e, that people plan things together with ill intent.
Now to get that pesky VISA debit card out of my life....imagine, I will actually have to plan for things and go to the bank. What an honor.
amen - but i think you forgot a part of the tech conspiracy: foundations and governments fund news initiatives at big tech firms and media outlets. you don't have to look very far to find these and see how governments have paid tech firms and partisan non-profits to manage the narrative