Can you imagine for one moment what these last 3 years would have been looked like if the majority of physicians in America had done a deep dive into Covid as Drs. Kory and Marik had done, OR if scientific debate had been allowed? Can you imagine where we'd be if the WHO had agreed to share the contents of the "home medicine kits" that they helped distribute to 230 Million citizens in Uttar Pradesh, which resulted in the end of the Delta wave in that region in less than 3 months? Now imagine how our lives will continue to change if laws like those in California are allowed to continue, preventing the doctor/patient relationship from being meaningful in any way? This sounds like rules imposed in China or Russia, not in the U.S.A...but that is exactly what is happening in America today. All of our public health agencies and our medical boards have been captured by the pharmaceutical industry. No one will be free until we make each and every person accountable for their negligence, collusion and scientific fraud.

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I love that you turned a dismissive insult into an inside joke, thus negating their attempt to obscure the considerable knowledge, experience, and evidence behind your life-saving contributions.

We are indeed lucky to have you, Pierre, and I hope millions of others will soon realize that when they read your book 🍀

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If the majority of sycophant doctors in this country would follow Dr. Kory's lead, perhaps we can start to bring sanity where there has been lunacy for the past 3 years. The only sane doctors were with Drs. Kory, Marik, McCullough, et al who actually used science and not follow blindly the narrative of the WEF, WHO, NIH, CDC, FDA and the rest of the corrupt organizations that follow what their masters want them to say. They all should be ashamed of themselves, but hard to teach hardened criminal and murderers shame.

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You sir, will be long-remembered for being on the team that desperately attempted to save humanity - both body and soul.

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Thank you for all you do for TRUTH, Dr. Kory.

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Can you imagine what these last 3 years would have looked like if not for Dr. Kory, Dr. Marik, Dr. Cole, Dr. McCullough and others like them? They have saved and enlightened so many of us.

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"The authorities" were right about nothing related to covid. Except, perhaps, that SARS-CoV-2 is a virus, which can cause some symptoms, and mutates over time.

Every mechanism of the authorities' _response_ to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak was not right. Testing, counting cases, blocking helpful life-saving treatments, forcing detrimental, even deadly, purported therapeutics. The highest-impact responses were vastly wrong -- deadly wrong.

Insisting on following “the guidelines” of "supportive care only" while people are dying left and right -- at the same time that many other doctors are performing and publishing life-saving measures day in and day out for weeks and months -- must be criminally negligent homicide, if not outright murder?

In addition to doctors actually saving lives in the present time, there also was the long-known applicability of ivermectin to very successfully treating very similar viruses.

The life-saving usage of IV-C against deadly viruses has also been known for a very long time.

Failing to adjust the "standard of care" -- and even continuing to follow such obviously faulty "standard of care" in the face of plainly visible facts yields a conclusion of criminally negligent homicide.

Sticking one's head in the sand and plugging one's ears in order to avoid seeing and hearing plainly visible facts -- from which the "standard of care" would have been adjusted -- does not absolve one of culpability.

In other words, those who set the faulty "standard of care", and those who rigidly followed it, knew or should have known otherwise.

Standing behind such a faulty "standard of care" is dangerously close to that unconvincing defense asserted by war crimes convicts, "I was following orders".

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Thank you, Dr Kory. For everything.

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Pierre de la Chance,

Notre defence,

Noveau Renaissance.

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Of course they want it both ways, psychopaths always want to act without any external limitations.

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I’d love to read the NYT magazine article, but it’s paywalled 🙄 I refuse to give even $1 to them, is there another way?

Many thanks, Lucky Pierre 🍀

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PM me at bob_sc01+MOM@proton.me for info about another way ...

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Thank you Dr. Kory. Thank you Mr. Capuzzo.

The world would be completely dark.

Without you warriors of light.

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