https://t.co/GvxfLn2dUA This link is the whole conference (7hrs) and clipped videos too.

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The whole conference is absolutely worth watching. I've been quite careful and quiet talking with family throughout this pandemic, but this conference is the first material I've attempted to share with them. The insanity has dragged on long enough that people are beginning to sense something's wrong... and the fact this is an actual conference with many different doctors and very detailed medical information gives the video enough authority that perhaps they will begin questioning the dreadful narrative forced down our throats.

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Florida is so fortunate to have an excellent new Surgeon General, and of course DeSantis. And most recently, this wonderful live broadcast. Many of us in the Know, shared it. Fyi the link includes the entire day for any that joined it late.

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I wrote the FDA and the CDC asking them not to approve the vaccine for children, 5-12. Both groups voted to approve injecting that vaccine into little children. I heard on the television that they all get the same dose, which is 1/3 the adult dose. No tv anchor, no media personality, no reporter has thought to ask, what is the difference in size and weight between a 5 year old and a 12 year old. The arrogant drug pushers simply ignore something that seems, to me, to be fundamentally required. Size and weight to dose amount seems important.

This is all so wrong and no one in authority seems to listen. What must we do to protect our children? This is all so awful!

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Thanks Matt for doing a deep dive into this tragic situation. We must do everything in our power to prevent any further harm to our children and grandchildren.

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the truth was out there... masks are ineffective, lockdowns failed, kids are near zero risk...

And yet , millions of children suffered. Now the adverse events make vaxing healthy kids a crime against humanity. And the criminals are STILL doing it.

Will they ever pay for their crimes ?

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