A hospital outside Washington, D.C., wouldn't give a 63-year-old woman the safe, FDA-approved drug shown highly effective against covid even after nothing else worked and her death was almost certain.
Now the FDA is blocking ivermectin from being shipped in from outside the country and they are intercepting private mail packages with the help of the US post office. The administrators blocking ivermectin both at the FDA and in hospitals should be sued in a civil lawsuit for manslaughter or the equivalent.
With our government and our medical experts, they will “protect” us to death. This is beyond malpractice. It is deliberate withholding potential life-saving medicine from dying patients. How is that anything but premeditated murder? The result is the same as if they shut off her oxygen.
I am a victim of this scheme. I ordered meds from India and they are being held up. The COVID injection is not a treatment. It does not prevent anyone from getting sick. Treatment is different than a preventative and we are being denied treatment and left to die. I cannot believe there are no lawsuits against these criminals. Lots of pending stuff but nothing has moved forward.
One of many who suffered. Many died. Very many. Known effective treatment was suppressed and denied because if there was a treatment there could be no Emergency Use Authorization for the vax. $$$$$$$$ Fauci and his co-conspirators should spend the rest of their lives in prison. The pharmaceutical companies should go into recievorship and be divested of all assets. The victims should own those companies. And that's showing mercy.
How do these people sleep at night? They are literally fighting in court at great expense to be allowed to murder someone's mom. I hope they all burn in hell for all eternity...and I'm not even religious.
Justice, thank goodness her life was saved, not ended prematurely. When covid hit my oxygen levels went low, I think maybe that is the pneumonia kicking in, I could not breathe for days, but my intuition told me don't go to hospital, because I had already watched the videos of the benefits of Ivermetin and the censorship and downplaying of its value. This alarmed me very much because I was battling something I wasn't sure whether I would die from that was so daunting. I was alone, and realised that we had stepped into what they now term as the 4th industrial revolution. What I did was steam my lungs with oilbas oil, went for daily exercise, I wasn't particularly bed ridden but I just couldn't breathe so good. Yes what an awful roller coaster of injustice this has been.
I really hope the people of the world can hold your heads up and fill your life with the joy of friends, family, beautiful music, nature, animals which were given to us as a gift to enjoy. We must not fear they are concocting stories that us unvaccinated are causing the variants but we know this is conjecture, we must all stand together as we will need each other until our Lord liberates us for eternity.
Attorney Lorigo and Judge James P. Fisher are heroes. Fining the hospital was a brilliant move and telling: saving lives is not motivation enough, only pain of financial penalty speaks to them. Doctors save lives but now, it seems, hospitals end them. I would be very reluctant to go to a hospital if I had covid too. Why die at a huge cost when I can die at home for free. What a sorry state of affairs.
There are many criminals that one day will be held accountable for the crimes against humanity they perpetuated in order to gain financial rewards BUT there will also be a list of heroes that sacrificed their hard earned careers and all their monetary rewards for rewards that money cannot buy. Judge Fisher and Ralph Lorigo are just two of the names on the hero list along with Dr. Zelenko, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Yan, Dr. Alexander, Dr. Ardis, Dr. Mikovits, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Karladean Graves, Dr. Vliet, Dr. Urso, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Northrup, Dr. Fleming, Dr. Malone, Dr. Thomas, Dr. Young, Dr. Bridle, Dr. Bhakdi and so many more not mentioned. But there are people on our side. If we continue to speak out, fight back and most important REFUSE TO COMPLY at all costs.
The sad part is that most people do not know that there are 3 drugs on NIH protocol and Ivermectin is one of them. The problem is the hospital gets a 20% kick back on all hospital charges when a patient is given Remdesivir. So it is extremely lucrative for the hospital to push RemDEATHsivir instead of Ivermectin. Remdesivir was pulled from the Ebola trial because it caused 54% death rate among people in the trial. Fauci lied (AGAIN) when he said it was successful in the Ebola trials. FLAT OUT LIE. Human life plays no part in healthcare decisions today. It all boils down to money. Share this with everyone you know. If your hospital refuses to give Ivermectin Protocol ask for an immediate ethics hearing and switch doctors. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/
I had a call yesterday with Ralph Lorigo, the attorney who has been suing hospitals to help families get ivermectin for their loved ones on vents (the attorney mentioned in this article). As you can imagine, he's overwhelmed with families asking him for help and many of them can't afford even his firms' reduced fees. I will be supporting a pro bono fund for some of those families. If any of you would be willing to also support the families, you can send a nice card and a small check to Ralph's law office (put covid pro bono fund on the check note field) or contact them directly for something larger. Here's his information:
The NIH lists Ivermectin on their protocol. All you have to do is shove that in the face of your doctor. I shared the link in a previous comment to this article. If they refuse then you demand and immediate ethics hearing with the hospital and get another doctor. you CAN fire your doctor. Does Mr. Lorigo know about the NIH list of hospital treatment protocols? https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/
I don’t see how showing something that says “Not approved by the FDA and not recommended by the Panel for the treatment of Covid-19” is going to persuade a doctor to treat with IVM.
When the NIH first put this on the list it too was not approved. How Remdesivir got approved is another fraud by the FDA. It was removed from the Ebola trial because it killed 54% of the people given it during the trial. The vaccine is not approved either and the PCR and Masks are also EUA. Your argument is weak.
I am grateful to you for bringing these cases to light, to Ralph Lorigo for fighting this battle, and to Judge James Fisher for presenting the hospital with an ultimatum that forced their hand.
Praying for Kathleen Davies and her family. The photos of her with her daughter, her dog, and her grandchildren pulled every single one of my heartstrings. Good for them for fighting back. I hope they are able to be present in the hospital to continue advocating for their matriarch; like Mrs. Davies, my trust in hospitals as providers of care is at an all-time low, especially when doctors are making the news with their judgmental statements about vaccine status and their (almost gloating) reports of the deaths of unvaccinated patients.
Might I be Imagining that “the powers that be” are going out of their way to prevent a safe, cheap, effective, proven over 60 clinical trials including Japan and Uttar Pradesh etc, live saving cure to the Western Countries?
This was directly copied and pasted from WHO web sight. The love of money is the root of all evil
Home/News/Listings of WHO’s response to COVID-19
20 November 2020
WHO published a guideline on therapeutics and COVID-19, with new information for clinicians including a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir in hospitalized patients with COVID-19, regardless of disease severity.
15 October 2020
WHO announced conclusive evidence on the effectiveness of repurposed drugs for COVID-19. Interim results from the Solidarity Trial indicated that remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon regimens appeared to have little or no effect on 28-day mortality or the in-hospital course of COVID-19 among hospitalized patients.
Now the FDA is blocking ivermectin from being shipped in from outside the country and they are intercepting private mail packages with the help of the US post office. The administrators blocking ivermectin both at the FDA and in hospitals should be sued in a civil lawsuit for manslaughter or the equivalent.
Must. Kill. More. Americans.
That is literally the mission statement of the FDA and CDC at this point.
With our government and our medical experts, they will “protect” us to death. This is beyond malpractice. It is deliberate withholding potential life-saving medicine from dying patients. How is that anything but premeditated murder? The result is the same as if they shut off her oxygen.
I am a victim of this scheme. I ordered meds from India and they are being held up. The COVID injection is not a treatment. It does not prevent anyone from getting sick. Treatment is different than a preventative and we are being denied treatment and left to die. I cannot believe there are no lawsuits against these criminals. Lots of pending stuff but nothing has moved forward.
Where did you see this?
Yes, it’s real. Sadly.
One of many who suffered. Many died. Very many. Known effective treatment was suppressed and denied because if there was a treatment there could be no Emergency Use Authorization for the vax. $$$$$$$$ Fauci and his co-conspirators should spend the rest of their lives in prison. The pharmaceutical companies should go into recievorship and be divested of all assets. The victims should own those companies. And that's showing mercy.
Thank you for reporting. Big Pharma has a literal death grip on the medical profession. They are mass murderers.
How do these people sleep at night? They are literally fighting in court at great expense to be allowed to murder someone's mom. I hope they all burn in hell for all eternity...and I'm not even religious.
Justice, thank goodness her life was saved, not ended prematurely. When covid hit my oxygen levels went low, I think maybe that is the pneumonia kicking in, I could not breathe for days, but my intuition told me don't go to hospital, because I had already watched the videos of the benefits of Ivermetin and the censorship and downplaying of its value. This alarmed me very much because I was battling something I wasn't sure whether I would die from that was so daunting. I was alone, and realised that we had stepped into what they now term as the 4th industrial revolution. What I did was steam my lungs with oilbas oil, went for daily exercise, I wasn't particularly bed ridden but I just couldn't breathe so good. Yes what an awful roller coaster of injustice this has been.
I really hope the people of the world can hold your heads up and fill your life with the joy of friends, family, beautiful music, nature, animals which were given to us as a gift to enjoy. We must not fear they are concocting stories that us unvaccinated are causing the variants but we know this is conjecture, we must all stand together as we will need each other until our Lord liberates us for eternity.
Attorney Lorigo and Judge James P. Fisher are heroes. Fining the hospital was a brilliant move and telling: saving lives is not motivation enough, only pain of financial penalty speaks to them. Doctors save lives but now, it seems, hospitals end them. I would be very reluctant to go to a hospital if I had covid too. Why die at a huge cost when I can die at home for free. What a sorry state of affairs.
I will pray for her recovery 🙏🏻
Please update us on how she's doing
I am praying for Mrs. Davies and her family. God bless the judge who saw through the bullcrap the hospital and its attorneys were trying to serve him.
There are many criminals that one day will be held accountable for the crimes against humanity they perpetuated in order to gain financial rewards BUT there will also be a list of heroes that sacrificed their hard earned careers and all their monetary rewards for rewards that money cannot buy. Judge Fisher and Ralph Lorigo are just two of the names on the hero list along with Dr. Zelenko, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Yan, Dr. Alexander, Dr. Ardis, Dr. Mikovits, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Karladean Graves, Dr. Vliet, Dr. Urso, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Northrup, Dr. Fleming, Dr. Malone, Dr. Thomas, Dr. Young, Dr. Bridle, Dr. Bhakdi and so many more not mentioned. But there are people on our side. If we continue to speak out, fight back and most important REFUSE TO COMPLY at all costs.
The sad part is that most people do not know that there are 3 drugs on NIH protocol and Ivermectin is one of them. The problem is the hospital gets a 20% kick back on all hospital charges when a patient is given Remdesivir. So it is extremely lucrative for the hospital to push RemDEATHsivir instead of Ivermectin. Remdesivir was pulled from the Ebola trial because it caused 54% death rate among people in the trial. Fauci lied (AGAIN) when he said it was successful in the Ebola trials. FLAT OUT LIE. Human life plays no part in healthcare decisions today. It all boils down to money. Share this with everyone you know. If your hospital refuses to give Ivermectin Protocol ask for an immediate ethics hearing and switch doctors. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/
I had a call yesterday with Ralph Lorigo, the attorney who has been suing hospitals to help families get ivermectin for their loved ones on vents (the attorney mentioned in this article). As you can imagine, he's overwhelmed with families asking him for help and many of them can't afford even his firms' reduced fees. I will be supporting a pro bono fund for some of those families. If any of you would be willing to also support the families, you can send a nice card and a small check to Ralph's law office (put covid pro bono fund on the check note field) or contact them directly for something larger. Here's his information:
Ralph C. Lorigo, Esq.
The Law Office of Ralph C. Lorigo
101 Slade Avenue
West Seneca, NY 14224
Phone: (716) 824-7200
Fax: (716) 824-8728
Hope some of you are willing to take some action to help these families and to do a little something to stop this madness with covid.
Happy Holidays.
The NIH lists Ivermectin on their protocol. All you have to do is shove that in the face of your doctor. I shared the link in a previous comment to this article. If they refuse then you demand and immediate ethics hearing with the hospital and get another doctor. you CAN fire your doctor. Does Mr. Lorigo know about the NIH list of hospital treatment protocols? https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/
I don’t see how showing something that says “Not approved by the FDA and not recommended by the Panel for the treatment of Covid-19” is going to persuade a doctor to treat with IVM.
When the NIH first put this on the list it too was not approved. How Remdesivir got approved is another fraud by the FDA. It was removed from the Ebola trial because it killed 54% of the people given it during the trial. The vaccine is not approved either and the PCR and Masks are also EUA. Your argument is weak.
I am grateful to you for bringing these cases to light, to Ralph Lorigo for fighting this battle, and to Judge James Fisher for presenting the hospital with an ultimatum that forced their hand.
Praying for Kathleen Davies and her family. The photos of her with her daughter, her dog, and her grandchildren pulled every single one of my heartstrings. Good for them for fighting back. I hope they are able to be present in the hospital to continue advocating for their matriarch; like Mrs. Davies, my trust in hospitals as providers of care is at an all-time low, especially when doctors are making the news with their judgmental statements about vaccine status and their (almost gloating) reports of the deaths of unvaccinated patients.
Might I be Imagining that “the powers that be” are going out of their way to prevent a safe, cheap, effective, proven over 60 clinical trials including Japan and Uttar Pradesh etc, live saving cure to the Western Countries?
This was directly copied and pasted from WHO web sight. The love of money is the root of all evil
Home/News/Listings of WHO’s response to COVID-19
20 November 2020
WHO published a guideline on therapeutics and COVID-19, with new information for clinicians including a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir in hospitalized patients with COVID-19, regardless of disease severity.
15 October 2020
WHO announced conclusive evidence on the effectiveness of repurposed drugs for COVID-19. Interim results from the Solidarity Trial indicated that remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon regimens appeared to have little or no effect on 28-day mortality or the in-hospital course of COVID-19 among hospitalized patients.