I love Nurse Practitioners. I was one for nearly 20 years and an RN for 16 years before that. Vanessa is a true heroine of this pandemic. Thank you, Vanessa! I’m proud to be an NP, now retired, but still guiding people to the FLCCC protocols.

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Nice to hear an experience like this instead of about patients who died because hospitals and judges would not allow them to have ivermectin. Here is another site where doctors are helping https://myfreedoctor.com/

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The whole story of ivermectin reveals an uncomfortable truth. That monolithic organizations like the FDA, though created with good intentions and has no doubt done good, can also do harm when it's approval processes are so long or the leadership is incentivized to ignore some treatments over others. Think of how many people have died that could have been saved with ivermectin, and the only thing that allowed that to happen is government bureaucracy.

If you've already got ample supplies of ivermectin through official channels then god bless. If you don't but want to find out how, email Ivm-Info@pm.me for the links.

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It's not a vaccine. Premeditated, planned for years Genocide of "useless eaters" The biopweapon vaxx must be halted, but despite the overwhelming evidence it continues. The information they have in their own documents is enough to convict everyone involved in Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes

Dr. Michael Yeadon: THIS MUST STOP! Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-michael-yeadon-this-must-stop

The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan" Welcome to the Medical Inquisition


mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing The Truth About "Safe and Effective" mRNA "Vaccines" Hidden In Plain Sight https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/mrna-vaccines-are-gene-therapy-may

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So true.. so much info yet it's ignored! I just watched an attorney (Thomas Renz) for the Frontline doctors on Wendy Bell radio, speak of the ridiculous amount of information that the DOD has on miltary increased cases of cancer, neurological issues, and hypertension over the last year ...from their OWN database. I believe it's called DMED- defense military epidemiology database.

Yet they continue to push this jab😡😡😡😡

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Wonderful story! Even better news is that there are many of us working in what I now call the Medical Underground to keep people healthy. I am a functional medicine physician and I together with my NP have been treating people all over Illinois who needed hydroxychloroquine and /or ivermectin since the beginning of this plandemic. Even more heartening is that we are connected through Signal with many other like minded physicians and NP's doing the same work in the midwest. This shared moral support has helped us all work long hours and help scared patients with early treatment that saves lives when the traditional system told them to go home and wait till they got worse and then return to be admitted. We have all been concerned about the powers that be looking over our shoulders and threatening those of us "conspiracy theorists" with loss of our licenses because we dare to go against the main stream narrative and help people remain healthy or help them recover so they can avoid the death factories our hospitals have become with the present FDA "approved" protocols.

We work together with brave and patriotic pharmacists, both small mom and pop stores, as well as a few compounding pharmacies, who are still willing to dispense these medications against the threat of business license suspension! Without these unsung heroes our work would have been almost impossible!! These stories need to be shared far and wide on alternative media to help more people wake up and see what is truly going on in what used to be called a healthcare system.

Another story that is being covered up by the mainstream media and the FDA is the next health tidal wave we as alternative healthcare providers are facing is helping the vaccine injured recover. Those that have studied the vaccine information available will find that Pfizers' own data showed a dismal less than 1% protection against illness and they actually increased death compared to those that merely got covid and recovered! This was a Level 1 Evidence of Harm that was covered up by both Pfizer and the FDA. They played statistical games using RELATIVE risk reduction rather than looking at ALL CAUSE MORTALITY. Again these stories need to be shared so we can all work together to find the best treatment methods to help these harmed patients recover as much useful function as possible.

Finally, I encourage all your readers to purchase and read the book "The Real Anthony Fauci" to begin to understand the money involved in this evil plandemic and start to fight against the complicit media censorship so we can all work together to understand why this has happened and then work to return the freedom to discuss, to choose, and to live as we please in the U.S.

Tom Rohde, M.D.

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Thank you sir for being a great Dr & a caring human being. We desperately need more Drs to use compassion and follow the real science... Unfortunately some care more about the paycheck

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Dr. Rohde...

Thank you for what you do Sir!!

Would it be possible to get your email or other contact information to find out if you have any doctors that belong to your private group in the Topeka Kansas area?

Thank you So much!!

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Unfortunately no one in our group is in KS but if you go to: https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/covid-19-care-providers/ it allows you to search by state. You'll have to scroll thru the first page of multi state listings but will then find some listed in KS on further pages.

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Thank you so much!

God Bless

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A enjoyable read, good for Vanessa Hamalian!!

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This is fantastic. I didn't know that nurse practitioners could start up their own businesses without doctors! Is it just in certain states? More nurses should do the same. Doctors who say this is a novel virus, that we still have an emergency pandemic and people are dying in huge numbers need to speak with people like this nurse who treated 1,092 and lost one patient. Ask her for advice!

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That's a good point. There are indeed states where NPs can practice independently and states where they cannot.

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She is like a modern day Florence Nightingale.

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Too many people no longer know how to read nor do research about their body's health not to mention how to get around the censorship of early protocols prescribed by the frontline doctors. Most people are now comfortable going along to get along

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Atta girl! You can't hear but I'm cheering loudly!

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Thank god for people like her and her practice actually rendering treatment instead of sending people away with nothing. I like called them and within 24 hours I was feeling alive again.

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Thank You

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Vanessa, You are a true hero! An an amazing story. Keep up the great work. My own brother died from covid last week, Fully vaxxed and boosted! Fortunately I have two people like you that have saved my life!

I went for elective surgery and tested positive. My wife too. We had been on HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) for months and immediately started our IVM Ivermectin regime. 1 week in and we are fine!

It is criminal what is going on.

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