I am collecting some protocols that I hope to post soon. I'm getting help from Jeff Jacob, son of Stanley Jacob, the Oregon doctor who gets huge and deserved credit for putting DMSO on the map--at least for a bright, shining (and controversial) moment. Stay tuned.

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I have been applying DMSO topically on my face, neck and around my ears, as well as several parts of my body (arms, legs, abdomen) for four months (after reading AMD's articles).

A few things I have noticed (I am 51 years old and relatively healthy):

1) A skin tag on one of my arms dried up and fell off.

2) One of the covid vaccine side effects that I experienced is that I lost hearing in the low tone and high tones. After topical use of DMSO for several months, my low tone mild hearing impairment is now in the normal range. It improved by 10 to 15 dB in both ears. However, my high tone hearing impairment has not yet improved.

3) I have not been as susceptible to respiratory infections.

4) My brain fog has improved. (The brain fog was another covid vaccine side effect).

5) I am more emotionally balanced.

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What strength do you use? Do you cut it with distilled water? As I mentioned in another comment, Amandha Vollner’s book Healing with Dmso was helpful.

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I have diluted it with distilled water - it's somewhere between 50% to 70% DMSO (I have been diluting until it topically doesn't "sting" anymore). AMD says that the dilution will be different for everyone because some people have different tolerances to DMSO topically.

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If you read Amanda's Vollmer's book, the dosage needs to be specific to what your trying to accomplish.

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The books amazing and definitely is a great purchase. You'll get a lot of information in there about DMSO

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thank you for sharing this.

I understand completely the injury from the covid shot. It is regrettable.

I have also many sudden disabilities since the vaccine, that showed up immediately after the second one.

You are not alone, I am thrilled with your progress

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Thank you Mary Beth for creating journalistic piece on Dmso.

Dr Lance Grindle

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Thank you so very much for sharing this information on DMSO!! 🙏🏻 Since, I have discovered the incredible healing properties of this amazing substance, I have taken it internally along with colloidal silver to combat an upper respiratory infection, which was gone in two days. I have also used a pre-filled commercially available (Amazon) roll-on containing a combination of DMSO, magnesium oil and arnica that I placed on the bottom of diabetic neuropathy feet - which had no feeling at all for 9 years and then after 4, or 5 applications of said roll-on, the feeling is coming back into both feet!!! DMSO is truly a life changer!! Thanks again for sharing this valuable information for others. 😊🙏🏻❤️

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I would stay clear away from buying supplements or anything one would ingest from amazon. Products have been fake there from china and killed dogs in the past. There are a few companies that manufacture DMSO in the US and in Canada and I would suggest buying directly from them or smaller companies that sell their products because 1) you know what you're getting and 2) you're not feeding the evil globalists by purchasing from one of them.

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With respect, Although I would not disagree with you about your warning regarding purchasing from Amazon, I would point out that vast amounts of products sold on Amazon are created and endorsed by ethical ppl (globally) who just happen to use Amazon to sell and ship their products but who definitely are not globalists. My goal is to share my knowledge and experience with others to help them have a better life; less pain, quickest recovery, smallest cost overall. I am sharing a powerful medicinal helper to humanity bc this has been deliberately kept from humanity for entirely unethical reasons. Where exactly someone chooses to purchase their “DMSO” or other products is up to them.

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Again, I couldn’t disagree with you. 😊 *I realize I left out an important side note and that is the fact that the DMSO I have taken orally, was NOT purchased from Amazon, it was purchased from Dr. Stanley Jacob MD (“the father of DMSO”), from his website DMSO.com

The only DMSO product I have purchased from Amazon is the preloaded roll-on which came in a combination with magnesium oil, Arnica, and DMSO which we have applied to the bottom of feet for neuropathy. I chose and used that specifically bc I was brand new to DMSO and I didn’t know enough (yet) to feel comfortable consuming it. But for anyone desiring to CONSUME DMSO, I would strongly recommend Dr. Stanley Jacob’s website for purity. That, and Dr. Stanley Jacob’s site has different strengths of DMSO- 50%, 75%, etc. I used 50% strength DMSO, mixed with Colloidal Silver (I make my own, but it’s also commercially available) and steam distilled water. That is what we take when needed. 😌

Thank you so very much for your comments and posting!! ❤️🙏🏻 This is a great way for others to learn about what our experiences are, and also what to avoid. 👍🏻😊

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DMSO and CS. For colds? Flu? Know well CS internally. Not tried DMSO internally.... Would you please share how you mix? % of each and how taken? When? Appreciate.

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Thank you for the link and that information. I'm sure many appreciate it.

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I hear what you're saying but the more we purchase from these globalist run monsters the more power "they" have. I know all about those that choose to sell their products on amazon and that's their choice. I understand that they are small business owners and I respect them for what they do. I also know that amazon abuses them and I know of those who got off that platform because of that. There are other platforms that they can sell on, too.

It's still wise not to purchase any ingestibles from amazon unless you know for a fact that the manufacturer is selling there and you are purchasing from them specifically. I have called these manufacturers and asked them if they are selling there. If you don't know who is selling the product, just be aware of possible dangers that's all I'm saying. I'd hate to share holistic information and say go purchase it on amazon and then someone purchases something that was altered in china. Many people do not know that that actually does happen.

I appreciate your sharing your knowledge and experience but again their are alternative web sites that do sell these products.

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I have found , regards amazon...I have been able to check company name, then contact that company directly. Check the company, and often when ordering directly company will also offer free shipping. Which is a concern to many.

Small business is 'stuck'? Recently researching safe sunscreens on ewg.org --found they were selling some on amazon. Receive a percentage I believe. Because amazon stopped selling or refused to sell important alternative books, I consider the company censorship traitors. Stopped selling NAC when it was recommended. Add those things to lack of quality control I feel amazon is not to be trusted

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Tractor Supply Company has 99% DMSO gel in the horse section, in the stores and online. I have been using it for my knee. The skin sensation is minimal for me. YMMV.


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"For my knee". For some arthrosis?


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Debra, Please list some sources. Bulk Supplements? Good? Others? My first jar from local vitamin store but due to Sprouts opening down the street, she has sadly closed. Gone her wealth of information.

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I saw that you commented on one of my other comments where I listed two links for DMSO. There are companies that sell Nature's Gift.

Again, really understand the product before using it.

I'm working on a health education website right now and there are a lot of resources online but you really have to search with good phrasing due to the corporate censorship.

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Debra, did not see your source recommendations in time. I ordered from

here ..yikes? Says Pharma grade. This one ----https://www.pharmadmso.com/contact

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Not to worry. I'm the type that calls companies to find out where they're sourcing the substance they're selling. A lot of "minerals" come out of china as does ascorbic acid which I don't recommend anyway (another topic) so I find it good practice to call companies if I'm concerned or I'm not clear about what they're selling. I'm also a holistic health educator so I want to give the best information I can to whomever wants to hear it.

With that said, my plan was to call that company tomorrow and ask them questions before making a purchase. I do like that they are transparent and have a Safety Data Sheet linked to their website. I'm just curious as to exactly what makes them different from the competition since DMSO is relatively new to me in the sense that I've only been researching it for a few months.

Again, just find a book or website you trust to get info on protocols for specific health issues and dosing for specific treatments. And, start low and go slow for the first few days to see how your body reacts.

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Does "with good phrasing" mean a Boolean search?

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I'm just saying to be specific. For instance, look up DMSO and a specific health issue, like DMSO and down syndrome or DMSO and copper.

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Thank you.

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Do you have any names that you can share for purchasing a safe DMSO.. much appreciated ☺️

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Wow, neuropathy healing! That's wonderful to hear.

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Wow! That's a great report. Thank you.

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i keep seeing articles about dmso, but never an actual guide to how to use

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At the end of AMD's articles on DMSO, he always writes about dosage and how to use it. True this minimal part of his articles is already behind the paywall.

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Topically it is easy. I use the normal dose of 70% of pure DSMO mixed with 30% by volume Aloe Vera gel or thick liquid (less runny). My wife however gets incredibly itchy with even the 10% dose I gave her for back pain and won't use it. She is very sensitive.

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I haven't read Vollmer's book, yet. I have read AMD's non-pay walled articles and also plan to become a paid subscriber.

But as Debra says below, I've found that I have different reactions as to where I apply DMSO.

I have pseudo-gout (or, Calcium Pyro-Phosphate Deposition (CPPD)) in the large toe on one foot. I apply a 70/30 mixture there, no itchiness, no 'rash' type flare. But I do see veins 'pop'. The inflammation (couldn't get a shoe on) went down in about a day, joint is mostly back to normal in three days or so. Still using it once a day in this area for a bit.

Also have some sort of damage to my left arm and hand, especially the middle two knuckles. Nerve, muscles, arthritis like symptoms on the knuckles? Don't know really. But just started experimenting with the same 70/30 solution on my knuckles and back of hand.

After first applying, it does sort of 'itch' a bit and I can see sort of a 'rash-like' appearance of the skin and like my foot, the veins really pop. After about ten minutes or so, most of that fades away. The veins though continue to be pronounced. I can feel better movement in the middle two fingers and the swelling around the knuckles is less.

I plan to try it on my left forearm soon where I was told, there is some muscle/nerve function issues.

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That's fantastic.

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I started off very cautiously, using the (very) rose-scented cream, but there's no telling how concentrated the final version is, plus I didn't think my system was crying out for more rose.

I moved to 70% in brown glass for my body, and mixed a ~35% aliquot for my face. Still itchy after four months, but it goes away and I don't worry about it anymore. Sorry your wife is sensitive to it; it's possible the itch would diminish with use, but if it's intolerable at 10%, it may not be for her.

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From reading Amanda Vollmer's book, when applied topically, different parts of the body need different dosing. Dosing is key and important so it's not so easy even topically because it gets absorbed and one could have a not so wonderful reaction at first. So as with most supplements, except powdered zeolite, one should always go low and slow first. And, the itchiness should subside according to Amanda who has been her own guinea pig so to speak.

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I was glad to see Amandha's book referenced by several and I have ordered it to help me use DMSO internally and on other parts of me where it might be beneficial.

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Her book is a wonderful beginning point. I've reread the more scientific parts of the book to better understand how DMSO works with different areas of the body especially topically. I always want to understand any product that I plan to use myself but more importantly on my dog who can't speak to me and say how he's being affected (itchy like your wife or a burning sensation as others can have).

Different parts of the body have need more or less DMSO. For instance, a tendon will need a different amount then a muscle topically because of the water content in that area of the body. It's a fascinating and rather unusual substance. That's why I feel it's best to take it low and slow in dosing to understand how your individual body will react. And, to understand how it works. Also, if one is on any drugs, I believe it's important to work with someone who really understands the interactions.

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I’ve used a 70/30% aloe Vera blend in a convenient roll on application from DMSO Store online.

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I agree that it is difficult to figure out how to use it. There are some books with protocols. Check Amazon

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Get “Healing with DMSO “ by Amandha Vollner. Good information.

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The stroke protocol linked in the article is helpful. Although the details likely vary depending on what one is treating.

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DMSO has been working wonders for many of my patients. Not all but quite a few to make me a believer that it has a place in medicine.

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I just started using it myself recently (50% strength) for cuts and scrapes. It reduces inflammation considerably within 10 minutes! Amazing stuff! I even got a carpal tunnel flare to go away after a few applications over 2 days. Pain gone. DMSO is now in my medicine cabinet! Thanks for recommending it to me Dr Saleeby.

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After reading AMD's first article on DMSO I bought a bottle and used it topically on my 8 year trick right knee and recent sprain in my left knee plus pain in my right hand from using the computer mouse.

The trick knee is gone, the sprain has healed and I no longer have pain in my right hand. I am pain free and no longer worried about my trick knee giving out on ladders.

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That's funny - I started with a bad right knee and a left ankle sprain. The knee pain was what I thought about 80% of the time; now, when it twinges I get all surprised and wonder what that pain was.

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My daughter had a patient who told her he was healed from prostate cancer by taking DMSO orally, purchased from the local feed store. Since then, my mom has used orally and topically, helping immensely with pain due to autoimmune disease. Our dog had a growth, we sprayed DMSO once a day for a couple weeks. It oozed a black liquid till the growth literally fell out. It cleared my daughter’s recurring mastitis, cleared very bad eczema on hand, and helps with any pains we have. We purchased Dr Morton Walker’s book, DMSO Natures Healer. It is unbelievably fascinating. Everyone should have a copy! He gives dosages and treatments for countless sicknesses including cancers.

Thank you to everyone who is bringing these things to light.

After 2020, the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry has been exposed. Thanks to doctors who truly care about helping people. They have risked their livelihood to tell the truth.

May God bless and protect them and reward them for this.

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I just downloaded a free PDF copy of Dr Morton Walker’s book, 'DMSO Natures Healer' from


Thanks for recommending it - I hope this link works for others.

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Is there any evidence of DMSO or Chlorine Dioxide undoing the effects of a stroke? I am thinking of a woman, in her 80's that suffered a paralytic stroke 2 yrs ago and is totally bedridden hardly able to speak. Any information would be well appreciated.

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According to Amanda Vollmer's book and her research and if you do the research yourself you'll find that, yes, there is evidence that DMSO has helped people heal from strokes and heart issues.

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Thanx. Will look up Vollmer's book as well as sources for DMSO

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There are two companies that I've found that I still have to speak with. I often call companies to be sure they are ok to deal with and can answer my questions.

1) https://naturesgift-dmso.com/about-us/

2) https://www.pharmadmso.com/contact

Please let me know if you find others that are safe and not industrial grade.

Btw: when using DMSO either internally or externally be aware that it will make everything in your body work more. That's why Amanda states that if one is on any drugs they need to work with someone before using DMSO because it will make that drug more potent and can be damaging. Even supplements, etc.

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Debra. And hands must be clean-- Read and warned DMSO will carry impurities into the body

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Yes, must have clean hands. Amanda mentioned in her book and in a video that she mistakenly touched rusty aluminum prior to ingesting DMSO and her tongue got numb (it subsided after a while) and I think the rust got into her pores. So always, clean your hands. That's just good protocol for anything.

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Which supplements?

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AMD's research suggests it won't be as effective as if she had used it immediately, but that it would have healing effects.

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Not surprising given the length of time since the damage occurred. However, I have treated 3 yr old nerve damage and began to see success very quickly using homeopathy. So any benefit at this time would be so welcome.

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My mum has been using DMSO for years. I think she uses it to treat serious skin conditions. She did a lot of research first regarding how to take it. She’s given me some but told me to do my own research, so I’ve never actually used it.

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My cat had a very large abscess on his shoulder to the front of his chest that was oozing creamy pink discharge. He was clearly feeling terrible because he was shaking and hiding in the closet. I had it irrigated and applied some castor oil first then 70%DMSO. Within a few minutes my cat was behaving like his normal happy self and the wound healed completely in just 2 days.

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Using dmso cream for ?basal cell skin cancer on ear. Dried up area clearing slowly. Nature’s Gift from health food store in illinois. Also using on face. Also using for fungal finger and toe nails. Seems to dry all affected areas. Started after readin Midwestern doctor’s substacks recently. No doctors here(in England) to discuss with. Had mose surgery on face and to me, it looks like it spread basal cell cancer. The cream comes in a jar and the dmso is mixed with aloe Vera.70% dmso 30% aloe Vera.

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I read that Fenbendazole cream works on skin cancer. Rub it on. I don’t have any reference for that, just memory. I did buy some a couple of years ago to keep in my medicine chest, just in case.

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Thank you for more info on DSMO. I too have been using a 50/50 mix with distilled water dropped in my ears hoping to help my tinnitus. So far no change- but no bad side effects either. I fiind Amandha Vollner’s book “Healing with DSMO “ helpful.

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Apparently, it could take some time for the DMSO to help with healing but tinnitus can be caused by many things and according to Amanda in her book she states that the root cause needs to be worked on which from my research it always does. DMSO is a helper in many instances from my research. For instance, tinnitus can be caused by a vagus nerve issue so one would really need to work on healing their vagus nerve. DMSO does help with that but one would need to do other things to. Same thing with any hormonal issues like hair loss or migraines for men and women. The DMSO can help hair follicles for hair to grow but if one has hair loss from too much testosterone in women then they would need to resolve that first which is complicated. Or, if one gets cyclical migraines, they need to help the root cause of the hormonal issue which generally is a copper toxicity problem (a whole other story).

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I don’t know the root cause of my tinnitus, & docs are no help yet. but thanks for the vagus nerve idea, I’ll check it out.

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Medical "professionals" are often very idiotic from my experience. They choose to not look at holistic approaches or other possibilities that can cause someone to have an issues.

Toxic metals in the body tissues can cause tinnitus too. Too much mercury and too much copper (copper toxicity which many people have without knowing it). If one has ever taken the pill or had a copper IUD put in, they would most likely have copper toxicity. It's a long explanation but copper is a necessary mineral in the body and it affects estrogen. So, when anyone, even men have too much estrogen in their bodies they will have too much copper. If a woman has ever had PMS, that's a copper toxic issue. Anyway, tinnitus is also a copper toxic issue. Many people have mercury in their tissues too which can cause all types of problems. If you have amalgam filings in your teeth you most likely have both mercury and copper plus other toxic metals.

Anyway, doctors do not know this stuff. This has taken me years to learn because doctors and holistic practitioners don't have any understanding of the devastation of toxins in the body, how they take up cell receptor sites of minerals and the necessity of balanced minerals so one doesn't get tinnitus and other issues. It's also possible a bacteria can be part of the issue. Testing is the best way to find out.

One way to test the strength of your vagus nerve is to look at your uvula in the back of your throat and see if it's straight. If it's ajar, you've got a vagal tone issue. That's a more extreme situation.

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Low to no confidence in allopathic medicine. FYI, with Amandha Vollner: https://us13.campaign-archive.com/?e=e7e77d108d&u=132dcbd5dc3f3e60e620342d0&id=7a82976b80

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I'm with you on that.

How thoughtful of you! Thank you for the link. She's really getting to be known. I bought her book by chance. Just chose hers from the many there are on DMSO. It's a very good resource and she's extremely knowledgeable about DMSO. I also admire that she's experimented on herself so she can talk to specific points.

Btw: a friend of mine's mother had cancer many years ago (before 2020) and she was given IV DMSO and is cancer free. She did have other supplements, too but that's the only one I'm aware of. I'm thinking based on what I know of DMSO it healed her damaged cells, got rid of the toxic metals that could have caused the cancer (don't know what type of cancer she had but excess copper causes breast and prostate cancer and lymphoma amongst other things), and possibly got rid of the cancerous cells. Idk.

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Could you please tell me more about the vagal tone issue?

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The vagus nerve is very complex and is involved in the functioning of almost all the organs of the body. The vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve and if it's not functioning properly, one's organs won't function properly and other nerves and offshoots won't function properly. The vagus nerve sends messages down from the brain to the organs but also, the microbiome in the gut sends messages to the brain through the vagus nerve (as well as the blood and the lymph system). So, if the microbiome is compromised (due to many causes mainly chemicals such as glyphosate and antibiotics - that's one reason to eat organic and find alternatives from nature for antibiotics) then the brain can have difficulty, too, not only the gut and other organs. Also, with low vagal tone one can have nerve issues. As I mentioned it's quite complex, a very good book to read on the topic is Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve by Stanley Rosenberg.

Most doctors will not realize that health issues are tied to the vagus nerve. In fact, I first learned of the vagus nerve from a conventional vet who mentioned that our previous dog's fainting from acid reflux was tied to the vagus nerve. This article explains it, too: https://vagusnerve.com/understanding-vagus-nerve-and-esophagus-spasms-causes-symptoms-and-treatment/

Also, our previous dog had directional hearing loss around age 16 and the holistic vet would adjust his atlas bone (which is critical to good nerve flow and posture) to help alleviate pressure on the vagus nerve because the vagus nerve has many smaller nerves coming from it that could affect the hearing in the ears. When she adjusted the atlas, his hearing was normal again every time. Directional hearing loss means that he wouldn't know where the sounds was coming from which for him was on his right side.

This brings us back to DMSO, too. DMSO helps to calm the body down, helps with gut issues, helps rid the body of toxic metals, as well as helps the cells heal and nerves heal. So, in turn it's helping the vagus nerve. According to https://www.drlaurendeville.com/dmso-for-nerves-and-the-nervous-system/ :

"Also, the primary neurotransmitter involved in the parasympathetic nervous system is acetylcholine. DMSO appears to block the enzyme acetylcholine esterase (which breaks down acetylcholine), which means more acetylcholine will be available to stimulate its receptors. DMSO also helps to enhance vagal tone."

Another thought, the nerves need to be working well for the body to heal. It's harder for the body to heal when the vagus nerve has low tonality because it's involved in so many facets of the body functions. So, never give up if anyone says there's no hope because that most likely means they do not know enough.

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I had a SVT at school Tuesday, scared me a lot. School nurse pegged it! She took my heart rate-195. I run a coffee shop for SPED every week morning at 8:30 and close at 9:00. Before I opened I had run up stairs 2 times to get stuff. I’m 68.

Also, Hersheys candy coated chocolate eggs are out this time of year, I bought and ate about 6 the night before. Anyway..

The nurse called the ambulance! They couldn’t get my vagus nerve calmed down with maneuvering. (First I heard of that body part.) That’s why I asked you the question about vagus tone.

Nurse tried telling me to bear down. Nurse gave me iced water. Nothing . EMT gave me a shot. Down came my heart rate to 55. They took me to the hospital. Heart looks good, electrical problem. Also, I have low blood pressure. I’ll see a cardiologist in March-first appointment they had.

Thanks for your response. I appreciate the thoughtful answer.

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Wahoo! Very excited about this…It’s very sad to read about the America citizens who were put into prison for promoting DMSO and Chlorine Dioxide!

We need to make sure this does not happen again!

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Great background on DMSO, truly appeciate it!

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This is a great article. I started researching DMSO back in November 2024 because I saw it could help with our dog's lipoma (fatty deposit) and a dog natruopath suggested we use it for a skin tag he has, as well as, for dental. I never just rely on what any one says since I've been researching holistic health for over 15 years and have thousands of hours in. So, I got Amanda Vollmar's book and watched a video of her talking about it, as well as researching DMSO for specific conditions. I highly suggest getting a book such as Amanda Vollmar's who has done a tremendous amount of research learning about DMSO from the likes of Dr Stanley Jacobs and others. One very important thing to note is that dosing matters very much. Different issues require different dosing. When applied to the body, the area it is applied to must be clean. DMSO is able to get deep inside the body and it will take with it anything that is on the surface of the skin that was put there, ie lotion, dirt, chemicals, etc. So, please read a book about the protocols prior to using the product so you know about dosing properly that way you don't have a Herxheimer reaction (when you detox too quickly and have issues that you might usually have but worse).

Btw: when using DMSO either internally or externally be aware that it will make everything in your body that you've ingested work more. That's why Amanda states that if one is on any drugs they need to work with someone before using DMSO because it will make that drug more potent and can be damaging. Even supplements can be more potent.

This is an incredible substance but understand it first before ingesting it and/or applying to yourself or a loved one.

My question is... since the vax is doing such damage to the organs of the body due to spike proteins, mRNA damage to DNA, graphene oxide, hydrgels, etc. will the DMSO cause these things to be worse or help the cells heal from them? It is a toxic metal detoxifier and it does help heal damage done to DNA from what I understand so in theory it should help the cells heal and tissues heal. Just a curiosity.

Btw: This is a book that mentions a mongoloid child from the 1970s who's features completely changed due to being given DMSO in his milk for years. I've only read small portions of this book so far but so far it's amazing. https://www.eden-shop.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Scott-Archie-DMSO-Handbook.pdf

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Debra--great question regarding covid shots. I have not, but many have. -----This------My question is... since the vax is doing such damage to the organs of the body due to spike proteins, mRNA damage to DNA, graphene oxide, hydrgels, etc. will the DMSO cause these things to be worse or help the cells heal from them? It is a toxic metal detotifier and it does help heal damage done to DNA from what I understand so in theory it should help the cells heal and tissues heal. Just a curiosity.

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Thank you. It's a question of how DMSO truly works. I've been concerned about mentioning it to anyone who's gotten vaxxed.

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Debra, never thought to consider. Could be critical. Very grateful. I wonder--will Dr. Kory reply? AMD? If neither do you might try asking Scott Marsden, nurse for Dr. Kory. His posts are under ''Lightening Bug''. I am so slowly learning. Few years ago for neck when damaged with TBI, no chiro to crack, so he fired me. I belong to a neat page, that recommended DMSO, with the clean hands warning. At least I got that right.- but am regularly doubting Thomas. --2? years later- Finally got the jar with the green label. Knew nothing, hoped ''intention'' was enough. Amazed. Thankful right now that do not take any meds, but never considered that. Lately using on my dog with, to me, unbelievable results. Ignorance--I used straight, burned his skin! A Vet ruptured all his spinal discs..7 years ago--causing other major problems, Began a few weeks ago.....if only had known 7 years ago.? May have been actual healing. Keep rereading AMD, but with first TBI causing 2 additional--nothing sticks.

As wonderful as it could help my brain, I cannot bring myself to take internally. I just sent off to friend with lupus and suffering greatly--that paragraph highlighted. -------- Well, for failed back surgery I do remember to take Arnica occasionally. Wonder if Arnica would be affected? And yikes--I give Arnica to my dog 2-3x/day!---HOmeopathy another deep dive, a 'rabbit hole'' for me. ---For dog--new vet who uses on her horses: dilute the 70% at 50/50 with water or aloe vera. 99% do 2 to one. Did I 'think' needed distilled water...think so, but so much going on, let that slide..... Dosing is still a mystery. Take care. Hope to hear more of what you discover. Thank you

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This is a great book indeed.

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