Welcome to Twitter heaven. We’ve been expecting you!!! Dinner will be at 6pm tonight and all Your favorite people will be there. What took you so long to get here? I’m already on my second lifetime ban.

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Angel food cake on the menu for dessert?

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Mar 2, 2022
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Yes. The bird's TOS prohibits refuseniks from creating more accounts. However, anyone can view tweets. I am talking about viewing it from a PC.

May I suggest:

1. Open a Telegram public channel. If you want to allow comments and emojis, in settings (three vertical dots icon(, "manage channel", Discussions, click on "Add a group"; Reactions, ON.


3. TruthSocial

Remember that "three are two"; "two are one"; and "one is zero". Not everyone is on all three. Gab users tend to be jealously loyal to it. Of course, it is time consuming to copy and paste on all three. If you don't post too many each day, it is manageable.

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Mary Beth, check out Flote.app - small base but an engaged leadership team. They just allowed themselves to get kicked out of the Google play store for refusing to comply with Googles publishing guidelines. Web browser version works fine on phone. Ultimately Twitter is beyond saving. Ive looked into a lot of these alternatives and Flote appears most committed to free speech in my opinion.

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Better yet, hire a really good lawyer and sue them for billions of dollars. Maybe that will get their attention. Perhaps we can persuade Congress to expropriate and nationalize Twitter after mid-term elections. Let's Socialize social media.

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He was suspended and then they mysteriously unsuspended him. Then they banned him for good!

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Alex Berenson made a FOIA request to various government entities about their communications with social media companies, and he received back a series of pages with entirely blacked out entries. I suggested he go through Judicial Watch to assist him, as they're used to suing the government for documents and seem to be somewhat successful.

I hope you'll do the same.

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The LIKE function is not working, so... ♥️

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Same here...

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I was finally able to heart individual comments AFTER hearting the main article. Don't know if that's on purpose/design or coincidental. Just my observation.

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I think it's on purpose.

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Twitter suspended my account last week for posting an article by Pierre Kory on Ivermectin. It's the most cursed word in the world of Twitter...

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May I suggest:

1. Open a Telegram public channel. If you want to allow comments and emojis, in settings (three vertical dots icon(, "manage channel", Discussions, click on "Add a group"; Reactions, ON.


3. TruthSocial

Remember that "three are two"; "two are one"; and "one is zero". Not everyone is on all three. Gab users tend to be jealously loyal to it. Of course, it is time consuming to copy and paste on all three. If you don't post too many each day, it is manageable.

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Get a good lawyer. Sue them. Class action status beckons in the future.

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Mary Beth Pfeiffer, I have read many of your well-written, well-sourced and cited articles with growing respect for your journalistic integrity and courage when these qualities, once assumed to be the backbone of any good journalist, faded before my eyes into increasingly rare qualities in the world of journalism. The typical platforms, including Twitter, reveal themselves to be propoganda platforms. I wonder if there'll come a point when to even use Twitter is to stamp yourself as untrustworthy, crooked, a gas-lighter. I look forward to reading your work on substack.

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Dangit! So many favorite tweeps getting banned... I'll miss you there, Mary Beth. Always a level head with important information! I appreciated your last tweet and the article you shared yesterday.

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May I suggest you quit Twatter too? In solidarity. As we all should consider...

From a former Twatter user.

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It may be time that everyone who is opposed to censorship closes Twitter account and boycott's Twitter. Maybe with a final post saying they are leaving because they oppose censorship.

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I hope people will follow your advice. --- I can't, because I never belonged.

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I also never did Twitter. Left FB 7+ years ago and have never missed it.

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Never did Fakebook either.

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So proud of you Mary Beth, can I be in Twitter heaven if I have never used Twitter? I wanna be with you all for sure....dumped my LinkedIn when Steve Kirsch got booted there, after I posted some science that was not $cience. Each platform is a secret window into your private life and your ideas are profitable to the platform, so even here we are, (in the words of a cost estimator I used to know), WE ARE GIVIN' IT AWAY....just be aware.

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I dumped my LinkedIn as well, when Dr. Malone was dropped (before LinkedIn backed off and temporarily restored him). I got the feeling that MANY people dumped their LinkedIn profiles for the same reason.

I've never gotten a FB or Twitter accounts for different reasons. I recall a CIA or FBI analyst once saying how MUCH they *LOVED* FB, because it made their jobs MUCH easier to do in tracking down info about people and their associates/connections.

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Why that's shocking!!!!!!!/s (and most fell for it-not shocking really). I remember a fella I was in a band with who insisted that if we didn't have a FB page we literally would not be a legit band. I was like, when did that become LAW? I always trust my insynchs.

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Start a Substack I get better information here than in any dinosaur, legacy media.

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Sorry to say I'm a stockholder and for a long period of time not extending beyond tomorrow. Disappointed. Gave them credit for being clear. Sorry. thinkers and not easily influenced. Dickheads

Sorry MBPf. You are an excellent journalist as deserve better.

The truth will prevail.

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I am a firm believer that words matter.

You write: "Their crime was to disagree with mainstream covid thought, using data and experience to bolster their views."

My suggestion: Do not apply the word crime or criminal to the good-doers, even in sarcasm. Instead, apply the word crime/criminal to the evil-doers (which you have not done, but should).

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Yes, naming things does matter.

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Hey, what was your dosage for IVM? I’m part of a clinical trial in the US, and it seems they have us on double the FLCCC recommendation. I’m 260lbs and am taking 56 mg/day for 6 days. Pretty sure I got the real stuff as day 2 side effects were pretty intense.

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I've always heard "The Die was cast" i.e. formed for forging, but I can see how "dye was cast" could work just as well, i.e. soiling all things that are touched by it. That is all. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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One more possible reference. Caesar, crossing the Rubicon, at which point he was either an enemy of the state by all agreed-upon laws and traditions or the conqueror of Rome, said: “Alea iacta esta.” More literally translated as "the die is cast." But he likely meant something more like "now, we roll the dice". So die as the singular of dice. But meaning here -- to combine proverbs -- we've come the the fork in the road, have made our decision, and now take our chances.

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All these have me questioning what I previously had thought. I noticed this also around the phrase "Speak my peace / piece ". I have always been of the Hippy White Dove Peace version, but others seem more intent on getting their Piece 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Mar 2, 2022
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Please know I am not Trolling 🙏🏼 Apparently, there may be a THIRD option. Origin around "casting DICE" of all things. I too lost my Twitter-Rights over a year ago and I'm sorry you are dealing with that, it is extremely hard to replace as a medium of discussion.

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It infuriates me that some of the heavy-hitters are still on Twitter. Imagine if they all just left. I couldn't care less if Twitter is communicating with the FBI, the CIA or the Devil himself. They are a private company and can run their business the way they see fit. You don't pay them so they don't owe you squat. Vote with your FEET - there are plenty of options. If you're still on twitter you're part of the problem, not part of the solution.

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I agree folks should vote with their feet. But I also think that Twitter broke good faith with people. Imagine if Twitter had announced at the start of their company that they would be banning anyone with an opinion against their political views or those of Big Pharma.

They would never have gotten the traction they had. So they took advantage of people's trust and acted as though generous for a time. Then when they had a business advantage over all similar companies, they used it toward crushing free speech (a thing they said they initially were for).

No, I don't think private companies should promise one thing and deliver another. It's scummy, dishonest business practice and no company should act like this.

If a company from the beginning said their platform was only for Christans or only for people who bake, or whatever, that's fine. People know what they are signing up for.

But this is more like if you ordered an expensive machine and received a toy instead and the company wouldn't give your money back. Because Twitter profited from users data and gained real power they use to other platforms' disadvantage. We don't let other businesses behave in such ways.

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I could not agree more. However, this is part and parcel of free enterprise: businesses do this all the time - promise one thing and deliver another. And generally, when there is no harm, consumers vote with their feet. You could argue that Twitter did not act in good faith; but again, no harm, no foul. Go elsewhere - there are plenty of options. In the case of big pharma; different story. They promised a product to protect, and delivered a product that killed and maimed. They should be held accountable.

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I've never had an account on Twitter. I followed a few people via my PC until they got kicked off. I hope more people just stop using Twitter and it dies due to lack of interest. I don't own a cell phone, so there are a lot of things that I can't be part of since I can't do third party verification.. oh well.

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3rd party verification that you can't opt out of drives me crazy. It's privacy invasive. It's also discriminatory. I also try only to use things where you don't need it or where I can opt out.

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well if anyone noticed the SOTU was sponsored by, guess who, Pfizer who got not one but two plugs by POTUS for their new miracle drugs.

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