Ivermectin interferes with irregular cells, parasites, spike proteins, cancer. Makes perfect sense.

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But only to honest people with a basic understanding of science and no financial interest in revealing it.

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Inadvertently curing cancer while treating the designed Covid pandemic is an irony that cannot be tolerated by #BigPharma

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Especially when the shots fomented turbo cancers and lifelong clients now seeking cancer treatment.

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Menbendazole was tested in the 1980s for colon cancer. Not developed pursued because NO MONEY in a CURE...

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The Cancer Industry has been operating in ITS best interests and NOT the best interests of patients for decades. There are too many reports of Oncologists prescribing chemo treatments based on which has the highest price and greatest profit margin instead of what is most likely to help the patient, which is why they will HATE this study! They want to sell an $80,000 to $250,000 treatment protocol, not a $500 one.

And cancer research is mostly still "barking up the wrong tree" of things like targeted genetic treatments, which is an impossible dead-end with one tumor possibly containing thousands of genetic mutations. Cancer IS NOT A GENETIC DISEASE!!!! It is a METABOLIC disease, primarily of damaged, faulty mitochondria and cellular energy production. People need to get their bodies and immune systems HEALTHIER, NOT to POISON them! The entire current premise is completely wrong. Targeting cancer cells with repurposed drugs such as Ivermectin and Fenbendazole, that often work metabolically in numerous ways, such as triggering apoptosis, and "throwing the kitchen sink" at it with such things as medicinal mushrooms, herbs, paw paw, turmeric, mistletoe, berberine, quercetin, CoQ10, melatonin, and supplements to support the immune system such as HIGH DOSE vitamins C and D, selenium, iodine, zinc, etc., probably give the patient the best chance.

HOWEVER . . . the power of the human mind MUST be factored in and optimized. I am of the opinion that all the drugs and supplements in the world will ultimately be useless without the right mindset and willingness to work on the non-chemical or "non-physical" aspects also. This encompasses attitudes and beliefs, KNOWING that cancer can be healed and giving THAT message to the subconscious mind. Somehow, attitude has a huge impact on immune function. It is the "Placebo Effect" IN ACTION, and it is POWERFUL, bringing about dramatic PHYSIOLOGICAL changes. Visualization techniques that imagine the tumors going away send a strong messase to the subconscious that can affect hormones and the immune system in helpful ways. Also, energetic healing methods somehow affect the function of cells and the immune system. This has even been demonstrated with plants and microbial cultures. It can be harnessed to augment whatever else is being done: Reiki, Qi Gung, acupuncture/acupressure, "hands on" healing techniques such as channelling healing energy through the the palm chakras, etc. can be powerful support for healing.

Like I said — "throw the kitchen sink at it"! If the methods are harmless (or in the case of repurposed pharmaceuticals, nearly so), why not hit the cancer from every possible direction? If I were diagnosed, I would!

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The key, "cancer is a metabolic disease". Anyone who cannot understand that may well be a scientific clod, once intelligent but captured by a deeply unethical pretend intellectual organizations perverted mostly by personal financial interests. .

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And CBD oil, fenbendazole, ivermectin and Berberine etc. all work on aspects of the metabolism ... energy pathways...

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This is summed up well in the 2017 documentary HEAL. When placebo works as good or BETTER than your treatment prescribed, the power of the brain can heal. Researchers discovered common habits in cases around the world that traditional medical protocols were failing. These people broke that prognosis and it fascinated the shit outta me. And I have been in healthcare for 23 years!

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I think it is outstanding that FLCCC has pivoted to studying cancer - one of the top killers today. This is a key reason I continue to support this organization.

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Why is FLCCC acting like this is "brand new big news"? All one has to do is go to NIH.com and search Ivermectin and cancer. The list is huge. "They" have known for years.

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Correction...The site is


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Perhaps do not know because there are bound to be a lot of people to whom this really is new information. Four years ago, maybe they were too young to understand, or were not interested. At that time only older people and those with comorbidities were impacted by COVID, and Ivermectin was wrongly labeled as horse paste y'all. Many people died because doctors were conned or pressured into denying Ivermectin and other effective protocols. The NIH is still one of the culprits that lied about Ivermectin for years, and still won't approve Ivermectin for COVID, so why should anyone believe them? The NIH is subordinate to the HHS which is extremely political - those are the folks who endowed us with 'read it after you pass it', aka Obamacare. If you are on the NIH.gov site try searching for horse paste and mainly what turns up is Ivermectin. That would really convince a lot of people not to take it. As for cancer, see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8693136/ which says that Ivermectin might even cause cancer, i.e., in this 31 December 2021 paper it says, "With increasing extensive demand to fight COVID-19, it is important to search about ivermectin toxic effect on several body organs. Ivermectin can enter the body orally and reach the blood and organs as the liver and kidney for metabolism. Even though it has been established as a safe and nontoxic medication for mammals [11], considering that it is a xenobiotic for the body, it probably has some effects on the oxidative stress system of the mammalian. Since xenobiotic is unknown to the host, it is expected to cause adverse effects such as toxicity, allergic response, and cancer". So the fact that NIH has a lot of information is meaningless unless the information is accurate.

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Well, I've been taking ivermectin the horse paste since Dec of 2020 as a covid preventative twice a month according to weight. I continue to take it in case I get shed on. I never got covid and never vaxxed never a flu shot either. I go out in public almost every day. I'm 75!!

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Yep, us too! We could never get ivermectin; we tried. Had to go to Farm Store for the 'horse paste'; wasn't bad tasting actually <grin>. Same results and Never got that damned jab. Healthy at 78 and going strong. https://wf4hl.com/

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It tastes fine in apple sauce. Mix it good. They may try to ban it. Each notch is for 50 lbs. Set the notch to your weight. I weigh 124 so I set at 100. It's close enough.

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There is a law that if there is a medicine that will cure a disease then the companies are not allowed to make a vaccine. So they had to deny that ivermectin cured COVID. And by the way flu virus and pneumonia if it's viral. They all LIED to us!! Never believe all of them again!! I mean ivermectin will cure the others too.

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Not only did the medocrats and politicians lie about Ivermectin and HCQ, but they lied about mRNA, that the jabs are vaccines, they lied that the jabs are safe and effective, they lied that kids needed them. The WEF has openly said that they failed because they could not get everyone in the world vaccinated and now they have to create other means like water shortages [to rid the world of useless humans]. And those are just the lies that I can think of off the top of my head.


We already know that they want to kill food production, force eating insects, are testing geo-engineering to see what damage it will cause, are making "universal diseases" that will (they hope) enable them to force "universal mRNA vaccines" that will kill mist of humanity.

The leftists behind all of this are fanatics, who will never stop pushing the murder of mankind until they are dead. They are working hard to entrap and enslave all the world's humans by total financial control using digitalIDs, behavioral scoring and centrally controlled digital currencies leading to a central world currency. They are developing 15 minute concentration camps they call smart cities. They are continuously training their successors (called YGLs or Young Global Leaders). It seems hard to believe that a relatively few people have the means to destroy billions of people, but they do and more and more people need to become aware to stop them. Europe seems to be the place where more more people have awakened than in the USA. A number of EU countries have recently elected representatives on the right side to replace the leftist fanatics.

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The reason they want the babies and children to take the shots is so they will be infertile when they grow up. Also to shorten their life span . I read it takes 20 yrs or more off your life. People are supposed to live to about 80. I heard a doctor say that young teens who get the shot will only live to age 55!!

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Some people talk about ivermectin impacting fertility, which I laughed a bit at because: Africa anyone? Been taking it in boatloads over there for, well since it was introduced! And no, it seems not to have impacted fertility there in a noticeable way. Def. healthier than the jabbers are for maternal health and well being (and babies and fetus as well). Its been researched along with mebendazole out of University of Queensland Aus. I belive. Might be wrong on the university but not the time frame - twas the lovely 1980s these things began to be studied and promptly lost funding thus dying out (no money? No research. Hello big big harma!)

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Could it be that Ivermectin is impacting fertility not negatively, but positively by curing people of diseases so they are healthier to have healthy children? LOL What a thought! Curing COVID, other diseases and improving fertility as well!! That would cause the meltdown of meltdowns.

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5 days of IVM 10mg to get rid of rouleaux of the blood and hydrogel from blood ... if you believe in that hydrogel thing Dr. Ana preaches. Which I'm pretty certain I do at this point. The nano bots are for certain in every one now, due to shedding and its in the spraying they do ceaselessly for geo engineering and 'cooling' the planet down. (getting rid of UV light that is beneficial and necessary to plants, humans life but maybe not so good for syn bio Cross Domaine Bacteria, and def. no bueno to the psychopathic death loving vampires of the cabal, they melt in the sunlight LOL.)

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Didn't see my post. They did autopsy on vaxxed men and they had NO sperm!! They were FULL of spike protein from the vax!!

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The covid shot destroys fertility. They did autopsy on vaxxed men and they had NO sperm!! They were FULL of spike protein from the vax!!

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Absolutely. Just joined and read some articles. Wonderful that actual Medicine has joined in with the Conquest of this horrible lifestyle disease. I will begin to feature them on my web site https://cancersurvivor.wf4hl.com/ as I can't afford to 'contribute' unless someone does for me <grin>. I have 30 focused on Health, Wellness & Longevity and many books: https://health-healing.wf4hl.com/

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I've just been told I have a lung lesion... What the hell, what's the worse that could happen? I worm myself? LOL...

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Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I truly wish you all the best!

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Thanks! x

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Joe Tippens. Look him up. His treatment protocol and the stuff the company he works with sells.

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I will, thanks for the tip! x

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You might want to try NUTRITION. Worked for me; been alive 15 years with aggressive prostate cancer! https://wfpbls.com/myhealingjourney.html

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"After ten rounds of radiation and six of chemotherapy........"

The ivermectin would have done its job quicker if he had not received these slash and burn medico treatments. But without getting this medico abuse he never would have "believed" and tried ivermectin. One of the contradictions of life. Ivermectin and Fenbendazole too. These powerful dewormers don't just clean up your intestines to where worms-parasites get killed and expelled. They also clean up/detoxify your liver/gall bladder. Ever since Max Gerson cured cancer with carrot juice and coffee enemas. It has been known that in order to cure cancer, you must cure your liver/gall bladder.

Guess what. There are well known herbal dewormers. They also detoxify -- clean up the liver gall bladder. But Ivermectin and Fenbendazole are stronger. If I had cancer I would also do coffee enemas 4x per week and start my day by juicing an entire bunch of celery. Juice a piece of ginger as big as your thumb with it. Even larger ginger as you get used to it.

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Thank you for this extra information. I remember a video recently with Dr Lee Merritt and she said that Merck is buying factories in India that make ivermectin, and that they are going to stop making it and use the factories for something else. It is good to know that there are some natural alternatives. It looks like ivermectin is going to get harder and harder to find.

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Someone else will make it since it is generic. But it could drive up the price some and delay access.

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It's already $10. Before covid it was $3.

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I got mine from India! Only cost $.16. Yea 16 CENTS EACH! got 1000 12mg of them.

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Do you have a web address?

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Well stock up then. Go visit Tennessee and buy it over the counter. Order from India wholesale lot. It will keep in the freezer plenty fine.

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Don't need to freeze it. Fridge is fine

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Will do! I didn't realize I could keep it in the freezer! Thank you!

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But don't the farmers need it to deworm their horses??

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Wanted to ask about juicing celery. I've never really heard that before. Does celery have something in particular that fights cancer as opposed to other vegetables, etc? Thank you.

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Don't forget that carrot juice! Check out the Gerson Therapy approach. Worked for me! https://cancersurvivor.wf4hl.com/dotherapieswork.html

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God speed to all. Such important work!

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I do believe the incompetent people and organizations such as the FDA and CDC are in a panic over the situation. Their jubilation over convincing most people that ivermectin was a horse medicine exposed them as the the scientific buffoons that they are. After having it explained to them what ivermectin is and how large is the number of lives saved by it and that the discoverer received the Nibel Prize for their work, they are now in a panic and scrambling to initiate investigations into the how many other simple medications could be effectively treated by them. But the rapid evidence that will emerge only makes them appear that much the more foolish. In the past week I saw a paper exposing the evidence that in a population of over one million people taking a baby aspirin the cancer rate is reduced by about twenty five percent. There is already a mountain of evidence like this sitting out there which they have point blank refused to study because it was would harm the cash flow they receive from their friends which they fund with taxpayer money, exclusively. Cancer is fundamentally a metabolic disease. This was discovered in the 1930s by a generation of brilliant German biochemists but those controlling our research funds have steadfastly refused to fund the essential research to find treatment and cures. Now they panic to try save their sorry asses. I also saw last week that patient zero in a hurried trial to determine the effectiveness of ivermectin on cancer is already indicating optimism. Patient zero, a man with multiple rounds of radiation and chemo and at stage four, a death sentence, had gone into remission following two weeks of a daily dose of ivermectin. And we do know the biochemistry that could explain this, some of us know that is. Others will never know due to personal financial barriers to their understanding of many things.


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"Incompetent" is not the right word. Upton Sinclair said something like "It is hard to make a man understand something if his pay depends on him not understanding it."

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Quote from GoodReads: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

― Upton Sinclair, I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked

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Got to record this one. ON the MONEY!

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I used to trust medicine, but over the years as I saw one after another 'cure' or at least very promising treatments shot down, demonized etc. I began to realize that there was no money to be made in cheap generic treatments or diet treatments there fore? Big Harma shuts it down! No funding! No support! Ridicule the 'science' or the 'doctor treating'. Doxycycline from the tetracycline family is one that has now been shown to treat mild rheumatoid arthritis 50 mg daily or 100 mg every other day. Cheap cheap stuff. No rehummy will give that to you though! NO anti microbial action to worry about at that level because it isn't attacking bacterial infection it is blocking excess MMP that breaks down cartilage of bone/gums and 'reducing' inflammation pathways. Go figure. And a list of 10 other mechanisms of action against cancer. No studies for it though! If you want to be through go check out the research.

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Mary Beth , I am happy that you writing again.

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Wonderful report.

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Remembering Mac Planck's comment when once asked why science advances so slowly, "one funeral at a time". Perhaps we have had enough funerals so we can now admit that cancer is a metabolic disease as the brilliant German biochemists discovered in the 1930s before they were exterminated in the gas chambers. The obsession with genetics was analogous to the belief that wet pavement causes it to rain. However there is an genetic component but it's in the once supposed garbage part of the genome because it's epigenetic and so is a variable both responding to and also creating a metabolic response.

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Remembering Mac Planck's comment when once asked why science advances so slowly, "one funeral at a time".__________________

How true is this!!! Look at Pharma Fauci. He super messed up om AIDS. I have not read it, but RFK Jr's book exposes his villainous actions on AIDS. Fauxi advances up to the top of Federal health bureaucracy, then 35+ years later he does the same with C19. So when is his funeral. Same for the very devious Brix scarf lady. She lied and manipulated Trump. She bragged about this in her book. These were the C19 toxic twins. Their PR sure had me fooled.

This why we call C19 the scamdemic.


In March 2021, Birx joined the George W. Bush Institute in Dallas, Texas, as a senior fellow, working on initiatives to reduce health disparities and prepare for future pandemics.[58][59][60][61]

Though I still dodged the poison vaxxxxxxx.

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DEBORAH BRIX ---- Follow the money! This part is omitted from her Wikipedia entry!________________

Deborah Birx, M.D. - Armata Pharmaceuticals

WebDeborah L. Birx, M.D., was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Armata on July 10, 2023. Prior to joining Armata, Dr. Birx served as a member of Innoviva’s Board of Directors from March 2021 until July 2023. Dr. Birx is …

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In our community, we are a small group of people who support each other by researching and using natural approaches to solve various health problems as they pop up.

In the case of Cancer we have four individuals in our group who have or had colon cancer, breast cancer, non hodgkins lymphoma, and prostate cancer. All are still alive and had reduced complications if they took standard treatment. For some supplements were their only treatment. Most have complete remission. Our primary tool was high dose, high absorption Curcumin as much as 16 grams per day, but more typically 6 to 8 grams per day for a number of months, then a year or two taper to a couple of grams per day maintenance dose. My sister, who is the one who had colon cancer, has been in complete remission now for 7 years. Others 5 years or more. Everyone in our group who used this therapy was successful, we have had no failures yet.

Of course we accompanied this with normal supplements in replete amounts - Vitamin D to 80 ng/ml K2 at 100 micrograms for every 2,000 D3, Vitamin C at an average 2,000 mg per day, some just sodium ascorbate, some liposomal. A complete B Complex daily. Omega 3, Magnesium and various other varied basics. Some Alpha Lipoic Acid, some not.

I refer you to Dr Ajay Goel's research in this video, which was our original inspiration to use Curcumin..


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Psst: do you know how curcumin functions? Surprise but it has similar pathways it impacts as oh, Ivermectin/Doxy/Fenbend/Berberine/Quercetin/CBD oil... More recently curcumin has been found to possess anti-cancer activities via its effect on a variety of biological pathways involved in mutagenesis, oncogene expression, cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, tumorigenesis and metastasis. Curcumin has shown anti-proliferative effect in multiple cancers, and is an inhibitor of the transcription factor NF-κB and downstream gene products (including c-myc, Bcl-2, COX-2, NOS, Cyclin D1, TNF-α, interleukins and MMP-9). In addition, curcumin affects a variety of growth factor receptors and cell adhesion molecules involved in tumor growth, angiogenesis and metastasis. Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide and treatment protocols include disfiguring surgery, platinum-based chemotherapy and radiation, all of which may result in tremendous patient morbidity.

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You had better check out Dr. Andrew Cutler's research on alpha lipoic acid before you use it indiscriminately. It is a lipophilic, mercury chelator and you need to understand that before you start using it as an anti oxidant.

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October 5 2024.... Additional Comment

Since that time we are now able to get liposomal forms of Curcumin and Glutathione. Also, new research shows that Quercetin is as effective as Curcumin for most Cancers and is also available in the liposomal form. As Liposomes, this allows delivery across the blood - brain barrier ( Brain Tumours ) and through any cell membrane so the supplements can get access to the inside of cells. They can also penetrate bacterial films. Curcumin Glutathione and Quercetin have anti bacterial action as well. I now have a couple of successful cases where we have used the Liposomal froms to go after bacterial infections that had resisted multiple Antibiotic courses, including apparent Lyme type infections.

Two teaspoons of each Lyposomal supplement a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, on an empty stomach. So you're hitting the bugs with 4 different supplements pretty hard. A good option if you don't really know whether you're dealing with a virus or a bacteria - they will kill them all.. No side effects to date. Maybe take up to a month to fully work, but this is with one of the cases where the doctors had administered Antibiootics for 9 months for a serious chest infection, were not able to get rid of it and had declared it a chronic cough that is untreatable.

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How can we find your community?

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Good luck with the study.

In this particular case, a detailed list of what the patient did & did not do in terms of lifestyle would be useful.

I have no doubt that when conventional doctors claim a case of "spontaneous remission", the patients took responsibility for their illness & made major changes in the lifestyle, especially diet. Unfortunately the mainstream medical community for decades & because of educational indoctrination & the influence of the pharmaceutical industry will not believe that something as basic as nutrition can have a profound effect on illness.

The late Dr Nicholas Gonzalez MD was probably the major figure who used targeted nutrition to heal those who came to see him. The posthumously published case studies in Conquering Cancer Volumes 1 & 2, are without a doubt, profoundly important in showing the world that so called "alternative" approaches to cancer can be far more effective than conventional treatments.

If anyone really wants to know what cancer is, the answer to it is in embryology. Cancer is trophoblastic.

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Dr Lee Merritt and others have spoken about that it’s been known for decades that cancers are caused by parasites infestation. Doctors supposedly see the parasites when they cut open tumors! This is why (anti-parasitic meds) Ivermectin, Menbendazole, Fenbendazole etc cure people of cancer.

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You guys are heroes. May God continue to bless you.

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Does anyone know if individuals can sign up or who they can contact if they are interested in participating in this research?

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I would contact the AAPS, an organization of ethical physicians and surgeons which battled the ignorant medical bureaucracy throughout the epidemic. These jackasses are now on the run but they can no longer remain hidden manipulating taxpayer financing for their personal benefit.

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thank you for the reference.

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I would go to the FLCCC site and look for info there. I do believe that they are taking cases. 5 clinics taking cases mentioned in the article.

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I too am exceedingly interested in participating.

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It's not astonishing that ivermectin works so well for so much ...... toxins and parasites / viruses are the source of all diseases said Dr. Hulda Clark with a lifetime of research and case studies ........... and I'm sure there are many many other doctors who found similar things and were censured harrassed heavily................ just follow everything medical that is censured and be prepared to be amazed and very happy. :)

Here's just a few more things besides ivermectin ....... 1. ************************************************

page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's (a 40 year researcher on vitamin D) published in his 2010 book, "The Vitamin D Solution" ...................... "For some, even physicians, it's incomprehensible that vitamin D can reduce the risk of heart attack by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of common cancers of the colon, prostate, and breast by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of infections [typo in book? infectious?) diseases, including influenza, by as much as 90 percent; reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes by 78 percent in a child who gets 2000 IU of vitamin D a day in the first year of life; decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes; decrease the risk of dementia and depression; wipe out cases of fibromyalgia that have been misdiagnosed; and dramatically decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis and other auto-immune diseases. When in doubt, I always go back to this simple fact; every tissue and cell in the body has a vitamin D receptor." end of excerpt from page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's book "The Vitamin D Solution".

2. ********************************************************



Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, April 22, 2005

Vitamin C Saves Lives

Millions die each year from heart disease and stroke, and the overwhelming evidence is that vitamin C supplementation would save many lives.

Two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling estimated that the rate of heart disease would be reduced by 80 per cent if adults in the US supplemented with 2,000 to 3,000 mg of vitamin C each day. According to Dr. Pauling, "Since vitamin C deficiency is the common cause of human heart disease, vitamin C supplementation is the universal treatment for this disease."[1] Heart disease is the number one killer in the US. For those with existing heart disease Dr. Pauling said that blockage of heart arteries could actually be reversed by supplementing with 6,000 of vitamin C and 6,000 of lysine (a common amino acid) taken in divided doses throughout the day. Vitamin C supplementation both lowers serum cholesterol levels and repairs lesions of arterial walls. 1998 Nobel Prize winner Dr. Louis J. Ignarro found that supplementing with vitamin C and vitamin E significantly reduces the risk of developing arteriosclerosis.[2]

A study examined vitamin E and vitamin C supplement use in relation to mortality risk in 11,178 persons aged 67-105 who participated in the Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly over a nine year period.[3] Simultaneous use of vitamins E and C was associated with a lower risk of total mortality and coronary mortality after adjusting for alcohol use, smoking history, aspirin use, and medical conditions.

A landmark study following over 85,000 nurses over a 16-year period for a total of 1,240,000 person-years found that vitamin C supplementation significantly reduced the risk of heart disease.[4] Intake of vitamin C from foods alone was insufficient to significantly effect the rate of heart disease. High quantities of vitamin C from supplements was essential to provide the protective effects. The study adjusted for age, smoking, and a variety of other coronary risk factors."

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I’ve been following Dr. William Makis’s Substack & research on both Iver & FenBen. He’s also got a wealth of knowledge. Along with the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World and Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer. All worth reading & following.

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But they don't cover Doxycycline which also has significant actions against cancer. SEVERAL pathways in fact.

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