I feel in excellent company as I am also banned forever from twitter for educating the masses on Ivermectin. My entire immediate “unvaxxed” family finally got covid 3 weeks ago. All 5 of us did the flccc protocol including ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine & sailed their COVID in 3 days. One & done!

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Here in Canada I wish we could get Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine! Our fascist government won't allow doctors to prescribe it, under threat of removing their licenses to practice medicine. We can't even order it from abroad by mail- the government has told online pharmacies they can't ship it. They really just want to continue harming as many people as they possibly can.

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Now I know why so many Canadians are back to visiting the US. Hopefully you have some secret compartments in your vehicles to bring such things back with you.

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If Doctor's only want to hurt people, why do you go to them for ANYTHING? Who do these "victims" go to when they have those strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, and other maladies you claim are a result of accepted medical standards?!? Not the same people they think are killing them, I hope? Who ya gonna call?!? I suggest that you self-treat yourselves the "old skool" way: with leaches, tapeworms, bloodletting, potions, the waiving of a chicken's foot, voodoo doll for health, etc. You're into the alternative here, right? (Jeezus H! I can't believe that I share the road with the denizens here!)

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Who let the pharma rep in?

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I'm so sorry. That is disgusting and wicked.

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Sep 5, 2022
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The woke are obviously useless NOW, we don't have to wait for the depopulation event to be concluded. 😔

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After reading again and again of the many injuries and death brought forward by sources I find reliable and trustworthy it leaves only one conclusion ,The extermination of as many of us as possible .Without my knowledge my brother went to a hospital because of a flu and was dead after 8 dais .The people close to him kept me in the dark for 4 month as to what went on in the hospital or that he was even in the hospital .My Brother and I live 800 km.apart so I did not know .His son told me now that they gave him Remdesivir and he was on a ventilator .They murdert him .

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God bless you and your brother.

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Sep 5, 2022
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Dear Friend ,when I finished reading you message I had tears in my eyes .You are the kind of person I wish I had as a friend next door to my place .Yes to see him again will happen very soon as I'm 86 now and my body tells me ,it is soon time for me to go there too .

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"Don’t Tell." - that is the part that I find hard to understand.

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As far as I am now concerned, every nurse, doctor, politician and journalist, is guilty of being complicit in this genocide, IF they have not previously, openly expressed some concerns about it.

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A comment I wrote down from a commenter on a Substack: Complacency is compliance and compliance is consent.

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Couldn't agree more. I'm sick of being compassionate and explaining away their complacency or hearing others do it. Their fanatical fear of germs has allowed for the wholesale takeover of society by demons.

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Yeah, I lost the compassion about 2 years ago. Today, much to my husband's discomfort, I asked the bagger at a grocery store (15-17 year old) "Why are you wearing that on your face?" He had on a black face diaper. He said, "what? My mask?" Yes, I said, it doesn't protect anyone. I got the "better safe than sorry" line, to which I said, "Read the studies. They don't work." Then he said his parents wanted him to wear one and I replied, "then your parents haven't read the studies. What are you afraid of? There's early treatment." He said his parents don't believe the studies and at that point, much to my husband's relief, the woman ringing up our groceries needed to talk to me, so that was the end of the conversation. BUT, next time I hear that line about parents, I will say, "part of growing up is doing your own research." If I had lots of copies of Dr. Mark McDonald's new book "Freedom from Fear: a 12 step guide to personal and national recovery" which I just started reading, I would have handed him one and said, "Here, a gift for your parents."

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I don't even bother reasoning with these religious fanatics. They are wearing amulets. Dehumanizing amulets. I just stare at them with contempt and hope that makes a difference, which I know it doesn't.

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McDonald posits that these people are in a cult and only rescue and deprogramming can make any difference. "Those who have been brainwashed to believe that fear is both necessary and virtuous cannot be helped with a recovery manual." He starts the intro with the story he posted on his Substack about his interaction with a child who was wearing a face diaper - the identical question I used with this young man. He doesn't interact with adults anymore, only children. The subsequent exchange with the mother and then the father who came over to his table at the restaurant was very interesting. https://markmcdonaldmd.substack.com/p/pity-the-children?r=8t1ug&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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You were to kind trying to educate him .Basic knowledge is his responsibility and besides they belong to the evil doers ,keeping the insanity going and making the rest of us feel we live in an insane asylum . Remember common sense can not penetrate that mask .

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Excellent assertiveness here! Sometimes we learn the most important information from people OTHER THAN our parents. Our parents don't know everything (and many know very little, thinking they know best). Good stepping in on your part. Had I witnessed your discussion, I'd have given you a thumbs up and huge smile! You're giving me ideas....and hope.🙏😊

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Thank you, but I'm not a very quick thinker so I need lots of these interactions to get better at it! Each one is a learning experience - realizing my next line should be about doing your own research.

Like Dr Mcdonald, I don't engage adults about this anymore bc after 2.5 years it would be pearls before swine, but perhaps there is hope for the children.

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His parents would probably burn the book. 😏

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Yes, if you knew the part of our community he's likely from, you would be absolutely correct. We call this particular store in this local chain "the Gucci Martin's."

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I concur. And those among the general public who refused to listen to dissenting voices such as ours, or who shut us down, are also, in their own way, complicit too. Parents who gave their kids the jab after being told, repeatedly, not to are guilty of endangering their children.

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Yet 95% of them still remain silent or continuing the lies!

However, applying the "your life; your responsibility; your choice" key principle, those parties cannot be held wholly responsible since data and stories were available before people took the first dose.

Caveat emptor.

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A crime spree that spans the whole globe is the first of it's kind .If the W.H.O. gets it's way it will be the new normal for our world on a regular basis .

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No Barry it's not hard to understand if you know how exterminators operate .If you commit a crime you tell your partners in crime not to talk about it .

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I meant the regular people., I suspect embarrassment is the main reason for keeping quiet, or not asking questions.

A man took two but said he unlikely to take any more. I asked how many funerals he had attended, his reply: "I don't know". ???

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John Campbell's clip. The way back machine link didn't work.


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Thank you so much for this

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Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written



" Make no mistake, we are currently being assailed by a worldwide fraud of such scale and malevolence that it threatens our very existence as we know it on this planet "


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6 months ago an MD using the handle, A Midwest Doctor, published a substack titled

"Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines I Came Across During Their First Year on the Market -

I have spent the last year working to document this. It is a lot to take in but it needs to be said."

He compiled a list of adverse events from sources: his practice, his former students, other doctors and a couple a little farther out from these sources. Steve Kirsch posted a substack saying that just this data was enough to stop administrating the mRNA vaccines.

Now 6 months later the evidence grows and yet the "officials" are still pushing vaccines. This is criminal behavior that is being argued out in court among other places. Places like a dinner table with relatives dead or severely injured. I thought the turning point would have been months ago but the ideology of vaccines and the fear of legal actions, and saving face keeps the process going.

Here is the link for the article mentioned above


When I went back to all his substacks I was reminded about the breadth and depth of topics that he has covered and how in the last couple of years I have spent an incredible amount of time on this topic. You can find the substack -- substack A Midwestern Doctor --- and then click to read all of the posts and start from the first ones. They cover many important topics in this entire medical disaster.

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It’s still difficult to imagine this is even happening.

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What happened to "If you see something, say something"..... oh, it's not for anything brought to you by Pfizer....... https://www.dhs.gov/see-something-say-something .......oh, and this is from Homeland Security......

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I read that South Korea has a 50% excess mortality presently. 50%! Can you imagine that? MSM: chirp chirp chirp ...

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I'm surprised the link to the very recent peer-reviewed study isn't all over right-leaning media. I understand the criminal liberal media will never cover it. If I'm reading it correctly, serious adverse events (which include bad cases of Covid along with many other serious medical events) were more prevalent in people who had the mRNA shots than the unvaccinated. In other words, the proper way to mitigate risk of a serious medical event is to NOT get the shot. I'm not surprised, as I decided long ago to avoid v1.0 of something that stays in your body for an indeterminate amount of time and makes an indeterminate number of spike proteins while it's there. Seemed like quite a risk to take to have flu-like symptoms potentially reduced for a short window of time.

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While I believe these excess deaths are due to the vax, is there any way to rule out long-haul Covid? If both vax injuries and long-haul Covid symptoms are caused by the spike protein, how do we know which is causal? Any post-mortem studies that have ruled out long-haul as a cause?

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I’ve heard that long Covid is probably vax caused rather than Covid caused.

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I know several people, including a close family member, who got Covid in 2020 and still have long haul symptoms. My 20-year old niece has lost her ability to taste and smell for two full years after having a very mild case of Covid. So I believe what is called Long-Haul could be caused by Covid alone, vax alone, or a combo. And if it is caused by the spike protein, how could we possibly tell what is causing this in people who have had Covid and the vax? That's why I am wondering about these sudden deaths. It seems that Covid, even after symptoms are long gone, is just as likely to be the causal agent as a jab that was administered months ago.

I haven't found any discussion about this in the various substacks that I read. But every time I have discussed the increase in sudden deaths to a vax-believer, they always conclude it must be from Covid. Would love to be able to provide info to rebut this, but I can't find anything.

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Check out the supplement NAC as well as the FLCC protocol for Covid recovery.

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I am up on all the protocols, but my family refuses to listen. My question is just about whether these sudden deaths can be attributed to the vax rather than long haul. While I believe it is the vax myself, I am looking for information to convince others and haven't found any.

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Seems to me someone who had covid, then shots, more shots just keep adding spike protein into his/her body.

I’m a lay person who observes, reads, gathers info. I see these described in my post getting covid multiple times “but so glad I took shots bc my case (#2,3,4) is mild & I’m not in hospital.”

Some have surmised vax folk have been injured neurologically so keep going back for more. I feel like I’m living in an Alice in Wonderland world (original book, not cute Disney version).

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I agree. It seems like common sense and that we shouldn't have to have a study to prove that the more spike protein, the greater the risk. Yet every argument I make with vax believers is questioned unless I can show absolute proof. They think all these sudden deaths are Covid, which makes them even more likely to continue with more boosters. Absolutely mind-blowing.

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Simple. Are the deaths occurring in those who took the shots as opposed to those who didn't? However- they are NEVER going to give us that information.

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Sep 8, 2022Edited
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Precisely! I love this comment and the links thank you!

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Sep 12, 2022Edited
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Bless your heart!! Thank you😍

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Raise your hand if you want to go to prison!

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From the article: “It is an unmitigated humanitarian catastrophe that is being systematically censored.” This perfectly sums up what's happening and is continuing to happen. What dismays and puzzles me is the seeming reluctance of family members of those dying "suddenly or unexpectedly" to sound the alarm and ask "why?" Or have they been captured by the official narrative and can't join the dots together?

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By not speaking up, they are becoming complicit in the deaths of others, including children, who continue to get the shots. I wish they would consider that they have a duty to humanity to speak out.

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I have never had any social media accounts and I never will. I saw it as a trap just like so many other made-up pseudo functioning metaverse parallels to actual real life.

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Good stuff!

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What we have to acknowledge is that only ever 30% of people are open and wake up to the truth, just look at all the atrocities that have happened over human history. The "Controllers" use all the psychological tools in their kit to exterminate and make huge wads of money in the process.

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As a medical homeopath I knew from the beginning this wold lead to the devastation of millions. We have not seen the end yet and I suspect that literally millions will be disabled and die early from all these experimental mRNA so called vaccines unless we stop it NOW

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