People Are Dying. Don’t Ask. Don’t Tell.
Censorship has ruled covid. But emerging data on injury and death may be too big to ignore.
This article is part of a publishing collaboration between RESCUE and Trial Site News.

After months of skirting YouTube censors, the ax fell on medical educator Dr. John Campbell when he spent fourteen minutes on August 20 parsing figures on two disturbing trends in the United Kingdom. First, UK deaths in 2022 were an alarming 14 percent higher than the prior five years, with 1,480 excess deaths—not attributed to covid-19—in the week ending August 5 alone.
Second, figures on deaths after covid vaccinations were wildly uninformative. One government document put them as low as 10—“incredulous,” Campbell said—while another official report put them as high as 21,000 when underreporting was considered.
A careful, evidence-based analyst with 2.4 million subscribers, Campbell wanted to know: “Why is no one talking about this in the UK?”
YouTube provided an answer: “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.”
Indeed, but for a small cadre of brave doctors and researchers, few dare discuss the aftermath of covid management in the UK, US, and elsewhere—and chiefly the wisdom of repeated vaccinations. Instead, the questionable “safe and effective” mantra infuses media reports and, remarkably, science publishing that sometimes indicates quite the opposite.
“We have a million injuries and all these deaths,” Dr. Meryl Nass said in reference to figures from the US vaccine reporting system, “and there’s a combination of hiding information and misinterpreting data in the public domain by the CDC and FDA.”
Nass, a Maine doctor and anthrax vaccine expert, knows the toll of challenging covid dogma. Her medical license was suspended last January over charges she did not support covid vaccines and used treatments that—while legal and off-label—were “not authorized or approved” for covid-19.
“I prescribed ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine”—shown in many studies to save lives—“and advised against the vaccine,” she told me. In return, Maine’s medical board ordered a neuropsychological exam—essentially a test, she said, of her mental stability—for disseminating “misinformation regarding the SARS CoV2 pandemic and the official public health response calling for vaccinations.” A hearing will be held in coming months.
Even as people like Campbell and Nass remain in the crosshairs, prominent experts in the alt-vaccine world have told me recently of a groundswell of movement. This view is not based on a distinct shift in the public perception or fixed official dogma. As a headline in the Wall Street Journal on August 28 stated: Latest Covid Boosters Are Set to Roll Out Before Human Testing Is Completed.
Still, experts say the evidence of post-covid damage—from a vaccine-centered pandemic response that rejected early treatment—is becoming too big to ignore.
“The dam wall is cracking,” said Dr. Paul Marik, a critical care expert and chairman of the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance. “The data is coming out,” he told me.
“The excess mortality data, miscarriage data, and dropping birth rates are accumulating from numerous places around the world. All data timed in relation to vaccine rollouts,” agreed FLCCC’s president, Dr. Pierre Kory, when I asked his view on these trends. “It is an unmitigated humanitarian catastrophe that is being systematically censored.”
Now, as covid recedes, these experts see vaccines as issue number one.
“No sane person vaccinates the entire country with an experimental vaccine without trials,” Dr. Nass said. “Particularly since the whole country already has some immunity; the virulence is low, and”—the focus of this article—“the evidence supports higher all-cause mortality with an increasing number of vaccine doses.”
More are dying, still
As the Omicron chapter closes and covid deaths decline, another ominous trend, many months in the making, is coming into stark relief. People in the prime of life are dying in unexpected numbers.
The trend was noticed in the third quarter of 2021, as I wrote last January, when the OneAmerica group of insurance companies reported a 40 percent increase in deaths in 18- to 64-year-olds. “Our data,” the company told me then, “shows an increase in death rates in our business across the U.S., which aligns with what we’re seeing in national industry data.” Of 250,000 deaths in that age group, the company statement said, just 20 percent, 50,600, were attributed to covid. The company refused to answer follow-up questions.
What happened in Germany a month later may explain why.

In February 2022, the insurance giant BKK ProVita reported startling findings in a study of 10.9 million client records from the first seven months of 2021. Nearly 217,000 patients had sought medical attention after vaccination against covid, the study found, putting the company’s vaccine-injured figure more than ten times above official estimates and translating into a national rate of 4 to 5 percent of vaccinees.
Company Director Andreas Schöfbeck wrote in a letter that the data indicated “significant underreporting of suspected side effects following Corona vaccinations” in the government tracking system.
“We regard this as a significantly alarming signal that must be taken into account in the further use of vaccines,” he wrote.
Nine days later, Schöfbeck was fired, amid assertions he was seeking attention and showed “embarrassing ignorance or insidious intent to deceive.” This is what happens when 11 million records come up with an answer that defies the vaccine narrative. “Danger to human life cannot be ruled out,” the disgraced official had warned in his missive.
Some see that danger being realized.
Dr. Eyal Shahar, a physician and retired public health professor at the University of Arizona, recently analyzed three datasets of United States deaths, including two from the Centers for Disease Control and one from Our World in Data.
He observed that the share of excess deaths, above what would be considered normal and not accounted for by covid, grew over time, even as the nation’s supposed best method of controlling the pandemic—vaccines—was being rolled out. From April to December 2020, non-covid excess deaths ranged across the datasets from 11 percent to 27 percent of all excess deaths; by June to September 2021, they roughly doubled, to 26 percent to 43 percent, Shahar found. Some 47,000 to 82,000 unexplained, non-covid excess deaths occurred in those four months alone, he estimated.
Shahar was so disturbed by his findings that he examined death statistics in his home state of Arizona. The trend was the same. Twenty-two percent of excess deaths in the eighteen months through September 2021—more than 5,000 Arizonans—were not from covid, he found. Asked why non-covid excess deaths were soaring, he told me, “I wish I knew.”
Theories for the increase focus on two complex dynamics:
Lockdown effects related to untreated disease, economic deprivation, violence, suicide, and overdose.
The role of covid vaccines.
While the first dynamic is generally recognized, the second has been minimized and dismissed. It cries out for more honest scientific study. Indicative, perhaps, of a turning tide, a new peer-reviewed study in Vaccine journal analyzed the aftermath of jabs, finding serious and under-studied injuries: “These results raise concerns that mRNA vaccines are associated with more harm than initially estimated at the time of emergency authorization.”
Lives lost too soon—and in utero
In perhaps the most exhaustive analysis yet, posted online on August 18, researchers at two German universities found disturbing trends in death data. “Something must have happened in April 2021 that led to a sudden and sustained increase in mortality in the age groups below 80 years,” the study states. “[N]o such effects on mortality had been observed during the COVID-19 pandemic so far.”
Unlike covid, which disproportionately kills older people, the explosion of non-covid deaths in Germany was across the board—“almost entirely due to an increase in deaths in the age groups between 15 and 79,” the report said. The group with the largest share of unexplained excess deaths, 9.3 percent above expected, was 40- to 49-year-olds; but even 15- to 29-year-olds had 3.5 percent more unexplained deaths.
When the researchers charted the numbers, they saw eerie parallels, called “covaries,” between four covid inoculation campaigns and tandem surges in deaths. As they put it, “the strong increase in mortality in April 2021 and the further development of the excess deaths covaries [correlates] with the strong increase of the number of vaccinations.” In other words, more shots aligned with more deaths.

If this wasn’t bad enough, the study, performed by an actuary-mathematician and psychologist, picked up a 10.9 percent increase in stillborn babies from 2020 to the second quarter of 2021. The uptick, also “sudden and sustained,” the study said, continued through the first quarter of 2022, when 9.9 percent more stillbirths were recorded as a share of births. “In the year 2021, starting in April, a striking excess [stillbirth] mortality is observed,” they wrote.
Study author Matthias Reitzner, a widely published mathematician based at University of Osnabrück, told me he was surprised by the dearth of research on excess deaths using standard actuarial models long employed by insurance companies and pension funds.
“Maybe the outcome of the computations does not fit into the official COVID19-narrative,” he wrote in an email. “In all major German media this issue is totally ignored as it does not fit into the storytelling-line the government wants to be published.”
Uncounted, underreported
Although the problem is not acknowledged, many analysts, physicians and scientists are expressing growing alarm over the effects of covid vaccines on pregnancy.
Pfizer documents released under a judge’s order showed an astronomical 87.5 percent fetal and neonate death rate after maternal vaccination: In 32 pregnancies, there were 25 miscarriages and three neonatal deaths. The documents were inscrutable, perhaps intentionally so, stating that “no outcome was provided” for another 238 pregnancies, according to an article by FLCCC’s Dr. Kory.
It’s tempting to dismiss such figures, as an AP “fact-check” did, as lacking context. Based on its own study, the CDC calls vaccination in pregnancy “safe and effective.” But that “preliminary” study used data tracked through online surveillance systems in selective ways, researchers found.
Among 827 women vaccinated during pregnancy, rates of miscarriage were comparable to pre-pandemic levels, the CDC study said. But among 127 women vaccinated before 20 weeks gestation, 104 pregnancies—82 percent—ended in spontaneous abortion, according to a critique in Science, Public Policy and the Law.
“Our re-analysis indicates a cumulative incidence of spontaneous abortion 7 to 8 times higher than the original authors’ results,” the November 2021 study concluded.
As of August 19, 2022, Vaccines Adverse Events Reporting System listed 1,769 miscarriages in the United States and its territories, among a total of 4,963 including foreign reports.
Government and media routinely dismiss these figures as anecdotal and lacking foundation.
In reality, public reporting systems were widely acknowledged before covid to suffer from vast undercounting of harm. A 2009 US study estimated that just 1 percent of vaccine injuries were reported, while in the UK “only 10% of serious reactions, and between 2 and 4% of non-serious reactions are reported,” a 2018 government report found.
This suggests that those 1,769 doomed pregnancies reported in the US are but the tip of the iceberg.
“The reasons behind these horrific numbers [of overall excess deaths] are complicated and none of us fully understand them,” London GP Charles Levinson said in a rare UK media report. “That is exactly why there should be an urgent and comprehensive government inquiry.” Instead, he saw “total silence” on the issue.
The German scientists, similarly, called for “a reassessment of the mortality burden brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.”
That, of course, is the point. Find out what is going on. Instead, Dr. Campbell asked the question on YouTube and was censored. As a journalist, I espoused early covid treatment and was suspended for life from Twitter—for tweeting on Nobel Prize-winning ivermectin, which could have saved hundreds of thousands from covid death.
One singular study
Leave it to researchers in Thailand to do what the United States and others countries have not: Follow a group of healthy adolescents double-vaccinated for Covid-19 and see how they fared. Dr. Marik said their effort is the first prospective study since the vaccine rollout on anyone, let alone youngsters. “It’s really important,” he said.
The Thai study, of 301 adolescents from 13 to 18 years old, found significant cardiac and other anomalies after getting the Pfizer vaccine. Nearly 18 percent had abnormal electrocardiograms; 7.6 percent suffered tachycardia; 4 percent had high blood pressure, and 4.3 percent each had palpitations and chest pain. Moreover, chemical markers of heart inflammation were found in 2.3 percent, among them one teenager who suffered myocarditis; two with suspected pericarditis, and four with likely “subclinical myocarditis.”
In a comment posted on the study’s preprint, Dr. Rosamund Jones, a British pediatrician and critic of covid vaccines for children, called the findings “hugely concerning” and challenged the weak conclusion, as did others, that teens be monitored after covid vaccination. That’s typical of the concessions such studies make to get published.
“In normal times, the conclusion would have been to withdraw this drug urgently,” Dr. Jones wrote.
Another physician, Dr. Paul Spradbery said the study’s characterization of myopericarditis cases as “usually mild,” was “dangerous.” The condition “leads to cardiac tissue scarring and hence impaired ability to pump blood,” he wrote.
While other studies have found post-vaccination heart injury in adolescents—one reported a 133-fold higher rate of myocarditis in vaccinated teenage boys—the Thai research suggests the damage may be far more common than retrospective studies found.
One among many
On August 22, a 37-year-old Scottish mountain biker, Rab Wardell, went into cardiac arrest while lying in bed with his partner, Olympic cyclist Katie Archibald. She tried desperately to revive him. The athlete’s death came two days after Wardell won Scotland’s national senior cross-country biking championship, having won the junior title two decades earlier. “Stoked to be able to take the win,” he wrote on Instagram, where, just hours before his death, he posted a photograph of his appearance on The Nine, a Scottish BBC sports program.
Statistically, Wardell most certainly fits into the category of the moment: unexplained, early, non-covid death.
Of note, the Scottish Parliament launched an inquiry last January into a growing trend of above-average deaths that emerged in mid-2021. Last May, the nation’s health secretary issued a response to the concerns of the COVID-19 Recovery Committee of The Scottish Parliament that revealed little about why Scots were dying.
“We have recently reviewed the content and frequency of all COVID-19 data reporting, working in partnership with Public Health Scotland and National Records of Scotland,” Humza Yousef wrote, “and will continue to closely monitor excess deaths.”
The word vaccine was not mentioned.
I feel in excellent company as I am also banned forever from twitter for educating the masses on Ivermectin. My entire immediate “unvaxxed” family finally got covid 3 weeks ago. All 5 of us did the flccc protocol including ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine & sailed their COVID in 3 days. One & done!
"Don’t Tell." - that is the part that I find hard to understand.