1. Hospital ICU's are filled overwhelmingly with one group only.
The UNVACCINATED. Simple fact... do the math (if you're capable)
2. So far...not even a single Booster has been administered in the US. That's also a fact. Quit lying....or don't bother me with your lies.
3. Worldwide? Correct. Not in the US. Nationwide vaccine rollout started in March 2021...massively reducing hospitalizations & deaths. By March 2021, the US already passed the 500.00 death marker...before the vaccines were even widely administered. And now...again, it's the UNVACCINATED who are hospitalized and dying. These are all indisputable facts. Unless you are an idiot and refuse the facts.
4."A concentration dependent antiviral activity of oral high-dose IVM was identified at a dosing regimen that was well tolerated. "
Do you actually know how to read medical trials properly? I doubt it. Just because a drug was "well tolerated" during a trial doesn't say anything about "evidence of efficacy". Jeez.... learn something and think first before you post. It will save you major embarrassment in the future.
The trial you've mentioned showed very meager results in IVM efficacy as a Covid treatment. That's another fact.
1. тАЬHospital ICU's are filled overwhelmingly with one group only.тАЭ
That was already debunked as misleading because of the time frame used for data.
2. Strawman, I didnтАЩt say boosters were used in the US, even pharma admits vaccine immunity is diminishing
with time
3. Again, both cases and deaths are higher than a year ago in the US and elsewhere.
4. You donтАЩt get it. The study showed IVM kills viruses at a safe dose for humans, something your side was denying. How you can interpret this as anything but positive for IVM is a mystery to me.
Nothing in the study said anything about "safe doses." The study says that administered doses were "well tolerated." The FDA has neither approved the dose used in that trial nor is IVM approved as a Covid treatment. It's a "medical trial"...nothing else.
As far as "results" goes... Every person in the trial received the same dose in mcg/kg body weight. It was "triple" the dose to what is FDA approved to cure scabies or river blindness.
IVM plasma levels varied wildly from person to person...which tells us IVM is absorbed at different rates. Those with plasma levels less than 160ng/ml showed no better outcome than the control group. Absolutely nothing. Only those whith IVM plasma levels above 160ng/ml showed a reduction in viral load. But here's the thing...how do you know how what your IVM plasma level is if you take the triple dose? You don't have the equipment to measure such things and you don't draw blood every 3 hours to get these numbers either.
Main Conclusions:
"The lack of a registry of the meals ingested around the intake of each treatment may add a source of variation to the observed IVM plasma profiles."
"Although NOT achieving statistically significant differences between groups, the wide dispersion of baseline viral load and the baseline difference in viral loads between groups are limitation of this study."
"In summary, our findings support the hypothesis that IVM has a ЁЭРЬЁЭРиЁЭРзЁЭРЬЁЭРЮЁЭРзЁЭРнЁЭРлЁЭРЪЁЭРнЁЭРвЁЭРиЁЭРз ЁЭРЭЁЭРЮЁЭРйЁЭРЮЁЭРзЁЭРЭЁЭРЮЁЭРзЁЭРн antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 and provides insights into the type of evaluations to be considered in the assessment of antiviral drugs for the control of COVID-19."
And that's it... you can't measure your IVM "concentration" levels... and just popping 3 pills a day doesn't mean or do anything.
There's "Redneck Science"...like your simple thoughts.
And then there's real Science...doing research..taking blood samples...crunching numbers....etc.
What are you going to do now after 2 shots considering vaccine-induced immunity disappears after 6 months and you are essentially unvaccinated? Will you be getting some illegal boosters? lol
Pfizer was literary saying the FDA should approve boosters because effectiveness disappears, but you know better than the vaccine makers themselves I guess.
Sorry...but you're an idiot. I just don't know how else to say it.
Did you get vaccines against measles, mumps, chicken pocks... when you were a child?
Not "normal"???
Get lost... you are embarrassing America.
I've said it already years ago... there is another virus spreading in this country. The "ЁЭРМЁЭРиЁЭРлЁЭРиЁЭРз-ЁЭРА-ЁЭРХЁЭРвЁЭРлЁЭРоЁЭРм" and unfortunately, there isn't a vaccine to fix it.
Twice as many people are dying today then a year ago, cannot get around that fact Jimmy. Nobody was vaccinated a year ago, the more we vaccinate the more cases an deaths we got. Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Again...learn to read properly first before you post.
And don't mix "world-wide" numbers with US numbers.
Poor countries can't afford expensive vaccines. That's why people are dying over there. And here in the US? Again...
If your brain is unable to grasp these facts, I can't help.
Already told you this has been debunked, show your source with date ranges for the data set and the numbers in question.
Poor countries like India are doing better than the US, and the US is worse off today than a year ago, you are trolling at this point but numbers don't lie, this is not difficult: https://gyazo.com/b1cf484e089f5a7cd01f95bbb35858e4
And of those 172.000 that have died since vaccines are available....
99% of the dead are UNVACCINATED!!! Also a fact.
I don't know your level of education...but if you earned at least a high school diploma..you should be able to figure it out from here by yourself. If not...Sorry, I can't help you any further ;-)
It does not matter if 2,580 are vaccinated or unvaccinated, in total more people are dying when 55% of the population is vaccinated compared to 0% vaccinated, and we can assume more will die when we have 100% vaccinated if the trend continues. There is no way around it Jimmy.
It suppose to tell us that higher percentage of the unvaccinated people are dying when the 55% of the pop is vaccinated vs. when the 0% of pop is vaccinated.
However, the 99% unvaccinated is false anyway, I told you this has been debunked. Again, show your data source and you'll see, stop evading ok?
1. Except these vaccines are not protecting anybody, hence:
2. Endless boosters
3. Cases and deaths have increased compared to a year ago when nobody was vaccinated.
Here are the latest real trial results:
"A concentration dependent antiviral activity of oral high-dose IVM was identified at a dosing regimen that was well tolerated. "
Thanks for more evidence in IVM favor.
1. Hospital ICU's are filled overwhelmingly with one group only.
The UNVACCINATED. Simple fact... do the math (if you're capable)
2. So far...not even a single Booster has been administered in the US. That's also a fact. Quit lying....or don't bother me with your lies.
3. Worldwide? Correct. Not in the US. Nationwide vaccine rollout started in March 2021...massively reducing hospitalizations & deaths. By March 2021, the US already passed the 500.00 death marker...before the vaccines were even widely administered. And now...again, it's the UNVACCINATED who are hospitalized and dying. These are all indisputable facts. Unless you are an idiot and refuse the facts.
4."A concentration dependent antiviral activity of oral high-dose IVM was identified at a dosing regimen that was well tolerated. "
Do you actually know how to read medical trials properly? I doubt it. Just because a drug was "well tolerated" during a trial doesn't say anything about "evidence of efficacy". Jeez.... learn something and think first before you post. It will save you major embarrassment in the future.
The trial you've mentioned showed very meager results in IVM efficacy as a Covid treatment. That's another fact.
You're welcome!
1. тАЬHospital ICU's are filled overwhelmingly with one group only.тАЭ
That was already debunked as misleading because of the time frame used for data.
2. Strawman, I didnтАЩt say boosters were used in the US, even pharma admits vaccine immunity is diminishing
with time
3. Again, both cases and deaths are higher than a year ago in the US and elsewhere.
4. You donтАЩt get it. The study showed IVM kills viruses at a safe dose for humans, something your side was denying. How you can interpret this as anything but positive for IVM is a mystery to me.
I won't endlessly repeat myself...just know this:
Nothing in the study said anything about "safe doses." The study says that administered doses were "well tolerated." The FDA has neither approved the dose used in that trial nor is IVM approved as a Covid treatment. It's a "medical trial"...nothing else.
As far as "results" goes... Every person in the trial received the same dose in mcg/kg body weight. It was "triple" the dose to what is FDA approved to cure scabies or river blindness.
IVM plasma levels varied wildly from person to person...which tells us IVM is absorbed at different rates. Those with plasma levels less than 160ng/ml showed no better outcome than the control group. Absolutely nothing. Only those whith IVM plasma levels above 160ng/ml showed a reduction in viral load. But here's the thing...how do you know how what your IVM plasma level is if you take the triple dose? You don't have the equipment to measure such things and you don't draw blood every 3 hours to get these numbers either.
Main Conclusions:
"The lack of a registry of the meals ingested around the intake of each treatment may add a source of variation to the observed IVM plasma profiles."
"Although NOT achieving statistically significant differences between groups, the wide dispersion of baseline viral load and the baseline difference in viral loads between groups are limitation of this study."
"In summary, our findings support the hypothesis that IVM has a ЁЭРЬЁЭРиЁЭРзЁЭРЬЁЭРЮЁЭРзЁЭРнЁЭРлЁЭРЪЁЭРнЁЭРвЁЭРиЁЭРз ЁЭРЭЁЭРЮЁЭРйЁЭРЮЁЭРзЁЭРЭЁЭРЮЁЭРзЁЭРн antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 and provides insights into the type of evaluations to be considered in the assessment of antiviral drugs for the control of COVID-19."
And that's it... you can't measure your IVM "concentration" levels... and just popping 3 pills a day doesn't mean or do anything.
There's "Redneck Science"...like your simple thoughts.
And then there's real Science...doing research..taking blood samples...crunching numbers....etc.
Good day, buddy.
You lost me after the "FDA approval strawman".
To be perfectly clear... No BOOSTERS, unless you're 65 or older!!!
Conclusion: Unless you are immunocompromised or older than 65, there's no need to "boost"... The vaccine is working. Period.
Want to learn something? Read this:
Reports of vaccinesтАЩ decline have been greatly overstated.
Our bodies immune system is smarter than we think.
The vaccine only activates its own defense mechanisms.
So... don't be ignorant and stupid. Get vaccinated!!!
End of story.
Boosters are not recommended, end of story.
You need to learn to read buddy.
It says: "Boosters are recommended age 65 and up."
And No...it's not the end of the story either ;-)
What are you going to do now after 2 shots considering vaccine-induced immunity disappears after 6 months and you are essentially unvaccinated? Will you be getting some illegal boosters? lol
What has "disappeared"??? If you would take the time and actually read the articles about "waning immunity" you wouldn't post such utter nonsense.
The reason for the FDA not recommending boosters, other than for old folks, is because immunity has NOT disappeared, as you claim.
Again... read and think before you post. You are embarrassing yourself, buddy. ;-)
"Covid News: C.D.C. Study Shows Pfizer VaccineтАЩs Protection Wanes" Published Sept. 17, 2021 NYT https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/09/17/world/covid-delta-variant-vaccine
Pfizer was literary saying the FDA should approve boosters because effectiveness disappears, but you know better than the vaccine makers themselves I guess.
Correct... but it's still enough to protect you almost 100% from death.
Everything "wanes" over time.
But your body remembers... ;-)
Reports of vaccinesтАЩ decline have been greatly overstated.
"Correct... but it's still enough to protect you almost 100% from death."
Pharma is asking for a booster to be approved, why if we are already 100% protected?
Well... Pharma is always trying to make extra money. That's nothing new...or is it?
Thanks to the FDA...they can't always get what they want. ;-)
If you recognize that fact, why do you trust pharma's experimental covid vaccines which are immune from legal liability?
The Atlantic is trying to say waning vax immunity is normal, but what is not normal is a vaccine t
Sorry...but you're an idiot. I just don't know how else to say it.
Did you get vaccines against measles, mumps, chicken pocks... when you were a child?
Not "normal"???
Get lost... you are embarrassing America.
I've said it already years ago... there is another virus spreading in this country. The "ЁЭРМЁЭРиЁЭРлЁЭРиЁЭРз-ЁЭРА-ЁЭРХЁЭРвЁЭРлЁЭРоЁЭРм" and unfortunately, there isn't a vaccine to fix it.
"Did you get vaccines against measles, mumps, chicken pocks."
Those vaccines do not become ineffective after 5 months lol nice try Jimmy
that is not longer effective after just 5 months
Ooops.. I forgot to add the "death list" prior vaccination rollout. My bad. Here you go:
Those are the facts, buddy.
You're welcome. ;-)
Twice as many people are dying today then a year ago, cannot get around that fact Jimmy. Nobody was vaccinated a year ago, the more we vaccinate the more cases an deaths we got. Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Again...learn to read properly first before you post.
And don't mix "world-wide" numbers with US numbers.
Poor countries can't afford expensive vaccines. That's why people are dying over there. And here in the US? Again...
If your brain is unable to grasp these facts, I can't help.
Jim. You are clinically insane
Jim is just another useful_idiot, many of these running around these days.
Already told you this has been debunked, show your source with date ranges for the data set and the numbers in question.
You have "debunked" absolutely nothing buddy.
Your problems are diminished math, reading and comprehension skills.
How sad....
No data source? I thought so.
Get lost... I'm done.
Poor countries like India are doing better than the US, and the US is worse off today than a year ago, you are trolling at this point but numbers don't lie, this is not difficult: https://gyazo.com/b1cf484e089f5a7cd01f95bbb35858e4
I know Math is difficult for many in the US.
Let me break it down for you... you seem a bit slow.
Before the vaccine rollout, the death toll in the US was at over 500,000! That's a fact.
The current death tool in the US stands at about 672.000! That's also a fact.
And of those 172.000 that have died since vaccines are available....
99% of the dead are UNVACCINATED!!! Also a fact.
I don't know your level of education...but if you earned at least a high school diploma..you should be able to figure it out from here by yourself. If not...Sorry, I can't help you any further ;-)
2,580 Americans dying TODAY with 55% fully vaccinated,
849 a year ago with 0% vaccinated.
This is what a failed immunization program looks like. BTW, this is not what Fauci and others told us would happen, not by a long shot.
Again..your main problem is Math.
You should have written:
"2,580 UNVACCINATED Americans dying today with 55% fully vaccinated"
And Fauci told all of us to get vaccinated months ago. It isn't Fauci's fault that you're an ignorant moron and refuse the cure.
Your logic is pure lunacy, buddy.
It does not matter if 2,580 are vaccinated or unvaccinated, in total more people are dying when 55% of the population is vaccinated compared to 0% vaccinated, and we can assume more will die when we have 100% vaccinated if the trend continues. There is no way around it Jimmy.
Jeez...are you dumb. Does that hurt?
If 99% of the dying are UNVACCINATED and only 1% of the dying are vaccinated. What does that tell us???
It suppose to tell us that higher percentage of the unvaccinated people are dying when the 55% of the pop is vaccinated vs. when the 0% of pop is vaccinated.
However, the 99% unvaccinated is false anyway, I told you this has been debunked. Again, show your data source and you'll see, stop evading ok?