You might check out Dr. Robert Yoho's substack on ClO2, a suppressed treatment that some have had luck with Lyme disease. Dr. Pierre Kory and Scott Marsland have also brought it up in their writings.
Excellent coverage of this disease... Am still suspecting that it is a result of bioweapon research by our own offensive "Defense" complex (one reason it has not had the attention it deserves, IMO). Hopefully, new reliable testing is on the way.
I’ve been dealing with chronic Lyme for years. Recently saw a new neurologist who wanted to run a Quest Lyme test. It came back negative all around(I have prior IgeneX positive tests) and I argued with him telling him the test was not good. He said it’s what they have and only uses the test in rare cases. I said but why use a faulty test ? I further rationalized that if better testing were available then they’d have to actually come up with some treatment for it, which as we know is difficult to achieve even with help from Lyme literate docs. He said but there IS treatment! I said not much for chronic cases and he actually agreed with me.
This was a very informative article. I did not realize that Lyme Disease was so difficult to diagnose and treat. Thank you for posting this educational article.
This is what ChatGPT found for wormwood: Antimicrobial Activity:
Compounds in wormwood, such as artemisinin, have shown antimicrobial effects against a variety of pathogens, including some studies suggesting efficacy against Borrelia burgdorferi.
A 2020 study published in Antibiotics found that extracts of Artemisia annua showed activity against stationary-phase Borrelia, which is associated with persistent Lyme disease symptoms.
Biofilm Disruption:
Borrelia can form biofilms, protective structures that make it more resistant to antibiotics. Research indicates that wormwood extracts may help disrupt these biofilms, enhancing treatment efficacy.
Synergy with Antibiotics:
Studies have suggested that wormwood may work synergistically with conventional antibiotics, improving their ability to eliminate Borrelia.
Use in Traditional Medicine:
Wormwood and its derivatives have been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat parasitic and microbial infections, which has sparked interest in its potential use for Lyme disease.
Our personal story: My husband was hospitalized in 2021 after finding an attached engorged tick. He was treated with IV doxycycline during his week-long stay in the hospital plus more capsules afterwards. After waiting two weeks for antibody production, he tested positive for Lyme, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, anaplasma, ehrlichia, and m. pneumonia. Of course, his doctor proclaimed him perfectly healed from Lyme because he had had "more than enough" doxy. My husband's stamina never returned, suffering from chronic fatigue. He also developed peripheral neuropathy in both hands and feet. All these ailments remain to this day. In addition, I noticed his Globulin levels were chronically borderline low and insisted the immunologist test him further. He was eventually diagnosed with CVID, but he cannot get infusions covered by insurance because he's not the right kind of sick (i.e., he doesn't have chronic respiratory bouts). My husband is just one of thousands who suffer the long-term effects of tick-borne diseases. There are numerous groups on Facebook and other online community gatherings discussing tests, symptoms, treatments, etc. It's actually quite sad.
Listen carefully! Take a deep, deep dive into Lyme disease by reading "Healing Lyme," 2nd edition by Stephen Harrod Buhner.
From the book forward:
"Lyme disease infects a minimum of 300,000 people per year in the United States and millions more throughout the rest of the world. Symptoms run from mild lethargy to severe arthritis to heart disease to incapacitating mental dysfunction. Although tests have improved over the past decade, they are still not completely reliable, and antibiotics are only partially effective. Up to thirty-five percent of those infected will not respond to antibiotic treatment or will relapse. The spirochetes that cause Lyme are stealth pathogens--they can hide within cells or alter their form so that our immune systems cannot find them, as well as inhibit the effectiveness of antibiotics. Lyme disease is, in fact, a potent emerging epidemic disease for which technological medicine is only partially effective. The coinfections that accompany Lyme are often as, or more, incapacitating than Lyme itself. Worldwide, hundreds of millions experience infection with babesia, bartonella, ehrlichia, anaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, and the spotted fever rickettsiosis."
Lyme and Co is an immune system disease, treating the infections directly doesn’t work very well. You can turn your immune system back on to treat the infections >
I wrote this a long time ago about the Lymes I had. The Lymes bacterium is truly extraordinary. Dr Wolf Storhl wrote about his experience with it in a book of his. This might be considered "unscientific" by some, but it might perhaps help someone.
I have wondered about the causes of Lyme besides a direct tick bite. I know people with chronic Lyme who were not bitten by a tick. Can it be transmitted otherwise? Inherited from parents?
Has anyone tried ivermectin and Fenbenzadole?
mary beth just needs something to say , anything that keeps her getting attention, the problem is she doesn't know anything that is actually true and just spends her time spreading misleading baloney.
You might check out Dr. Robert Yoho's substack on ClO2, a suppressed treatment that some have had luck with Lyme disease. Dr. Pierre Kory and Scott Marsland have also brought it up in their writings.
Yes exactly where to look! It is curable today. Add "A Midwestern Doctor" to the list of places to look and read.
Midwestern Doc is great. Also Dr. JP Saleeby does a lot with Lyme. No doubt Mary Beth is aware of him.
Excellent coverage of this disease... Am still suspecting that it is a result of bioweapon research by our own offensive "Defense" complex (one reason it has not had the attention it deserves, IMO). Hopefully, new reliable testing is on the way.
Thanks for you hard work on this.
I completely agree. It's like someone wants to keep the focus off it.
I’ve been dealing with chronic Lyme for years. Recently saw a new neurologist who wanted to run a Quest Lyme test. It came back negative all around(I have prior IgeneX positive tests) and I argued with him telling him the test was not good. He said it’s what they have and only uses the test in rare cases. I said but why use a faulty test ? I further rationalized that if better testing were available then they’d have to actually come up with some treatment for it, which as we know is difficult to achieve even with help from Lyme literate docs. He said but there IS treatment! I said not much for chronic cases and he actually agreed with me.
This was a very informative article. I did not realize that Lyme Disease was so difficult to diagnose and treat. Thank you for posting this educational article.
This is what ChatGPT found for wormwood: Antimicrobial Activity:
Compounds in wormwood, such as artemisinin, have shown antimicrobial effects against a variety of pathogens, including some studies suggesting efficacy against Borrelia burgdorferi.
A 2020 study published in Antibiotics found that extracts of Artemisia annua showed activity against stationary-phase Borrelia, which is associated with persistent Lyme disease symptoms.
Biofilm Disruption:
Borrelia can form biofilms, protective structures that make it more resistant to antibiotics. Research indicates that wormwood extracts may help disrupt these biofilms, enhancing treatment efficacy.
Synergy with Antibiotics:
Studies have suggested that wormwood may work synergistically with conventional antibiotics, improving their ability to eliminate Borrelia.
Use in Traditional Medicine:
Wormwood and its derivatives have been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat parasitic and microbial infections, which has sparked interest in its potential use for Lyme disease.
I have many autoimmune issues. My dr just sent a kit . I GeneX Inc.
they started covering the test with insurance!
I have to go to Any Lab test now and do the kit .
(New York State is the only one who won’t honor the test. )
Lyme and co infection s.
Our personal story: My husband was hospitalized in 2021 after finding an attached engorged tick. He was treated with IV doxycycline during his week-long stay in the hospital plus more capsules afterwards. After waiting two weeks for antibody production, he tested positive for Lyme, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, anaplasma, ehrlichia, and m. pneumonia. Of course, his doctor proclaimed him perfectly healed from Lyme because he had had "more than enough" doxy. My husband's stamina never returned, suffering from chronic fatigue. He also developed peripheral neuropathy in both hands and feet. All these ailments remain to this day. In addition, I noticed his Globulin levels were chronically borderline low and insisted the immunologist test him further. He was eventually diagnosed with CVID, but he cannot get infusions covered by insurance because he's not the right kind of sick (i.e., he doesn't have chronic respiratory bouts). My husband is just one of thousands who suffer the long-term effects of tick-borne diseases. There are numerous groups on Facebook and other online community gatherings discussing tests, symptoms, treatments, etc. It's actually quite sad.
Listen carefully! Take a deep, deep dive into Lyme disease by reading "Healing Lyme," 2nd edition by Stephen Harrod Buhner.
From the book forward:
"Lyme disease infects a minimum of 300,000 people per year in the United States and millions more throughout the rest of the world. Symptoms run from mild lethargy to severe arthritis to heart disease to incapacitating mental dysfunction. Although tests have improved over the past decade, they are still not completely reliable, and antibiotics are only partially effective. Up to thirty-five percent of those infected will not respond to antibiotic treatment or will relapse. The spirochetes that cause Lyme are stealth pathogens--they can hide within cells or alter their form so that our immune systems cannot find them, as well as inhibit the effectiveness of antibiotics. Lyme disease is, in fact, a potent emerging epidemic disease for which technological medicine is only partially effective. The coinfections that accompany Lyme are often as, or more, incapacitating than Lyme itself. Worldwide, hundreds of millions experience infection with babesia, bartonella, ehrlichia, anaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, and the spotted fever rickettsiosis."
Lyme and Co is an immune system disease, treating the infections directly doesn’t work very well. You can turn your immune system back on to treat the infections >
I wrote this a long time ago about the Lymes I had. The Lymes bacterium is truly extraordinary. Dr Wolf Storhl wrote about his experience with it in a book of his. This might be considered "unscientific" by some, but it might perhaps help someone.
"Penultimate" means second to last. You may want to fix?
I have wondered about the causes of Lyme besides a direct tick bite. I know people with chronic Lyme who were not bitten by a tick. Can it be transmitted otherwise? Inherited from parents?