Thanks Juan for all you've done to get this life saving information out to the public. It's almost impossible to except the complete regulatory capture of mainstream media - but we've all been witness to it over the last year.

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There are some real heroes in this battle against Covid. But they are not who you might think they are. They are not national or international public health leaders. They are not politicians or many major hospitals.

They are front-line doctors like Marek and Kory. They are data scientists like Juan. And independent bloggers, writers and analysts like those here on SubStack. And communities of informed people who try to support each other.

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Thank you Juan. Have you prepared similar reports for other areas where IVM was widely administered? I am looking at ivmstatus.com and will attempt to figure more out on my own, but frankly, I lack the skills you have!

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I would interest in seeing an analysis of the effect of IVN in Brazil or Peru

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The JEWISH media is silent.

Lying about the effectiveness of a JEWISH gene mod therapy created by JEWISH pharmacies.

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North area of India have japanese encephalitis vaccination national program,so they have cross-protection to COVID-19 by trained innate immunity & Memory T cell crossing.


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Brilliant work!

Hard to deny its efficacy. It’s a shame that’s it’s been ridiculed and suppressed in the West. I found this article that gives a possible explanation as to why and the consequences:


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It seems to me that you accept the 'official' Covid-19 numbers from India, widely considered to be a significant under-count. In Uttar Pradesh specifically, there were 'multiple districts with zero deaths for numerous months' (https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.04.21261604v2.full.pdf).

How would this affect your conclusions?

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Just looking at the data, the numbers from India are more reliable than the numbers from the US. India's excess mortality can't be based on previous data because as you mentioned "multiple districts with zero deaths". If your baseline is zero every single death is excess death, and this is wrong.

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How did you calculate "the numbers from India are more reliable than the numbers from the US"? I'm sure that most Indians would disagree with you.

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The data from India is more reliable because there are thousands of independent sources, the reports are more regular and the trends are more stable.

In India, INC supporters accused the BJP governors of falsifying numbers and vice versa. There is no evidence of fraud beyond pieces for political gain.

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So how do you calculate this 'accuracy'? How do you integrate these different sources?

If India missed 90% of Deaths, using their data seems to be very problematic. I understand that the data coming out of (almost) all countries is problematic, so the question may be how questionable. I'm not talking about fraud, just basic lack of infrastructure, training, etc., not to mention incompetence.

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The PCR tests have been manipulated repeatedly to create an over-count in the US, to the point where the tests were even recalled. It seems to be like you suck the jewish lies straight from their circumcised dicks if you believe any of the numbers coming out of the west.

The UK flat admitted that ANY death within 60 days of a positive test, for any cause, was being recorded as a "Covid Death."

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UP distributed “Ziverdo kits” plus a few other items. The Ziverdo kit includes IVM, Azithromycin and zinc, all in a blister pack for ease of use.

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Hi there Juan, so this treatment used Ivermectin solely as a treatment?

Is the control group people who were vaccinated but possibly not treated with ivermectin? Is the control group people who are only vaccinated? Is the control group medicated with every single other medication that the ivermectin?

Do you have any other data about the demographics of the area compared to the surrounding area? Does that area skew younger than surrounding area, what about population density? Are they closer to each other in proximity which could cause a quicker upward spike in the beginning then drop faster than the time it would take for more sparsely populated areas to contact each other and contract the virus?

Were there any other outbreaks that you could compare data to in order to see if something like the flu spreads in a similar way in regions, or are all the regions basically spreading the same exact way except for this one group that received ivermectin?

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Nov 19, 2021
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Hi Paula, please allow me to introduce you to your new reality: Thot status: patrolled.

We are talking about the lives and deaths of millions of people. Please take your disgusting body and soul somewhere else. Your parents must be ashamed of you, as are all of we. Now fuck off.

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