This is tragic...I know this has also been happening here (US) because there are numerous anecdotal reports from OB/GYNs about far fewer pregnant pts and far MORE miscarriages, stillbirths, etc. But, you know, our media can’t be bothered to report this or investigate.

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The MSM are not allowed to report anything outside of what they are told.

That is the tragedy as the average person who relies on MSM will never find out.

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You are correct, they are absolutely hog-tied.

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This is a great overview of data and I will be linking it a little later. I have been trying to dig up the birth data in Thailand in the past few months I have been getting a data error no matter what birth data I try to generate. Deaths are up. Databases in many countries in Asia are actually pretty robust: updated monthly with relatively little lag reporting, once you navigate the language differences. The last births data I was able to download was through August 2022 in Thailand and it is around a 10% average drop: July 2021 to July 2022 was a 17% drop, but August 2021 through August 2022 was only a 2.2% drop, if memory serves me. Deaths data shows a rise of 8% from 2021 through 2022 month of October. The rising death data also shows that lag reporting is not the likely issue in Thailand, as if it was, both births and deaths would be down for the most recent months. Now the US CDC did update their births report through 2021: it showed a rise in births from 2020 all time low fertility, punctuated by a rise in Hispanic and White women. It is frustratingly difficult to get updated statistics on 2022 in the USA that report won't come out until May of 2023. The drop in other countries in Asia is also pronounced as reported by Igor Chudov: 17% in South Korea, 20% in Taiwan, around 10% in Japan. This is indeed a global and very pressing issue...

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AWESOME article! No birth data in our country since 2020 sadly. The birth rates are definitely down in my practice and others around me. The miscarriage rates are up; higher than the 10-15% rate quoted in my literature. Crimes against humanity.

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Thank you Mary Beth for another brilliant article exposing the lunacy of the official Covid rhetoric. Will cross post. X

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Recently I have been getting ads for "donating" women's eggs and paying over $5000 if you donate up to 3 times a month. My thoughts are they are being used in breeding facilities with suragates. The orphan trains and incubator babies at the turn of the century seem to be relevant now and worth more scrutiny. What is really going on???

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Are they advertising for the eggs of "unvaxxed women"? Just wondering.

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No. After doing some research, it seems to be a budding business with multiple agencies.

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Ads tend to reflect what you’re searching for. That said, the wholesale falsification of history is an interesting idea. Not sure how it will save anyone now though.

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No, these ads are popping up as I listen to podcasts which have nothing to do with egg and sperm donation. I do not search for anything related. It is for a local company called Cyros International and I beleive they are targeting the liberal University crowd with statements such as" help families that can not have their own children". They appeal to a materialist mentalality with statements such as "you could earn up to $5500 if you donate x amount of times". The universtiy is currently assisting local horse farms with embryo transfer which I stumbled on by taking a tour and learning this is how they are breeding. They use suragate mares and mules, not of the same breed. They can then capitilize on multiple births with foals bringing in $15,000 in utero. This knowledge makes me wonder of course what this company is actually doing with the DNA. I do not believe it is to save the species but more like a transhumanist agenda.

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Interesting, I wonder who would want to buy eggs, gay couples maybe. The prospect of oddballs using my gametes to produce offspring is a tad off putting.

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Assuming it's true, that's scary shit. I've often wished I could get paid for a kidney or half a liver. It sucks to be poor.

In Vegas they pay up to $900 for the first months of donating plasma twice/week.

But donating eggs, who knows what they'll do.

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Excellent Mary Beth. Outstanding work and thank you for all your support!

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Thank you Mary Beth. I also noticed in the charts for the countries that there is a noticeable decline in births for the 1-3 months prior to the 9 month plummeting drop. I wondered if this is part of the pattern of 'vaccine' induced damage, and I think it is. It makes sense when connected with babies being lost before they are even born, aka sillbirths and miscarriages. All over the world pregnant women who are injected are losing their babies. This can happen at any point in the pregnancy and contributes to the birth rate decline.

Good work presented in a balanced, clear and easy to read way. Utmost gratitude for your work.

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Horrendous information. But thanks for posting.

All just part of the Genocide. FACT.

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All this brings us back to the Pfizer study (mouse model) released in Japan regarding distribution in the body of vaccine spike protein over time which showed it heavily concentrated in ovaries.

That was already a major red flag if I have ever seen one.

Why would you want to generate an immune response outside of the vaccine shot site? Why allow a messenger RNA sequence that reverse transcribes to be soaked up by reproductive (and other) organ cells and draw the body’s immune response to attack those organ tissues? Where did common sense go? What’s the purpose?

And why was untested gene modification therapy vaccination promoted among pregnant or breast-feeding women? In my days a pregnant women was told to be careful about anything and everything and practically not even dare to chew bubble gum for fear of adversely impacting the baby’s natural process of de development.

I understand why it was lobbied, approved and marketed for small children (as RFK Jr highlighted) given that doing so (in the USA) in some sick twists of a legal framework it secures complete liability protection against claims for adverse effects against manufacturing companies. But what was the point of pedaling it to pregnant women ?

Unfortunately, figures reported here regarding European birth rate collapse appear aligned with what unelected socio-path Bill Gates was suggesting in his infamous TED talk:

“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. ”

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Mesmerizingly horrid. What kind of species systematically kills their own. Guess we have the answer. For those that survive this disgusting episode a hell of an evolutionary bottleneck going forward.

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I just posted to a nurse's FB group. Let's see if the moderator allows it.

I think about all the younger nurses who were smart enough to question getting these shots and how they were forced to choose between job and health. I tried to give some advice on finding a smart doctor, but I think most just went along in their blind trust.

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I can see the connection in the charts. So can they. They refuse to see what they don't want to.

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There has also been a decline in the number of marriages.

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In the U.S. the number of marriages is not closely related to the number of pregnancies.

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Northern Ireland is talking of closing a maternity ward due to the lack of pregnant women in the area. Was actually broadcast on local news last week.

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Could be why Roe v. Wade was overturned so quickly? I never would've thought that would happen during a Dem presidency.

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Interesting thought.

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Maybe nobody wants to do it with their masks on.

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