Please see my comments 1/2 and 2/2 at https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/challenging-the-narrative-on-covid where I attempt to describe the risk factors for children being harmed or killed by COVID-19.

Please read the research articles cited at: "What every MD, immunologist, virologist and epidemiologist should know about vitamin D and the immune system" https://vitamindstopscovid.info/05-mds/ This links to articles which show that the immune system needs at least 50ng/ml 125nmol/L 25-hydroxyvitamin D (as measured in blood tests) to produce full strength innate and adaptive (antibodies etc.) immune responses to bacterial pathogens. It is reasonable to assume the same level is required for such responses to viruses and to reduce the risk of the self-destructive, hyper-inflammatory, immune dysregulation which drives severe COVID-19, sepsis etc. Most people, without proper vitamin D3 supplementation or recent UV-B skin exposure have levels between 5 and 25ng/ml.

The most important action anyone can take for general health and to prepare for COVID-19 infection is to get your 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels up to 50ng/ml 125nmol/L or more, as would be the case after 2 or 3 months of following D3 supplemental intake guidance as a ratio of bodyweight, along the lines of: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/01-supp/#2020-Afshar and at that same page my attempt to derive such ratios from Ekwaru et al. 2014 with a separate, higher, set of ratios for those suffering from obesity.

For 70kg 154lb bodyweight, without obesity, this is 0.125mg 5000IU of vitamin D3. (D2 is much less effective.)

If someone hasn't done this and is known to be infected with COVID-19 (or suffering from sepsis, Kawasaki disease, Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome or pre-eclampsia - all gross disorders of hyperinflammatory immune dysregulation), then that person needs to get their 25-hydroxyvitamin D level up to at least 50ng/ml 125nmol/L as a matter of urgency.

The best way - which takes about 4 hours - is a single oral dose of calcifediol (the pharma name for 25-hydroxyvitamin D) at about 0.014mg/kg bodyweight. Please see: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6803351558714204160/ and for more information on calcifediol and where to order it without prescription: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/04-calcifediol/ . This boosted level should be maintained with ideally daily D3 according to bodyweight.

It is worth ordering calcifediol to keep for friends and family who need quick 25-hydroxyvitamin D repletion when they get sick and have not previously been supplementing properly with D3. However, it takes days at least and perhaps weeks to have it delivered.

Without calcifediol, the best early treatment to attain these levels is a a single "bolus" or "loading dose" of D3. For 70kg bodyweight 10mg 400,000IU is a perfectly good amount. It takes some days to be converted in the liver to 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This is about 80 day's worth of a good daily D3 intake. For people suffering from obesity and/or with different bodyweights, I guess 60 - 80 days or so's worth of D3 in a single day, or over a few days, would be good - but I am not a doctor. Han et al. 2016: https://aminotheory.com/cv19/#2016-Han gave 100,000IU a day for 5 days to ICU patients who were being mechanically ventilated and so halved their average length of stay in hospital from 36 to 18 days.

(The FLCCC https://covid19criticalcare.com recommendation for prescription only calcitriol = 1,25-hydroxyvitamin D is of no use. It may disrupt calcium-bone metabolism and it does nothing to boost the circulating 25-hydoxyvitamin D the immune cells need. See https://vitamindstopscovid.info/02-autocrine/ .)

Unless the person already has good (50ng/ml or more) 25-hydroxyvitamin D, one of these two treatments is by far the most important early treatment - and they are non-prescription, non-drug and both lead to profound lasting health benefits.

Of the numerous early treatments listed at: https://c19early.com here are my thoughts. I want to do a much better job of evaluating the most generally available early treatments. I have a website for this purpose but it will be a month or two before I can do a proper job. I will announce it at: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com .

Vitamin C - I would take a gram or two a day - or more if there was fever or significant symptoms.

Zinc - I take 25mg a day as zinc chelate (zinc oxide is not so bioavailable). I don't think more is needed, and some people are sensitive to too much zinc. This has a very short half-life so you need to take it every day.

B vitamins. One of the articles which indicates that good levels of specific B vitamins help with COVID-19 is https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jmv.27277 .

Magnesium - best as citrate, not oxide, which is very poorly bioavailable. I am not sure how much to take, but it is widely thought to help vitamin D.

Vitamin A - I am not sure how much or what form.

Melatonin can be purchased in the USA without prescription. This - such as the 10mg each night (it induces sleepiness) as recommended by Paul Marik and colleagues at the FLCCC - is a perfectly good and surely safe early treatment for COVID-19: https://c19melatonin.com .

Ivermectin, from all good accounts, is a very useful early treatment. The FLCCC has doses as a ratio of bodyweight. The 7 most significant (biggest green box) RCTs in the Early treatment section of the "after exclusions" table at https://ivmmeta.com give us good reason to believe that ivermectin is a powerful early treatment. Click the article names at the left to see the article and how these anonymous meta-analysis people assessed them.

Ivermectin is prescription only unless you can get it for animals, such as a horse de-wormer, without any other active ingredients. This would require careful attention to dosage, so you would need milligram or at least 1/100th of a gram scales, and a clear, mathematical, mind to figure out how much to take each day depending on your bodyweight. Some who disparage ivermectin mention that non-human animal preparations might have other compounds in them which are suitable for those species but not for humans. However, they don't mention what these are. It is hard for me to imagine what these would be - we are all vertebrates.

Quercetin is non-prescription and is apparently a good early treatment: https://c19quercetin.com . I tried some "Now" brand quercetin with bromelain. It upset my digestive system. I am not show how or why people take this long-term - but it is a non-prescription early COVID-19 treatment which is probably quite safe.

Fluvoxamine is apparently a good treatment, but it is prescription only and is a psych med. I am most interested in non-prescription nutrients or drugs (melatonin is a hormone) which can be obtained without fuss to have on hand when needed.

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Please fix the link to the MedPage.com study that looked more closely at the 42k hospitalized children. Thank you. I shared your email before realizing the link does not work which compromises the message.

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Thank you for your brave reporting Mr. Capuzzo but could you please fix the link to the Medpage article you refer to in the paragraph that begins; “The risk benefit analysis shows you expose them to the toxicity of vaccines without any benefit. Our policy is you should not vaccinate healthy children.” A recent study by medpage.com and a group at Johns Hopkins University looked at the records of 42,000 children hospitalized with covid, he said, “and there was no healthy child who died of covid. Healthy kids don’t die of the flu either. There’s no deaths and very little hospitalization of health kids…

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The evil that men do will live after them. Praise God thk God. Barney Lau

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So great to hear what these doctors are doing! They still take their Oath seriously!

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Thank you for this article. Other comments have noted the broken medpage link. Also, the link to Pierre Kory’s tweet does not work. Proper link is https://twitter.com/PierreKory/status/1455917271407284224?s=20

If you need a volunteer to proofread your work and provide working links, I would be happy to help.

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Let these Dr's know Dr Michael McDowell has the patents on all major brands and to contact him. The contents listed are horrific!

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Do you have a source for the rabbinical court of scholars in NY and NJ? I would like to share this information, but would like to have the source since I know I will be challenged on this. Thank you.

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Well howdy. Bless the rebbes, and their obsession with bodily functions. It pays dividends.


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livestream is "unavailable"

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❤️ Thank you

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