Perhaps we should all leave our phones and ID at home from now on and if we are accosted by law enforcement, claim protected status as an immigrant who does not speak English very well.

That's how I will identify from now on, I believe.

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No, sprechin sie, Englesh.

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Will the millions of illegal aliens in the USA also get a vaXpass ?

Or not ... how are they tracked now?

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A hugely important revelation about what our future may be like if we're not aware of what's being clandestinely planned for us.

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When are people going to wake up? China is not "the enemy." Global corporate capitalism is the enemy of human independence, dignity, and health. China is a fake enemy for the US so the American government can whip up patriotic fervor and nationalism. Same for the Chinese. Same for all criminal nation-states. They're all run by elites and all totalitarian "leaders" want the same thing -- total control of their citizens who are basically"modern" slaves, working for The Man

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It certainly appears that China is not the enemy of the cabal of WEF billionaire psychopaths who are driving us all to servitude. One of the annual WEF meetings is held in China, and over 200 of their Young Global Leaders graduates are listed as Chinese.

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Excellent post and thank you for bringing attention to this!

I am really flabbergasted how asleep so many people are as to where we are headed. Covid has been the perfect launching pad for these CCP-style surveillance technologies and they are being implemented all over the world including the United States right now. It's happening right under our noses and very few people realize it.

I just wrote a post about how Smart Cities and 15-minute cities are currently being built all over the U.S. as "green" utopia-style cities, even in conservative areas and how they are effectively going to be a sort of digital prison where you never have to leave and have every convenience but with the caveat that you will continually be digitally tracked, monitored and controlled via various technologies including facial recognition.

It's not just coming here. It IS already here and primed for rollout https://mycovidbubble.substack.com/p/is-the-net-zero-greencity-really

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A question if you don’t mind: was the Australian contact tracing app on cell phones mandatory, or voluntary? Was it different in various states? Thanks.

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The roll-out for the app was in South Australia, I don't know how far it extended or if it was labeled "mandatory," however for those using the app if they didn't check in as told to, the SA police would pay a visit to their home!

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