Dr. Jessica Rose is a freaking superhero! I cited her brilliant research extensively in my “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier) and am profoundly grateful for her relentless dedication to exposing the democide and resisting tyranny.

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Jessica, I thank God for you and your brilliant colleagues, and feel so blessed to have the opportunity to read the analysis and insights of all of you. You cannot know the good you are doing and the support you all are providing for those of us who often feel overwhelmed. Thank you.

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Jessica, you are the post modern Joan of Arc. What kind of musician are you? I play guitar.

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Jessica, are you the reincarnation of Joan of Arc or are you the feminine pocket edition of David , sent to us from the Almighty as his instrument to slay the odious oligarch Goliaths of Davos? I am so glad you are on our side.

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Agree 100% and here's the thing....these folks - all of you - have been my collective touchstone throughout this entire "public health" debaucle. Especially because I'm an RN and have felt so utterly isolated in how I've viewed the vaccines/side effects/deaths and lack of early treatment.

I have been witness to this denial mentality displayed by the physicians I work with and just knowing there are these brilliant, dedicated, ethical physicians and scientists who did not back down - gave me hope. I know I'm not alone - there are many of us in the health care profession who have felt as I have and have contemplated, on more than one occasion, leaving the field forever. Dr. Kory not only saved me and my family from the worst effects of Covid - but his protocol helped me get through Long Covid. In other words, I trusted him over those Docs I know well and work with every day - who have done *nothing* for their own patients suffering with Covid. Soul crushing anger does not begin to describe what many of us have felt and Jessica Rose is our arch angel.

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From Toronto.

I have only COMMON SENSE at 66 but I am wise enough to stand on the shoulders of brilliant humans like Jessica.

I've never even had a flu shot and apparently I'm smarter than many dead doctors and scientists and other medical professionals with PHDs and such who are DEAD after telling idiots like me to get this BIOWEAPON POISON JAB into my blood stream.

I'm also smart enough not to give my health over to the allopathic reductionistic medical cartel.

I study nutrition and apply it daily for 20 years.

I don't get sick.


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I met Steve Kirsch at a protest recently, and have to say he is a super-unpleasant guy I hope to never meet again. We're on the same side of the vaxx danger issue, but hoo boy.

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I would imagine Steve as a computer geek which is exactly what he IS after all. They are oftentimes more remote in manner and uncomfortable in in-person situations. Not everyone is ready for prime time or has a sparkling personality. Give the guy a break he’s done some wonderful work and put his $ where his mouth is.

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I found him quite snide and hostile. Even geeks should be polite.

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We must not think for ourselves. When sociopaths like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Justin Castreau, Fauci, and Jim Jones tell us to swallow their toxic Koolaid we should follow their perverted science like lambs to the slaughter. Clot shots mach Frei!

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These hero’s need the help of the supermajority, we must begin to come together under a set of “common first principles” which create sufficient and sustainable momentum.

My article on this idea is titled

8x8^8 Reformation, for those interested.

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Can this be viewed- I missed the memo…

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Is there a recording of these webinars? I missed the live event!

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Go to the FLCCC website. They are generally available by Friday and you can view all past episodes.

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