White House Orchestrated Cover-Up of COVID Vaccine Heart Damage
FOIA emails obtained by DailyClout show the White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention knew COVID-19 vaccines were linked to myocarditis and death, but doubled down on mandates.

One of my favorite women in the world called me Friday night. She didn’t want to be alone.
Mary Beth Pfeiffer is a former prize-winning Gannett newspaper investigative reporter and author in upstate New York. She is one of few mainstream media reporters, you can count them on one hand, with the brains and courage to tell the truth throughout the Covid-19 crisis.
Her reporting for trialsitenews.com broke the ivermectin story worldwide and saved countless lives. Reporting for Rescue with Linda Bonvie, she exposed the FDA propaganda fraud in maligning that wonder drug and forced the New York Times and Washington Post to correct their false stories about it.
Mary Beth texted me Friday night because she was covering a historic event—the “Summit for Truth and Wellness” in Rochester, N.Y.
She didn’t want to be by herself. She didn’t want to cover one of the biggest stories of her lifetime like a zombie in a horror movie, The Last Reporter on Earth.
More than 800 people crammed into the sprawling Bethel Christian Fellowship church downtown to hear top leaders of the health freedom movement.
Among them were the mRNA vaccine pioneer Dr. Robert Malone of Virginia and pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole of Idaho, who respectively warned the world about the dangers of the shots and subsequent soaring cancer rates, and Naomi Wolfe, the author and feminist icon-turned-freedom warrior who led the Daily Clout-War Room Pfizer investigation that exposed the White House cover-up of the Pfizer shots’ myocarditis dangers. Just last week.
Oh, and there was Jeffrey Tucker, the famed libertarian economist-public intellectual who founded the Brownstone Institute that is a lamp in the darkness. And Rochester lawyer Bobbie Anne Cox, a lone practitioner who challenged New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s Xi Jinping fantasy to possess the power to lock the state’s 19.84 million citizens in camps or their own homes without appeal in emergencies, and beat her in court.
MaryBeth wanted me to come to Rochester to cover the event with her. How could I refuse?
The summit produced Earth-shattering news — scientists, including a former director of the MIT Genome Project, had just confirmed contaminating DNA fragments in the Pfizer and Moderna shots that could spell catastrophe for the human race. The shots had killed an estimated 17 million according to a Canadian scientists. Wolf, a household name for decades as a secular liberal public intellectual, was talking about the only things that explained the depths of the world to her now — God and Satan. And people of tradition, freedom, and faith.
Fight and hope were in the air. The applause was deafening. The Rochester 800 roared with passion and raised tens of thousands that night for a new wellness center. A place devoted to “health and wellness” not “wealth and hellness,” as Dr. Cole put it. The starting place of a new world.
It was the biggest story on Earth that night, in the heartland of the American media empire, the regional birthplace of Gannett newspapers and home territory of The New York Times. Shame on them for a thousand years doesn’t quite express it, but let’s move on.
Somehow, me and MaryBeth were the only two reporters covering it.
We ran Mary Beth’s report last night. Here’s mine, which I wrote for The Defender, the news site of Children’s Health Defense.
Please enjoy and support independent journalism, the word of the new world you make possible. —MC.
The White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) knew in April 2021 that the Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine was linked to heart damage on an unprecedented scale for a vaccine. But they hid that knowledge from the public while pushing vaccine mandates, according to emails obtained by DailyClout through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
The emails show the White House communications team struggling to craft a cover-up message on email chains that included Dr. Anthony Fauci, then-director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and chief medical advisor to President Biden; CDC Director Rochelle Walensky; Dr. Janet Woodcock, then-acting commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and Dr. Francis Collins, then-director the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
The White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) knew in April 2021 that the Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine was linked to heart damage on an unprecedented scale for a vaccine — but they hid that knowledge from the public while pushing vaccine mandates, according to emails obtained by DailyClout through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.A number of high-level public health officials worked with upper-echelon leadership to craft a “Myocarditis Email” that minimized the relationship between COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and myocarditis,” said Amy Kelly, program director for the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project.
According to Kelly, the officials included: Ian Sams, COVID-19 response and special assistant to the president and senior advisor and spokesman for the White House; Abbigail Tumpey, then-associate director for communication science for the CDC’s Public Health Infrastructure; and Dr. Dana Meaney-Delman, CDC lead on maternal immunization and CDC chief of Infant Outcomes Monitoring Research and Prevention Branch.
The FOIA emails were obtained by Edward Berkovich, one of 250 volunteer attorneys Kelly oversees on the DailyClout and War Room Project to analyze the court-ordered, FDA-released 450,000 pages of Pfizer’s records on its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine — records the drug maker tried unsuccessfully to keep private for 75 years.
The War Room-DailyClout Project was founded by bestselling author and journalist Naomi Wolf, a former advisor to the Clinton campaign, in collaboration with Steve Bannon, former advisor to President Trump and podcaster on “The War Room.”
In addition to volunteer attorneys, Kelly oversees approximately 3250 volunteer doctors, nurses, scientists and others who are reviewing the documents. They’ve issued 89 investigative reports, including the Oct. 18 report on the myocarditis cover-up evident in FOIA emails.
“Astonishingly, the emails reveal that the most senior of leaders, all the way up to the White House, knew about heart damage linked to mRNA vaccines,” Kelly said. “Yet they “colluded behind the scenes to conceal this side effect from the American people.”
Anyone can study the three FOIA releases of emails at dailyclout.io, Kelly said.
“What I think most important is to see who all is involved,” she said. “I believe 105 different people are on the emails, a whole slew of people at the White House, CDC, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIAID, Pfizer, some children’s hospitals and organizations and some other external people,” Kelly said.
“My takeaway from seeing this is that everyone, all over the public health agencies, knew there was an issue” with myocarditis dangers linked to the COVID-19 vaccines, Kelly said. Yet “when you read through the emails, you see they are crafting messages to downplay the significance of myocarditis and the vaccines, all the the way up to the White House.”
Emails show the Israeli Ministry of Health tried to alert the CDC in late February 2021 to the problem, Kelly said.
“They said, ‘We’re seeing a myocarditis signal and we’re happy to share information with you,’” she said. “The CDC actually didn’t even respond to the first email as far as I can tell. So the Israeli Ministry of Health emailed again March 2, ‘Hey we’re seeing this myocarditis signal, we’re concerned, let’s discuss it if you want.’”
White House created 17-page script to ‘keep everyone on message’
The FOIA email trove was a frequent topic of discussion Saturday at the “Summit for Truth,” which brought together leaders of the health freedom movement at the Bethel Christian Fellowship church and community center in downtown Rochester, New York.
Wolf was the keynote speaker in a lineup that included Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, attorney Bobbie Ann Cox, and Brownstone Institute publisher and writer Jeffrey Tucker.
Wolf spoke about her journey from feminist icon to outcast from the liberal media establishment when she questioned the safety of the COVID-19 shots.
She has written two books on her experience investigating and reporting on the pandemic. They include, “The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human,” and the forthcoming “Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age.”
During a panel discussion Saturday, Wolf called the White House involvement in a cover-up of vaccine dangers “absolutely shocking.”
Berkovich’s FOIA request was aided by “a whistleblower at the CDC,” Wolf said, who was “throwing the White House under the bus.”
“In addition to the pages he had asked for, he got 46 pages he didn’t request that showed the White House communications team was “freaking out at the highest levels in April of 2021, because news of blood clots and heart damage had reached them,” Wolf said.
“Instead of coming clean with the American people and pulling this injection off the market, they looped in Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, Dr. Walensky and created a script,” she said.
It was “a 17-page script, their word, which is wholly redacted, to keep everyone on message and downplay the dangers. And in fact if you recall from 2021, rather than pulling this injection off the market, they mandated it. They doubled down and mandated it.”
Wolf said the emails reveal “a massive crime.”
They show a template was prepared to email to “POTUS, which stands for president of the United States,” to keep the president up to date on the email discussions among the top U.S. public-health officials on myocarditis and vaccines, Wolf said.
“Dr. Wallensky was on the emails, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins,” she said. “The entire White House communications team was driving the discussion.”
“They were reacting to the fact that blood clots and heart damage had been presented to them at scale and that the American Association of Pediatrics was warning them about myocarditis in teens, a serious, sometimes fatal disease that needs constant management. Instead of coming clean with the American people…they doubled down and made a strategy to cover it up.”
Public-health officials went ahead with mandates for the Pizer COVID-19 vaccine, “knowing it was killing people,” Wolf said.
Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most highly published cardiologists in the world, said the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines should have been pulled from the market in January 2021, after “no more than 50 deaths” — the previous government standard to guarantee the safety of a biologic product.
McCullough said FDA records show the agency expected a myocarditis risk from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines as early as Oct. 22, 2020.
Nearly two months later, Pfizer “covered up 38 additional deaths” linked to their vaccine before the Dec. 10, 2020 meeting of the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee.
“If they had reported these deaths, there would have been a three- to four-fold excess cardiovascular risk with Pfizer in the core slides at the Dec. 10, 2020 meeting and Pfizer would never have been approved,” he said.
McCullough said the myocarditis cover-up has killed untold thousands of Americans.
He pointed to his research paper with other scientists including Dr. William Makis. They performed a systematic review of “all published autopsy reports involving COVID-19 vaccination-related myocarditis” through July 3, 2023.
The paper concluded “there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death from suspected myocarditis in cases where sudden, unexpected death has occurred in a vaccinated person.”
McCullough and colleagues concluded that “urgent investigation is required for the purpose of risk stratification and mitigation in order to reduce the population occurrence of fatal COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis.”
Dr. Bruce Boros, a Key West, Florida cardiologist who was one of the first American physicians to use ivermectin for early COVID-19 treatment based on his resarch of the emerging literature, said recent studies show that the RNA from the COVID-19 vaccines “goes right to the heart.”
A study that applied the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine to heart muscle cells in culture “showed direct evidence that within 48 hours there was heart dysfunction, mechanical and electrical chaos,” Boros said.
Young athletes dropping dead from heart failure at unprecedented rates are “almost assuredly suffering” myocarditis symptoms brought on by the shots, he said.
“Everybody who received the shot had some damage to the heart muscle,” Boros said. “They knew it in the preclinical studies and they covered it up. All the signals were there, the FDA went ahead and approved it anyway.
“It’s all a money game, a eugenics game, and they’re continuing to say you need to get a booster,” Boros said. “Now every child in the world should get this shot for a virus that has been falsely normalized as dangerous when the risk, especially for children, is essentially zero when it comes to death,” he said.
“It saddens me,” Boros concluded. “We need to remember this was created as a bioweapon, and hold our government accountable.”
Thank you for this report.
A profound sadness is evoked as I acknowledge I have become inured to revelations of the depth of depravity, the sheer magnitude of evil required in those who pretend to have our best interests at heart (Public Servants) to perpetrate these unimaginable atrocities.
The shock I look forward to experiencing is learning a Reckoning has commenced, Accountability is being meted, all wholly appropriate, legal, Judicial remedies are being swiftly exacted.
There can be no recompense for the millions (billions) of lives lost and unknowable damages done, but an appropriately rendered societal response could possibly curtail a repetition at this magnitude.
I'd always believed the mandates were from power-drunk tyrants, desperate for a good-dog pat on the head from their masters, and indulging in a sick form of one upmanship amongst themselves to be able to gloat about whatever % they'd managed to get jabbed.
Now it looks like it was more a desperate, panicked move to get huge amounts of shots in arms, as quickly as possible, before the dam of clots and myocarditis burst its banks.
That strategy has blown up in their faces, with so many people now - not just vehemently against this shot - but ALL shots, ALL pharmaceuticals and even veterinary products.
Albert Bourla, on a recent conference call to investors, lamented "we are experiencing a peak of anti-vaccination rhetoric".
(It's more than "rhetoric" pal. You're going to see real world effects in losses to your bottom line for decades to come).
This situation was borne of greed, hubris and corruption and was ENTIRELY of their own making. They can burn to the ground for all I care.