FOIA emails obtained by DailyClout show the White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention knew COVID-19 vaccines were linked to myocarditis and death, but doubled down on mandates.
A profound sadness is evoked as I acknowledge I have become inured to revelations of the depth of depravity, the sheer magnitude of evil required in those who pretend to have our best interests at heart (Public Servants) to perpetrate these unimaginable atrocities.
The shock I look forward to experiencing is learning a Reckoning has commenced, Accountability is being meted, all wholly appropriate, legal, Judicial remedies are being swiftly exacted.
There can be no recompense for the millions (billions) of lives lost and unknowable damages done, but an appropriately rendered societal response could possibly curtail a repetition at this magnitude.
I'd always believed the mandates were from power-drunk tyrants, desperate for a good-dog pat on the head from their masters, and indulging in a sick form of one upmanship amongst themselves to be able to gloat about whatever % they'd managed to get jabbed.
Now it looks like it was more a desperate, panicked move to get huge amounts of shots in arms, as quickly as possible, before the dam of clots and myocarditis burst its banks.
That strategy has blown up in their faces, with so many people now - not just vehemently against this shot - but ALL shots, ALL pharmaceuticals and even veterinary products.
Albert Bourla, on a recent conference call to investors, lamented "we are experiencing a peak of anti-vaccination rhetoric".
(It's more than "rhetoric" pal. You're going to see real world effects in losses to your bottom line for decades to come).
This situation was borne of greed, hubris and corruption and was ENTIRELY of their own making. They can burn to the ground for all I care.
Wonder if they began testing mRNA way earlier? I got 4 pneumovax shots in one year proving to insurance I really am immune compromised and had horrendous heart issues , myocarditis, permanent heart damage and strokes. No one ever would say why. I was in early 50s so 10 yrs back. Even Mayo had “no idea”.
Thank you for this report.
A profound sadness is evoked as I acknowledge I have become inured to revelations of the depth of depravity, the sheer magnitude of evil required in those who pretend to have our best interests at heart (Public Servants) to perpetrate these unimaginable atrocities.
The shock I look forward to experiencing is learning a Reckoning has commenced, Accountability is being meted, all wholly appropriate, legal, Judicial remedies are being swiftly exacted.
There can be no recompense for the millions (billions) of lives lost and unknowable damages done, but an appropriately rendered societal response could possibly curtail a repetition at this magnitude.
If you are not aware of this substack, you may find helpful information from it:
Thank you. I had read that.
I agree
I'd always believed the mandates were from power-drunk tyrants, desperate for a good-dog pat on the head from their masters, and indulging in a sick form of one upmanship amongst themselves to be able to gloat about whatever % they'd managed to get jabbed.
Now it looks like it was more a desperate, panicked move to get huge amounts of shots in arms, as quickly as possible, before the dam of clots and myocarditis burst its banks.
That strategy has blown up in their faces, with so many people now - not just vehemently against this shot - but ALL shots, ALL pharmaceuticals and even veterinary products.
Albert Bourla, on a recent conference call to investors, lamented "we are experiencing a peak of anti-vaccination rhetoric".
(It's more than "rhetoric" pal. You're going to see real world effects in losses to your bottom line for decades to come).
This situation was borne of greed, hubris and corruption and was ENTIRELY of their own making. They can burn to the ground for all I care.
They knew, they pushed it, they didn't give a rat's ass.
For money and depopulation.
Whether on earth or elsewhere, justice will be brutal.
Wonder if they began testing mRNA way earlier? I got 4 pneumovax shots in one year proving to insurance I really am immune compromised and had horrendous heart issues , myocarditis, permanent heart damage and strokes. No one ever would say why. I was in early 50s so 10 yrs back. Even Mayo had “no idea”.
Would Fauci, Biden et al received Process 1 jab?