Jim, you keep referencing this one site, which I never heard of, but both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are generic drugs and have been for decades. No one, and I mean No one is making millions of dollars off of them. Fake News or Medical Misinformation (depending upon your political slant).They cost pennies to make overseas (in FDA inspect factories) and a course of treatment costs at most a few overseas, and even with US costs of importation, distribution etc. cost about a few dollars a pill--likely up from what they were before the pandemic supply and demand having the effects that they do.
And with this I am done. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
OK "Roger Rabbit, MD" 😆 Let me explain something to you...
First... if that is really you --- https://is.gd/p6mPJf --- there's no wonder you hang out in questionable substack forums, propagating unproven drugs as "miracle cures" for Covid. 😂
PHYSICIAN RATING: Very Poor -1 "conditions and treatments"
Overall RATING: Poor - 2 Star "below average" ???😂😂😂
No wonder you have to join the club of con-artists to make a buck.
Second.... Your words: "Should you get COVID-19 don't come begging to me for help." already disqualifies you to even hold a doctors license, because you just broke your "oath of ethics"...
Nobody should "beg" a doctor to get treated for anything.
But you just showed clearly what a "low-life" you are.
Don't worry, it's your lucky day buddy.... I don't even think you are a doctor.
But my first statement stands... "You really need a doctor"
Begging you for help?? 😆😆😆
You aren't a doctor, but you really need one.
And it ain't for Covid.... I can tell you that. 😂
Pennsylvania license MD 043511 E. Look it up.
Jim, you keep referencing this one site, which I never heard of, but both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are generic drugs and have been for decades. No one, and I mean No one is making millions of dollars off of them. Fake News or Medical Misinformation (depending upon your political slant).They cost pennies to make overseas (in FDA inspect factories) and a course of treatment costs at most a few overseas, and even with US costs of importation, distribution etc. cost about a few dollars a pill--likely up from what they were before the pandemic supply and demand having the effects that they do.
And with this I am done. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
OK "Roger Rabbit, MD" 😆 Let me explain something to you...
First... if that is really you --- https://is.gd/p6mPJf --- there's no wonder you hang out in questionable substack forums, propagating unproven drugs as "miracle cures" for Covid. 😂
PHYSICIAN RATING: Very Poor -1 "conditions and treatments"
Overall RATING: Poor - 2 Star "below average" ???😂😂😂
No wonder you have to join the club of con-artists to make a buck.
Second.... Your words: "Should you get COVID-19 don't come begging to me for help." already disqualifies you to even hold a doctors license, because you just broke your "oath of ethics"...
Nobody should "beg" a doctor to get treated for anything.
But you just showed clearly what a "low-life" you are.
Don't worry, it's your lucky day buddy.... I don't even think you are a doctor.
But my first statement stands... "You really need a doctor"
I mean well my friend.... Good Night.
Jim Jim Stupid Jim.
Plays with words
On a whim.
Anything to point at “them”
Jim Jim Evil Jim
Sheep in trolls clothing.
Baaa baaa baaa, he says,
Keeping the narrative flowing.
What a great poem to address to obvious shill, I love it!