Our investigative reporters dug up the FDA memos documenting the start of a propaganda campaign, and got The New York Times to correct its false reporting.
And you Jim know this, how? What are your credentials? What research have you done on the subject? I am quite sure that you are not a physician, so I won't ask you about your experience treating COVID-19 patients. If you are not an alter ego for Dr. Fauci, or paid by Merck or Pfizer, you might want to go to the website flccc.net (which didn't start out as an advocate for ivermectin, and still only includes it as an important part of their complete package of treatment for COVID-19). The people who have been conned are those that believe the FDA (a substantial part of their budget being underwritten by drug manufacturers in the form of fees for new drug applications (he who pays the piper calls the tune), that believe Dr. Fauci (who has been ethically challenged since the early 1980s when he stole valor from a French team that had beat him to an early AIDS breakthrough that his team was also working on and knowingly lied about the efficacy of N95 masks early in the pandemic ostensibly to preserve supply for us healthcare workers--he could have just said, 'we don't have enough just yet, please save these for our 'healthcare heros'.
CCC Alliance’s “Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19” has been peer-reviewed, accepted, and published on May 1, 2021, in the American Journal of Therapeutics!
Unfortunately, most IVM "believers" don't get the message and are actively sabotaging vaccination efforts by spreading misinformation and utter nonsense about vaccines. And that's the real tragedy. I could care less if you swallow a IVM pill once a week... but this anti-vaccine nonsense has to stop.
First of all, no one is creating opposition except the pro-vax cultist. People who chose body sovereignty and choice don't care if you get vaxxed. That's your business. Your choice. Those who chose to make their own choices without coercion has seen the fraudulent studies the government has put out to the public only to be removed. IVM is on the WHO list of essential medicines for decades. Merck has donated over 4 Billion dosage and it has the highest safety profile of any dug on the market. It has been shown through numerous studies to be effective against CoV-2 including SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19. A single dose reduced the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in cells by 99.8% in 24 hours and 99.98% in 48 hours.
Clinical Trials-https://c19ivermectin.com/
Study was conducted by Pr. Jacques Descotes, MD, PharmD, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Claude Bernard University of Lyon, a world-renowned toxicologist with a 40-year track record working both with pharmaceutical companies as well as with regulatory bodies around the world.
Clinical trial conducted by MedinCell confirms the safety of continuous
You talking utter nonsense again buddy. If there's a cult, then it's the "Hydroxychloroquine - Ivermectin Covid Miracle" cult. Nice try to turn the facts around. And your "IVM - WHO essential medicines" speech is getting old too. It's not on the WHO "essentials" list for Covid. And you know that.... you just try really hard to muddy the waters. Your links have been shared hundreds of times... old news too.
What's coming next out of your "miracle box"? The Nobel Price Saga? 😆
I got news for you buddy. IVM developers got the Prize because of IVM's excellent "anti-parasitic" properties, anti-viral properties aren't even mentioned in the Noble Award papers. And because IVM is an anti-parasitic drug, it's used world-wide against??? You guessed it... against PARASITES, like worms, lice etc. And that's why it's on the WHO essentials list.
So... quit spreading utter bullshit and stick to the facts.... but I doubt you're capable to do so.
And your "corrupt government" nonsense is just as dumb as the rest of your babbling...
So...as long as people like you spread lies and nonsense, I am here to bust your miracle "Redpill Bullshit" 😆
You might think you're smart or clever... trust me, you ain't.
Probably enough to fool some gullible "believers" on substack.
Warnings about vaccines dangers are going off at full volume by themselves on the official government website for reporting adverse vaccine reactions: VAERS, a medical reporting systems which has been found to capture between 1 and 10% of all adverse vaccine reactions. Currently over 18,000 recorded suspicious deaths and over 500,000 suspicious serious incidents such as heart attacks, strokes, blindness, etc. Multiplied by 10, the most modest number, that would be 180,000 deaths and 5 million severe reactions. Open you eyes and see the billions in profits to Big Pharma and how that is suppressing the truth along with Fauci, et. al, who are basically owned by Big Pharma.
Oh, a troll. Got it. Thought you might have an actual intelligent insight to offer, and though it didn't sound like it, we like to give everyone a chande. Bye Jimmy.
You’re comments make most who read them feel blessed they’re not similarly stuck living through such myopia & misery. - And, most also know they should then resist the urge to be grateful for whatever God (or karma) that will continue to ensure that the willfully blind & indiscriminately unkind never attain meaningful joy, love and/or other success.
So, I should listen to you...some rando on sub stack who's probably on someone's payroll...who's name is "Jim", lol...rather than Pierre Kory or Peter McCullough or Robert Malone or Ryan Cole?
Do you work for the pharmaceutical companies? I hear they employ people to go online and bash ivermectin so their billions in vaccine profits are not threatened. If you don't, maybe you could get a job.
Vaccine induced antibodies won't do you much good BUT vaccine induced t-cell responses are extremely critical in preventing severe disease. So, while vaccinated people might be getting covid, they'll most certainly not be as hospitalized at the same rate. In fact, look at median statistics among vaccinated vs unvaccinated individuals in the ICU. You'll notice that those who are unvaccinated in the ICU are MUCH younger and healthier than their vaccinated counterparts. That's not good!
Provide a link to the ICU statistics you reference.
Provide studies on the efficacy of the elusive "vaccine" induced t-cells.
There's a reason why Israel rolled out the booster in August, and it wasn't because the jabs worked too well and prevented death in the vaxxed.
I recommend you look at the UK data. The fully vaxxed age 30 and older have a higher rate of infection. Two weeks ago (week 39), that switchover was age 40.
Whatever protection these jabs provide does not last. And they aren't safe. The rate of infection is many high-vaxx countries is very high...in some cases, higher than at any other time in the pandemic...and the all-cause death is also high.
That could be because older people with other bad health conditions are, at least until recently, far more likely to have been vaccinated than are healthy young people.
You claim those recommending IVM are "out for money" by conning Americans into believing the "miracle" dewormer is a scam, when in fact those you're defending, such as the FDA, truly are scamming Americans, for profit.
Fauci himself has referred to IVM as a miracles drug, but he certainly can't be trusted. His emails alone are proof of that. Instead, look at the success of other countries who are using it to prevent, and treat COVID-19. (Did u know nearly every country except the US provided their citizens with covid care kits as a preventative measure that included IVM & HCQ?) Also look at the EUA Merck is seeking for their new covid drug Molnupiravir. Talk about "out for money"..
The NIH & DoD contacted Merck to make Molnupiravir for $1.2B, to be paid when the EUA passes.
It's virtually the same as IVM, except it comes with a vast array of side effects like genetic mutations & cancer, among others, and a very hefty price tag. IVM costs literally pennies per dose whereas Molnupiravir costs $700 for a 5 day course. That's 40 times more than the cost to make it. They're slated to make $7B by the end of 2021 (it's already the middle of October!).
Do you really believe they're concerned about covid at this point, or their own pockets?
The government, media & medical establishment have demonized IVM, among others, because it's cheap, effective, and readily available. If their concerns were our health, they'd freely handout IVM instead of mandating their clot shots, not to mention the bribery & fearmongering.
Still trying desperately to protect Pfizer's EUA, which you know would have to be canceled if IVM were acknowledged to be a safe and effective off-label treatment for Covid? EUAs are issued when NO safe and effective existing treatments are available. So you people must keep up the lie based on empty ridicule that what's safe and effective isn't. Gotta protect that precious EUA at any cost, huh, bub?
So keep on keeping on looking like a desperate, ridiculous advocate for a genocidal drug whose EUA preservation relies increasingly upon prevaricators such as you, trying in vain to convince the sheeple mRNA pokes are safe, effective, and 'approved' pokes while their recipients are dying off like flies.
We who know better will continue obtaining IVM and HCQ and surviving while your species will slowly self-destruct on your spike protein petard.
Bye, and hope it isn't too hot where you're going!
One can support various vaccines, at least for the most vulnerable people, and still support ivermectin use for people who get sick with COVID, whether vaccinated or not.
One can't support the vaccines when there is a conspiracy to sweep the deaths, heart attacks and strokes caused by them under the rug and make them out to be safe and effective when they are obviously not either. If Fauci were not a depraved crook, he would have made certain that every doctor in every hospital in America was strongly mandated to report to VAERS every suspicious side effect and death, so we could have a complete and accurate record. And then he would have ordered autopsies of any suspicious death. That is how a doctor who was acting responsibly after championing the EUA of a drug using a completely new and untried technology would act. Instead he has suppressed the VAERS data and the two 2021 studies which indicate that VAERS only captures between 3% and 5% of all deaths and injuries.
Sure one can. One can support Russian Roulette, too!
I prefer a harmless, effective off-label proven intervention with no side effects - even for “the most vulnerable people.” Guess what? IVM works for them, too!
There is ZERO Covid in sub-Saharan Africa. Also so happens the entire population takes IVM there as an anti-malarial prophylactic. There is ZERO Covid in Northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state. IVM is universally available and used with benign side-effect, I might add, in both regions.
IVM was first developed as a human intervention. It later was adapted as an animal anti-parasitic its detractors mockingly call “horse paste.”
It doesn’t take rocket science to add two plus two and reach four, but it does take an open mind.
Your argument is nothing but a pile of horseshit... but that's besides the point. Let's just assume you are correct for the fun of it. That money is gone... regardless if you get vaccinated or not. I got vaccinated 6 months ago and paid nothing. It came out of taxpayers pockets. You on the other hand refuse to get vaccinated, but you paid with your taxes for my shot too. 😆
And the above article only shows how dumb people are, paying millions of dollars out of their own pockets to shady crooks, who prescribe them unproven pills as "miracle cures" 😆
The funniest part is... they already paid for the vaccines and don't take it. 😂
So...basically all your bitching around is just hilarious and paying again for some "miracle pills" is even funnier and utter stupidity. You just proved my point...
Yes, I'm well aware of Operstion Warp Speed & who initiated. Is that your best attempt at defending PedoJoe? 🤔
Anyway, I not waiting on some miracle pill, I have this thing called an "immune system" that truly does work wonders when given the chance. But since the medical establishment failed to inform the public about the advantages of that, and how to, like sunlight, eating healthy, exercise & vitamins, that ship has sailed. They actually done the exact opposite by imposing lockdowns, closing parks (vast open air spaces), scaring everybody into washing their hands 24/7, and so much more. But that's besides the point.
You said taxpayers paid for the vaccine yet didn't take it, as if that's a bad thing! Why would anybody in their right mind willingly take poison, or a "bioweapon" as Fauci called it? Idc who paid for it that's absurd!
You referred to my comment as "bitching around" but if you'd take a step away from your television (& Google) and look at the facts, you'd know everything I stated is true, therefore cannot be argued.
As far as a vaccine, thats not even what it is. It's a gene therapy that Moderna refers to as "an operating system." That doesn't sound very natural now does it 🤔 Recently the FDA Vaccine Advisory Board held a meeting to discuss vaccines. They said "we were falsely mislead by Pfizer about their vaccine. Heart attacks are 71x higher than other vaccines. The vaccines are killing 2 people for every 1 life saved."
If you'll look at all of the small plane crashes within recent months you'll find literally hundreds of crashes, all a direct result of the vaccinated pilots. Vaccines are causing heart problems, strokes & blood clots, among many others. Those conditions worsen at higher altitudes. But of course mainstream media won't tell you about that. They won't tell you that 1/3 of the vaccines is actually placebo, saline solution, which is why so many haven't had adverse reactions.
And have you ever wondered why there's been so many contradictions from those in power?...Why vaccines are their newest tool to create division?
Normal, ordinary citizens like you and I have no reason to lie to one another. Those in power have many reasons to lie. Think about that for a minute. You are defending those who lie and contradict theirselves every single day. Do u think they'd defend you? I bring up facts for the sole purpose of hopefully making others aware of the evil corruption taking place. Not to mention the spiritual Warfare.
If you want my exact point of view read Ezekiel 33:1-6. That's my conviction, my reasoning. There's no monetary gain, no "I told you so," or anything else. I speak out of true concern for people.
I disagree with you and I'm not taking IVM. I'm not "paying for miracle pills." Like the vaxxes, I don't need it. Had COVID. Survived. It wasn't a big deal. I'm a healthy 65 year old. Go peddle your fear and vaccine snake oil somewhere else. The ONLY reason the vaxxes seem effective is because they're pushing them on EVERYONE, including healthy, younger people (under 60) who aren't likely to get seriously ill or die from COVID WITHOUT a vaccine. Of course, millions of vaxxed people are just fine! They didn't need the vaccine in the first place! If they only gave the vaxxes to those at threat from COVID, we'd see how ineffective they are.
Next up: Heart bypass surgery for all! (Yes, ridiculous. About as ridiculous as insisting that EVERYONE benefits from vaccination against COVID.)
I don't believe that Molnupiravir is the same as ivermectin. However, they are in direct competition. I suspect that that's the reason why Merck has decided to make Molnupiravir available cheaply in poor countries, where ivermectin is widely used already.
The only scam is the Covid vaccines. Ivermectin works. I have four members of my family who survived Covid-19 with minor symptoms and were back to normal in five days. You have been conned. Here is the science: ivmmeta.com
It is really as simple as that only to people who take a simple minded approach to this very complex disease.
see my comment to your original comment: the fact that you cite the ethically challenged and compromised FDA, show that you are the one who has drunk the KoolAid big time. So sorry for you. Should you get COVID-19 (and I hope you don't), don't come begging to me for help.
Jim, you keep referencing this one site, which I never heard of, but both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are generic drugs and have been for decades. No one, and I mean No one is making millions of dollars off of them. Fake News or Medical Misinformation (depending upon your political slant).They cost pennies to make overseas (in FDA inspect factories) and a course of treatment costs at most a few overseas, and even with US costs of importation, distribution etc. cost about a few dollars a pill--likely up from what they were before the pandemic supply and demand having the effects that they do.
And with this I am done. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
OK "Roger Rabbit, MD" 😆 Let me explain something to you...
First... if that is really you --- https://is.gd/p6mPJf --- there's no wonder you hang out in questionable substack forums, propagating unproven drugs as "miracle cures" for Covid. 😂
PHYSICIAN RATING: Very Poor -1 "conditions and treatments"
Overall RATING: Poor - 2 Star "below average" ???😂😂😂
No wonder you have to join the club of con-artists to make a buck.
Second.... Your words: "Should you get COVID-19 don't come begging to me for help." already disqualifies you to even hold a doctors license, because you just broke your "oath of ethics"...
Nobody should "beg" a doctor to get treated for anything.
But you just showed clearly what a "low-life" you are.
Don't worry, it's your lucky day buddy.... I don't even think you are a doctor.
But my first statement stands... "You really need a doctor"
I’m sorry for giving you such a hard time Jim. You deserve it, but now I’m done. You have a good afternoon. I’ll be signing off now. I’ll miss you Jim. I’ll really miss you. You’ve been informative in that snarky way that lets us all know how far beneath you we are. It’s inspiring. In fact, in the future, I’ll ask myself WWJD, and only Jim and I will know that the J does indeed stand for Jim. And that Jim, just so you know, and your children will know, is sarcasm at its finest.
It’s so good everyone has Jim to point us to the “correct” information. He can even dismiss your personal experiences as false. Those chest pains you feel after your fourth shot might make you wonder, but stick to your script buddy. Otherwise you won’t be able to troll these sites and show all the rest of us how superior you are.
But internet Jim says it doesn’t work. And he used snarky emojis. He posted a YouTube video of comedian Bill Burr to show you you’re wrong. How could you bring up anecdotal evidence that might contradict a Bill Burr rant and internet Jim? Look at his profile. He’s a fact checker and bullshit buster. Please go get your shots. Three shots in 8 months is completely normal. Nothing to see here. Stop trying to pretend there might be other data that is valuable.
If we are going to use fiscal incentive as a reason to discredit something. How much do you think you can get vaccinating an entire country?
But vaccinating children that are at virtually no risk from covid, even though they are at the most risk for long term side effects really takes the cake.
"Comprehensive investigations revealed consistent pathophysiological alterations after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines"
"Here, we report, besides generation of neutralizing antibodies, consistent alterations in hemoglobin A1c, serum sodium and potassium levels, coagulation profiles, and renal functions in healthy volunteers after vaccination with an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine."
"our study recommends additional caution when vaccinating people with pre-existing clinical conditions, including diabetes, electrolyte imbalances, renal dysfunction, and coagulation disorders."
Clearly you've not read any of the studies. I cannot overstate how much your comment amused me. These "guys" are out for the money?? And how much did Pfizer, J&J, Moderna earn - and continue to earn on a vaccine that not only does not eliminate the threat of contracting or spreading the disease, but has caused harm to thousands of recipients? Let me restate that: how much money did they stand to lose if an off label, inexpensive medication was an effective, SAFE prophylactic, and duration and morbidity reducer of Covid-19? Especially when the vaccine had not even been FDA approved yet? Oh, and what percentage of funding does the FDA get from big pharma? Might want to check into that.
"This was compounded by major issues with patents held by a hostile competitor that threatened Moderna’s ability to turn a profit on anything it might manage to take to market, as well as major issues with its mRNA delivery system that led them to abandon any treatment that would require more than one dose because of toxicity concerns. THE LATTER ISSUE, THOUGH LARGELY FORGOTTEN AND/OR IGNORED BY MEDIA TODAY, SHOULD BE A MAJOR TOPIC IN THE COVID-19 BOOSTER DEBATE, GIVEN THAT THERE IS STILL NO EVIDENCE THAT MODERNA EVER RESOLVED THE TOXICITY ISSUE THAT AROSE IN MULTI-DOSE PRODUCTS."
France isn't giving Moderna boosters and many Scandinavian countries have stopped giving Moderna to under 30yo.
Moderna has minted three new billionaires
You may want to read this.
Moderna the new Theranos?
"Whatever the exact cause of the resignation of the head of R & D, it only added to the mystique around Moderna’s inner workings and its ability to deliver on its promise to “revolutionize” medicine. It also reveals more than a few similarities between Moderna and the now-disgraced company Theranos. Theranos, whose former top executive, Elizabeth Holmes, is now on trial for fraud, was known for its extreme culture of secrecy that kept investors and business partners in the dark, forced nondisclosure agreements on everyone who came in contact with the company, and kept employees “siloed” through an extremely strict need-to-know policy. Like Moderna, Theranos had been praised as revolutionary and poised to “change the medical industry forever.” Similarly, its top executive had no professional health-care or science experience, yet both fired or forced the resignations of employees who disagreed with their perspective or were unable to provide “positive” results. Both companies also failed to publish any evidence in peer-reviewed journals that the science behind their multibillion-dollar valued companies was more than just fantasy and a well-devised sales pitch.
"Arguably, the most critical difference between Moderna and Theranos is that Moderna, whose numerous issues and challenges only came to light after the collapse of Theranos had begun, has never faced the same degree of scrutiny from the US government or mainstream investigative journalists. There are many possible reasons for this, including Moderna’s close relationship with the US Department of Defense through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), or concern that its exposure post-Theranos would bring scrutiny to any company existing at the intersection of Silicon Valley and the health-care industry. However, such a reckoning would likely have been inevitable for Moderna had it not been for the COVID-19 crisis, which could not have come at a more convenient time for the company.
"Such secrecy became commonplace at Moderna after Bancel took the helm, with the company having published no data “supporting its vaunted technology” by the time STAT’s 2016 exposé was published. Insiders as well as investors that had committed millions to the company were only granted “a peek” at the company’s data. According to former Moderna scientists who spoke to STAT, the company was “a case of the emperor’s new clothes.” Former employees further charged that Bancel was actually “running an investment firm” and “then hop[ing] it also develops a drug that’s successful.”
I got my second Pfizer shot three weeks ago, 8 months after my first, partly so that I could have dental work done with less hassle. I also keep a supply of horse paste on hand in case I seem to be coming down with COVID. I took it a few times over the summer (with no ill effects), just in case.
Congratulations for the most ignorant post of the day. You win endless booster shots with spike proteins that cause micro blood clots and destroy your organs! But you can be happy you sacrificed your body to Big Pharma to make trillions off of. Way to go!
Agreed.... I just copy/pasted the headline. So...don't blame me about the title. I would have chosen a different one. But to be fair... the "other side" is using the same BS tactics. If you don't agree with them....you're a "far left liberal communist" paid by Venezuela. 😆
So... don't get hung up on the title. Read the article. That's what actually matters. 😉
I'm a far-left communist and I think you're more like a pro-capitalist liberal, "Jim", like Biden, Harris, et al.. On the issue of judging organizations like the FDA, CDC, AMA, et al., I think the outright capitalist right wingers are less wrong, on average, than are you liberals. The right-wingers at least mistrust the government, while you seem to trust the government AND the major corporations.
You should do the research before you talk. The worst anyone could say about ivermectin is that it might possibly work, although that isn't certain, and it's very safe, so why not try it, as many other countries have done. Here is a link to 70+ studies on ivermectin
Thank goodness we still have a few *actual* journalists like you guys—Mary Beth, Linda, and the Capuzzos—left to conduct genuine investigative reporting and to hold the corporate spin machine media accountable. Bravo for your tenacious detective work on this repugnant example of potentially lethal propaganda. I will definitely be referencing this in the upcoming article I will be publishing on the scientific findings and deceptions surrounding ivermectin.
You’ve conveyed just the right amount of condescension and arrogance without disproving anything in the article. Just go get your booster. When you have heart problems, or develop an autoimmune disease or cancer, please bring some of that snark back here, so we can all remind you that it makes more sense to try medications that have been around for decades than it does to line up for injections of a product that has no long term studies. You are the clinical trial buddy. Enjoy your time on your high horse. It will probably be heart problems that knock you off. Think of me fondly when it happens.
Arrogance and condescension do not make a point. Nor does anything by Bill Burr. Nice try though. Maybe it would help if you added more snarky emojis? You’ll figure it out. But don’t worry. I understood everything exactly as you conveyed it. Good job.
About a month ago Dr. Haruo Ozaki, the Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, said it was time to give Ivermectin a try. Why? Because Japanese researchers discovered that in Africa not all countries employ Ivermectin as an anti-parasitical, but those that did had significantly reduced COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths than those countries that don't use Ivermectin. Coincidence? Some Japanese researchers don't think so.
Don't get me started about Uttar Pradesh. But you're welcome to bury your head in the sand.
But did Dr. Haruo Ozaki, consult with Jim? If not we're in trouble...Isn't it sad in my life, and with all references to media reps and gov't reps, I can't find one democrat *excited* to find treatments - even with logical hesitation. Not one. That's incomprehensible.
And the vaccine they have been pushing for a year still doesn't have FDA approval for ANYTHING for ANY disease beyond emergency use. So if we are going to play the approvals game -_-
No, they didn't approve it. What they approved was a different vaccine that is slighty different and... not available, so we will keep giving you the EUA vaccine even tho they are different things but don't really change much, but legally speaking EUA have total legal immunity, the other vaccine manufacturers can keep being used and all the while the government can claim that they can mandate it now because it's approved, even tho what is approved is actually a slightly different vaccine that isn't available.
Wtf does it matter when it's harmless and dirt cheap? Oh noes Merck and Pfizer won't profit and Pelosi et al won't make more on their investment in them.
And yet you spout propaganda while ignoring the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people who have suffered with no recourse because they were lied to by your precious CDC.
You think that pathetic, poorly-written report is evidence of anything?! Where is the data?! Where do they include all the deaths of people who died within 14 days of their 2nd covid shot, FROM the shot and not covid? Where do you reckon they put those deaths? Oh, among the "UNVACCINATED", well how about that!
This is a great article, however, unless you are a doctor, there is no reason to scare people over the animal form of Ivermectin. It's all the same medicine. Ivermectin is available without a prescription in many countries because it is so safe. We should be pushing to make it available without a prescription to get around the roadblocks with doctors and pharmacists.
We spent a year hearing good news about Ivermectin, HCQ, among other drugs, from the dark corners of the internet. So when the FDA tried to meme it into oblivion over "horse paste", people got curious and researched it.
On my own, I found internet reviews dating back years of people using the veterinary stuff for scabies, common colds/flus, etc. I saw long, and very informed discussions on how to dose the veterinary stuff in humans, what side effects to expect if something goes wrong, and particularly the advice to take it with a meal so that it doesn't all just go in one hole and come out the other. I saw people experimenting on themselves for science, taking all necessary precautions. I even got the answer to a question I'd held for a long time, why Ivermectin is often paired with antibiotics. It's because it *will* deworm you, whether that was your intent or not, and if you're especially infested, the antibiotics help prevent secondary infections from the rotting corpses of parasites.
And get this: Farmers have been taking the stuff for colds/flus for years. It didn't start with COVID-1984. Anyone who doesn't believe me can hunt these reviews down themselves, though I suspect anything on amazon has long been taken down.
Something strange occurred to me on this. We grew up hearing "there is no cure for the common cold". It was a meme beaten into our heads since childhood that it was impossible. Take your Nyquil and knock yourself out for a week and just deal with it. Go to the hospital if you get the flu. See a doctor. Get proper care. Etc.
If there *was* a cure for the common cold, how much money would be lost?
An important context of this story is that both Merck and Pfizer are in the process of creating their OWN forms of MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE Ivermectin... jokingly dubbed "Pfizermectin, PF073212332... and Merck drug, molnupiravir, Merck plans to charge 40 times the cost of the drug and are asking for an EUA. Also, Dr Pierre Kory has alerted the world to the fact that 100-200 US Congress members (and their families!) were treated by a colleague using Ivermectin and the I-MASK+ protocol. None of them were hospitalised for "Covid". https://celiasue.substack.com/p/mr-ed-says-neigh
Brava for this excellent reporting! Where is the free press that checks facts and isn’t afraid to go against major advertisers? Where are public health agencies that seem to put the public ahead of industry deals and profits? Thankfully some are here!!
I have had 2 patients in the last month who have private paid $130 for IVM. One by CVS for 20 tabs, the other by a small independent pharmacy in MA FOR 3 TABLETS! (didn't accept Good Rx). Also, one other patient needed a prior authorization from their insurance co. For. A. Generic. Drug. So, India is getting the business. For now.
GoodRx typically only works in big box stores. Small potatoes pharmacies will often reject the coupons because of apparent PBM clawbacks that result in heavy losses.
But feel free to impose any pain you like on the likes of Wal Mart and CVS. By now I say they've earned it.
(4) A pharmacist who advertises prescription drugs in a manner which provides price informa-tion to consumers may identify professional or convenience services provided by the pharmacy or pharmacy department, or may include other written, printed or graphic matter, provided that no information included in such advertising shall be false, deceptive or misleading.
(5) Whenever a pharmacist advertises prescription drugs in a manner that provides price information to consumers, any stated price with respect to a particular prescription drug shall include all charges to the consumer. These charges shall include, but not be limited to, any professional or handling fees and any mailing and delivery fees. This advertising may indicate each separate fee which is to be added to the price of the prescription drug .
(6) The requirements of 247 CMR 9.03 apply to all prescription drug advertisements, including price lists, catalogs, and other promotional material, whether mailed, posted in a pharmacy, placed in a newspaper, or aired on radio or television, which serve to
provide consumers with information regarding the price charged for prescriptions.
"Jim" is paid to post here, to claim the top comment spot and derail the obvious and well articulated conclusions of this article. He uses the logical fallacies of "Appeal to Authority" and "Ad Hominem Attacks". Jim is a troll.
public service announcement: stop feeding the trolls. They are lonely, usually at least a touch agoraphobic and crave attention which they get through comments geared to elicit strong reaction. They are not interested in respectful debate and they delight in provoking those who are into following their example. Rise above it. Just ignore. They aren't really interested in anything you have to say, they are just looking for reaction.
Jim is obviously speaking without knowledge of real world treatments with Ivermectin that have already saved a great many people around the world from COVID (as have HCQ with AZM) and has not a single fact to back up his claims. Like all good little leftists, he is master only of the talking points he is given each day. Protocols such as those from FLCCC and others have proven their worth. Jim has proven his ignorance.
I've been taking ivermectin for months and will not be getting vaccinated. I'm waiting at least 3-5 years for the complete data and study to come out. An emergency situation is not a time to be jabbing 7 billion people with experimental leaky "vaccines." If you have access to this life saving medication, cheers. If you don't and want to find out how, contact Ivm-Info@pm.me for complete details. The information applies to North Americans but is also applicable to other continents as well.
𝑭𝒂𝒓-𝑹𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑼𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒔
Still pushing the Dewormer "Miracle" Covid cure, Mr. Ed? 😂
I know you have no shame and are out for the money...
But labeling the FDA as the problem really takes the cake.
How much lower will you guys go just to make a buck?
The "Miracle" dewormer sales show will end soon...
But I am 100% sure you are working already on the next scam.
The Neverending American Story:
𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝑨𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝑮𝒆𝒕 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑨𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑨𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏
"It's a Miracle!!!" 😆
And you Jim know this, how? What are your credentials? What research have you done on the subject? I am quite sure that you are not a physician, so I won't ask you about your experience treating COVID-19 patients. If you are not an alter ego for Dr. Fauci, or paid by Merck or Pfizer, you might want to go to the website flccc.net (which didn't start out as an advocate for ivermectin, and still only includes it as an important part of their complete package of treatment for COVID-19). The people who have been conned are those that believe the FDA (a substantial part of their budget being underwritten by drug manufacturers in the form of fees for new drug applications (he who pays the piper calls the tune), that believe Dr. Fauci (who has been ethically challenged since the early 1980s when he stole valor from a French team that had beat him to an early AIDS breakthrough that his team was also working on and knowingly lied about the efficacy of N95 masks early in the pandemic ostensibly to preserve supply for us healthcare workers--he could have just said, 'we don't have enough just yet, please save these for our 'healthcare heros'.
Have a pleasant afternoon.
Roger Kimber, MD.
How funny Roger Rabbit is taking the stand. What does the "MD" stand for?
"Mentally Declining"..... it can't be anything else in your case buddy. 😆
What's your next "Miracle Cure"? IVM & Carrot Juice? 😂
Good Luck
CCC Alliance’s “Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19” has been peer-reviewed, accepted, and published on May 1, 2021, in the American Journal of Therapeutics!
This is a much more important message from the same journal:
"IVM Research Should Not Be Used to Promote Vaccine Opposition"
Unfortunately, most IVM "believers" don't get the message and are actively sabotaging vaccination efforts by spreading misinformation and utter nonsense about vaccines. And that's the real tragedy. I could care less if you swallow a IVM pill once a week... but this anti-vaccine nonsense has to stop.
End of story.
First of all, no one is creating opposition except the pro-vax cultist. People who chose body sovereignty and choice don't care if you get vaxxed. That's your business. Your choice. Those who chose to make their own choices without coercion has seen the fraudulent studies the government has put out to the public only to be removed. IVM is on the WHO list of essential medicines for decades. Merck has donated over 4 Billion dosage and it has the highest safety profile of any dug on the market. It has been shown through numerous studies to be effective against CoV-2 including SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19. A single dose reduced the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in cells by 99.8% in 24 hours and 99.98% in 48 hours.
Clinical Trials-https://c19ivermectin.com/
Study was conducted by Pr. Jacques Descotes, MD, PharmD, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Claude Bernard University of Lyon, a world-renowned toxicologist with a 40-year track record working both with pharmaceutical companies as well as with regulatory bodies around the world.
Clinical trial conducted by MedinCell confirms the safety of continuous
administration of ivermectin
Stay out of other peoples business.
You talking utter nonsense again buddy. If there's a cult, then it's the "Hydroxychloroquine - Ivermectin Covid Miracle" cult. Nice try to turn the facts around. And your "IVM - WHO essential medicines" speech is getting old too. It's not on the WHO "essentials" list for Covid. And you know that.... you just try really hard to muddy the waters. Your links have been shared hundreds of times... old news too.
What's coming next out of your "miracle box"? The Nobel Price Saga? 😆
I got news for you buddy. IVM developers got the Prize because of IVM's excellent "anti-parasitic" properties, anti-viral properties aren't even mentioned in the Noble Award papers. And because IVM is an anti-parasitic drug, it's used world-wide against??? You guessed it... against PARASITES, like worms, lice etc. And that's why it's on the WHO essentials list.
So... quit spreading utter bullshit and stick to the facts.... but I doubt you're capable to do so.
And your "corrupt government" nonsense is just as dumb as the rest of your babbling...
So...as long as people like you spread lies and nonsense, I am here to bust your miracle "Redpill Bullshit" 😆
You might think you're smart or clever... trust me, you ain't.
Probably enough to fool some gullible "believers" on substack.
That's about it... "REDPILL" (Don't do drugs) 😂
That's what is known as an "opinion." Not in the same class as a scientific paper, published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Warnings about vaccines dangers are going off at full volume by themselves on the official government website for reporting adverse vaccine reactions: VAERS, a medical reporting systems which has been found to capture between 1 and 10% of all adverse vaccine reactions. Currently over 18,000 recorded suspicious deaths and over 500,000 suspicious serious incidents such as heart attacks, strokes, blindness, etc. Multiplied by 10, the most modest number, that would be 180,000 deaths and 5 million severe reactions. Open you eyes and see the billions in profits to Big Pharma and how that is suppressing the truth along with Fauci, et. al, who are basically owned by Big Pharma.
Wow Ed, that's an amazing link! Excellent! I don't think the resident (apparently) "fact-checker" Jim will bother to read it though.
Forwarding to FLCCC now.
Oh, a troll. Got it. Thought you might have an actual intelligent insight to offer, and though it didn't sound like it, we like to give everyone a chande. Bye Jimmy.
Keep your "chande"... 😆
You’re comments make most who read them feel blessed they’re not similarly stuck living through such myopia & misery. - And, most also know they should then resist the urge to be grateful for whatever God (or karma) that will continue to ensure that the willfully blind & indiscriminately unkind never attain meaningful joy, love and/or other success.
And, yet: here we are...
Hey, Jim, did you know that the fully vaxxed age 30 and older in the UK have a higher rate of infection than the unvaxxed?
No one is making any money from ivermectin...an off-patent, generic drug. You're either stupid or you're being paid.
Winter is coming, Jim. Good luck.
I think the "stupid" one is you. Read buddy...read.
And think for once instead religiously of "believing" those "online miracle doctors"...you moron. https://is.gd/dtkrlO
Hey, buddy, I'm not a buddy.
So, I should listen to you...some rando on sub stack who's probably on someone's payroll...who's name is "Jim", lol...rather than Pierre Kory or Peter McCullough or Robert Malone or Ryan Cole?
And you linked to the Intercept? Seriously?
IDK whether to laugh at you or pity you.
Listen buddy.... I've heard it all.
The whole "FLCCC Miracle Saga" 😆
No need to explain any further...
It's the "Ivermectin Cult"... I got it.
Have a good night buddy...and sweet dreams.
Script much?! “Buddy” go troll somewhere else.
You just confirmed your an idiot 😂
Database of all ivermectin COVID-19 studies. 122 studies, 78 peer reviewed, 63 with results comparing treatment and control groups.
Do you work for the pharmaceutical companies? I hear they employ people to go online and bash ivermectin so their billions in vaccine profits are not threatened. If you don't, maybe you could get a job.
Vaccine induced antibodies won't do you much good BUT vaccine induced t-cell responses are extremely critical in preventing severe disease. So, while vaccinated people might be getting covid, they'll most certainly not be as hospitalized at the same rate. In fact, look at median statistics among vaccinated vs unvaccinated individuals in the ICU. You'll notice that those who are unvaccinated in the ICU are MUCH younger and healthier than their vaccinated counterparts. That's not good!
Provide a link to the ICU statistics you reference.
Provide studies on the efficacy of the elusive "vaccine" induced t-cells.
There's a reason why Israel rolled out the booster in August, and it wasn't because the jabs worked too well and prevented death in the vaxxed.
I recommend you look at the UK data. The fully vaxxed age 30 and older have a higher rate of infection. Two weeks ago (week 39), that switchover was age 40.
Whatever protection these jabs provide does not last. And they aren't safe. The rate of infection is many high-vaxx countries is very high...in some cases, higher than at any other time in the pandemic...and the all-cause death is also high.
So, no thanks, I'll pass.
Wrong, across the board.
Yes, the jabs protect you --- if you're lucky enough to live through them.
That could be because older people with other bad health conditions are, at least until recently, far more likely to have been vaccinated than are healthy young people.
You claim those recommending IVM are "out for money" by conning Americans into believing the "miracle" dewormer is a scam, when in fact those you're defending, such as the FDA, truly are scamming Americans, for profit.
Fauci himself has referred to IVM as a miracles drug, but he certainly can't be trusted. His emails alone are proof of that. Instead, look at the success of other countries who are using it to prevent, and treat COVID-19. (Did u know nearly every country except the US provided their citizens with covid care kits as a preventative measure that included IVM & HCQ?) Also look at the EUA Merck is seeking for their new covid drug Molnupiravir. Talk about "out for money"..
The NIH & DoD contacted Merck to make Molnupiravir for $1.2B, to be paid when the EUA passes.
It's virtually the same as IVM, except it comes with a vast array of side effects like genetic mutations & cancer, among others, and a very hefty price tag. IVM costs literally pennies per dose whereas Molnupiravir costs $700 for a 5 day course. That's 40 times more than the cost to make it. They're slated to make $7B by the end of 2021 (it's already the middle of October!).
Do you really believe they're concerned about covid at this point, or their own pockets?
The government, media & medical establishment have demonized IVM, among others, because it's cheap, effective, and readily available. If their concerns were our health, they'd freely handout IVM instead of mandating their clot shots, not to mention the bribery & fearmongering.
BTW #FJB #LetsGoBrandon
One more thing....
Guess who initiated the government vaccine payment? I give you a hint:
I hope that rings a bell, if not.... oh well.... 😆
Still trying desperately to protect Pfizer's EUA, which you know would have to be canceled if IVM were acknowledged to be a safe and effective off-label treatment for Covid? EUAs are issued when NO safe and effective existing treatments are available. So you people must keep up the lie based on empty ridicule that what's safe and effective isn't. Gotta protect that precious EUA at any cost, huh, bub?
So keep on keeping on looking like a desperate, ridiculous advocate for a genocidal drug whose EUA preservation relies increasingly upon prevaricators such as you, trying in vain to convince the sheeple mRNA pokes are safe, effective, and 'approved' pokes while their recipients are dying off like flies.
We who know better will continue obtaining IVM and HCQ and surviving while your species will slowly self-destruct on your spike protein petard.
Bye, and hope it isn't too hot where you're going!
One can support various vaccines, at least for the most vulnerable people, and still support ivermectin use for people who get sick with COVID, whether vaccinated or not.
One can't support the vaccines when there is a conspiracy to sweep the deaths, heart attacks and strokes caused by them under the rug and make them out to be safe and effective when they are obviously not either. If Fauci were not a depraved crook, he would have made certain that every doctor in every hospital in America was strongly mandated to report to VAERS every suspicious side effect and death, so we could have a complete and accurate record. And then he would have ordered autopsies of any suspicious death. That is how a doctor who was acting responsibly after championing the EUA of a drug using a completely new and untried technology would act. Instead he has suppressed the VAERS data and the two 2021 studies which indicate that VAERS only captures between 3% and 5% of all deaths and injuries.
Sure one can. One can support Russian Roulette, too!
I prefer a harmless, effective off-label proven intervention with no side effects - even for “the most vulnerable people.” Guess what? IVM works for them, too!
There is ZERO Covid in sub-Saharan Africa. Also so happens the entire population takes IVM there as an anti-malarial prophylactic. There is ZERO Covid in Northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state. IVM is universally available and used with benign side-effect, I might add, in both regions.
IVM was first developed as a human intervention. It later was adapted as an animal anti-parasitic its detractors mockingly call “horse paste.”
It doesn’t take rocket science to add two plus two and reach four, but it does take an open mind.
Insert clips of Biden and Harris saying they would not take a vaccine that was developed in under 2 years.
I want to see your AARP card buddy... you might be eligible for a discount on mental care services.
Looks like YOU’RE the one needing that discount, bozo!
You gotta pay the grocery first. You don’t find out you got a rotten watermelon until you get home and cut it open!
Your argument is nothing but a pile of horseshit... but that's besides the point. Let's just assume you are correct for the fun of it. That money is gone... regardless if you get vaccinated or not. I got vaccinated 6 months ago and paid nothing. It came out of taxpayers pockets. You on the other hand refuse to get vaccinated, but you paid with your taxes for my shot too. 😆
And the above article only shows how dumb people are, paying millions of dollars out of their own pockets to shady crooks, who prescribe them unproven pills as "miracle cures" 😆
The funniest part is... they already paid for the vaccines and don't take it. 😂
So...basically all your bitching around is just hilarious and paying again for some "miracle pills" is even funnier and utter stupidity. You just proved my point...
Good Day.
Yes, I'm well aware of Operstion Warp Speed & who initiated. Is that your best attempt at defending PedoJoe? 🤔
Anyway, I not waiting on some miracle pill, I have this thing called an "immune system" that truly does work wonders when given the chance. But since the medical establishment failed to inform the public about the advantages of that, and how to, like sunlight, eating healthy, exercise & vitamins, that ship has sailed. They actually done the exact opposite by imposing lockdowns, closing parks (vast open air spaces), scaring everybody into washing their hands 24/7, and so much more. But that's besides the point.
You said taxpayers paid for the vaccine yet didn't take it, as if that's a bad thing! Why would anybody in their right mind willingly take poison, or a "bioweapon" as Fauci called it? Idc who paid for it that's absurd!
You referred to my comment as "bitching around" but if you'd take a step away from your television (& Google) and look at the facts, you'd know everything I stated is true, therefore cannot be argued.
As far as a vaccine, thats not even what it is. It's a gene therapy that Moderna refers to as "an operating system." That doesn't sound very natural now does it 🤔 Recently the FDA Vaccine Advisory Board held a meeting to discuss vaccines. They said "we were falsely mislead by Pfizer about their vaccine. Heart attacks are 71x higher than other vaccines. The vaccines are killing 2 people for every 1 life saved."
If you'll look at all of the small plane crashes within recent months you'll find literally hundreds of crashes, all a direct result of the vaccinated pilots. Vaccines are causing heart problems, strokes & blood clots, among many others. Those conditions worsen at higher altitudes. But of course mainstream media won't tell you about that. They won't tell you that 1/3 of the vaccines is actually placebo, saline solution, which is why so many haven't had adverse reactions.
And have you ever wondered why there's been so many contradictions from those in power?...Why vaccines are their newest tool to create division?
Normal, ordinary citizens like you and I have no reason to lie to one another. Those in power have many reasons to lie. Think about that for a minute. You are defending those who lie and contradict theirselves every single day. Do u think they'd defend you? I bring up facts for the sole purpose of hopefully making others aware of the evil corruption taking place. Not to mention the spiritual Warfare.
If you want my exact point of view read Ezekiel 33:1-6. That's my conviction, my reasoning. There's no monetary gain, no "I told you so," or anything else. I speak out of true concern for people.
I disagree with you and I'm not taking IVM. I'm not "paying for miracle pills." Like the vaxxes, I don't need it. Had COVID. Survived. It wasn't a big deal. I'm a healthy 65 year old. Go peddle your fear and vaccine snake oil somewhere else. The ONLY reason the vaxxes seem effective is because they're pushing them on EVERYONE, including healthy, younger people (under 60) who aren't likely to get seriously ill or die from COVID WITHOUT a vaccine. Of course, millions of vaxxed people are just fine! They didn't need the vaccine in the first place! If they only gave the vaxxes to those at threat from COVID, we'd see how ineffective they are.
Next up: Heart bypass surgery for all! (Yes, ridiculous. About as ridiculous as insisting that EVERYONE benefits from vaccination against COVID.)
Says Jimbo, “I got vaccinated 6 months ago and paid nothing. It came out of taxpayers pockets.”
Ivermectin works great on parasites of all shapes, sizes, and colors!
But...but...look at how successful the vaccines have been! They prevent transmission, sickness, and death!
Oh, wait a minute...
I don't believe that Molnupiravir is the same as ivermectin. However, they are in direct competition. I suspect that that's the reason why Merck has decided to make Molnupiravir available cheaply in poor countries, where ivermectin is widely used already.
The only scam is the Covid vaccines. Ivermectin works. I have four members of my family who survived Covid-19 with minor symptoms and were back to normal in five days. You have been conned. Here is the science: ivmmeta.com
𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝑵𝒐𝒕 𝑼𝒔𝒆 𝑰𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑪𝑶𝑽𝑰𝑫
It's as simple as that.
What it boils down to is basically this:
You simply prefer to do your own "research" 😆
And you don't trust the FDA or other established health organizations.
And you prefer to follow some shady "online miracle" quacks and you "believe."
That's all there is to it buddy. It's not science... it's "religion" or "cult"
Good day.
It is really as simple as that only to people who take a simple minded approach to this very complex disease.
see my comment to your original comment: the fact that you cite the ethically challenged and compromised FDA, show that you are the one who has drunk the KoolAid big time. So sorry for you. Should you get COVID-19 (and I hope you don't), don't come begging to me for help.
Roger Kimber, MD.
Begging you for help?? 😆😆😆
You aren't a doctor, but you really need one.
And it ain't for Covid.... I can tell you that. 😂
Pennsylvania license MD 043511 E. Look it up.
Jim, you keep referencing this one site, which I never heard of, but both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are generic drugs and have been for decades. No one, and I mean No one is making millions of dollars off of them. Fake News or Medical Misinformation (depending upon your political slant).They cost pennies to make overseas (in FDA inspect factories) and a course of treatment costs at most a few overseas, and even with US costs of importation, distribution etc. cost about a few dollars a pill--likely up from what they were before the pandemic supply and demand having the effects that they do.
And with this I am done. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
OK "Roger Rabbit, MD" 😆 Let me explain something to you...
First... if that is really you --- https://is.gd/p6mPJf --- there's no wonder you hang out in questionable substack forums, propagating unproven drugs as "miracle cures" for Covid. 😂
PHYSICIAN RATING: Very Poor -1 "conditions and treatments"
Overall RATING: Poor - 2 Star "below average" ???😂😂😂
No wonder you have to join the club of con-artists to make a buck.
Second.... Your words: "Should you get COVID-19 don't come begging to me for help." already disqualifies you to even hold a doctors license, because you just broke your "oath of ethics"...
Nobody should "beg" a doctor to get treated for anything.
But you just showed clearly what a "low-life" you are.
Don't worry, it's your lucky day buddy.... I don't even think you are a doctor.
But my first statement stands... "You really need a doctor"
I mean well my friend.... Good Night.
Wow how many times you continue to show your ignorance is actually funny.
I’m sorry for giving you such a hard time Jim. You deserve it, but now I’m done. You have a good afternoon. I’ll be signing off now. I’ll miss you Jim. I’ll really miss you. You’ve been informative in that snarky way that lets us all know how far beneath you we are. It’s inspiring. In fact, in the future, I’ll ask myself WWJD, and only Jim and I will know that the J does indeed stand for Jim. And that Jim, just so you know, and your children will know, is sarcasm at its finest.
It’s so good everyone has Jim to point us to the “correct” information. He can even dismiss your personal experiences as false. Those chest pains you feel after your fourth shot might make you wonder, but stick to your script buddy. Otherwise you won’t be able to troll these sites and show all the rest of us how superior you are.
Gee Jim. Me thinks thou doth protest too much.
But internet Jim says it doesn’t work. And he used snarky emojis. He posted a YouTube video of comedian Bill Burr to show you you’re wrong. How could you bring up anecdotal evidence that might contradict a Bill Burr rant and internet Jim? Look at his profile. He’s a fact checker and bullshit buster. Please go get your shots. Three shots in 8 months is completely normal. Nothing to see here. Stop trying to pretend there might be other data that is valuable.
He also spent half the comments page citing the FDA... on an article detailing how the FDA lied to the public. Very solid research there.
If we are going to use fiscal incentive as a reason to discredit something. How much do you think you can get vaccinating an entire country?
But vaccinating children that are at virtually no risk from covid, even though they are at the most risk for long term side effects really takes the cake.
Your comments take the cake, you moron.
From Nature
"Comprehensive investigations revealed consistent pathophysiological alterations after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines"
"Here, we report, besides generation of neutralizing antibodies, consistent alterations in hemoglobin A1c, serum sodium and potassium levels, coagulation profiles, and renal functions in healthy volunteers after vaccination with an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine."
"our study recommends additional caution when vaccinating people with pre-existing clinical conditions, including diabetes, electrolyte imbalances, renal dysfunction, and coagulation disorders."
Clearly you've not read any of the studies. I cannot overstate how much your comment amused me. These "guys" are out for the money?? And how much did Pfizer, J&J, Moderna earn - and continue to earn on a vaccine that not only does not eliminate the threat of contracting or spreading the disease, but has caused harm to thousands of recipients? Let me restate that: how much money did they stand to lose if an off label, inexpensive medication was an effective, SAFE prophylactic, and duration and morbidity reducer of Covid-19? Especially when the vaccine had not even been FDA approved yet? Oh, and what percentage of funding does the FDA get from big pharma? Might want to check into that.
Trust me honey... I've read it all. Plus all the "IVM miracle" tales. 😆
News Flash: Got my Moderna booster shot today at Walmart. 💉
And guess what? I feel fantastic....
Happy Sunday Sweetie 😘
"This was compounded by major issues with patents held by a hostile competitor that threatened Moderna’s ability to turn a profit on anything it might manage to take to market, as well as major issues with its mRNA delivery system that led them to abandon any treatment that would require more than one dose because of toxicity concerns. THE LATTER ISSUE, THOUGH LARGELY FORGOTTEN AND/OR IGNORED BY MEDIA TODAY, SHOULD BE A MAJOR TOPIC IN THE COVID-19 BOOSTER DEBATE, GIVEN THAT THERE IS STILL NO EVIDENCE THAT MODERNA EVER RESOLVED THE TOXICITY ISSUE THAT AROSE IN MULTI-DOSE PRODUCTS."
France isn't giving Moderna boosters and many Scandinavian countries have stopped giving Moderna to under 30yo.
Moderna has minted three new billionaires
You may want to read this.
Moderna the new Theranos?
"Whatever the exact cause of the resignation of the head of R & D, it only added to the mystique around Moderna’s inner workings and its ability to deliver on its promise to “revolutionize” medicine. It also reveals more than a few similarities between Moderna and the now-disgraced company Theranos. Theranos, whose former top executive, Elizabeth Holmes, is now on trial for fraud, was known for its extreme culture of secrecy that kept investors and business partners in the dark, forced nondisclosure agreements on everyone who came in contact with the company, and kept employees “siloed” through an extremely strict need-to-know policy. Like Moderna, Theranos had been praised as revolutionary and poised to “change the medical industry forever.” Similarly, its top executive had no professional health-care or science experience, yet both fired or forced the resignations of employees who disagreed with their perspective or were unable to provide “positive” results. Both companies also failed to publish any evidence in peer-reviewed journals that the science behind their multibillion-dollar valued companies was more than just fantasy and a well-devised sales pitch.
"Arguably, the most critical difference between Moderna and Theranos is that Moderna, whose numerous issues and challenges only came to light after the collapse of Theranos had begun, has never faced the same degree of scrutiny from the US government or mainstream investigative journalists. There are many possible reasons for this, including Moderna’s close relationship with the US Department of Defense through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), or concern that its exposure post-Theranos would bring scrutiny to any company existing at the intersection of Silicon Valley and the health-care industry. However, such a reckoning would likely have been inevitable for Moderna had it not been for the COVID-19 crisis, which could not have come at a more convenient time for the company.
"Such secrecy became commonplace at Moderna after Bancel took the helm, with the company having published no data “supporting its vaunted technology” by the time STAT’s 2016 exposé was published. Insiders as well as investors that had committed millions to the company were only granted “a peek” at the company’s data. According to former Moderna scientists who spoke to STAT, the company was “a case of the emperor’s new clothes.” Former employees further charged that Bancel was actually “running an investment firm” and “then hop[ing] it also develops a drug that’s successful.”
Doesn't sound like you have read any of it. Hugs and kisses
I usually read quietly honeybunny. 😘
I got my second Pfizer shot three weeks ago, 8 months after my first, partly so that I could have dental work done with less hassle. I also keep a supply of horse paste on hand in case I seem to be coming down with COVID. I took it a few times over the summer (with no ill effects), just in case.
Congratulations for the most ignorant post of the day. You win endless booster shots with spike proteins that cause micro blood clots and destroy your organs! But you can be happy you sacrificed your body to Big Pharma to make trillions off of. Way to go!
Yo! Clown! Right here! In “Nature” no less…. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41429-020-0336-z
"𝑭𝒂𝒓-𝑹𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑼𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒔"
-- ad-hom Jim
Ermagahd! They're not just companies, but "far-right" companies!
Oh yeah, that's right, anyone who isn't an outright Marxist is "far right".
Agreed.... I just copy/pasted the headline. So...don't blame me about the title. I would have chosen a different one. But to be fair... the "other side" is using the same BS tactics. If you don't agree with them....you're a "far left liberal communist" paid by Venezuela. 😆
So... don't get hung up on the title. Read the article. That's what actually matters. 😉
I'm a far-left communist and I think you're more like a pro-capitalist liberal, "Jim", like Biden, Harris, et al.. On the issue of judging organizations like the FDA, CDC, AMA, et al., I think the outright capitalist right wingers are less wrong, on average, than are you liberals. The right-wingers at least mistrust the government, while you seem to trust the government AND the major corporations.
You should do the research before you talk. The worst anyone could say about ivermectin is that it might possibly work, although that isn't certain, and it's very safe, so why not try it, as many other countries have done. Here is a link to 70+ studies on ivermectin
Thank goodness we still have a few *actual* journalists like you guys—Mary Beth, Linda, and the Capuzzos—left to conduct genuine investigative reporting and to hold the corporate spin machine media accountable. Bravo for your tenacious detective work on this repugnant example of potentially lethal propaganda. I will definitely be referencing this in the upcoming article I will be publishing on the scientific findings and deceptions surrounding ivermectin.
"I will be publishing on the scientific findings and deceptions surrounding ivermectin."
Please let me know your "scientific findings" a.s.a.p... can't wait to read it. 😆
You’ve conveyed just the right amount of condescension and arrogance without disproving anything in the article. Just go get your booster. When you have heart problems, or develop an autoimmune disease or cancer, please bring some of that snark back here, so we can all remind you that it makes more sense to try medications that have been around for decades than it does to line up for injections of a product that has no long term studies. You are the clinical trial buddy. Enjoy your time on your high horse. It will probably be heart problems that knock you off. Think of me fondly when it happens.
𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑩𝒖𝒓𝒓 𝑶𝒏 𝑨𝒏𝒕𝒊-𝑽𝒂𝒙 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒚 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔
Yeah... I have to admit it..... I am just a Sheeple.
But not everyone can be as "smart" as you think you are.
Keep studying the substack "scientific findings" 👍😆
Your comments here actually just prove that you don’t understand the article anyway. You just want to be a jerk. You’ve succeeded at that. Well done.
Thanks again...that's high praise. 👍
No. It isn’t.
Arrogance and condescension do not make a point. Nor does anything by Bill Burr. Nice try though. Maybe it would help if you added more snarky emojis? You’ll figure it out. But don’t worry. I understood everything exactly as you conveyed it. Good job.
You're welcome... glad you figured it out.
And "Thank You" for the flowers 😊
Jim Jim Stupid Jim.
Plays with words
On a whim.
Anything to point at “them”
Jim Jim Evil Jim
Sheep in trolls clothing.
Baaa baaa baaa, he says,
Keeping the narrative flowing.
𝑰𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝑵𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒍 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒛𝒆-𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒓𝒖𝒈
*** 𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝑵𝑶𝑻 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑪𝑶𝑽𝑰𝑫 ***
This might helps to ease your "miracle cure" delusions.
About a month ago Dr. Haruo Ozaki, the Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, said it was time to give Ivermectin a try. Why? Because Japanese researchers discovered that in Africa not all countries employ Ivermectin as an anti-parasitical, but those that did had significantly reduced COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths than those countries that don't use Ivermectin. Coincidence? Some Japanese researchers don't think so.
Don't get me started about Uttar Pradesh. But you're welcome to bury your head in the sand.
But did Dr. Haruo Ozaki, consult with Jim? If not we're in trouble...Isn't it sad in my life, and with all references to media reps and gov't reps, I can't find one democrat *excited* to find treatments - even with logical hesitation. Not one. That's incomprehensible.
And the vaccine they have been pushing for a year still doesn't have FDA approval for ANYTHING for ANY disease beyond emergency use. So if we are going to play the approvals game -_-
𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅! ... 2 months ago. https://tinyurl.com/yk5p9quf
Where can I go get me some of this Comirnaty?
𝑾𝒂𝒍𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒕 https://tinyurl.com/yjdrm2ov
Awwwww "vaccine availability unknown". Rats! Tell me where I can get shot with Comirnaty. Tick tock.
Awww Sweetie...why didn't you tell me you're a bit slow?
Anyway... don't worry, let me be a bit more specific for you :)
1. Click on your state on this map: https://tinyurl.com/yzuvhqnp
2. Scroll down: Find out where you can get vaccinated, click "here".
That's it honey, now you can get your shot... no need to suffer.
You're welcome 😘
No, they didn't approve it. What they approved was a different vaccine that is slighty different and... not available, so we will keep giving you the EUA vaccine even tho they are different things but don't really change much, but legally speaking EUA have total legal immunity, the other vaccine manufacturers can keep being used and all the while the government can claim that they can mandate it now because it's approved, even tho what is approved is actually a slightly different vaccine that isn't available.
Stop spreading misinformation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiUFPDAlsLU
Jim you are a baaaa baaa baaad sheepster
And Viagra was developed as a way to help control blood pressure, but you don't see it prescribed for that either.
Wtf does it matter when it's harmless and dirt cheap? Oh noes Merck and Pfizer won't profit and Pelosi et al won't make more on their investment in them.
𝑪𝑫𝑪: 𝑼𝒏𝒗𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 11 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒊𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑪𝑶𝑽𝑰𝑫
Conclusion: Don't be stupid..... get the jab. 💉
Also CDC: The vaccines are safe and effective.
yet thousands have died from them.
And yet you spout propaganda while ignoring the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people who have suffered with no recourse because they were lied to by your precious CDC.
It's not propaganda... it's called math. Go back to school before you post.
Yes, it is propaganda. The unvaccinated were denied early outpatient treatment, which would have prevented most of the unvaccinated from dying.
Just shut up.... take the vaccine. 💉 It's already paid for.
Hilarious! Paid for with debt. Another part of the grotesque spending spree both parties are guilty of.
Operation Warp Speed was actually "Uncle Donald's" project.
The only good one he came up with. Enjoy the shot 💉
I won't take something i don't consider to be safe. I will pay for something i do consider to be safe- Ivermectin or Fluvoxamine.
My life isn't a dice roll.
EXACTLY!!! It shouldn't.... take the jab 💉
Make me.
I'm just not gonna get it (the vaccine).
Talk to me about natural immunity Mr. Fact Checker. Is mine any good?
You think that pathetic, poorly-written report is evidence of anything?! Where is the data?! Where do they include all the deaths of people who died within 14 days of their 2nd covid shot, FROM the shot and not covid? Where do you reckon they put those deaths? Oh, among the "UNVACCINATED", well how about that!
This is a great article, however, unless you are a doctor, there is no reason to scare people over the animal form of Ivermectin. It's all the same medicine. Ivermectin is available without a prescription in many countries because it is so safe. We should be pushing to make it available without a prescription to get around the roadblocks with doctors and pharmacists.
Pretty much this.
We spent a year hearing good news about Ivermectin, HCQ, among other drugs, from the dark corners of the internet. So when the FDA tried to meme it into oblivion over "horse paste", people got curious and researched it.
On my own, I found internet reviews dating back years of people using the veterinary stuff for scabies, common colds/flus, etc. I saw long, and very informed discussions on how to dose the veterinary stuff in humans, what side effects to expect if something goes wrong, and particularly the advice to take it with a meal so that it doesn't all just go in one hole and come out the other. I saw people experimenting on themselves for science, taking all necessary precautions. I even got the answer to a question I'd held for a long time, why Ivermectin is often paired with antibiotics. It's because it *will* deworm you, whether that was your intent or not, and if you're especially infested, the antibiotics help prevent secondary infections from the rotting corpses of parasites.
And get this: Farmers have been taking the stuff for colds/flus for years. It didn't start with COVID-1984. Anyone who doesn't believe me can hunt these reviews down themselves, though I suspect anything on amazon has long been taken down.
Something strange occurred to me on this. We grew up hearing "there is no cure for the common cold". It was a meme beaten into our heads since childhood that it was impossible. Take your Nyquil and knock yourself out for a week and just deal with it. Go to the hospital if you get the flu. See a doctor. Get proper care. Etc.
If there *was* a cure for the common cold, how much money would be lost?
Thank you both for this article, it was excellent. Great work!
https://www.tga.gov.au/media-release/new-restrictions-prescribing-ivermectin-covid-19 exposed accidently the 3 organizations behind the "ivermectin smear" and all 3 should be prosecuted.
"National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce, the World Health Organisation and the US Food and Drug Administration"
An important context of this story is that both Merck and Pfizer are in the process of creating their OWN forms of MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE Ivermectin... jokingly dubbed "Pfizermectin, PF073212332... and Merck drug, molnupiravir, Merck plans to charge 40 times the cost of the drug and are asking for an EUA. Also, Dr Pierre Kory has alerted the world to the fact that 100-200 US Congress members (and their families!) were treated by a colleague using Ivermectin and the I-MASK+ protocol. None of them were hospitalised for "Covid". https://celiasue.substack.com/p/mr-ed-says-neigh
Bam! Pity that substack's comment sort algorithm seems to favor disinformation - i.e. Jim's posts.
Brava for this excellent reporting! Where is the free press that checks facts and isn’t afraid to go against major advertisers? Where are public health agencies that seem to put the public ahead of industry deals and profits? Thankfully some are here!!
You're awesome, Betsy! The webinar chats you host are a high point of my week.
I have had 2 patients in the last month who have private paid $130 for IVM. One by CVS for 20 tabs, the other by a small independent pharmacy in MA FOR 3 TABLETS! (didn't accept Good Rx). Also, one other patient needed a prior authorization from their insurance co. For. A. Generic. Drug. So, India is getting the business. For now.
GoodRx typically only works in big box stores. Small potatoes pharmacies will often reject the coupons because of apparent PBM clawbacks that result in heavy losses.
But feel free to impose any pain you like on the likes of Wal Mart and CVS. By now I say they've earned it.
That's illegal.
(Source: see reply)
(4) A pharmacist who advertises prescription drugs in a manner which provides price informa-tion to consumers may identify professional or convenience services provided by the pharmacy or pharmacy department, or may include other written, printed or graphic matter, provided that no information included in such advertising shall be false, deceptive or misleading.
(5) Whenever a pharmacist advertises prescription drugs in a manner that provides price information to consumers, any stated price with respect to a particular prescription drug shall include all charges to the consumer. These charges shall include, but not be limited to, any professional or handling fees and any mailing and delivery fees. This advertising may indicate each separate fee which is to be added to the price of the prescription drug .
(6) The requirements of 247 CMR 9.03 apply to all prescription drug advertisements, including price lists, catalogs, and other promotional material, whether mailed, posted in a pharmacy, placed in a newspaper, or aired on radio or television, which serve to
provide consumers with information regarding the price charged for prescriptions.
(Source: https://pcshq.com/?page=phtechsrulesandreg2007.pdf) :
Also see https://www.natlawreview.com/article/price-comparison-advertising-massachusetts-law
Clarification : What's illegal is advertising in and then refusing to accept Good Rx.
More info at https://www.goodrx.com/coupon?drug_id=40649&pharmacy_id=2&quantity=20&price_tab=coupons&
"Jim" is paid to post here, to claim the top comment spot and derail the obvious and well articulated conclusions of this article. He uses the logical fallacies of "Appeal to Authority" and "Ad Hominem Attacks". Jim is a troll.
To our friends trolling here trying to say this isn’t a good article? To Jim who represents them all:
Jim Jim Stupid Jim.
Plays with words
On a whim.
Anything to point at “them”
Jim Jim Evil Jim
Sheep in trolls clothing.
Baaa baaa baaa, he says,
Keeping the narrative flowing.
People taking animal drugs should be seen as a failure to make the human ones available.
Word. My MD refuses, even in the name of harm reduction.
public service announcement: stop feeding the trolls. They are lonely, usually at least a touch agoraphobic and crave attention which they get through comments geared to elicit strong reaction. They are not interested in respectful debate and they delight in provoking those who are into following their example. Rise above it. Just ignore. They aren't really interested in anything you have to say, they are just looking for reaction.
Jim is obviously speaking without knowledge of real world treatments with Ivermectin that have already saved a great many people around the world from COVID (as have HCQ with AZM) and has not a single fact to back up his claims. Like all good little leftists, he is master only of the talking points he is given each day. Protocols such as those from FLCCC and others have proven their worth. Jim has proven his ignorance.
I've been taking ivermectin for months and will not be getting vaccinated. I'm waiting at least 3-5 years for the complete data and study to come out. An emergency situation is not a time to be jabbing 7 billion people with experimental leaky "vaccines." If you have access to this life saving medication, cheers. If you don't and want to find out how, contact Ivm-Info@pm.me for complete details. The information applies to North Americans but is also applicable to other continents as well.