I'm a far-left communist and I think you're more like a pro-capitalist liberal, "Jim", like Biden, Harris, et al.. On the issue of judging organizations like the FDA, CDC, AMA, et al., I think the outright capitalist right wingers are less wrong, on average, than are you liberals. The right-wingers at least mistrust the government, while you seem to trust the government AND the major corporations.
I'm a far-left communist and I think you're more like a pro-capitalist liberal, "Jim", like Biden, Harris, et al.. On the issue of judging organizations like the FDA, CDC, AMA, et al., I think the outright capitalist right wingers are less wrong, on average, than are you liberals. The right-wingers at least mistrust the government, while you seem to trust the government AND the major corporations.
I'm a far-left communist and I think you're more like a pro-capitalist liberal, "Jim", like Biden, Harris, et al.. On the issue of judging organizations like the FDA, CDC, AMA, et al., I think the outright capitalist right wingers are less wrong, on average, than are you liberals. The right-wingers at least mistrust the government, while you seem to trust the government AND the major corporations.