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Just shut up.... take the vaccine. 💉 It's already paid for.

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Hilarious! Paid for with debt. Another part of the grotesque spending spree both parties are guilty of.

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Operation Warp Speed was actually "Uncle Donald's" project.

The only good one he came up with. Enjoy the shot 💉

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And you were probably one of the clowns saying you'd never take anything that he brought to market and now you're all saying how great it is. Masks are proven to do nothing and you probably still wear one while alone in your car. Ivermectin taken with zinc and vitamin D has been proven to be very effective at mitigating serious illness and death if used early enough in covid treatment. And Ivermectin costs next to nothing and has a proven history, unlike the clot shot which has no long term studies. But you're to stupid to even consider it. The drug companies are making billions off the tax payers and are using the FDA and MSM to smear Ivermectin and other proven cheap treatments. GTFO with your propaganda.

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To quench your thirst of information... YES, I do wear a mask. Not alone in my car... but when I enter indoor public places, like super markets etc. And you know what? I do this not only for me... I do this to protect YOU too.

And your argument that IVM "costs less to nothing" is bullshit too. Unless you buy some "horse paste" at the tractor supply store, you need to get a prescription from a doctor. That alone costs you 50 to 100 bucks... plus the cost for the actual pills. Not cheap at all. You need to use your brain for once and you might see through the scam these "online miracle doctors" pulling off.


The vaccines on the other hand cost you absolutely nothing and they will also give you the most protection against hospitalization and death.... by far.

Of course, if you are one of those suckers, who fall for the "Anti-Vaxx" propaganda, you prefer to be suckered out of money for some useless "miracle pills" 😆


Your choice.... there's a sucker born every minute.

And the IVM miracle doctors know it.

What do you think this site is actually about? Truth? 😂

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I am vaccinated and have been long before most people have. I was vaccinated early on due to asthma that I somehow came down with at a later age than most people. But I was vaccinated before I started reading and hearing about people having severe reactions to the shot, up to and including death, and not considering the long term effects that have not been studied.

I do not wear a mask and will not wear a mask. Wash your hands, cough and sneeze into your elbow and follow proper hygiene. These useless pricks at the CDC and WHO said "Get the vax and you'll never have to wear a mask again." That certainly changed pretty quickly now didn't it? Our brain dead president wants us all locked down, vaccinated and masked up and if you don't then no job for you. Meanwhile they keep letting in tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of illegals that have no requirement to be tested or vaccinated.

I find it amusing you think the shot costs us nothing. Tell me who is paying for it? Do you think pharma is giving the shots for free out of the goodness of their heart? It's the government paying for it. And the last time I checked the government doesn't do anything to generate income. They get their money from us...the tax payers. You may not have to pull any money out of your pocket to pay for the shot, but ultimately you will pay, just like we pay for every stupid thing these retards running our country decide to do.

And Ivermectin is about $35 for a single course. Check GoodRx. Yes you do need a scrip for it, but if you got tested for covid and were found to be positive then Ivermectin has been proven very effective in the treatment of covid. $35 for Ivermectin with a proven history of safety vs no proven history for the shot. I'd pay the $35 if I hadn't already had the shot. Even with the shot I'd pay the $35 if I come down with covid. No way in hell I'm getting a booster shot every 6 months. If big pharma was honest and if our government wasn't in bed with them they would look at all the testing that has been done by various doctors and organizations and realize Ivermectin is not the boogey man they want people to believe it is. But that would mean they would not be getting a guaranteed pay check. It's a vicious circle - government pays for the shot, politicians buy their stock and make millions upon millions.

I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I'm also not a tyrant who believes I can tell people what to do and threaten their lively hood and life if they don't get the vax.

When China Joe Xiden and Fake Fauci completely shut down the border and seriously look at alternative medications that have successfully treated covid then perhaps I might seriously listen to what they have to say. Until then they can kiss my ass.

I know many people who have had covid. Most of them had very minor or no outward symptoms. One person died. That person was a fat slob who ate like a pig, never worked out, smoked his entire life, and couldn't hardly take a breath without hacking up a lung. A bad cold probably would have killed him. And that seems to be a common theme among covid deaths. It's the people who refuse to live a healthy life who are the most likely to die.

Finally - whether or not you want to believe it, Ivermectin "horse paste" is the exact same concentration as human Ivermectin pills. If you're a moron and listen to CNN you wouldn't know that. If you take the time to do the research you'd realize you can do the math to use the right amount of the paste for your body weight and get the right amount of Ivermectin. Once again MSM and pharma are pushing a narrative and they know the average dolt won't question them.

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The shots are free buddy, they are paid by the US government. Of course, since you're a smart ass you actually try to explain to me that these are our tax dollars. Right? Jeez buddy... get a grip. The fact remains, you got the shot and you paid nothing out of your wallet. That tax money was never in your wallet to begin with. And "Uncle Donald" was the one who initiated those billion dollar payments to pharma companies.... securing the shots for all US citizens. He also took the jab long before anyone of us could even get it. I got mine in March. There was no earlier date possible and I would do it again without hesitation.... like millions of people around the world. Save your political opinions for someone else... I got the picture.

As far as your IVM praise goes.... I'm sure the online "miracle doctors" are happy to have another sucker in their pocket. Keep stocking up on that "life saving" medicine. 😆

There's a new sucker born every day....

Take care buddy.

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There are dozens of studies that demonstrate IVM has efficacy against Covid.

A fully vaxxed husband and wife in Michigan died in the hospital of Covid, one minute apart. There are people who are dying from the vaccine, itself, as well.

"Safe and effective" is a marketing slogan, meant to deceive the public into trusting the Covid shot. VAERS reports are stocked full of injuries associated with the vaxxinations.

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I won't take something i don't consider to be safe. I will pay for something i do consider to be safe- Ivermectin or Fluvoxamine.

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