First of all, no one is creating opposition except the pro-vax cultist. People who chose body sovereignty and choice don't care if you get vaxxed. That's your business. Your choice. Those who chose to make their own choices without coercion has seen the fraudulent studies the government has put out to the public only to be removed. …
First of all, no one is creating opposition except the pro-vax cultist. People who chose body sovereignty and choice don't care if you get vaxxed. That's your business. Your choice. Those who chose to make their own choices without coercion has seen the fraudulent studies the government has put out to the public only to be removed. IVM is on the WHO list of essential medicines for decades. Merck has donated over 4 Billion dosage and it has the highest safety profile of any dug on the market. It has been shown through numerous studies to be effective against CoV-2 including SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19. A single dose reduced the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in cells by 99.8% in 24 hours and 99.98% in 48 hours.
Clinical Trials-
Study was conducted by Pr. Jacques Descotes, MD, PharmD, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Claude Bernard University of Lyon, a world-renowned toxicologist with a 40-year track record working both with pharmaceutical companies as well as with regulatory bodies around the world.
Clinical trial conducted by MedinCell confirms the safety of continuous
You talking utter nonsense again buddy. If there's a cult, then it's the "Hydroxychloroquine - Ivermectin Covid Miracle" cult. Nice try to turn the facts around. And your "IVM - WHO essential medicines" speech is getting old too. It's not on the WHO "essentials" list for Covid. And you know that.... you just try really hard to muddy the waters. Your links have been shared hundreds of times... old news too.
What's coming next out of your "miracle box"? The Nobel Price Saga? 😆
I got news for you buddy. IVM developers got the Prize because of IVM's excellent "anti-parasitic" properties, anti-viral properties aren't even mentioned in the Noble Award papers. And because IVM is an anti-parasitic drug, it's used world-wide against??? You guessed it... against PARASITES, like worms, lice etc. And that's why it's on the WHO essentials list.
So... quit spreading utter bullshit and stick to the facts.... but I doubt you're capable to do so.
And your "corrupt government" nonsense is just as dumb as the rest of your babbling... long as people like you spread lies and nonsense, I am here to bust your miracle "Redpill Bullshit" 😆
You might think you're smart or clever... trust me, you ain't.
Probably enough to fool some gullible "believers" on substack.
The fact that you have used emojis and think this subject is funny demonstrates your lack of intelligence and awareness of the mountain of research there is in regards to Ivermectin. Some people will always have something to say and nothing to contribute. You have contributed nothing. Name calling and ridicule is the last resort of the outargued. If you must resort to this type of distraction because of your lack-you have lost the debate.
I use emojis, because your so called "mountain of research" is in reality a mountain of horse shit. Every link you posted is old news and your arguments have been used to exhaustion by previous "specialists" here on substack. 😂 You sound like an old skipping record...
FACT: IVM is not approved for COVID treatment, and because of that fact you have nothing left as to pull that lame "corrupt government" card. Which is also getting old....
I lost the debate? 😆
Oh buddy... get real and learn to debate using facts.
Otherwise it ain't a debate in the first place. Get it now?
How can the debate be over when there is still disagreement? Are you talking about opinions or science? Because the only "settled" science is that which has been falsified. It's been over a hundred years since Einstein published his theory on general relativity. It is still being tested because the "science" is not considered "settled." You seem to think the science on Ivermectin has been settled. You have any science to back that up? It seems your full of opinion. The fact that IVM isn't recommended by any authority may only mean they haven't read the relative papers. There was a time when the authorities rejected the idea that the earth revolves around the sun, too, and that did not make them correct.
FACT: I never said IV was approved by the FDA/CDC for treatment did I? It is a treatment option that has been successful in treating people inflicted with the virus:
You must be a troll because you're mimicking the FDA horse tweet. Yea, that was embarrassing for our country to put out on the world stage. Petty & childish.
I know you find this hard to believe but no one cares if you believe IV is effective. The fact is the demand for it grows everyday and there are success stories not only in the US but around the globe. Your beliefs will not prevent people from empowering themselves and managing their own health & well being as mature adults. No one has died from using IV and out of four billion doses administered since 1998, there have been only 28 cases of serious neurological adverse
events, according to an article published this year in the American Journal of Therapeutics. The same study found that ivermectin has been used safely in pregnant women, children and infants. Here's an example of it's effectiveness:
From the content of your comment I believe you are a troll paid to distract because you've offered nothing of value. Whatever. I am posting this response via your comment for others on this thread to read so I do thank you for the opportunity to provide information that will help others get stated in empowering themselves. As far as you're concerned I feel like I'm engaging in a battle with an unarmed person.
Of course IVM demand is growing. Because fools like you fall for the IVM propaganda that these online crooks propagating wherever they can... including this site. 😆
Why are you so concerned that physicians are prescribing Ivermectin? This is what makes no sense. And then you link ivermectin to the SARS-CoV-2vaccination program. And then things do start to make sense:
You must have a world view that is threatened by others exercising their personal autonomy.
I am "vaxed" yet I do not demand that others be vaccinated because the current studies demonstrate that vaccinations do not stop the spreading of this virus. So your vaccination only has a benefit for yourself, not others. And other studies now suggest that population wide vaccinations programs using "leaky vaccines" (vaccines that fail to stop the spread) create selective pressure toward vaccine escape mutations.
Truth, maybe what you really need is to educate yourself on the authoritarian systems of the last century. I recommend reading Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago. That will cure you of your current world view. Things will be more clear for you after that.
The most any honest person could say about ivermectin - hydroxychlorquine is that they are in trials, seem to have some promise, are very safe, & doctors who have prescribed them believe they have some level of effectiveness. So why not try them??? Why this cult of trampling on them. It's completely irrational and psychotic.
If Pharma is paying you for your work, they must consider it of little importance, since it's not going to convince anybody of anything. I suppose, though, it does serve to inject noise into discussions that they might like to obstruct.
First of all, no one is creating opposition except the pro-vax cultist. People who chose body sovereignty and choice don't care if you get vaxxed. That's your business. Your choice. Those who chose to make their own choices without coercion has seen the fraudulent studies the government has put out to the public only to be removed. IVM is on the WHO list of essential medicines for decades. Merck has donated over 4 Billion dosage and it has the highest safety profile of any dug on the market. It has been shown through numerous studies to be effective against CoV-2 including SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19. A single dose reduced the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in cells by 99.8% in 24 hours and 99.98% in 48 hours.
Clinical Trials-
Study was conducted by Pr. Jacques Descotes, MD, PharmD, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Claude Bernard University of Lyon, a world-renowned toxicologist with a 40-year track record working both with pharmaceutical companies as well as with regulatory bodies around the world.
Clinical trial conducted by MedinCell confirms the safety of continuous
administration of ivermectin
Stay out of other peoples business.
You talking utter nonsense again buddy. If there's a cult, then it's the "Hydroxychloroquine - Ivermectin Covid Miracle" cult. Nice try to turn the facts around. And your "IVM - WHO essential medicines" speech is getting old too. It's not on the WHO "essentials" list for Covid. And you know that.... you just try really hard to muddy the waters. Your links have been shared hundreds of times... old news too.
What's coming next out of your "miracle box"? The Nobel Price Saga? 😆
I got news for you buddy. IVM developers got the Prize because of IVM's excellent "anti-parasitic" properties, anti-viral properties aren't even mentioned in the Noble Award papers. And because IVM is an anti-parasitic drug, it's used world-wide against??? You guessed it... against PARASITES, like worms, lice etc. And that's why it's on the WHO essentials list.
So... quit spreading utter bullshit and stick to the facts.... but I doubt you're capable to do so.
And your "corrupt government" nonsense is just as dumb as the rest of your babbling... long as people like you spread lies and nonsense, I am here to bust your miracle "Redpill Bullshit" 😆
You might think you're smart or clever... trust me, you ain't.
Probably enough to fool some gullible "believers" on substack.
That's about it... "REDPILL" (Don't do drugs) 😂
The fact that you have used emojis and think this subject is funny demonstrates your lack of intelligence and awareness of the mountain of research there is in regards to Ivermectin. Some people will always have something to say and nothing to contribute. You have contributed nothing. Name calling and ridicule is the last resort of the outargued. If you must resort to this type of distraction because of your lack-you have lost the debate.
I use emojis, because your so called "mountain of research" is in reality a mountain of horse shit. Every link you posted is old news and your arguments have been used to exhaustion by previous "specialists" here on substack. 😂 You sound like an old skipping record...
FACT: IVM is not approved for COVID treatment, and because of that fact you have nothing left as to pull that lame "corrupt government" card. Which is also getting old....
I lost the debate? 😆
Oh buddy... get real and learn to debate using facts.
Otherwise it ain't a debate in the first place. Get it now?
Good night. "Debate" is over... 😆
How can the debate be over when there is still disagreement? Are you talking about opinions or science? Because the only "settled" science is that which has been falsified. It's been over a hundred years since Einstein published his theory on general relativity. It is still being tested because the "science" is not considered "settled." You seem to think the science on Ivermectin has been settled. You have any science to back that up? It seems your full of opinion. The fact that IVM isn't recommended by any authority may only mean they haven't read the relative papers. There was a time when the authorities rejected the idea that the earth revolves around the sun, too, and that did not make them correct.
FACT: I never said IV was approved by the FDA/CDC for treatment did I? It is a treatment option that has been successful in treating people inflicted with the virus:
You must be a troll because you're mimicking the FDA horse tweet. Yea, that was embarrassing for our country to put out on the world stage. Petty & childish.
I know you find this hard to believe but no one cares if you believe IV is effective. The fact is the demand for it grows everyday and there are success stories not only in the US but around the globe. Your beliefs will not prevent people from empowering themselves and managing their own health & well being as mature adults. No one has died from using IV and out of four billion doses administered since 1998, there have been only 28 cases of serious neurological adverse
events, according to an article published this year in the American Journal of Therapeutics. The same study found that ivermectin has been used safely in pregnant women, children and infants. Here's an example of it's effectiveness:
India's Ivermectin Blackout
From the content of your comment I believe you are a troll paid to distract because you've offered nothing of value. Whatever. I am posting this response via your comment for others on this thread to read so I do thank you for the opportunity to provide information that will help others get stated in empowering themselves. As far as you're concerned I feel like I'm engaging in a battle with an unarmed person.
Of course IVM demand is growing. Because fools like you fall for the IVM propaganda that these online crooks propagating wherever they can... including this site. 😆
I really think you ain't very bright buddy. Sorry.
Now take your IVM "miracle" links and go to bed.... it's getting old.
In order for you to insult me I would have to value your opinion. Nice try though.
Why are you so concerned that physicians are prescribing Ivermectin? This is what makes no sense. And then you link ivermectin to the SARS-CoV-2vaccination program. And then things do start to make sense:
You must have a world view that is threatened by others exercising their personal autonomy.
I am "vaxed" yet I do not demand that others be vaccinated because the current studies demonstrate that vaccinations do not stop the spreading of this virus. So your vaccination only has a benefit for yourself, not others. And other studies now suggest that population wide vaccinations programs using "leaky vaccines" (vaccines that fail to stop the spread) create selective pressure toward vaccine escape mutations.
Truth, maybe what you really need is to educate yourself on the authoritarian systems of the last century. I recommend reading Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago. That will cure you of your current world view. Things will be more clear for you after that.
The most any honest person could say about ivermectin - hydroxychlorquine is that they are in trials, seem to have some promise, are very safe, & doctors who have prescribed them believe they have some level of effectiveness. So why not try them??? Why this cult of trampling on them. It's completely irrational and psychotic.
Tell us how long aspirin was on the market before it was recommended for heart attack survivors.
If Pharma is paying you for your work, they must consider it of little importance, since it's not going to convince anybody of anything. I suppose, though, it does serve to inject noise into discussions that they might like to obstruct.