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You claim those recommending IVM are "out for money" by conning Americans into believing the "miracle" dewormer is a scam, when in fact those you're defending, such as the FDA, truly are scamming Americans, for profit.

Fauci himself has referred to IVM as a miracles drug, but he certainly can't be trusted. His emails alone are proof of that. Instead, look at the success of other countries who are using it to prevent, and treat COVID-19. (Did u know nearly every country except the US provided their citizens with covid care kits as a preventative measure that included IVM & HCQ?) Also look at the EUA Merck is seeking for their new covid drug Molnupiravir. Talk about "out for money"..

The NIH & DoD contacted Merck to make Molnupiravir for $1.2B, to be paid when the EUA passes.

It's virtually the same as IVM, except it comes with a vast array of side effects like genetic mutations & cancer, among others, and a very hefty price tag. IVM costs literally pennies per dose whereas Molnupiravir costs $700 for a 5 day course. That's 40 times more than the cost to make it. They're slated to make $7B by the end of 2021 (it's already the middle of October!).

Do you really believe they're concerned about covid at this point, or their own pockets?

The government, media & medical establishment have demonized IVM, among others, because it's cheap, effective, and readily available. If their concerns were our health, they'd freely handout IVM instead of mandating their clot shots, not to mention the bribery & fearmongering.

BTW #FJB #LetsGoBrandon

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One more thing....

Guess who initiated the government vaccine payment? I give you a hint:


I hope that rings a bell, if not.... oh well.... 😆

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Still trying desperately to protect Pfizer's EUA, which you know would have to be canceled if IVM were acknowledged to be a safe and effective off-label treatment for Covid? EUAs are issued when NO safe and effective existing treatments are available. So you people must keep up the lie based on empty ridicule that what's safe and effective isn't. Gotta protect that precious EUA at any cost, huh, bub?

So keep on keeping on looking like a desperate, ridiculous advocate for a genocidal drug whose EUA preservation relies increasingly upon prevaricators such as you, trying in vain to convince the sheeple mRNA pokes are safe, effective, and 'approved' pokes while their recipients are dying off like flies.

We who know better will continue obtaining IVM and HCQ and surviving while your species will slowly self-destruct on your spike protein petard.

Bye, and hope it isn't too hot where you're going!

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One can support various vaccines, at least for the most vulnerable people, and still support ivermectin use for people who get sick with COVID, whether vaccinated or not.

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One can't support the vaccines when there is a conspiracy to sweep the deaths, heart attacks and strokes caused by them under the rug and make them out to be safe and effective when they are obviously not either. If Fauci were not a depraved crook, he would have made certain that every doctor in every hospital in America was strongly mandated to report to VAERS every suspicious side effect and death, so we could have a complete and accurate record. And then he would have ordered autopsies of any suspicious death. That is how a doctor who was acting responsibly after championing the EUA of a drug using a completely new and untried technology would act. Instead he has suppressed the VAERS data and the two 2021 studies which indicate that VAERS only captures between 3% and 5% of all deaths and injuries.

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Sure one can. One can support Russian Roulette, too!

I prefer a harmless, effective off-label proven intervention with no side effects - even for “the most vulnerable people.” Guess what? IVM works for them, too!

There is ZERO Covid in sub-Saharan Africa. Also so happens the entire population takes IVM there as an anti-malarial prophylactic. There is ZERO Covid in Northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state. IVM is universally available and used with benign side-effect, I might add, in both regions.

IVM was first developed as a human intervention. It later was adapted as an animal anti-parasitic its detractors mockingly call “horse paste.”

It doesn’t take rocket science to add two plus two and reach four, but it does take an open mind.

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Insert clips of Biden and Harris saying they would not take a vaccine that was developed in under 2 years.

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I want to see your AARP card buddy... you might be eligible for a discount on mental care services.

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You gotta pay the grocery first. You don’t find out you got a rotten watermelon until you get home and cut it open!

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Your argument is nothing but a pile of horseshit... but that's besides the point. Let's just assume you are correct for the fun of it. That money is gone... regardless if you get vaccinated or not. I got vaccinated 6 months ago and paid nothing. It came out of taxpayers pockets. You on the other hand refuse to get vaccinated, but you paid with your taxes for my shot too. 😆

And the above article only shows how dumb people are, paying millions of dollars out of their own pockets to shady crooks, who prescribe them unproven pills as "miracle cures" 😆

The funniest part is... they already paid for the vaccines and don't take it. 😂

So...basically all your bitching around is just hilarious and paying again for some "miracle pills" is even funnier and utter stupidity. You just proved my point...

Good Day.

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Yes, I'm well aware of Operstion Warp Speed & who initiated. Is that your best attempt at defending PedoJoe? 🤔

Anyway, I not waiting on some miracle pill, I have this thing called an "immune system" that truly does work wonders when given the chance. But since the medical establishment failed to inform the public about the advantages of that, and how to, like sunlight, eating healthy, exercise & vitamins, that ship has sailed. They actually done the exact opposite by imposing lockdowns, closing parks (vast open air spaces), scaring everybody into washing their hands 24/7, and so much more. But that's besides the point.

You said taxpayers paid for the vaccine yet didn't take it, as if that's a bad thing! Why would anybody in their right mind willingly take poison, or a "bioweapon" as Fauci called it? Idc who paid for it that's absurd!

You referred to my comment as "bitching around" but if you'd take a step away from your television (& Google) and look at the facts, you'd know everything I stated is true, therefore cannot be argued.

As far as a vaccine, thats not even what it is. It's a gene therapy that Moderna refers to as "an operating system." That doesn't sound very natural now does it 🤔 Recently the FDA Vaccine Advisory Board held a meeting to discuss vaccines. They said "we were falsely mislead by Pfizer about their vaccine. Heart attacks are 71x higher than other vaccines. The vaccines are killing 2 people for every 1 life saved."

If you'll look at all of the small plane crashes within recent months you'll find literally hundreds of crashes, all a direct result of the vaccinated pilots. Vaccines are causing heart problems, strokes & blood clots, among many others. Those conditions worsen at higher altitudes. But of course mainstream media won't tell you about that. They won't tell you that 1/3 of the vaccines is actually placebo, saline solution, which is why so many haven't had adverse reactions.

And have you ever wondered why there's been so many contradictions from those in power?...Why vaccines are their newest tool to create division?

Normal, ordinary citizens like you and I have no reason to lie to one another. Those in power have many reasons to lie. Think about that for a minute. You are defending those who lie and contradict theirselves every single day. Do u think they'd defend you? I bring up facts for the sole purpose of hopefully making others aware of the evil corruption taking place. Not to mention the spiritual Warfare.

If you want my exact point of view read Ezekiel 33:1-6. That's my conviction, my reasoning. There's no monetary gain, no "I told you so," or anything else. I speak out of true concern for people.

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I disagree with you and I'm not taking IVM. I'm not "paying for miracle pills." Like the vaxxes, I don't need it. Had COVID. Survived. It wasn't a big deal. I'm a healthy 65 year old. Go peddle your fear and vaccine snake oil somewhere else. The ONLY reason the vaxxes seem effective is because they're pushing them on EVERYONE, including healthy, younger people (under 60) who aren't likely to get seriously ill or die from COVID WITHOUT a vaccine. Of course, millions of vaxxed people are just fine! They didn't need the vaccine in the first place! If they only gave the vaxxes to those at threat from COVID, we'd see how ineffective they are.

Next up: Heart bypass surgery for all! (Yes, ridiculous. About as ridiculous as insisting that EVERYONE benefits from vaccination against COVID.)

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Says Jimbo, “I got vaccinated 6 months ago and paid nothing. It came out of taxpayers pockets.”

Ivermectin works great on parasites of all shapes, sizes, and colors!

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But...but...look at how successful the vaccines have been! They prevent transmission, sickness, and death!

Oh, wait a minute...

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I don't believe that Molnupiravir is the same as ivermectin. However, they are in direct competition. I suspect that that's the reason why Merck has decided to make Molnupiravir available cheaply in poor countries, where ivermectin is widely used already.

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