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One more thing....

Guess who initiated the government vaccine payment? I give you a hint:


I hope that rings a bell, if not.... oh well.... 😆

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Still trying desperately to protect Pfizer's EUA, which you know would have to be canceled if IVM were acknowledged to be a safe and effective off-label treatment for Covid? EUAs are issued when NO safe and effective existing treatments are available. So you people must keep up the lie based on empty ridicule that what's safe and effective isn't. Gotta protect that precious EUA at any cost, huh, bub?

So keep on keeping on looking like a desperate, ridiculous advocate for a genocidal drug whose EUA preservation relies increasingly upon prevaricators such as you, trying in vain to convince the sheeple mRNA pokes are safe, effective, and 'approved' pokes while their recipients are dying off like flies.

We who know better will continue obtaining IVM and HCQ and surviving while your species will slowly self-destruct on your spike protein petard.

Bye, and hope it isn't too hot where you're going!

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One can support various vaccines, at least for the most vulnerable people, and still support ivermectin use for people who get sick with COVID, whether vaccinated or not.

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One can't support the vaccines when there is a conspiracy to sweep the deaths, heart attacks and strokes caused by them under the rug and make them out to be safe and effective when they are obviously not either. If Fauci were not a depraved crook, he would have made certain that every doctor in every hospital in America was strongly mandated to report to VAERS every suspicious side effect and death, so we could have a complete and accurate record. And then he would have ordered autopsies of any suspicious death. That is how a doctor who was acting responsibly after championing the EUA of a drug using a completely new and untried technology would act. Instead he has suppressed the VAERS data and the two 2021 studies which indicate that VAERS only captures between 3% and 5% of all deaths and injuries.

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Sure one can. One can support Russian Roulette, too!

I prefer a harmless, effective off-label proven intervention with no side effects - even for “the most vulnerable people.” Guess what? IVM works for them, too!

There is ZERO Covid in sub-Saharan Africa. Also so happens the entire population takes IVM there as an anti-malarial prophylactic. There is ZERO Covid in Northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state. IVM is universally available and used with benign side-effect, I might add, in both regions.

IVM was first developed as a human intervention. It later was adapted as an animal anti-parasitic its detractors mockingly call “horse paste.”

It doesn’t take rocket science to add two plus two and reach four, but it does take an open mind.

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Insert clips of Biden and Harris saying they would not take a vaccine that was developed in under 2 years.

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I want to see your AARP card buddy... you might be eligible for a discount on mental care services.

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You gotta pay the grocery first. You don’t find out you got a rotten watermelon until you get home and cut it open!

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