You’re comments make most who read them feel blessed they’re not similarly stuck living through such myopia & misery. - And, most also know they should then resist the urge to be grateful for whatever God (or karma) that will continue to ensure that the willfully blind & indiscriminately unkind never attain meaningful joy, love and/or other success.
You’re comments make most who read them feel blessed they’re not similarly stuck living through such myopia & misery. - And, most also know they should then resist the urge to be grateful for whatever God (or karma) that will continue to ensure that the willfully blind & indiscriminately unkind never attain meaningful joy, love and/or other success.
You’re comments make most who read them feel blessed they’re not similarly stuck living through such myopia & misery. - And, most also know they should then resist the urge to be grateful for whatever God (or karma) that will continue to ensure that the willfully blind & indiscriminately unkind never attain meaningful joy, love and/or other success.
And, yet: here we are...