"Mutant p53 and cellular stress pathways: a criminal alliance that promotes cancer progression" Cancers 11.5 (2019):614
"Targeting mutant p53 in cancer: a long road to precision therapy" The FBS journal 284.6 (2017): 837-850
"Disrupted p53 function as a predictor of treatment failure and poor prognosis in B-and-T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" Clinical Cancer Research 5.5 (19999): 1085-1091
The above was taken from the absolutely awesome book "Cracking Cancer Toolkit" by Jeffrey Dach MD.
I personally have not seen fenbendazole work clinically and mebendazole gives a better response but you asked for references. :)
Interesting. Do you have a reference for the p53 gene effect? Thanks, as it may be an important factor.
"Mutant p53 and cellular stress pathways: a criminal alliance that promotes cancer progression" Cancers 11.5 (2019):614
"Targeting mutant p53 in cancer: a long road to precision therapy" The FBS journal 284.6 (2017): 837-850
"Disrupted p53 function as a predictor of treatment failure and poor prognosis in B-and-T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" Clinical Cancer Research 5.5 (19999): 1085-1091
The above was taken from the absolutely awesome book "Cracking Cancer Toolkit" by Jeffrey Dach MD.
I personally have not seen fenbendazole work clinically and mebendazole gives a better response but you asked for references. :)
Ok. Thank you very much!