For other physicians out there: FYI, I have tried Ivermectin (0.6mg/kg/day)+ several other repurposed meds on 4 cancer patients now, and all had initial responses that were encouraging, but all have progressed. I just recently read ab out using high-dose IVM (2.1-2.4mg/kg/day) and I started that, also to have the first set of labs (after 10d on regimen) show vast improvement (among other things, CRP decrease from 454 to 110), but at 30 days some things reversed course (PSA in this case, which was downtrending at 10d but now was higher than initial numbers).
One thing I want to share - cancer patients in Japan are routinely treated with something called PSK. When I searched this, I found that it was just Turkey Tail mushroom, and 3g/day is the amount used in most studies. This generally has to be ordered from the internet but my local health food store has started carrying. And I have everyone get their vitamin D up to between 100-120, and start taking warmed turmeric powder (NOT capsule)/black pepper (increases turmeric absorption 2000%) with one nut each day.
A great resource for both physicians and patients is the book "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger. Everyone should read this book, whether they have cancer or not.
Please read the book 'How to starve cancer' by Jane McLelland. It is life-saving. If the repurposed drugs that you have prescribed are not sufficient in turning the situation around, it is most likely due to the fact that they don't cover all the known dominant pathways relevant for the respective cancers. This allows the cancer to mutate and escape via the routes left open. This makes it imperative to not only add repurposed drugs but to do so in a highly systematic and planned way.
One of the most potent anti-cancer drugs (more so than ivermectin) is fenbendazole. However, while fenbendazole should be part of any protocol, each cancer needs a different set of repurposed drugs and other substances.
The dosages depend on the individual. In the case of Joe Tippens, 222 mg fenbendazole plus other substances per day were enough (he was cured of stage 4 SCLC after one of the most renowned cancer clinics in Texas could not help him anymore, you can read more about his story on his blog; others needed 1 to 2 g per day to achieve the same result. Everyone is different and every situation is different.
In addition to a protocol that is based on a systematic blockage of the known dominant pathways and targets cancer stem cells directly, patients need to change certain habits (e.g., follow an anti-cancer diet) and do a few other things which Jane McLelland describes.
Jane is an award-winning stage 4 cancer survivor. Like Joe Tippens she has been cancer-free for years, implementing a systematic protocol. Others have successfully replicated their success or used the same approach even before them. Prof. Ben Williams cured himself from stage 4 glioblastoma after having been given only six months to live based on regular options. He added repurposed drugs and other substances in a systematic way (which is essential!) to his conventional treatment and was fully cured. He has been cancer-free for over 20 years now. Other patients replicated his success with the same approach. Another stage 4 glioblastoma paitent, likewise given only months to live, has been cancer-free for over 7 years now after implementing Prof. Williams' protocol and approach. Like Jane, Prof. Williams has written a book about the approach. His story is also covered in a documentary which features lots of oncologists and other cancer experts which you can find at I highly recommend to watch this documentary!
There is a clear opening to make this approach a part of standard of care to greatly improve outcomes and survival!
Fenbendazole needs a functioning p53 gene and 50% of cancers do not have a functioning p53. Not to say don't use fenbendazole but be aware of limitations. The Procrustean approach is to make everybody fit onto the bed and people are different.
Interesting. My daughter was diagnosed with Li-Fraumeni syndrome which caused her stage four breast cancer diagnosis in October 2023. Something mysteriously shut off her tumor suppressor gene (P53) which we believe was caused by the vaccines she took. She immediately started an anti-cancer diet 10/23, and is also taking Lupron (hormone suppressor) and kisqali (targeted immunotherapy drug). Her tumors shrunk pretty rapidly and her liver size shrunk as well as she had metastasis there. I’m wondering if adding IVM would help? She has another followup in early Feb. She is not doing chemo or radiation at this point. 🙏🏼
See Dr. WILLIAM Makis substack. Similar cases there. He uses both Ivermectin AND Fenben. (Iverm. 1.2 mg per kg of body weight. And Fen ben 444 mg up to 888mg) And a few other things sometimes like fasting. And High amounts of Melatonin .If it was myself I'd add Pau Darco tea to detox. To my plan. Every day. We drink Jason Winters tea.and increase Vit D3 with K2, to at least 20,000 iu.(see Jeff Bowles book) . And read Hal Huggins books. Look into getting rid of root canals and mercury amalgums.(vErY slowly and carefully) . See Chrisbeatcancer. And Ty Bollingers books. Eat No sugar. Or try. And No Canola oil or Veg oil. No vaccines. No flu shots. Filtered water. Lots of healthy whole foods.
Li-Fraumeni by definition is an abnormality in the p53 gene (TP53) located on chromosome 17p13. Therefore fenbendazole is not the drug for her. Yes, getting the gene therapy shot would not be helpful but that p53 abnormality was there already. Working to counteract immune evasion by the tumor is important along with a host of other therapies and assessments.
Chemotherapy has a greater than 90% chance of failure in stage 4 carcinomas so no, chemotherapy is not a good choice.
"Mutant p53 and cellular stress pathways: a criminal alliance that promotes cancer progression" Cancers 11.5 (2019):614
"Targeting mutant p53 in cancer: a long road to precision therapy" The FBS journal 284.6 (2017): 837-850
"Disrupted p53 function as a predictor of treatment failure and poor prognosis in B-and-T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" Clinical Cancer Research 5.5 (19999): 1085-1091
The above was taken from the absolutely awesome book "Cracking Cancer Toolkit" by Jeffrey Dach MD.
I personally have not seen fenbendazole work clinically and mebendazole gives a better response but you asked for references. :)
I follow a young man in the UK on Twitter whose diagnosis of glioblastoma led to his career in medical research. He’s using a therapeutic ketogenic diet, hyperbaric oxygen and trialing other protocols. His name is Andrew Scarborough and he is now around ten years from his terminal diagnosis.
fenben works well with glioblastoma, while menbendazole was tested in 1980s for colorectal cancers. The problem is was: no money in it to pursue because clinical trials cost money and the Big Harmas aren't going to sponsor that - if it could CURE? There is no money in THAT my friend
Yes get the body alkaline not acidic no sugar, no alcohol (where I struggle lol) and keto mainly. Might also look at the Doxycline and how it fights cancers. It is not one size fits all, BUT many cancers will respond to Fenben, Ivermectin, AND/OR Doxy
Yes and sodium bicarboante. A small amount to alkalinze.(1.8tsp) See Dr. MARK Sircus book. Also a very high whole food vegetables diet. Green juices help get rid of acid. Recently saw an article of how plain old aspirin has helped get rid of cancers.
I will check out Joe Tippins and Jane Williams in.. do you know any doctors that work with cancer patients on alternative routes? My dad who has stage 3 cancer is wanting to do an ivermectin protocol and we’d like to find a doctor to meet with (likely online as we’re in PEI Canada) once per month to have someone to work with on a protocol instead of just doing it with no other guidance. I tried getting ahold of Dr William Makis but haven’t heard back yet.
If he has cancer of small cell, then Joe Tippen's site maybe super helpful. Utilizing Fen ben, Berberine, CBD oil, possible to add in the IVM to that... it has been a miracle for many. But knowing the type of cancer cell is important..
Have you tried his yahoo email address (he doesn't have WhatsApp which some spam Twitter accounts suggest wrongly are his)
His email is in the substack article below also
Dr William Makis is based in Canada as well
See my crash course substack article for newbies - it is meant more as motivation - but covers the protocols (metabolic and Fenben/IVM/Mebendazole etc)
As well as oncologists - Dr William Makis and others
May I ask what you mean by warmed turmeric powder? I put half a teaspoon of tumeric powder - purchased from the supermarket for use in recipes - into a cup of warm water and drink twice daily. Is this warmed turmeric powder?
Just wondering whether I am doing it right or not.
Thank you. Dad (age 90) was diagnosed with two kidney tumors (in one kidney) this week. He’s in great general health and tumor growth over the last 6 months has not occurred. The Doctor wants to take a surveillance approach because of Dad’s advanced age. We already take a nutritional approach. I’m going to get the book you mentioned. Thank you!
Dr. W. MAKIS in Edmonton uses Fenben or Menbendazole as well. With the Ivermectin Usually 1- 2 mg per kg of body weight. And 444 mg of Fenben up to 888mg. And a few other suggestions. He has a few articles and succesful cases on Substack.
Do you know any doctors in Canada who might be willing to work with my dad on a cancer protocol using ivermectin? So far we are planning to follow the Makis protocol (vitamin C, D, zinc, ivermectin, mebendazole, keto diet, exercise PLUS we’re going to add in turkey tail, chaga and likely CBD). My dad already had his tumors surgically removed (gall bladder and bile duct). I’m online desperately seeking some support by someone with knowledge that he can work with as he really wants to explore alternative routes as his friends who did chemo all died. We are in PEI Canada… any direction could help
I am a retired RN and am not against traditional medicine at all. I do believe, that Mother Nature supplies us with close to everything we need and I choose that route first.
My eyes opened even more when my younger sister was diagnosed with stage 3 B metastatic invasive lobular cancer in 2014. The oncologist drive home that she would die without chemo and radiation. My sister had a total mastectomy of left breast, including removal of some of her chest chest wall and lymph. The insurance and oncolide ided against a mastectomy on the right and would only lumpectomies of those masses. She agreed to radiation (58 sessions) and chemo, (red devil and another which I have forgotten the names.) After all of that the docs ordered tamoxafen and a few other oral endocrine blockers but they made her sick and unable to move.
The chemo and radiation damaged her cardiac, pulmonary, neurological, GI systems , etc.
Eight months after finishing the "treatments", the cancer returned in the right breast and she had to have a mastectomy.
Oncology told her that she needed chemo and radiation again. She said no! They threatened her with 6 months to live.
She found an MD who also was a naturopath, osteopath and Native American Shaman. The doctor took great care of my sister and prescribed several different vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc. It is now almost 10 years later and she is alive!
All of her doctors tell her that the chemo and radiation has caused all of her illnesses. She has to take a lot of prescriptions for her heart and other ailments, but continues with natural supplents.
I was just diagnosed with invasive ductal breast cancer on right side and an having a surgical consult. I absolutely refuse chemo and radiation. The oncology center keeps pushing..I'm not buying it.
This may be a fluke, but left breast showed a small mass in MRI and Ultrasound. I went for my biopsy last week and whatever was there is gone. The mass on the right is still there.
I take vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc regularly but have added the supplements that fight breast cancer. We will see what the mass shows when I have it removed. Nothing has metastasized as of yet.
People ask aren't you afraid!! Nope, not at all. This disease will not define me or run my life. I will take the supplements and eat well and see where it goes. I am 69 years old and what will be will be, but I'm not spending the rest of my life sick and suffering from side effects from a poison being pumped into my body.
If I am brave, it is because my sister is the warrior and lead the way. She lived through this nightmare as a single Mother who lost everything because of this monster and the medical establishment that feeds it.
Hi Sue, in 2019 was Triple + stage 3, not knowing any better I did the damn chemo, radiations and 3 lumpectomyies.. Learning while going through the chemo cocktails, had 2 Onc fired for screwing up my meds. I was sicker than sick. Anywho, fastforward. On the darn Anastrolzole because of the aggressive 100% Triple Positive BC. I do the vitamins, minerals herbs, teas (soursop tea, bitter apricot kernels, etc.) however, my DXA yesterday T score -21 and CT w/ Contrast build up of calicum in my blood... We just started Iver every 28 days, fullmoon, whereas I was doing the green walnut and wormwood 1x a month for 4 days... What did I miss? I might have to do the Zometa IV, still researching.....
I would never want to tell you what supplements to take, I am not qualified but more importantly, I would feel guilty for doing so. If anything happened to you I would fall apart. Each person has to educate themselves, read all the research there is and decide what is best for them.
For me, I am diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma with lobular features, HER+ , HER2-. My proliferation index K-67 is about 10% among cancer cells.
I need to balance my estrogen so that the type that drives breast cancer is decreased. The doctors usually order an oral estrogen blocker or inhibitor, such as tamoxafen. It comes with terrible side effects, cancer down the line ect. I looked up natural supplements to balance and block estrogen. The NIH, Pub Med, etc have research studies on that subject. I looked for ones that involved in vitro and in vivo to make sure not only cancer cells were tested with the supplements,but actual cancer tissue, human cancers, of the type of breast cancer that I have.I also looked for research that actually involved women.
Most of the research on natural treatments doesn't get far into testing human beings because the FDA won't fund it. There is no $ in it.
I found a study with women in took a particular supplement for HER+ breast cancer, Indole -3-carbinole. This worked to lower estrogen levels because estrogen was found in the urine of the women tested and increased as they continued taking the I3C.
I also found the following for all types of cancers: IP6 with inositol, Quercetin with reversatol, Green Tea extract with vit C (contains polyphenols and catechins).
Nattokinase, Vit D3 10,000 units with K2.
Golden Milk which is a powder of tumeric, turkey tail and mistake mushrooms and other herbs( ancient nutrition) .
I take a liquid multivitamin that I get at my chiropractors office called IntraMax. It has everything you can imagine and more. It contains some of the supplements I listed above, but not at the dose needed, for instance the Vit D 3 isn't 10,000 units so I supplement that.
I also drink a packet of Emergen-C at least once a day mixed in water. Vit C in that form absorbs quickly.
Orthomolecular Medicine website has a ton of information from doctors and scientists.
Thank you for responding. I agree and understand about not telling me what to do. I have been reaching and researching since 2019..
I started reading and chatting with others on the forums on breastcancer dot org with many Triple Postive women like myself 25 year survivors, even before herceptin, amazing strong woman, about 50 women in my Starting Chemo in May group and about 35 after 26 months Immunetherapy. I have read alot of pubmed and NIH studies. I do talk 40mg melatonin, 10,000 d3, magnesium transporters (4 types), zinc, and Vitamin MK-7 Plus with K1 & MK-4.
I am going to high dose my MK and for 3 weeks and hopfully push some of this calicium out my blood and into my darn bones. No One warn us about AI bone deterioration….
“…supplementing with 180 mcg a day of a long-acting form of vitamin K2 (MK-7).
Since vitamin K1 and MK-4 are inexpensive, it makes sense to include them with long-acting MK-7 vitamin K2 to inhibit and possibly reverse as much vascular calcification as possible, while providing support for strong bones…”
I had gastric bypass in 2014, so my multi vitamin is pretty awesome too.
You are lucky with the Her2 - …
I was diagnoised as Left Breast Grade 3 Multifocal Invasive Ductal Carcinoma 3.4 Cm +lvi, Grade 3 Dcis, Positive Axillary Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy +1(mi)/1, Er/pr/h2n Positive, Mpt1cN1(mi) MO, Stage 3b. My Ki67 said “greater than 90%”.. fun times …
Yes, I did the gene testing, nothing and no cancer in my family.
You could teach us all a few things!! You know a lot!
Is your parathyroid gland functioning normally? Do you take calcium supplements? ( In case I forgot what I just Does calcium show up in your urine ? Or just elevated in your blood?
I read an article that talked about osteoporosis and that calcium supplements were not needed.
Ha, not me. Like you said, We can only do whats best for ourselves. I know my body does not like chemicals, synthics, etc. From my gastric bypass, I do not absorb well, and manybthings make me nauseous. I dont watch TV so I watch a lot of social media then search and read key words and do comparisons. I only found this post because Dr. Malone shared this in his substack newsletter I get everday via email, then I hit the social media and repost and share, then I read the abstract research. Anywho, I am reading your Orthomolecular website, thank you. Especially more about root canals, I had 1 many years ago, left side same side BC, but since Chemo I have had 4 more, plus crowns, many filings. I have to have periodontal cleanings every 3 months now because Chemo keeps on giving 😉.
I do tooth powder and oil pulling, seems to have helped, but not enough teeth still decaying. Perfect teeth Spring 2019, to cavities, receding gums etc Dec 2019, fun times... I do not know about urine test, I go to oncology on the 16th.
I take a buffered vit C, helps with the digestion. A question I've not seen addressed anywhere, how is you ph, acid alkali balance? On that, have you seen any Italian physician Simoncini's work?
On calcium, I've read that magnesium helps it get back into the bones add in zinc as catalyst. Do some research on dosing. I use about 1/4 tsp a day of magnesium. Don't much bother with the zinc as my diet gives me plenty but if you're low, consider it.
here is an article that popped up in my search... Exactly what I am doing pro/con on continuing anatrzole.... with IV zometa appt on the 14th cuz bone density is now -20% on after 2 years, dentist wants to do up to 5 crowns, etc blah blah. Taking it all in to make my best informed decision.
Thanks for this post. I just lost my dearest friend to cancer two days ago. She suffered horribly from the chemo and radiation, was working less than three weeks ago while undergoing chemo, was fired from her job last week because she had cancer, and died on Monday. Toughest gal I ever knew. Big pharma doesn't want a cure for cancer. We need to figure it out ourselves.
I am a stage 3 melanoma patient who takes both Fenben and Ivermectin. But I have opted against chemo and radiation, as they clearly can both cause new cancers and destroy your immune system, even if they do show reduced tumor growth. I have looked into integrative oncology, but for some reason, I draw the line at some of the stupid shite they propose, such as coffee enemas. Plus, reading books like Jane McLellands How to Starve Cancer are completely ludicrous, because there are literally hundreds of "pathways", each of which require a different supplement. Many of these people and clinics are selling these supplements, which makes them suspect.
Almost all cancer treatments, whether from traditional "standard of care" to alternative, are used because most cancer patients are desperate to stay alive, and will try literally anything.
I recommend Mark Sloan's book The Cancer Industry for a different perspective. Also, read Ben Goldacre's Bad Pharma to understand what really happens with pharmaceuticals... That book will change your life.
Jane McLelland's book is life-saving and has helped many people survive. There are many pathways. However, the dominant pathways can be mapped for each cancer. Some repurposed drugs and substances block multiple of these pathways all at once. Blocking them forces cancer into remission as it relies on them to signal, feed and spread. A systematic approach also can target the cancer stem cells directly. Not only has this approach cured Jane from stage 4 cancer when conventional treatment had been exhausted but it has cured multiple other stage 4 survivors that had been given only months to live. One of them is Prof. Ben Williams who suffered from stage 4 glioblastoma and had been given only six months to live. He has been cancer-free for over 20 years now after doing the same as described in Jane's book. Like Jane, he has also written a book about it. Another stage 4 glioblastoma patient used Prof. William's protocol and has been cancer-free for over 7 years now. In the following documentary, oncologists and other cancer experts discuss these cases and this approach: I highly recommend it! I also highly recommend taking another, serious look at Jane McLelland's book.
Thanks for replying. I have Jane's book. The other problem I had with it is that it talks about her approach as an adjunct to radiation and/or chemo (as do many other "alternate" cancer therapies). I am opting out of all Big Pharma drugs and treatments. I do not want my immune system or thyroid to get destroyed. To be clear, I am doing the Joe Tippins protocol along with other recommended supplements such as Curcumin, Quercetin, Vitamin D, et al. Oh, and a mostly Keto diet.
I avoided the chemo/ radiation approach too. I couldn't bring myself to such levels of torture. I dropped all medications and processed food. I ate mostly raw, organic and fermented veggies. I also did Dr. Budwig's protocol. Green juice was my friend. I lived ultra clean for two years straight. No desserts, alcohol, man made chemical products, just clean food. That was in 2009. And yes, my vita D3 and thyroid #'s were very low.
A lot of times they have to throw that stuff in or they can be sued for practicing medicine without a license. AMA doesn't want anyone treading on their fiefdom.
Question for you. As you do your protocol are you still working with a medical professional to have tumors or certain markers check to see if you’re cancer is reducing?
My dad has stage 3 and we’re exploring protocols, we’re looking at Dr Makis ivermectin protocol. But I feel like having some kind of medical professional to work with would help a lot. What have you been doing? Are you mostly solo on your own protocol you’re following?
Since Nixon declared "War on Cancer" they have spent about 5 TRILLION dollars in research to find a cure. The US Cancer industry administers 7 times the chemo as the European countries with similar outcomes. Breast Cancer has grown from 1 in 22 women to 1 in 8 and they have not found a chemical cure. The cure is in boosting the immune system and research says that 80% of the breast cancers can be eliminated if all women were tested for a Vitamin D deficiency. Average women has less than 25 ng's of D blood value (active hormonal form) and it should be over 50 ng's. Of course, if the medicine man embraced this concept, they would destroy the 125 BILLION per year cancer industry. Of course, Ivermectin is cheap and is not profitable as the chemo drugs and is ignored. A vibrant and whole immune system is key to defending the body against all pathogens and this concept is totally ignored by Big Medicine. That's not how you grow the Half-Trillion dollar bloated medical system in the USA! The phony Covid crisis would have ended abruptly if everyone was tested for Vitamin D deficiency rather than be tested with an unreliable stick up the nose! Blew through trillions of dollars which could have been spent on infrastructure and eliminating homelessness.,%202022%20(U.S.%20dollars,%20PPP%20adjusted)
Yea! Nothing has changed in the last 50 years! My wife's oncologist convinced me and her that 8 rounds of CHOPS was better than the standard 6 rounds. BS to make more money! He was amazed that my wife tolerated the chemical invasion well. He knew I was managing her nutritional intake well and he knew it was against the rules pushed by the chemo money people!
I love this story of successful treatment of colorectal cancer which now seems to be everywhere post covid vaxx. Encouraging to know there are alternatives to brutal chemo, radiation and sometimes surgery. God bless this man, he is a hero.
My dog just died from osteosarcoma. I wish I had learned of this possible treatment for him before it was too late. The potential is there for everyone. I am willing to use it should I ever get cancer. Traditional chemo can damage organs, including the heart, to the point that the patient dies. This gives us all a bit of hope. Thanks for sharing this.
I'm sorry about your loss. If you can find a homeopathic or naturopathic Veterinarian they are great. My veterinarian studied both and helped keep our Boxer, Maya's, mast cell cancer at bay until she passed at age 8.
don't forget doxycline I see it too has anti cancer properties. Def. helps gum disease, osteoarthritis and well lets not forget the lymes disease, and Gulf War Syndrome that it treats.
Thank you for another success story using Ivermectic. Sharing this information can help save many lives and prevent the ravages of the slash, poison, and burn protocols.
I discovered the NIH publication back in 2020 showing that IVM kills 10 or so different cancer cells invitro. Here is a Brave search dealing with different studies showing such:
Interestingly, six searches down, there is an AP "fact checking" website pillorying it's use for cancer. One only has to scroll down to the very first advertiser to see which side AP's bread is buttered on.
From BASF's website:
"We offer our customers a wide portfolio of active ingredients, excipients and intermediates – from metabolite profiling, solvents, catalysts, reagents, active pharmaceutical ingredients, pharmaceutical excipients like solubilizers to plastics for healthcare and diagnostics. We also produce and market exclusive advanced intermediates and active ingredients that are tailored to our customers' specific needs."
ran into a similar story today, cancer survivor getting nowhere with straight standard treatment was put on a cocktail with fenbendazole, also for parasites.
Most cancers need glucose. If you go sever Keto (85 fat, 15 protein, and 5 simple carbs eg mixed greens) and keep total calories under 1,000 then cancer starves. Get keto meter. See
I think it can't be overemphasized how strong a role money plays in medicine. The pharmaceutical industry contributes oceans of money to drug and cancer research, to the regulatory agencies, and to educational research. Big pharm also pays for a large percentage of ads for traditional news outlets and of course, election campaigns. So, even without malevolent intent (a big "if"), big pharma-sponsored research soaks up a lot of research brainpower. It's far sexier for researchers trying to make a name to be associated with dramatic new methods of treatment than for fine-tuning of medicines that have been around for decades.
But focusing on malevolence, we hear multiple accounts of suppression of critiques of new drugs and the suppression of research questioning the efficacy or safety of new drugs. The whole industry is swimming in money and they spread it around liberally.
Hi JC, I buy the 2lb bag of turmeric online(often from Anthony's Organics but have gone elsewhere when they are out) as using the small amounts from grocery stores is too expensive. Mixing turmeric powder with black pepper (coarse ground, not fine, so you can see how much you have mixed in) increases absorption 2000%, and taking it with a source of fat (1 nut) helps as well. The anti-inflammatory properties are preserved when it is cold, but the DNA-repair (ie, anti-cancer) properties require that it be heated. I do not know how warm it needs to be (would have to look at study to see if they mention an exact temperature), but I pre-mix the turmeric & pepper in a Rubbermaid container, and take a big heaping teaspoon, mixed with water, in my coffee mug after I finish my am coffee. I warm this in the microwave for about 30 seconds, so it is warm but not scalding, and down it like a shot. I have not found any way to make this taste good, so I just down if fast and brush teeth.
Thanks for sharing Doc. If you don't mind me suggesting - it my be even better to ditch the microwave. I remember seeing a video ages ago showing how consuming microwaved food messed with white blood cells. Then there's the radiation exposure to consider as well. Might be worth researching further. Best of luck as you pursue truth and health!
Like we Indians have been doing from time immemorial, you can add a pinch to half tsp of turmeric powder to any cooked meal preparation, vegetables or meat. Yes it will impart a yellow colour, should not matter. It is a mild spice and a food colour too. I don’t want to claim that we are cancer free as a result of this practice, because we too have the same adverse things like smoking as in the rest of the world. But per capita, we could have a lower incidence of cancer generally in the population, though the absolute number of cases are high as stand alone numbers, given the huge populations, 4 times that of USA. As a population, we could be benefiting with regular turmeric in our food, though it may not possible to quantify it.
I have also been reading quite a lot about the repurposed drugs and their role in mitigating cancer. Very remarkable. This story is one such. I am not a doctor, but feel strongly about multiple mechanisms of therapy for atleast tenacious diseases like cancer. Even with molecules like Ivermectin and Fenbendazole that can provide multiple actions on cancer, single drugs may not be fully effective.
It has to be a cocktail of these drugs, with adjuvants. Don’t expect to beat cancer only with turmeric or green tea or grape juice.
Yes! One of the many reasons turmeric is effective is that it attacks cancer cells by multiple mechanisms, so it is harder for cancer cells to become resistant to it (methylene blue does this as well). Versus chemotherapy, which only works in one way, leading to resistance in some cases. Also, chemotherapy kills cancer cells by necrosis, which leads to inflammation, which causes mitochondrial damage, which is the ultimate cause of all cancers, NOT an accumulation of DNA damage as we've all been taught/believed. Turmeric (and other repurposed medications) kill cancer cells often by apoptosis, which is programmed cell death and is NOT inflammatory. And I take the powder, not the capsule supplements, as if there is a known absorption issue with turmeric, why add yet another barrier (like a capsule) that the body has to break down just to get to the turmeric?
I wish I could edit my post as I've recently read Dr. Thomas Seyfried's book "Cancer as a Metabolic Disease" in which I was informed that cancer's cause is inflammation leading to mitochondrial damage, not accumulation of genetic damage, thus I no longer take my turmeric warmed, but take it cold.
Another great thing that India does is apparently they have a national de-worming day twice each year where everybody takes Albendazole.
For other physicians out there: FYI, I have tried Ivermectin (0.6mg/kg/day)+ several other repurposed meds on 4 cancer patients now, and all had initial responses that were encouraging, but all have progressed. I just recently read ab out using high-dose IVM (2.1-2.4mg/kg/day) and I started that, also to have the first set of labs (after 10d on regimen) show vast improvement (among other things, CRP decrease from 454 to 110), but at 30 days some things reversed course (PSA in this case, which was downtrending at 10d but now was higher than initial numbers).
One thing I want to share - cancer patients in Japan are routinely treated with something called PSK. When I searched this, I found that it was just Turkey Tail mushroom, and 3g/day is the amount used in most studies. This generally has to be ordered from the internet but my local health food store has started carrying. And I have everyone get their vitamin D up to between 100-120, and start taking warmed turmeric powder (NOT capsule)/black pepper (increases turmeric absorption 2000%) with one nut each day.
A great resource for both physicians and patients is the book "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger. Everyone should read this book, whether they have cancer or not.
Hope this is helpful to someone!
Please read the book 'How to starve cancer' by Jane McLelland. It is life-saving. If the repurposed drugs that you have prescribed are not sufficient in turning the situation around, it is most likely due to the fact that they don't cover all the known dominant pathways relevant for the respective cancers. This allows the cancer to mutate and escape via the routes left open. This makes it imperative to not only add repurposed drugs but to do so in a highly systematic and planned way.
One of the most potent anti-cancer drugs (more so than ivermectin) is fenbendazole. However, while fenbendazole should be part of any protocol, each cancer needs a different set of repurposed drugs and other substances.
The dosages depend on the individual. In the case of Joe Tippens, 222 mg fenbendazole plus other substances per day were enough (he was cured of stage 4 SCLC after one of the most renowned cancer clinics in Texas could not help him anymore, you can read more about his story on his blog; others needed 1 to 2 g per day to achieve the same result. Everyone is different and every situation is different.
In addition to a protocol that is based on a systematic blockage of the known dominant pathways and targets cancer stem cells directly, patients need to change certain habits (e.g., follow an anti-cancer diet) and do a few other things which Jane McLelland describes.
Jane is an award-winning stage 4 cancer survivor. Like Joe Tippens she has been cancer-free for years, implementing a systematic protocol. Others have successfully replicated their success or used the same approach even before them. Prof. Ben Williams cured himself from stage 4 glioblastoma after having been given only six months to live based on regular options. He added repurposed drugs and other substances in a systematic way (which is essential!) to his conventional treatment and was fully cured. He has been cancer-free for over 20 years now. Other patients replicated his success with the same approach. Another stage 4 glioblastoma paitent, likewise given only months to live, has been cancer-free for over 7 years now after implementing Prof. Williams' protocol and approach. Like Jane, Prof. Williams has written a book about the approach. His story is also covered in a documentary which features lots of oncologists and other cancer experts which you can find at I highly recommend to watch this documentary!
There is a clear opening to make this approach a part of standard of care to greatly improve outcomes and survival!
Fenbendazole needs a functioning p53 gene and 50% of cancers do not have a functioning p53. Not to say don't use fenbendazole but be aware of limitations. The Procrustean approach is to make everybody fit onto the bed and people are different.
Interesting. My daughter was diagnosed with Li-Fraumeni syndrome which caused her stage four breast cancer diagnosis in October 2023. Something mysteriously shut off her tumor suppressor gene (P53) which we believe was caused by the vaccines she took. She immediately started an anti-cancer diet 10/23, and is also taking Lupron (hormone suppressor) and kisqali (targeted immunotherapy drug). Her tumors shrunk pretty rapidly and her liver size shrunk as well as she had metastasis there. I’m wondering if adding IVM would help? She has another followup in early Feb. She is not doing chemo or radiation at this point. 🙏🏼
See Dr. WILLIAM Makis substack. Similar cases there. He uses both Ivermectin AND Fenben. (Iverm. 1.2 mg per kg of body weight. And Fen ben 444 mg up to 888mg) And a few other things sometimes like fasting. And High amounts of Melatonin .If it was myself I'd add Pau Darco tea to detox. To my plan. Every day. We drink Jason Winters tea.and increase Vit D3 with K2, to at least 20,000 iu.(see Jeff Bowles book) . And read Hal Huggins books. Look into getting rid of root canals and mercury amalgums.(vErY slowly and carefully) . See Chrisbeatcancer. And Ty Bollingers books. Eat No sugar. Or try. And No Canola oil or Veg oil. No vaccines. No flu shots. Filtered water. Lots of healthy whole foods.
Li-Fraumeni by definition is an abnormality in the p53 gene (TP53) located on chromosome 17p13. Therefore fenbendazole is not the drug for her. Yes, getting the gene therapy shot would not be helpful but that p53 abnormality was there already. Working to counteract immune evasion by the tumor is important along with a host of other therapies and assessments.
Chemotherapy has a greater than 90% chance of failure in stage 4 carcinomas so no, chemotherapy is not a good choice.
Interesting. Do you have a reference for the p53 gene effect? Thanks, as it may be an important factor.
"Mutant p53 and cellular stress pathways: a criminal alliance that promotes cancer progression" Cancers 11.5 (2019):614
"Targeting mutant p53 in cancer: a long road to precision therapy" The FBS journal 284.6 (2017): 837-850
"Disrupted p53 function as a predictor of treatment failure and poor prognosis in B-and-T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" Clinical Cancer Research 5.5 (19999): 1085-1091
The above was taken from the absolutely awesome book "Cracking Cancer Toolkit" by Jeffrey Dach MD.
I personally have not seen fenbendazole work clinically and mebendazole gives a better response but you asked for references. :)
Ok. Thank you very much!
I follow a young man in the UK on Twitter whose diagnosis of glioblastoma led to his career in medical research. He’s using a therapeutic ketogenic diet, hyperbaric oxygen and trialing other protocols. His name is Andrew Scarborough and he is now around ten years from his terminal diagnosis.
fenben works well with glioblastoma, while menbendazole was tested in 1980s for colorectal cancers. The problem is was: no money in it to pursue because clinical trials cost money and the Big Harmas aren't going to sponsor that - if it could CURE? There is no money in THAT my friend
Yes get the body alkaline not acidic no sugar, no alcohol (where I struggle lol) and keto mainly. Might also look at the Doxycline and how it fights cancers. It is not one size fits all, BUT many cancers will respond to Fenben, Ivermectin, AND/OR Doxy
Yes and sodium bicarboante. A small amount to alkalinze.(1.8tsp) See Dr. MARK Sircus book. Also a very high whole food vegetables diet. Green juices help get rid of acid. Recently saw an article of how plain old aspirin has helped get rid of cancers.
I will check out Joe Tippins and Jane Williams in.. do you know any doctors that work with cancer patients on alternative routes? My dad who has stage 3 cancer is wanting to do an ivermectin protocol and we’d like to find a doctor to meet with (likely online as we’re in PEI Canada) once per month to have someone to work with on a protocol instead of just doing it with no other guidance. I tried getting ahold of Dr William Makis but haven’t heard back yet.
If he has cancer of small cell, then Joe Tippen's site maybe super helpful. Utilizing Fen ben, Berberine, CBD oil, possible to add in the IVM to that... it has been a miracle for many. But knowing the type of cancer cell is important..
Have you tried his yahoo email address (he doesn't have WhatsApp which some spam Twitter accounts suggest wrongly are his)
His email is in the substack article below also
Dr William Makis is based in Canada as well
See my crash course substack article for newbies - it is meant more as motivation - but covers the protocols (metabolic and Fenben/IVM/Mebendazole etc)
As well as oncologists - Dr William Makis and others
Did you test for key nutrient deficiencies? Zinc, Magnesium, Active hormonal form of vitamin D?
Yes and don't forget iodine and vit C.
May I ask what you mean by warmed turmeric powder? I put half a teaspoon of tumeric powder - purchased from the supermarket for use in recipes - into a cup of warm water and drink twice daily. Is this warmed turmeric powder?
Just wondering whether I am doing it right or not.
Would like to talk abt your experience for article. Msg me?
Add fenbenazole, berberine, and CBD oil.. it may be what gets them over the hump. See Joe'Tippens protocols
Effective against kidney cancer
Effective against breast cancer
Thank you. Dad (age 90) was diagnosed with two kidney tumors (in one kidney) this week. He’s in great general health and tumor growth over the last 6 months has not occurred. The Doctor wants to take a surveillance approach because of Dad’s advanced age. We already take a nutritional approach. I’m going to get the book you mentioned. Thank you!
How do you warm the tumeric,? In hot drinks? I already have the book, but haven't read it.
Thank you. Doctor. Appreciated!
Dr. W. MAKIS in Edmonton uses Fenben or Menbendazole as well. With the Ivermectin Usually 1- 2 mg per kg of body weight. And 444 mg of Fenben up to 888mg. And a few other suggestions. He has a few articles and succesful cases on Substack.
Also there are mushroom combo supplements with 7 or 8 mushrooms that help immunity. RM-10 used to help a few of my friends. Pau Darco tea is amazing.
Do you know any doctors in Canada who might be willing to work with my dad on a cancer protocol using ivermectin? So far we are planning to follow the Makis protocol (vitamin C, D, zinc, ivermectin, mebendazole, keto diet, exercise PLUS we’re going to add in turkey tail, chaga and likely CBD). My dad already had his tumors surgically removed (gall bladder and bile duct). I’m online desperately seeking some support by someone with knowledge that he can work with as he really wants to explore alternative routes as his friends who did chemo all died. We are in PEI Canada… any direction could help
See also his substack. A ton of information there. Using Iverm and Fenben and other .....and the commentary have a lot of success stories.
Dr W Makis
I am a retired RN and am not against traditional medicine at all. I do believe, that Mother Nature supplies us with close to everything we need and I choose that route first.
My eyes opened even more when my younger sister was diagnosed with stage 3 B metastatic invasive lobular cancer in 2014. The oncologist drive home that she would die without chemo and radiation. My sister had a total mastectomy of left breast, including removal of some of her chest chest wall and lymph. The insurance and oncolide ided against a mastectomy on the right and would only lumpectomies of those masses. She agreed to radiation (58 sessions) and chemo, (red devil and another which I have forgotten the names.) After all of that the docs ordered tamoxafen and a few other oral endocrine blockers but they made her sick and unable to move.
The chemo and radiation damaged her cardiac, pulmonary, neurological, GI systems , etc.
Eight months after finishing the "treatments", the cancer returned in the right breast and she had to have a mastectomy.
Oncology told her that she needed chemo and radiation again. She said no! They threatened her with 6 months to live.
She found an MD who also was a naturopath, osteopath and Native American Shaman. The doctor took great care of my sister and prescribed several different vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc. It is now almost 10 years later and she is alive!
All of her doctors tell her that the chemo and radiation has caused all of her illnesses. She has to take a lot of prescriptions for her heart and other ailments, but continues with natural supplents.
I was just diagnosed with invasive ductal breast cancer on right side and an having a surgical consult. I absolutely refuse chemo and radiation. The oncology center keeps pushing..I'm not buying it.
This may be a fluke, but left breast showed a small mass in MRI and Ultrasound. I went for my biopsy last week and whatever was there is gone. The mass on the right is still there.
I take vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc regularly but have added the supplements that fight breast cancer. We will see what the mass shows when I have it removed. Nothing has metastasized as of yet.
People ask aren't you afraid!! Nope, not at all. This disease will not define me or run my life. I will take the supplements and eat well and see where it goes. I am 69 years old and what will be will be, but I'm not spending the rest of my life sick and suffering from side effects from a poison being pumped into my body.
You are a very brave, strong woman!
If I am brave, it is because my sister is the warrior and lead the way. She lived through this nightmare as a single Mother who lost everything because of this monster and the medical establishment that feeds it.
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GFY- this is not the forum for this.
FU, ahole!! This country will not survive another 4 years of Vegetable Joe, or any damned Dem.
Beating cancer is awesome... but what if your country has gone into Mad Max condition, moron?
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Hi Sue, in 2019 was Triple + stage 3, not knowing any better I did the damn chemo, radiations and 3 lumpectomyies.. Learning while going through the chemo cocktails, had 2 Onc fired for screwing up my meds. I was sicker than sick. Anywho, fastforward. On the darn Anastrolzole because of the aggressive 100% Triple Positive BC. I do the vitamins, minerals herbs, teas (soursop tea, bitter apricot kernels, etc.) however, my DXA yesterday T score -21 and CT w/ Contrast build up of calicum in my blood... We just started Iver every 28 days, fullmoon, whereas I was doing the green walnut and wormwood 1x a month for 4 days... What did I miss? I might have to do the Zometa IV, still researching.....
I would never want to tell you what supplements to take, I am not qualified but more importantly, I would feel guilty for doing so. If anything happened to you I would fall apart. Each person has to educate themselves, read all the research there is and decide what is best for them.
For me, I am diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma with lobular features, HER+ , HER2-. My proliferation index K-67 is about 10% among cancer cells.
I need to balance my estrogen so that the type that drives breast cancer is decreased. The doctors usually order an oral estrogen blocker or inhibitor, such as tamoxafen. It comes with terrible side effects, cancer down the line ect. I looked up natural supplements to balance and block estrogen. The NIH, Pub Med, etc have research studies on that subject. I looked for ones that involved in vitro and in vivo to make sure not only cancer cells were tested with the supplements,but actual cancer tissue, human cancers, of the type of breast cancer that I have.I also looked for research that actually involved women.
Most of the research on natural treatments doesn't get far into testing human beings because the FDA won't fund it. There is no $ in it.
I found a study with women in took a particular supplement for HER+ breast cancer, Indole -3-carbinole. This worked to lower estrogen levels because estrogen was found in the urine of the women tested and increased as they continued taking the I3C.
I also found the following for all types of cancers: IP6 with inositol, Quercetin with reversatol, Green Tea extract with vit C (contains polyphenols and catechins).
Nattokinase, Vit D3 10,000 units with K2.
Golden Milk which is a powder of tumeric, turkey tail and mistake mushrooms and other herbs( ancient nutrition) .
I take a liquid multivitamin that I get at my chiropractors office called IntraMax. It has everything you can imagine and more. It contains some of the supplements I listed above, but not at the dose needed, for instance the Vit D 3 isn't 10,000 units so I supplement that.
I also drink a packet of Emergen-C at least once a day mixed in water. Vit C in that form absorbs quickly.
Orthomolecular Medicine website has a ton of information from doctors and scientists.
Here is one from NIH,including%20sulforaphane%2C%20curcumin%2C%20genistein%2C%20resveratrol%2C%20lycopene%2C%20and%20epigallocatechin-3-gallate.
I will look up more for you to read. This is a start. Have you had any genetic testing done?
Thank you for responding. I agree and understand about not telling me what to do. I have been reaching and researching since 2019..
I started reading and chatting with others on the forums on breastcancer dot org with many Triple Postive women like myself 25 year survivors, even before herceptin, amazing strong woman, about 50 women in my Starting Chemo in May group and about 35 after 26 months Immunetherapy. I have read alot of pubmed and NIH studies. I do talk 40mg melatonin, 10,000 d3, magnesium transporters (4 types), zinc, and Vitamin MK-7 Plus with K1 & MK-4.
I am going to high dose my MK and for 3 weeks and hopfully push some of this calicium out my blood and into my darn bones. No One warn us about AI bone deterioration….,in%20accumulated%20arterial%20calcium%20deposits.
“…supplementing with 180 mcg a day of a long-acting form of vitamin K2 (MK-7).
Since vitamin K1 and MK-4 are inexpensive, it makes sense to include them with long-acting MK-7 vitamin K2 to inhibit and possibly reverse as much vascular calcification as possible, while providing support for strong bones…”
I had gastric bypass in 2014, so my multi vitamin is pretty awesome too.
You are lucky with the Her2 - …
I was diagnoised as Left Breast Grade 3 Multifocal Invasive Ductal Carcinoma 3.4 Cm +lvi, Grade 3 Dcis, Positive Axillary Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy +1(mi)/1, Er/pr/h2n Positive, Mpt1cN1(mi) MO, Stage 3b. My Ki67 said “greater than 90%”.. fun times …
Yes, I did the gene testing, nothing and no cancer in my family.
You could teach us all a few things!! You know a lot!
Is your parathyroid gland functioning normally? Do you take calcium supplements? ( In case I forgot what I just Does calcium show up in your urine ? Or just elevated in your blood?
I read an article that talked about osteoporosis and that calcium supplements were not needed.
Ha, not me. Like you said, We can only do whats best for ourselves. I know my body does not like chemicals, synthics, etc. From my gastric bypass, I do not absorb well, and manybthings make me nauseous. I dont watch TV so I watch a lot of social media then search and read key words and do comparisons. I only found this post because Dr. Malone shared this in his substack newsletter I get everday via email, then I hit the social media and repost and share, then I read the abstract research. Anywho, I am reading your Orthomolecular website, thank you. Especially more about root canals, I had 1 many years ago, left side same side BC, but since Chemo I have had 4 more, plus crowns, many filings. I have to have periodontal cleanings every 3 months now because Chemo keeps on giving 😉.
I do tooth powder and oil pulling, seems to have helped, but not enough teeth still decaying. Perfect teeth Spring 2019, to cavities, receding gums etc Dec 2019, fun times... I do not know about urine test, I go to oncology on the 16th.
if you would like to interact with more Triple+ visit
There are many forums to pick from and bookmark, etc. but its a start. Many tips, tricks and life long Thrivors 🩷
I forgot to tell ya, i do Mary Ruth's liquid vitamin C .. cant afford the IV at this time 🥰
I take a buffered vit C, helps with the digestion. A question I've not seen addressed anywhere, how is you ph, acid alkali balance? On that, have you seen any Italian physician Simoncini's work?
On calcium, I've read that magnesium helps it get back into the bones add in zinc as catalyst. Do some research on dosing. I use about 1/4 tsp a day of magnesium. Don't much bother with the zinc as my diet gives me plenty but if you're low, consider it.
Hope you had a great weekend...
here is an article that popped up in my search... Exactly what I am doing pro/con on continuing anatrzole.... with IV zometa appt on the 14th cuz bone density is now -20% on after 2 years, dentist wants to do up to 5 crowns, etc blah blah. Taking it all in to make my best informed decision.
Hello! My weekend was ok. 😁
I've been taking all my vitamins, supplements, etc and staying healthy! Staying far away from anything oncology.
Keep me posted on your journey!
I'm half awake ..I typed in triple - instead of triple + in a search below.,An%20antioxidant%20found%20in%20green%20tea%20may%20increase%20levels%20of,damage%20or%20destroy%20cancerous%20cells.
Amen! 💜
Try the fenben, CBD oil, Berberine and other on the Joe Tippen's protocol. Can't hurt, may cure.
Thanks for this post. I just lost my dearest friend to cancer two days ago. She suffered horribly from the chemo and radiation, was working less than three weeks ago while undergoing chemo, was fired from her job last week because she had cancer, and died on Monday. Toughest gal I ever knew. Big pharma doesn't want a cure for cancer. We need to figure it out ourselves.
So sorry for your loss. :-(
AMA only wants you to stay in "their own" lane.
To keep watching the Bobber..... Might be a cure on the end of the line. ( no doubt isn't)
Plus the Juice they offered as repair, was never worth the squeeze you went thru.
So sorry for your loss. Heartbreaking 💔
I am a stage 3 melanoma patient who takes both Fenben and Ivermectin. But I have opted against chemo and radiation, as they clearly can both cause new cancers and destroy your immune system, even if they do show reduced tumor growth. I have looked into integrative oncology, but for some reason, I draw the line at some of the stupid shite they propose, such as coffee enemas. Plus, reading books like Jane McLellands How to Starve Cancer are completely ludicrous, because there are literally hundreds of "pathways", each of which require a different supplement. Many of these people and clinics are selling these supplements, which makes them suspect.
Almost all cancer treatments, whether from traditional "standard of care" to alternative, are used because most cancer patients are desperate to stay alive, and will try literally anything.
I recommend Mark Sloan's book The Cancer Industry for a different perspective. Also, read Ben Goldacre's Bad Pharma to understand what really happens with pharmaceuticals... That book will change your life.
Jane McLelland's book is life-saving and has helped many people survive. There are many pathways. However, the dominant pathways can be mapped for each cancer. Some repurposed drugs and substances block multiple of these pathways all at once. Blocking them forces cancer into remission as it relies on them to signal, feed and spread. A systematic approach also can target the cancer stem cells directly. Not only has this approach cured Jane from stage 4 cancer when conventional treatment had been exhausted but it has cured multiple other stage 4 survivors that had been given only months to live. One of them is Prof. Ben Williams who suffered from stage 4 glioblastoma and had been given only six months to live. He has been cancer-free for over 20 years now after doing the same as described in Jane's book. Like Jane, he has also written a book about it. Another stage 4 glioblastoma patient used Prof. William's protocol and has been cancer-free for over 7 years now. In the following documentary, oncologists and other cancer experts discuss these cases and this approach: I highly recommend it! I also highly recommend taking another, serious look at Jane McLelland's book.
Thanks for replying. I have Jane's book. The other problem I had with it is that it talks about her approach as an adjunct to radiation and/or chemo (as do many other "alternate" cancer therapies). I am opting out of all Big Pharma drugs and treatments. I do not want my immune system or thyroid to get destroyed. To be clear, I am doing the Joe Tippins protocol along with other recommended supplements such as Curcumin, Quercetin, Vitamin D, et al. Oh, and a mostly Keto diet.
I avoided the chemo/ radiation approach too. I couldn't bring myself to such levels of torture. I dropped all medications and processed food. I ate mostly raw, organic and fermented veggies. I also did Dr. Budwig's protocol. Green juice was my friend. I lived ultra clean for two years straight. No desserts, alcohol, man made chemical products, just clean food. That was in 2009. And yes, my vita D3 and thyroid #'s were very low.
A lot of times they have to throw that stuff in or they can be sued for practicing medicine without a license. AMA doesn't want anyone treading on their fiefdom.
I'm going to look Joe Tippins up! Thank you for the information!
Question for you. As you do your protocol are you still working with a medical professional to have tumors or certain markers check to see if you’re cancer is reducing?
My dad has stage 3 and we’re exploring protocols, we’re looking at Dr Makis ivermectin protocol. But I feel like having some kind of medical professional to work with would help a lot. What have you been doing? Are you mostly solo on your own protocol you’re following?
Have you looked into mistletoe therapy? It has shown promise for many cancers including melanoma.
A link I found that summarizes studies:
Thomas Cowan in his book "Cancer and the New Biology of Water" speaks of using Chaga mushroom specifically for melanomas.
Since Nixon declared "War on Cancer" they have spent about 5 TRILLION dollars in research to find a cure. The US Cancer industry administers 7 times the chemo as the European countries with similar outcomes. Breast Cancer has grown from 1 in 22 women to 1 in 8 and they have not found a chemical cure. The cure is in boosting the immune system and research says that 80% of the breast cancers can be eliminated if all women were tested for a Vitamin D deficiency. Average women has less than 25 ng's of D blood value (active hormonal form) and it should be over 50 ng's. Of course, if the medicine man embraced this concept, they would destroy the 125 BILLION per year cancer industry. Of course, Ivermectin is cheap and is not profitable as the chemo drugs and is ignored. A vibrant and whole immune system is key to defending the body against all pathogens and this concept is totally ignored by Big Medicine. That's not how you grow the Half-Trillion dollar bloated medical system in the USA! The phony Covid crisis would have ended abruptly if everyone was tested for Vitamin D deficiency rather than be tested with an unreliable stick up the nose! Blew through trillions of dollars which could have been spent on infrastructure and eliminating homelessness.,%202022%20(U.S.%20dollars,%20PPP%20adjusted)
Almost as victorious as their 5 decade "War on Drugs"!
( I'll take WAR ON CANCER FOR $1000.00)
Question: What is the War on Cancer?
Answer: When cancer grew legs all it's own, and ran away to hide everywhere elsewhere from Modern Medicine and Doctors in your body. Like a terrorist.
Big Chemo drives the direction of medicine!
the cost of which enables and buys lavish vacations and pays for mansion's and 2 yachts.
Oncologists resell cancer drugs to their patients at astronomical markups
Yea! Nothing has changed in the last 50 years! My wife's oncologist convinced me and her that 8 rounds of CHOPS was better than the standard 6 rounds. BS to make more money! He was amazed that my wife tolerated the chemical invasion well. He knew I was managing her nutritional intake well and he knew it was against the rules pushed by the chemo money people!
I love this story of successful treatment of colorectal cancer which now seems to be everywhere post covid vaxx. Encouraging to know there are alternatives to brutal chemo, radiation and sometimes surgery. God bless this man, he is a hero.
My dog just died from osteosarcoma. I wish I had learned of this possible treatment for him before it was too late. The potential is there for everyone. I am willing to use it should I ever get cancer. Traditional chemo can damage organs, including the heart, to the point that the patient dies. This gives us all a bit of hope. Thanks for sharing this.
I'm sorry about your loss. If you can find a homeopathic or naturopathic Veterinarian they are great. My veterinarian studied both and helped keep our Boxer, Maya's, mast cell cancer at bay until she passed at age 8.
Follow the science; Ivermectin has antiparasitic, antiviral, and anti cancer properties. Doctors need to read the research.
don't forget doxycline I see it too has anti cancer properties. Def. helps gum disease, osteoarthritis and well lets not forget the lymes disease, and Gulf War Syndrome that it treats.
Thank you for another success story using Ivermectic. Sharing this information can help save many lives and prevent the ravages of the slash, poison, and burn protocols.
I discovered the NIH publication back in 2020 showing that IVM kills 10 or so different cancer cells invitro. Here is a Brave search dealing with different studies showing such:
Interestingly, six searches down, there is an AP "fact checking" website pillorying it's use for cancer. One only has to scroll down to the very first advertiser to see which side AP's bread is buttered on.
From BASF's website:
"We offer our customers a wide portfolio of active ingredients, excipients and intermediates – from metabolite profiling, solvents, catalysts, reagents, active pharmaceutical ingredients, pharmaceutical excipients like solubilizers to plastics for healthcare and diagnostics. We also produce and market exclusive advanced intermediates and active ingredients that are tailored to our customers' specific needs."
High quality Reishi mushroom powder combined with Amygdalin (aka/Laetrile) on a daily basis is far more effective than chemo and radiation.
Thank you so much for sharing hope in a world that so desperately needs it.
ran into a similar story today, cancer survivor getting nowhere with straight standard treatment was put on a cocktail with fenbendazole, also for parasites.
Interview here - Beating Stage 4 Colon Cancer
Interviewer, comedian Jim Breuer, was on Dr. Drew today and mentioned this in passing, so looked it up.
Most cancers need glucose. If you go sever Keto (85 fat, 15 protein, and 5 simple carbs eg mixed greens) and keep total calories under 1,000 then cancer starves. Get keto meter. See
But shutting down carb consumption will shut down thyroid function.
Thank you for mentioning Dr Seyfried. He is brilliant!
I think it can't be overemphasized how strong a role money plays in medicine. The pharmaceutical industry contributes oceans of money to drug and cancer research, to the regulatory agencies, and to educational research. Big pharm also pays for a large percentage of ads for traditional news outlets and of course, election campaigns. So, even without malevolent intent (a big "if"), big pharma-sponsored research soaks up a lot of research brainpower. It's far sexier for researchers trying to make a name to be associated with dramatic new methods of treatment than for fine-tuning of medicines that have been around for decades.
But focusing on malevolence, we hear multiple accounts of suppression of critiques of new drugs and the suppression of research questioning the efficacy or safety of new drugs. The whole industry is swimming in money and they spread it around liberally.
Hi JC, I buy the 2lb bag of turmeric online(often from Anthony's Organics but have gone elsewhere when they are out) as using the small amounts from grocery stores is too expensive. Mixing turmeric powder with black pepper (coarse ground, not fine, so you can see how much you have mixed in) increases absorption 2000%, and taking it with a source of fat (1 nut) helps as well. The anti-inflammatory properties are preserved when it is cold, but the DNA-repair (ie, anti-cancer) properties require that it be heated. I do not know how warm it needs to be (would have to look at study to see if they mention an exact temperature), but I pre-mix the turmeric & pepper in a Rubbermaid container, and take a big heaping teaspoon, mixed with water, in my coffee mug after I finish my am coffee. I warm this in the microwave for about 30 seconds, so it is warm but not scalding, and down it like a shot. I have not found any way to make this taste good, so I just down if fast and brush teeth.
I have heard a lot of good anecdotal things about turmeric. Especially for neuropathy.
Thanks for sharing Doc. If you don't mind me suggesting - it my be even better to ditch the microwave. I remember seeing a video ages ago showing how consuming microwaved food messed with white blood cells. Then there's the radiation exposure to consider as well. Might be worth researching further. Best of luck as you pursue truth and health!
Like we Indians have been doing from time immemorial, you can add a pinch to half tsp of turmeric powder to any cooked meal preparation, vegetables or meat. Yes it will impart a yellow colour, should not matter. It is a mild spice and a food colour too. I don’t want to claim that we are cancer free as a result of this practice, because we too have the same adverse things like smoking as in the rest of the world. But per capita, we could have a lower incidence of cancer generally in the population, though the absolute number of cases are high as stand alone numbers, given the huge populations, 4 times that of USA. As a population, we could be benefiting with regular turmeric in our food, though it may not possible to quantify it.
I have also been reading quite a lot about the repurposed drugs and their role in mitigating cancer. Very remarkable. This story is one such. I am not a doctor, but feel strongly about multiple mechanisms of therapy for atleast tenacious diseases like cancer. Even with molecules like Ivermectin and Fenbendazole that can provide multiple actions on cancer, single drugs may not be fully effective.
It has to be a cocktail of these drugs, with adjuvants. Don’t expect to beat cancer only with turmeric or green tea or grape juice.
Yes! One of the many reasons turmeric is effective is that it attacks cancer cells by multiple mechanisms, so it is harder for cancer cells to become resistant to it (methylene blue does this as well). Versus chemotherapy, which only works in one way, leading to resistance in some cases. Also, chemotherapy kills cancer cells by necrosis, which leads to inflammation, which causes mitochondrial damage, which is the ultimate cause of all cancers, NOT an accumulation of DNA damage as we've all been taught/believed. Turmeric (and other repurposed medications) kill cancer cells often by apoptosis, which is programmed cell death and is NOT inflammatory. And I take the powder, not the capsule supplements, as if there is a known absorption issue with turmeric, why add yet another barrier (like a capsule) that the body has to break down just to get to the turmeric?
I wish I could edit my post as I've recently read Dr. Thomas Seyfried's book "Cancer as a Metabolic Disease" in which I was informed that cancer's cause is inflammation leading to mitochondrial damage, not accumulation of genetic damage, thus I no longer take my turmeric warmed, but take it cold.
Another great thing that India does is apparently they have a national de-worming day twice each year where everybody takes Albendazole.