Please read the book 'How to starve cancer' by Jane McLelland. It is life-saving. If the repurposed drugs that you have prescribed are not sufficient in turning the situation around, it is most likely due to the fact that they don't cover all the known dominant pathways relevant for the respective cancers. This allows the cancer to mutat…
Please read the book 'How to starve cancer' by Jane McLelland. It is life-saving. If the repurposed drugs that you have prescribed are not sufficient in turning the situation around, it is most likely due to the fact that they don't cover all the known dominant pathways relevant for the respective cancers. This allows the cancer to mutate and escape via the routes left open. This makes it imperative to not only add repurposed drugs but to do so in a highly systematic and planned way.
One of the most potent anti-cancer drugs (more so than ivermectin) is fenbendazole. However, while fenbendazole should be part of any protocol, each cancer needs a different set of repurposed drugs and other substances.
The dosages depend on the individual. In the case of Joe Tippens, 222 mg fenbendazole plus other substances per day were enough (he was cured of stage 4 SCLC after one of the most renowned cancer clinics in Texas could not help him anymore, you can read more about his story on his blog; others needed 1 to 2 g per day to achieve the same result. Everyone is different and every situation is different.
In addition to a protocol that is based on a systematic blockage of the known dominant pathways and targets cancer stem cells directly, patients need to change certain habits (e.g., follow an anti-cancer diet) and do a few other things which Jane McLelland describes.
Jane is an award-winning stage 4 cancer survivor. Like Joe Tippens she has been cancer-free for years, implementing a systematic protocol. Others have successfully replicated their success or used the same approach even before them. Prof. Ben Williams cured himself from stage 4 glioblastoma after having been given only six months to live based on regular options. He added repurposed drugs and other substances in a systematic way (which is essential!) to his conventional treatment and was fully cured. He has been cancer-free for over 20 years now. Other patients replicated his success with the same approach. Another stage 4 glioblastoma paitent, likewise given only months to live, has been cancer-free for over 7 years now after implementing Prof. Williams' protocol and approach. Like Jane, Prof. Williams has written a book about the approach. His story is also covered in a documentary which features lots of oncologists and other cancer experts which you can find at I highly recommend to watch this documentary!
There is a clear opening to make this approach a part of standard of care to greatly improve outcomes and survival!
Fenbendazole needs a functioning p53 gene and 50% of cancers do not have a functioning p53. Not to say don't use fenbendazole but be aware of limitations. The Procrustean approach is to make everybody fit onto the bed and people are different.
Interesting. My daughter was diagnosed with Li-Fraumeni syndrome which caused her stage four breast cancer diagnosis in October 2023. Something mysteriously shut off her tumor suppressor gene (P53) which we believe was caused by the vaccines she took. She immediately started an anti-cancer diet 10/23, and is also taking Lupron (hormone suppressor) and kisqali (targeted immunotherapy drug). Her tumors shrunk pretty rapidly and her liver size shrunk as well as she had metastasis there. I’m wondering if adding IVM would help? She has another followup in early Feb. She is not doing chemo or radiation at this point. 🙏🏼
See Dr. WILLIAM Makis substack. Similar cases there. He uses both Ivermectin AND Fenben. (Iverm. 1.2 mg per kg of body weight. And Fen ben 444 mg up to 888mg) And a few other things sometimes like fasting. And High amounts of Melatonin .If it was myself I'd add Pau Darco tea to detox. To my plan. Every day. We drink Jason Winters tea.and increase Vit D3 with K2, to at least 20,000 iu.(see Jeff Bowles book) . And read Hal Huggins books. Look into getting rid of root canals and mercury amalgums.(vErY slowly and carefully) . See Chrisbeatcancer. And Ty Bollingers books. Eat No sugar. Or try. And No Canola oil or Veg oil. No vaccines. No flu shots. Filtered water. Lots of healthy whole foods.
Li-Fraumeni by definition is an abnormality in the p53 gene (TP53) located on chromosome 17p13. Therefore fenbendazole is not the drug for her. Yes, getting the gene therapy shot would not be helpful but that p53 abnormality was there already. Working to counteract immune evasion by the tumor is important along with a host of other therapies and assessments.
Chemotherapy has a greater than 90% chance of failure in stage 4 carcinomas so no, chemotherapy is not a good choice.
"Mutant p53 and cellular stress pathways: a criminal alliance that promotes cancer progression" Cancers 11.5 (2019):614
"Targeting mutant p53 in cancer: a long road to precision therapy" The FBS journal 284.6 (2017): 837-850
"Disrupted p53 function as a predictor of treatment failure and poor prognosis in B-and-T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" Clinical Cancer Research 5.5 (19999): 1085-1091
The above was taken from the absolutely awesome book "Cracking Cancer Toolkit" by Jeffrey Dach MD.
I personally have not seen fenbendazole work clinically and mebendazole gives a better response but you asked for references. :)
I follow a young man in the UK on Twitter whose diagnosis of glioblastoma led to his career in medical research. He’s using a therapeutic ketogenic diet, hyperbaric oxygen and trialing other protocols. His name is Andrew Scarborough and he is now around ten years from his terminal diagnosis.
fenben works well with glioblastoma, while menbendazole was tested in 1980s for colorectal cancers. The problem is was: no money in it to pursue because clinical trials cost money and the Big Harmas aren't going to sponsor that - if it could CURE? There is no money in THAT my friend
Yes get the body alkaline not acidic no sugar, no alcohol (where I struggle lol) and keto mainly. Might also look at the Doxycline and how it fights cancers. It is not one size fits all, BUT many cancers will respond to Fenben, Ivermectin, AND/OR Doxy
Yes and sodium bicarboante. A small amount to alkalinze.(1.8tsp) See Dr. MARK Sircus book. Also a very high whole food vegetables diet. Green juices help get rid of acid. Recently saw an article of how plain old aspirin has helped get rid of cancers.
I will check out Joe Tippins and Jane Williams in.. do you know any doctors that work with cancer patients on alternative routes? My dad who has stage 3 cancer is wanting to do an ivermectin protocol and we’d like to find a doctor to meet with (likely online as we’re in PEI Canada) once per month to have someone to work with on a protocol instead of just doing it with no other guidance. I tried getting ahold of Dr William Makis but haven’t heard back yet.
If he has cancer of small cell, then Joe Tippen's site maybe super helpful. Utilizing Fen ben, Berberine, CBD oil, possible to add in the IVM to that... it has been a miracle for many. But knowing the type of cancer cell is important..
Have you tried his yahoo email address (he doesn't have WhatsApp which some spam Twitter accounts suggest wrongly are his)
His email is in the substack article below also
Dr William Makis is based in Canada as well
See my crash course substack article for newbies - it is meant more as motivation - but covers the protocols (metabolic and Fenben/IVM/Mebendazole etc)
As well as oncologists - Dr William Makis and others
Please read the book 'How to starve cancer' by Jane McLelland. It is life-saving. If the repurposed drugs that you have prescribed are not sufficient in turning the situation around, it is most likely due to the fact that they don't cover all the known dominant pathways relevant for the respective cancers. This allows the cancer to mutate and escape via the routes left open. This makes it imperative to not only add repurposed drugs but to do so in a highly systematic and planned way.
One of the most potent anti-cancer drugs (more so than ivermectin) is fenbendazole. However, while fenbendazole should be part of any protocol, each cancer needs a different set of repurposed drugs and other substances.
The dosages depend on the individual. In the case of Joe Tippens, 222 mg fenbendazole plus other substances per day were enough (he was cured of stage 4 SCLC after one of the most renowned cancer clinics in Texas could not help him anymore, you can read more about his story on his blog; others needed 1 to 2 g per day to achieve the same result. Everyone is different and every situation is different.
In addition to a protocol that is based on a systematic blockage of the known dominant pathways and targets cancer stem cells directly, patients need to change certain habits (e.g., follow an anti-cancer diet) and do a few other things which Jane McLelland describes.
Jane is an award-winning stage 4 cancer survivor. Like Joe Tippens she has been cancer-free for years, implementing a systematic protocol. Others have successfully replicated their success or used the same approach even before them. Prof. Ben Williams cured himself from stage 4 glioblastoma after having been given only six months to live based on regular options. He added repurposed drugs and other substances in a systematic way (which is essential!) to his conventional treatment and was fully cured. He has been cancer-free for over 20 years now. Other patients replicated his success with the same approach. Another stage 4 glioblastoma paitent, likewise given only months to live, has been cancer-free for over 7 years now after implementing Prof. Williams' protocol and approach. Like Jane, Prof. Williams has written a book about the approach. His story is also covered in a documentary which features lots of oncologists and other cancer experts which you can find at I highly recommend to watch this documentary!
There is a clear opening to make this approach a part of standard of care to greatly improve outcomes and survival!
Fenbendazole needs a functioning p53 gene and 50% of cancers do not have a functioning p53. Not to say don't use fenbendazole but be aware of limitations. The Procrustean approach is to make everybody fit onto the bed and people are different.
Interesting. My daughter was diagnosed with Li-Fraumeni syndrome which caused her stage four breast cancer diagnosis in October 2023. Something mysteriously shut off her tumor suppressor gene (P53) which we believe was caused by the vaccines she took. She immediately started an anti-cancer diet 10/23, and is also taking Lupron (hormone suppressor) and kisqali (targeted immunotherapy drug). Her tumors shrunk pretty rapidly and her liver size shrunk as well as she had metastasis there. I’m wondering if adding IVM would help? She has another followup in early Feb. She is not doing chemo or radiation at this point. 🙏🏼
See Dr. WILLIAM Makis substack. Similar cases there. He uses both Ivermectin AND Fenben. (Iverm. 1.2 mg per kg of body weight. And Fen ben 444 mg up to 888mg) And a few other things sometimes like fasting. And High amounts of Melatonin .If it was myself I'd add Pau Darco tea to detox. To my plan. Every day. We drink Jason Winters tea.and increase Vit D3 with K2, to at least 20,000 iu.(see Jeff Bowles book) . And read Hal Huggins books. Look into getting rid of root canals and mercury amalgums.(vErY slowly and carefully) . See Chrisbeatcancer. And Ty Bollingers books. Eat No sugar. Or try. And No Canola oil or Veg oil. No vaccines. No flu shots. Filtered water. Lots of healthy whole foods.
Li-Fraumeni by definition is an abnormality in the p53 gene (TP53) located on chromosome 17p13. Therefore fenbendazole is not the drug for her. Yes, getting the gene therapy shot would not be helpful but that p53 abnormality was there already. Working to counteract immune evasion by the tumor is important along with a host of other therapies and assessments.
Chemotherapy has a greater than 90% chance of failure in stage 4 carcinomas so no, chemotherapy is not a good choice.
Interesting. Do you have a reference for the p53 gene effect? Thanks, as it may be an important factor.
"Mutant p53 and cellular stress pathways: a criminal alliance that promotes cancer progression" Cancers 11.5 (2019):614
"Targeting mutant p53 in cancer: a long road to precision therapy" The FBS journal 284.6 (2017): 837-850
"Disrupted p53 function as a predictor of treatment failure and poor prognosis in B-and-T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" Clinical Cancer Research 5.5 (19999): 1085-1091
The above was taken from the absolutely awesome book "Cracking Cancer Toolkit" by Jeffrey Dach MD.
I personally have not seen fenbendazole work clinically and mebendazole gives a better response but you asked for references. :)
Ok. Thank you very much!
I follow a young man in the UK on Twitter whose diagnosis of glioblastoma led to his career in medical research. He’s using a therapeutic ketogenic diet, hyperbaric oxygen and trialing other protocols. His name is Andrew Scarborough and he is now around ten years from his terminal diagnosis.
fenben works well with glioblastoma, while menbendazole was tested in 1980s for colorectal cancers. The problem is was: no money in it to pursue because clinical trials cost money and the Big Harmas aren't going to sponsor that - if it could CURE? There is no money in THAT my friend
Yes get the body alkaline not acidic no sugar, no alcohol (where I struggle lol) and keto mainly. Might also look at the Doxycline and how it fights cancers. It is not one size fits all, BUT many cancers will respond to Fenben, Ivermectin, AND/OR Doxy
Yes and sodium bicarboante. A small amount to alkalinze.(1.8tsp) See Dr. MARK Sircus book. Also a very high whole food vegetables diet. Green juices help get rid of acid. Recently saw an article of how plain old aspirin has helped get rid of cancers.
I will check out Joe Tippins and Jane Williams in.. do you know any doctors that work with cancer patients on alternative routes? My dad who has stage 3 cancer is wanting to do an ivermectin protocol and we’d like to find a doctor to meet with (likely online as we’re in PEI Canada) once per month to have someone to work with on a protocol instead of just doing it with no other guidance. I tried getting ahold of Dr William Makis but haven’t heard back yet.
If he has cancer of small cell, then Joe Tippen's site maybe super helpful. Utilizing Fen ben, Berberine, CBD oil, possible to add in the IVM to that... it has been a miracle for many. But knowing the type of cancer cell is important..
Have you tried his yahoo email address (he doesn't have WhatsApp which some spam Twitter accounts suggest wrongly are his)
His email is in the substack article below also
Dr William Makis is based in Canada as well
See my crash course substack article for newbies - it is meant more as motivation - but covers the protocols (metabolic and Fenben/IVM/Mebendazole etc)
As well as oncologists - Dr William Makis and others