Your comment triggers one of my pet peeves. Personally, I dislike all political labels when trying to have a meaningful conversation with someone. Progressive, liberal, conservative, libertarian, right, left, far right, Republican, Democrat, blah, blah, blah. Not only does their meaning tend to drift over time, they all come with bagg…
Your comment triggers one of my pet peeves. Personally, I dislike all political labels when trying to have a meaningful conversation with someone. Progressive, liberal, conservative, libertarian, right, left, far right, Republican, Democrat, blah, blah, blah. Not only does their meaning tend to drift over time, they all come with baggage that stifles productive dialog. A label identifies which tribe you belong to. We don't have discussions anymore, we have tribal bickering. One must recite the required talking points to retain status as a card carrying member of the tribe. What better way for us to remain divided and conquered?
Better to disclaim membership in any tribe, axe the tribal bickering, and instead find some common ground with which to start a conversation. You can always find a scrap of common ground lying around somewhere, no matter who you're talking with.
It's not inflammatory. It's honest. Why is the Democratic party a sacred cow? The people running it are just politicians. It's OK to criticize them, especially on this life-and-death issue.
I was a Dem for 55 years as I began campaigning for progressives in high-school. I am the first Greta (not by first but an eg from 1976:
so i am an ecoradical who never bought a car (had a license til recent glaucoma, so i could help in emergencies). But, I am not going to vote Democrat until Democrats stop censoring science, shoving disinfo down our throats, suspending us for sharing info & persecuting conscientious MDs & libeling conscientious scientists. The 5 yr old Trump & shariaXtian gang as some in earlier GOP administrations did F___d around w/ environment-related agencies but that did not have much effect. When Dem/Lib MSM forced Fauci & Birx & Collins etc lies down our throats in Spring 2020 did not do anything to stop it as they were cowardly playing both sides -- they too are corrupted by Pharma, just not so thoroughly. But, only a couple of hundreds of Dem friends would even listen to the DrZ=Giuliani 3/28/2020 interview. I even spelled his name Ghouliani as i strongly dislike him and explained WHY it was important (NYT lied that DrZ gave meds to "anyone" on 4/02 in order to sabotage his proof BRD of preventing most hospit & death by C19 by cheap & safe OP ET protocol of his invention = why BRD? because he gave it to 690 HR pts -- and described in detail how HR was determined). What I am afraid you may not get, Kira, is the enormity of the negligent homicide involved. Hundreds K, by now maybe a million died for not taking OP ET in the US alone. Millions in the world & because failure to push cheap & safe antiviral protocols & family prophy as needed in 2020 which wudda crushed C19, we destroyed the world economy for the wealthy 90% or so and have hurt BILLIONS of people. One cannot waste trillions w/ no side-effects. While a drop in travel helped the biosphere some the immune pressure created by the leaky vxz not only spreads variants among us but will wreak havoc on the rest of the biosphere. I know Iver is dangerous to beetles so had we done what we shudda in 2020 we wudda also needed to bear that in mind and take counter measures. I also am a Planned Parenthood supporter of decades who often wrote to papers to fight the "LIFE" argument as no one else did (only one guy did on Progressive radio the year b4 Obama was elected. Believe it or not, it was Jerry Springer. Obviously, I will not vote GOP (unless I was in Ron Johnson;s state as his Second Opinion is the best Hearing ever done). I assume he was too busy w/ C19 matters to understand 5 yr old Trump's election claims. Also, I despise both parties for abandoning the PKK/YPG/PYD peace-building ecofeminist pluralist ground-up=democracy & confederalism spreading brave & kind allies to the jihads under the cover of jets & armed drones by Erdogan. Both parties are corrupt & cowardly. I will not vote again until/unless we have a science & people & biosphere -loving/caring 3rd party. You cannot get millions of people killed & still be voted for. What WHO w/ our help did to India in the Delta Days was murder, by the number of dead worse than what Putin does in the Ukraine. If I seem less upset by the GOP, it is because their Xtian mythology & selfishness is all obvious enuf to be beaten back. Dems, whether you take WEF seriously or not are utterly insane. My observation is that the long long RAGE vs Trump fried their brains. I have found friends i thought intelligent utterly incapable of reading or listening to any argument and simply continuing to give me crap from the cdc or FDA. Only chronic Covid torture may wake them up but even then chances are they would blame it on me (unvxd at 71 & no C19 so far) and never read, say Dr Bossche. I think we will need a leader -- that is to say representative -- but who? BTW, you must have many interesting friends, almost NONE of mine saif "I used to be a Democrat" -- all are doubling down (though one did get Iver for her son). I was worried that one Lefty-lockup on seeing SCOTUS ready to go after abortion AND KNOWING that would make it hard to convince Dems to think seriously re C19 might get so depressed as to do herself harm. Imho as horrendous as the attack on abortion is, the number of victims is far less that the number of us threatened by censoring science & allowing pharma to RULE. We have no chance to fight to minimize damage from climate change or try to stop the completion of the Carbon Cycle as Odum put this threat iaround 1970 so long as we allow pharma & Dems to destroy trust in science and in government. So i'll try for a 3rd party but prefer GOP for all its conneticut yankee backwardness to Dems utter insanity. I beg u to work to wake up Dems. I am too tired and too poor and must finish work that wil give me a voice (albeit in japan) before i go blind. So go for it, but realize the stakes may be higher (w/ respect to the damage Dems have done & can do) than you yet realize as far as i can grasp from what you say,
Your comment triggers one of my pet peeves. Personally, I dislike all political labels when trying to have a meaningful conversation with someone. Progressive, liberal, conservative, libertarian, right, left, far right, Republican, Democrat, blah, blah, blah. Not only does their meaning tend to drift over time, they all come with baggage that stifles productive dialog. A label identifies which tribe you belong to. We don't have discussions anymore, we have tribal bickering. One must recite the required talking points to retain status as a card carrying member of the tribe. What better way for us to remain divided and conquered?
Better to disclaim membership in any tribe, axe the tribal bickering, and instead find some common ground with which to start a conversation. You can always find a scrap of common ground lying around somewhere, no matter who you're talking with.
1000% AGREE. This is what I’m objecting to with the endless “I used to be a Democrat…..”…… itself an inflammatory statement.
It's not inflammatory. It's honest. Why is the Democratic party a sacred cow? The people running it are just politicians. It's OK to criticize them, especially on this life-and-death issue.
I was a Dem for 55 years as I began campaigning for progressives in high-school. I am the first Greta (not by first but an eg from 1976:
so i am an ecoradical who never bought a car (had a license til recent glaucoma, so i could help in emergencies). But, I am not going to vote Democrat until Democrats stop censoring science, shoving disinfo down our throats, suspending us for sharing info & persecuting conscientious MDs & libeling conscientious scientists. The 5 yr old Trump & shariaXtian gang as some in earlier GOP administrations did F___d around w/ environment-related agencies but that did not have much effect. When Dem/Lib MSM forced Fauci & Birx & Collins etc lies down our throats in Spring 2020 did not do anything to stop it as they were cowardly playing both sides -- they too are corrupted by Pharma, just not so thoroughly. But, only a couple of hundreds of Dem friends would even listen to the DrZ=Giuliani 3/28/2020 interview. I even spelled his name Ghouliani as i strongly dislike him and explained WHY it was important (NYT lied that DrZ gave meds to "anyone" on 4/02 in order to sabotage his proof BRD of preventing most hospit & death by C19 by cheap & safe OP ET protocol of his invention = why BRD? because he gave it to 690 HR pts -- and described in detail how HR was determined). What I am afraid you may not get, Kira, is the enormity of the negligent homicide involved. Hundreds K, by now maybe a million died for not taking OP ET in the US alone. Millions in the world & because failure to push cheap & safe antiviral protocols & family prophy as needed in 2020 which wudda crushed C19, we destroyed the world economy for the wealthy 90% or so and have hurt BILLIONS of people. One cannot waste trillions w/ no side-effects. While a drop in travel helped the biosphere some the immune pressure created by the leaky vxz not only spreads variants among us but will wreak havoc on the rest of the biosphere. I know Iver is dangerous to beetles so had we done what we shudda in 2020 we wudda also needed to bear that in mind and take counter measures. I also am a Planned Parenthood supporter of decades who often wrote to papers to fight the "LIFE" argument as no one else did (only one guy did on Progressive radio the year b4 Obama was elected. Believe it or not, it was Jerry Springer. Obviously, I will not vote GOP (unless I was in Ron Johnson;s state as his Second Opinion is the best Hearing ever done). I assume he was too busy w/ C19 matters to understand 5 yr old Trump's election claims. Also, I despise both parties for abandoning the PKK/YPG/PYD peace-building ecofeminist pluralist ground-up=democracy & confederalism spreading brave & kind allies to the jihads under the cover of jets & armed drones by Erdogan. Both parties are corrupt & cowardly. I will not vote again until/unless we have a science & people & biosphere -loving/caring 3rd party. You cannot get millions of people killed & still be voted for. What WHO w/ our help did to India in the Delta Days was murder, by the number of dead worse than what Putin does in the Ukraine. If I seem less upset by the GOP, it is because their Xtian mythology & selfishness is all obvious enuf to be beaten back. Dems, whether you take WEF seriously or not are utterly insane. My observation is that the long long RAGE vs Trump fried their brains. I have found friends i thought intelligent utterly incapable of reading or listening to any argument and simply continuing to give me crap from the cdc or FDA. Only chronic Covid torture may wake them up but even then chances are they would blame it on me (unvxd at 71 & no C19 so far) and never read, say Dr Bossche. I think we will need a leader -- that is to say representative -- but who? BTW, you must have many interesting friends, almost NONE of mine saif "I used to be a Democrat" -- all are doubling down (though one did get Iver for her son). I was worried that one Lefty-lockup on seeing SCOTUS ready to go after abortion AND KNOWING that would make it hard to convince Dems to think seriously re C19 might get so depressed as to do herself harm. Imho as horrendous as the attack on abortion is, the number of victims is far less that the number of us threatened by censoring science & allowing pharma to RULE. We have no chance to fight to minimize damage from climate change or try to stop the completion of the Carbon Cycle as Odum put this threat iaround 1970 so long as we allow pharma & Dems to destroy trust in science and in government. So i'll try for a 3rd party but prefer GOP for all its conneticut yankee backwardness to Dems utter insanity. I beg u to work to wake up Dems. I am too tired and too poor and must finish work that wil give me a voice (albeit in japan) before i go blind. So go for it, but realize the stakes may be higher (w/ respect to the damage Dems have done & can do) than you yet realize as far as i can grasp from what you say,
Good insight. Very well stated.