There is a small difference between Republicans and Democrats, but it is insufficient to save us. Their similarities will sink us. We’ll need to learn to abandon oligarchical demo-publican duopoly and elect people of integrity not willing to prostitute themselves with either of these political corporations. Quite frankly, choosing randomly from citizenry would deliver better results.

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I agree with the objective. But if you are suggesting a third party to serve as the escape vehicle from the duopoly, I have my doubts given the amount of time still available to act. The "deep state" (i.e., the ruling elites, billionaire oligarchs, whatever you choose to call them) is actually in control as far as I'm concerned. They have bought off the elected politicians and have such tight control over elections, policies, judicial appointments, law enforcement, and traditional mass media that a third party can easily be thwarted. Think Bernie Sanders. Meanwhile, more and more technological control is being installed in the form of censorship. surveillance, content manipulation, and so on. Personally, I think the only avenue that has a realistic chance at this point is massive sustained demonstrations of civil disobedience (preferably nonviolent).

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Third party is a dead end. We need to vote for an honest patriot that will represent American people, not the oligarchy. Anyone willing to compromise themselves by being either a Republican or a Democrats ought to be automatically dismissed by the electorate. Vote for an honest individual. It is the only way to escape the current trap. Why do we need to only vote for either Republican or Democrat? At this time, honesty and willingness to fight for American people, ought to transcend political affinities. They aren’t that important, and affinities are the mechanism how they herd us into supporting either of the political corporatIons (they aren’t real political parties).

The independents are the largest block of voters. Unfortunately, they still tend to vote either for Dems or Repubs. Not really independent, is it?

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Sleepy Joe nor Humpty Trumpty ain't honest as well as most members of both parties.

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I call them worse and worser!

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I think you're right, but that's why the MAGA movement is wiping out the old-school Republican establishment that was not very different at all from the Democrat Party. The MAGA movement is ANTI-GOVERNMENT in almost every way - especially the Federal Government. It is almost literally a REBELLION against the permanent, bipartisan political Ruling Class that has wrecked this country for decades and made us all poorer and sicker. Join the rebellion. Destroy the duopoly.

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I don’t hold as much hope. I agree there is a populist rebellion but the Establishment is dealing with it with a combination of measures. A clear example of cooptation is the general lack of action on jabs issue. We know they kill and damage and yet there are just 2 Republican Senators willing to mildly question the official narrative. There are many Representatives with large MAGA populations in their districts. Where are they on the issue of jab mandates? If there was a liberty issue, that was the one. Nothing! We’ve contacted our Republican Congressman and the Republican Senator and they came back with typical BS. We might as well have asked Fauci! Utterly useless.

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I agree.

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Well it didn't help that Trump himself publicly and vehemently supported the vaccine as well as claiming credit for it. I know several Trump supporters who took the vaccine because he raved about it and said it would save us from a 'pandemic that would be worse than the Spanish Flu!' Direct quote there. There have been more than two republican senators mildly pushing back tho. 23 states signed an agreement to fight the federal vax mandates.

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It isn't the people in elected office that we have to worry about. They can be changed easily. The real problem is the civil service bureaucracy. Until there are short, lifetime limits on how long someone can remain on the federal payroll in non-elected roles, we will continue to be treated as serfs and tax slaves.

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Elected politicians aren’t so easy to change if a critical mass of electorate, while believing the system is corrupt, their representative is just fine. Bureaucracy is entrenched because it was allowed by politicians to become entrenched. All parts of government now work for the same forces. Total corruption. The Congress has the power of the purse which they choose not to use because they work for the same oligarchical structures. An easy example are the "public health" agencies. They’ve proven themselves to be completely taken over by corporate interests, which replaced their "public health" mission entirely. Why don’t "our" political representatives act in any meaningful fashion? Because they are owned by and represent the same corporate interests. They could stop funding these bureaucracies, disband them, refashion them, but they won’t, will they? Alternating between Republicans and Democrats will solve nothing because they both represent the same forces, while not representing you.

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While I don't trust the establishment Republicans, it was the Democrat governors who acted like dictators with the endless lockdowns, mask mandates, shutting down beaches and parks, closing schools, then the jab mandates. Sorry, but I'll never vote for a Democrat again. The only Democrat that spoke out was Tulsi Gabbard, who served in wars and was smeared as a Russian agent by the Democrats.

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I don’t know where you are getting your info, but our GOP governor was on board with lockdowns, masking, jabs. It’s his order that helped me and others lose their jobs, made it nearly impossible to find other work, shut us out of restaurants, theaters, bars etc...

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Everyone locked down for some amount of time. A few RINOs locked down longer. Every democrat lockdown was worse. Every democrat governor had clot shot mandates. Maybe 2-3 republican governors had shot mandates. I'm guessing you're from Masshole.

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Not productive. You make assumptions. ALOT of red states had bad mandates. Stop being decisive And maybe start looking at how both parties are ONE : Fascist

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That's right.

19 or 26 GOP governors issued stay-at-home orders in their states in March, 2020. Some of those states stayed locked down for a few months. All democratic states issued them, but like the GOP states they, too, lifted them after a few months. New Mexico stayed locked down the longest, and she is a democrat. .

Mask mandates were issued in almost all states, and in some states, they were only issued in certain cities/towns. These were also eventually lifted.

I couldn't agree more.. both parties are horrendous, both corrupted - think $$$ and Power, although I'd like to believe there remain a few individuals who have not been. To pit left against right is just another way to help usher in fascism.

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Which states were the first to re-open and lift the mask mandates? All were Republican governors. You're trying to convince me that losing a finger is the same as losing an arm. The Overton Window needs to be shifted towards less fascism and one party showed that some of their politicians were leading the fight against the covid tyranny

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You're not going to convince me that CA and NY were the same as TX and FL the past 2 1/2 years.

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I’m not interested in. Convincing you. You still think the R party is different than the Ds. My dad created meals on wheels , created the entire business of lobbying , worked as senator McGovern’s senior aide and played golf with Tip O’Neill amd Newt GIngrich 2x a week. Those on the inside LAUGH at those clinging to a left / right paradigm.

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You are right. I didn't even try to do that.

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Wow. Not interested in conversations with rude people.

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Rude? That's what they call themselves

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not sure who "they" are. and yes, calling someone a masshole is rude.

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Watch hacking democracy. We cannot trust either side. They’re alll ONE as evidenced by the clear refusal by 99.9% of even Republicans to stand up. Don’t trust any of them. If the powers that be wanted the RA to be the chosen party to push through fascism it would look exactly like it dues now.

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Not completely true. There are plenty of RINOs, but the grassroots Republicans are fighting hard to get them out. Can the same be said about any democrats? I don't know of a single Democrat in office who criticized or even questioned the lockdowns or mandates.

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Yes. The same could be said. I ran the Bernie campaign in 2016 in CO. Then I saw the entire campaign lie to all of us. That was it. I realized then we were ALL screwed. On BOTH “ sides”. Anyone who still believes in that paradigm is naive

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You supporting big daddy socialist Bernie tells me all I need to know. You demand that every facet of your life be controlled by a bureaucrat in DC. You don't want the responsibility that comes with freedom. You want to be a carefree ward of the state.

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I haven’t voted for either since 2016. Like you say, there is a difference, even a bigger difference since Dems went totalitarian. But even this difference is insufficient to save us.

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Amen we need a government that embraces ethics, morals, and Biblical values centered on the God of the Bible and the only one who can and has brought salvation and hope to this world, Jesus Christ.

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The (divorced) parents of a close friend, both came down with covid the same week, both in their 80's. The mom, not jabbed, had mild symptoms, took ivermectin and stayed home. Recovered just fine. The father, all up to date on his boosters, ended up in the hospital and angry with his daughter when she asked him to please not take remdesivir and instead contact the FLCCC.

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I would say the father is showing signs of having been captured by the Mass Formation narrative put out by Big Pharma and the regulating agencies. "You're anxious and afraid because covid is deadly! The only and best solution is the series of vaccinations we will provide for you." See any video featuring Mattias Desmet for details.

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I don't disagree, but blaming mass formation for their lack of critical thought, doesn't make them any less of an idiot.

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Strangely, people with the highest levels of education are the most susceptible to becoming hypnotized by a Mass Formation. In the end, I think most of those captured are victims of their own fearfulness of life's complexities and uncertainties. Too much emotion, not enough reflective thought.

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Russ, Is the cause emotion vs reflective thought or is it something else? I am far more emotional than most of those I see complying to this insanity. I am also far more practiced with scary emotions . I have wondered if tthese folks have never really faced their own fears at the deepest level before and so were sitting ducks for those who so elegantly and effectively pushed multiple fear buttons simutaneously. I have alot of experience thinking beyond extreme personal distress and fear; but I don't think most of these folks who drank the Koolaid have that kind of familiarity with their own primal and powerful feelings. In the past I think they have believed they were relatively protected by the systems and institutions that run our world and they have garnered a lifetime of rewards that society bestows for compliance and cooperation. It wasn't just challenging the covid narrative that stymied them; it was more about having to confront the fact that our societal institutions are dysfunctional, rotten to the core and failing us on every single important level. Too much for most to process and grok that degree of devastating betrayal. Denial makes perfect sense if you think you will lose your sanity and entire identity if you dare to recognize the truth.

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I believe we are thinking along similar lines. You said it much more eloquently than I could. Many years ago I read a book titled "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway." It seems to me it takes reflective thought to find your way through that process. And if you don't follow through with it (not enough reflective thought), the emotion will continue to dominate (too much emotion).

One of the preconditions for mass formation is widespread "free-floating anxiety". I agree that living in a system that is obviously failing is more than most people can cope with. In addition, with respect to covid, I wonder if part of the anxiety for many people isn't coming from the fact that they have not come to terms with their own death. As you say, life is risky. But day-to-day living has isolated us from many of life's essential realities.

Thanks for your reply and for the conversation. I hope you have a great day.

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Thanks for clarifying. Yes indeed, integrating stong emotion does require reflective thought and the aholes running the shite show figured out how to keep the stress level so high that they pretty much short circuited folks ability to do that. Also I believe that for too long many have been cut off from their own intuition and as a result their BS detectors are broken. As I have witnessed over and over , it really does not take great intellect or research to viscerally know when something is bad for you. In fact, it appears that intellect and research often get in the way of and override healthy intuition.

And as you say, everyone was already anxious and stressed and did not know what to do about it. So voila! the talking heads gave us the perfect target to pin all that lovely unease upon. And it was even fixable too; if you were willing to martyr yourself for the 'public good'. At last! I can be the self-sacrificing savior and resolve all my guilt and angst etc., by muzzling and isolating myself and accepting the role of guinea pig. Which to me signifies the intense degree of self-hatred infesting our species right now.

I have puzzled over the fear of death factor in all this because my crowd is older, is already surviving multiple health issues and have faced death many times in many ways. Therefore, the extreme reaction from so many elder folks left me scratching my head. If covid killed the young, I could understand the over the top response by my own crowd. But it was clear from the beginning that it was the old and unhealthy who were most at risk. I get that they did not want to die, but really when you are over 60 surely you have made some kind of peace with your own mortality? That is why I think this was more about fear of losing one's identity by truthfully facing the breakdown of society; then it was about just the fear of physical death itself. Because really isn't our fear of death ultimately based mostly on the fear of losing our self-identity?

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Thank you Pierre for the fight you are waging. I do believe this war is of the utmost importance for our country and our world. I don't care whose team jersey a person wears. It may be necessary to temporarily lay jerseys aside and join together to destroy the Goliath we are all facing. Red or Blue jerseys won't matter when they are embellished with the chains of slavery to a World Globalist elite.

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Well said!

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Until the Democrats acknowledge and apologize for their misconduct in the Covid crisis, I will no longer vote for any one of them despite decades of doing so. I am appalled by their lack of integrity and amazed by my own naivete. Knowing that I am not alone (even though all of my former liberal friends disagree with me), reminds me once more that critical thinking, common sense, as well as intellectual honesty and curiosity, are the best compass to retain one's sanity in a globalized world full of vanities and deception. After having being frightened, dismissed, dehumanized, and feeling undignified (e.g., the coerced jab, masking, lock downs, interruptions to one's life!) people become either compliant or resistant. Well, it is with very little courage but with a lot of hope that I am able to say: J'Accuse ! And at long last, I have moved from "I think therefore I am" to "I am therefore I think." Let me/us be!

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I apply this to the Liberals (and Bloc Quebecois and NDP parties who keep voting in favour of unjustified and unscientific mandates) here in Canada. The Liberals talk and act exactly like Democrats. In fact, there's no question they're collaborating if our border and vaccine requirements are any indication since they're identical.

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I don't want to see a "red wave." Or a "blue wave," either. I want honest politicians and there are virtually none in ANY party. I want integrity, transparency, and for community-minded people to lead the country. This "Ooh, the Democrats are baaaad!" and "Oh, those Republicans are just awful!" continuous slam is not helping. We are divided, we are conquered, and it's high time we got over our internalized propaganda and took back our sovereignty. On ALL counts. Good grief.

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Only a blind fool could have thought that Biden was going to be anything other than a complete disaster and a massive threat to the safety of America.

His blatant installation was an affront to anyone with a functioning brain.

As for doctors being considered to be "knowledgeable and independent minded professionals", that bridge has long since turned to ash.

Most doctors appear to have been willing participants and fully complicit in this forced vaccination agenda.

As a consequence, I now consider most of them to be abject fools and a danger to me and mine.

There are many who have stood up for us all, but the others can all sod off.

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What really gets me was the ties between Walgreens and Elizabeth Holmes blood testing fraud & ties to a corrupt Silicon Valley. Now we have pharmacists able to prescribe Paxlovid a drug connected with many issues. But no access to the drugs which do work with almost no know side effects. Of course the corporate pharmacy chains are making out like bandits with the entire Covid thing. unquestioning stolid people lined up like cattle. Shameful.

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Call me a cynic... but it appears to me that Paxlovid is another tool that they are using - in addition to the leaky vaccines - to attempt to create a Marek's level deadly highly contagious mutation - and wipe us out.

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We are a country, among many in the industrialized West, in effect, under occupation. We must present a strong united front of those for medical freedom, against medical tyranny, and use our power to support any candidate who will promise to end the reign of pseudoscience.

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I used to be a Democrat too. Pretty much all they have right now is name-calling, demonization, and brutal suppression of people who don't agree with whatever their "current thing" is. I'm not Trump but the publishing website Medium banning me for criticizing mRNA vaccines comes from the *exact same mindset* that sent the FBI to Mir-A-Lago.

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The really hard thing about this for me is the whole “I used to be a Democrat” thing. I am a staunch donating-supporter of the FLCCC, & you, I speak out regularly against vaccine mandates & in favor of IVM and early treatment. I am also pro-choice (appalled at the daily stories of teens who are getting terrorized & PROSECUTED in states like Arkansas), think stricter gun laws is a GOOD thing so that a lot of really troubled people can’t carry; & do not think Climate Change is a hoax (111-degree Heat Dome where I live, thank you). I get get get how horribly maligned & lied about you’ve been, and am angry, right along with you, at all mainstream media sources for printing it over & over (thanks, Trusted News Initiative). But do you really think that switching to becoming a Republican, or whatever you are now, solves anything? Did you just completely abandon how you feel about choice over own bodies? Is our insanely cooking planet, with the EXPLOSION in tick-borne & other diseases thanks to how hot & drought-ridden it is, a HOAX? Guns for all, all the time, everywhere? Does the other party really represent how you feel, aside from this one, personal single issue? It’s hard to see you on shows like Alex Jones’s InfoWars, when he did SO much damage with his Sandy Hook hoax bullsh*t? I don’t despise everything he says, so I get his value……but STOP with the Dem bashing. The two party system is the problem which favor the 1% is the problem, not just the Democrats.

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I used to be a Democrat too (for the first 35 years of my life) until I was red-pilled and realized that the media was just a propaganda machine and everything I had believed about Conservatives was a complete and utter lie. As a Democrat, I never believed in climate change (or in my time it was called global warming) , abortion, or gun control. But, the media had me absolutely convinced that Conservatives were evil so I was a loyal Democrat. Not only did I vote only for Dems, but I donated a lot of money and volunteered for a lot of presidential campaigns. If you had asked me during that time why I was such a devout Democrat, my answer (which is typical of many Dems), is that the Republicans were evil. I could never explain my support for the Democratic party. It takes time, but when you finally realize how indoctrinated you are, you start to look at these controversial topics with an objective mind. Climate Change and Gun Control is all about taking away our liberties. It's a tool for the elite to control the people in exactly the same way that everything related to Covid is being used. Regarding abortion, this is about the unborn child's right to life. We aren't trying to control the woman's body, we are trying to protect a human life. The Democrat Party today has become immoral, evil, and unrecognizable from the party of JFK.

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I appreciate that you realize the slanted news and indoctrination has been going on for years. Now that it’s affecting such an important medical issue, another wave of people are catching on. But so many still believe the official narrative about COVID, early treatment, and the ‘vaccines.” When I recommend the FLCCC protocol, including ivermectin, most of my friends smile and change the subject. The cancel culture is getting worse. We need to look for candidates who dare to stand up for freedom of speech.

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Clinton, and to some degree Carter, led the change of Democrats, from representatives of the average, working-class person into apologists for the wealthy, perhaps distinguished from the ultra-wealthy, but in any case, people who have no use for the working class except as hirelings, preferably non-union.

As Thomas Frank put it in his 2015 book _Listen, Liberal_, one party represents the top 1%, the other party the top 10%, so if you're in the bottom 90%, you're SOL.

The difference is some culture-war hoohah, which neither party views seriously at the leadership level. Democrats haven't even been so fantastic on the issue of the right of a woman to decide whether to have an abortion. The wealthy donors of either party can move to another state or fly to another country to have whatever medical procedures they want done, so poor women have apparently been kind of expendable. Is someone going to hold individual Democratic legislators' feet to the fire on this issue? Pelosi isn't, obviously.

As for "the unborn child's right to life," I claim that what happens within my skin is under my absolute moral authority, and no person other than me has the right to override that. I am not a woman, but this would be no less true if I were.

On choice, climate, and guns, you have just flipped to the other flavor of culture-war dog-biscuit ... are you sure you weren't an R all along?

Not that it matters. It's a big club, but if you're in the bottom 90% economically, you're not in it.

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I think I was always Conservative, I just didn't know it because the media had villainized the right. They had me convinced that the Republicans or Conservatives were so racist that it was all that mattered. My point is that people can spend decades in one political party out of sheer blindness not realizing that they don't even share the same values as the leaders they are following. We don't know what Dr. Kory's beliefs are on every topic so he may have legitimate reasons to leave the Dem party completely. I don't really care because the genocide that is happening today is all that matters. The only politician I have donated to is Senator Ron Johnson because he is the only one that has the courage and integrity to fight Big Pharma and recognizes the evil in front of us. What we are experiencing is beyond politics. It is a fight between good and evil.

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Biden was clearly lying his a** off during the campaign. Not only that, they were hiding him because he kept sticking his foot in his mouth. Anyone paying attention would and should not have voted for him. They got duped by the incessant and furious anti-Trump beat.

Now, look. The government of the United States took an unprecedented turn by raiding a President's home! The Democrats had been showing signs of being completely unhinged yet people chose to ignore that 'because Orange Man Bad'. To the extent, you could trust the election results.

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They'd better have something completely damning, or they've shot their own feet off. I'm not a Trump fan at all, and this development makes me anything but happy.

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Thank you for supporting FLCCC. I used to be a Democrat. I am not one any longer, but I am also not a Republican.

Right now I think the Democrats are far more authoritarian and scary than Republicans are. The FBI raid on Trump, while ignoring Biden's alleged corruption, is really frightening to me. The push by the left to medicate children over gender dysphoria, much of which is now being created purposefully through questionable school teachings.

The suppression of free speech by the left is the biggest threat, perhaps, and has impacted our ability to get the word out about ivermectin and mRNA vaccine risks.

FWIW, I am technically pro-choice but against abortion on principle. My main reason of being against banning abortion outright is the bodily autonomy issue.

See: https://wholistic.substack.com/p/roe-v-wade-and-vaccine-mandates

However, when push comes to shove, I think the vaccine mandates promoted by the Democrats are FAR more invasive - because other than rape, every woman has a choice whether to have sex or not, and thus can avoid "forced pregnancy" - but vaccine mandates offer no way out when even religious exemptions are unfairly denied.

Finally, Democrats abuse the issue of climate change to push bad policies that don't help the environment much and just end up hurting the working class. Yes, the environment needs help...but I'll support good non-profits on that issue, not the Democrats.

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Almost liked this. My Body/ My Choice means even in those situations where you don't necessarily agree. No mandates and no forced pregnancies. I'm tired of the hypocrisy on both sides, Red and Blue.

I cannot vote Democrat because that party is handing women's rights over to men at women's expense -- men in women's prisons, shelters, changing rooms and rest rooms, and taking scholarships and now athletic teams spaces and trophies! But I cannot vote Republican because I believe in FEMALE bodily sovereignty, too. No hypocrisy: My body/My choice. Men don't pay child support for fetuses, and the fetus is not a viable being whose rights trump the living, breathing woman's rights. I also believe that a country that voted in a man who bragged on "grabbing" women by the genitals is woman-hating and deeply corrupt, morally.

What's happening to the Dutch farmers now is an atrocity and is all about land seizure and control of those who make food so that we all can be controlled. Neither side is acting against any of the Great Reset actions and so neither should be getting any sane being's vote.

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Yes, and I'll add to this...our sitting president, Biden, has been credibly accused of raping his aide while a senator in the Capitol building, along with several other sexual misconduct allegations, and #MeToo and the Democrats excused it.

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Biden is not a leader at this point, and wasn't even during the last election. He was "Not Trump," and that got him the votes. It was *immediately* not enough to get him re-elected, I mean as of January 21, 2021, and he hasn't achieved anything since then that matters a damn to the average American. He's been sucked in completely, along with the party, to the Pharma-über-alles project. The Democrats could have run Bernie Sanders and had a re-electable candidate, but they have no use for the average American at this point. I suspect that for the average American, the feeling is mutual.

I would vote against Biden *and* against Trump if the election were held today.

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What about the bodily autonomy of the person living within the person? If you murder a pregnant mother, you can be charged with two murders. Just sayin'

With these forced vaxes, my body my choice has no meaning now.

The Trump raid: If they can do it with you, they can do it TO YOU. I don't think all the giddy Dems on the media realize this. they are walking us into a state of tyranny. I'm lucky enough to have a second passport, but even my country has gone straight DPRK and forcing vax and tyrannical laws.

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I've never seen this in practice (double murder charges). What concerns me is how the anti- folks have far more concern for the collection of cells, not yet viable, than the woman who is carrying the potential life. Nope, the woman has been born and has created herself a life, hers, which exists; the collection of cells is unviable -- unborn, and cannot live outside her body. In normal circumstances this would be considered a parasite, if the pregnancy is unwanted. The civilization is crashing down around us; they can do anything to any of us, yes. So let's not create a class of forced-chattel, forced-pregnant women. Women are not broodmares for any group's political power grab -- women are human beings with the same needs and rights of all other *born and viable* humans.

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I agree. Aside from Sen. Johnson, where are all these great Republicans in our Congress or currently running for office, who are going to step up and deal with the corruption in our so-called healthcare agencies? Both Red and Blue take enormous donations from the Medical-Industrial complex.

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Your comment triggers one of my pet peeves. Personally, I dislike all political labels when trying to have a meaningful conversation with someone. Progressive, liberal, conservative, libertarian, right, left, far right, Republican, Democrat, blah, blah, blah. Not only does their meaning tend to drift over time, they all come with baggage that stifles productive dialog. A label identifies which tribe you belong to. We don't have discussions anymore, we have tribal bickering. One must recite the required talking points to retain status as a card carrying member of the tribe. What better way for us to remain divided and conquered?

Better to disclaim membership in any tribe, axe the tribal bickering, and instead find some common ground with which to start a conversation. You can always find a scrap of common ground lying around somewhere, no matter who you're talking with.

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1000% AGREE. This is what I’m objecting to with the endless “I used to be a Democrat…..”……..in itself an inflammatory statement.

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It's not inflammatory. It's honest. Why is the Democratic party a sacred cow? The people running it are just politicians. It's OK to criticize them, especially on this life-and-death issue.

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I was a Dem for 55 years as I began campaigning for progressives in high-school. I am the first Greta (not by first but an eg from 1976: http://www.paraverse.org/cannibalconcorde.htm)

so i am an ecoradical who never bought a car (had a license til recent glaucoma, so i could help in emergencies). But, I am not going to vote Democrat until Democrats stop censoring science, shoving disinfo down our throats, suspending us for sharing info & persecuting conscientious MDs & libeling conscientious scientists. The 5 yr old Trump & shariaXtian gang as some in earlier GOP administrations did F___d around w/ environment-related agencies but that did not have much effect. When Dem/Lib MSM forced Fauci & Birx & Collins etc lies down our throats in Spring 2020 did not do anything to stop it as they were cowardly playing both sides -- they too are corrupted by Pharma, just not so thoroughly. But, only a couple of hundreds of Dem friends would even listen to the DrZ=Giuliani 3/28/2020 interview. I even spelled his name Ghouliani as i strongly dislike him and explained WHY it was important (NYT lied that DrZ gave meds to "anyone" on 4/02 in order to sabotage his proof BRD of preventing most hospit & death by C19 by cheap & safe OP ET protocol of his invention = why BRD? because he gave it to 690 HR pts -- and described in detail how HR was determined). What I am afraid you may not get, Kira, is the enormity of the negligent homicide involved. Hundreds K, by now maybe a million died for not taking OP ET in the US alone. Millions in the world & because failure to push cheap & safe antiviral protocols & family prophy as needed in 2020 which wudda crushed C19, we destroyed the world economy for the wealthy 90% or so and have hurt BILLIONS of people. One cannot waste trillions w/ no side-effects. While a drop in travel helped the biosphere some the immune pressure created by the leaky vxz not only spreads variants among us but will wreak havoc on the rest of the biosphere. I know Iver is dangerous to beetles so had we done what we shudda in 2020 we wudda also needed to bear that in mind and take counter measures. I also am a Planned Parenthood supporter of decades who often wrote to papers to fight the "LIFE" argument as no one else did (only one guy did on Progressive radio the year b4 Obama was elected. Believe it or not, it was Jerry Springer. Obviously, I will not vote GOP (unless I was in Ron Johnson;s state as his Second Opinion is the best Hearing ever done). I assume he was too busy w/ C19 matters to understand 5 yr old Trump's election claims. Also, I despise both parties for abandoning the PKK/YPG/PYD peace-building ecofeminist pluralist ground-up=democracy & confederalism spreading brave & kind allies to the jihads under the cover of jets & armed drones by Erdogan. Both parties are corrupt & cowardly. I will not vote again until/unless we have a science & people & biosphere -loving/caring 3rd party. You cannot get millions of people killed & still be voted for. What WHO w/ our help did to India in the Delta Days was murder, by the number of dead worse than what Putin does in the Ukraine. If I seem less upset by the GOP, it is because their Xtian mythology & selfishness is all obvious enuf to be beaten back. Dems, whether you take WEF seriously or not are utterly insane. My observation is that the long long RAGE vs Trump fried their brains. I have found friends i thought intelligent utterly incapable of reading or listening to any argument and simply continuing to give me crap from the cdc or FDA. Only chronic Covid torture may wake them up but even then chances are they would blame it on me (unvxd at 71 & no C19 so far) and never read, say Dr Bossche. I think we will need a leader -- that is to say representative -- but who? BTW, you must have many interesting friends, almost NONE of mine saif "I used to be a Democrat" -- all are doubling down (though one did get Iver for her son). I was worried that one Lefty-lockup on seeing SCOTUS ready to go after abortion AND KNOWING that would make it hard to convince Dems to think seriously re C19 might get so depressed as to do herself harm. Imho as horrendous as the attack on abortion is, the number of victims is far less that the number of us threatened by censoring science & allowing pharma to RULE. We have no chance to fight to minimize damage from climate change or try to stop the completion of the Carbon Cycle as Odum put this threat iaround 1970 so long as we allow pharma & Dems to destroy trust in science and in government. So i'll try for a 3rd party but prefer GOP for all its conneticut yankee backwardness to Dems utter insanity. I beg u to work to wake up Dems. I am too tired and too poor and must finish work that wil give me a voice (albeit in japan) before i go blind. So go for it, but realize the stakes may be higher (w/ respect to the damage Dems have done & can do) than you yet realize as far as i can grasp from what you say,

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Good insight. Very well stated.

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The same way that the media has influenced so many re: covid is the same way they have manipulated the entire climate change hoax - and, yes, it is a hoax. The media reports only the alarmists version of the narrative and call anyone questioning the narrative a denier. The media repeats the lies spread by alarmists who make predictions based on models and the alarmists are zero for all time in their predictions. If you think about it just a little, thinking that we can control climate by controlling Co2 is simply absurd. First, Co2 is plant food. If you want a greener planet, you want more of it, not less. Co2 levels have been far higher throughout geologic history. In the last 6000 years or so there have been 3 prior warming periods - the Minoan, the Roman and the Medieval, each followed by a cooling. What's most interesting is that the cooling periods following both the Minoan and Roman warming were actually warmer than the current modern warming. The net, the media has lied about globalclimatewarmingchange in the same way they have lied about covid. Frankly, I am just as concerned if not more so about the push to so-called green energy - wind and solar are weather dependent, intermittent/variable and therefore unreliable energy sources that are 100% dependent on fossil fuels from cradle to grave yet democrats, accompanied by far too many republicans, are pushing this nonsense. Putin and Xi are ROFL at the stupidity of western leaders as the leapfrog each other in their race to implement green policies that will do nothing about climate change by will cause serious economic harm. If you are at all open minded, read the following in addition to Steve Koonin's book.







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We’re all on our own path. Watch. Research all the claims in this documentary. I was a believer like you. Once. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fHdU7jsDYwM

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Thank you for your tireless and relentless work helping us, the voiceless. I love your zeal! ♥️

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While I fully agree with all you’ve done and your perspectives on the federal government Pierre I cannot endorse your acceptance of Republicans. Do you really want to embrace a party that will not provide even one vote to address climate change - a catastrophic phenomena that will impact the health of thousands and thousands times more people than Covid - that’s just one example.

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Sorry, climate change is not a catastrophic phenomena. As I responded to another in this thread, the media has been fully captured by the climate change cabal and has presented only the approved narrative while calling any who disagrees a denier. Thinking that we can control climate by controlling co2 is simply absurd. And the "solutions" to the so called problem -that is using wind and solar - are actually far more environmentally destructive than hydrocarbons. Weather dependent, intermittent/variable unreliable energy sources will never replace fossil fuels. If we had invested in nuclear what has been wasted on wind and solar, our electrical grid would be orders of magnitude more robust than it is today.

So, a question for you. How do you plan to produce wind turbines and solar panels without using fossil fuels since they don't produce enough energy to power the machinery needed to reproduce themselves? They are 100% dependent on fossil fuels from cradle to grave - for the mining and processing of raw materials which requires A LOT of heavy machinery, to transport, manufacture, site preparation, life cycle maintenance, and ultimate decommissioning. They also need fossil fuel backup for when the sun does not shine and the wind does not blow. And no, batteries are not the answer given that they are not a source of energy, they store energy, just like a gas can that must first be filled, and the energy loss during charge/discharge cycle is not insignificant. With a capacity factor of maybe 20% for solar and between 30-35% for wind, you would need to excessively overbuild the energy infrastructure to produce sufficient excess energy to charge enormous battery arrays - that also require enormous number of heavy machines to mine and process raw materials, transport, manufacture, etc.

The amount of raw materials required for wind and solar far surpass what is required by using hydrocarbons and an enormous amount of mining is required. Add to that that the life span of solar panels and wind turbines is far shorter than fossil fuel or nuclear power plants so the replacement cycle is repeated more frequently. And, solar panels are manufactured using highly toxic materials making recycling virtually impossible and disposal very problematic. Likewise, wind turbines are difficult to recycle as well and the blades simply get burried.

The reality is that wind, solar and batteries are far more environmentally destructive than fossil fuels. If you have an open mind, read the following in addition to Steve Koonin's book.









You won't find any of this reported in the mainstream media, yet it is far more accurate than the narrative provided. Fossil fuels are what make the lives we live possible. Over 6000 products, including many pharmaceuticals, are derived from petroleum. Pretty much everything you eat, drink, wear, walk on or otherwise consume is 100% dependent on fossil fuels. And frankly, the push for "green" energy will bankrupt us and cause far more real health problems that encouraging the use of fossil fuels and nuclear.

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I agree with some of what you said about the challenges of moving towards green energy. But I couldn’t disagree with you more about your assertion that climate change is not a real phenomena. Every single country in the world has had their scientists look at climate change and concluded that it is very real, that it is caused by human activities and that unless we curtail the use of fossil fuels we are in for a catastrophic future as we’re already beginning to see with these extraordinarily damaging and unprecedented heat waves every summer. In addition fossil fuels kill millions of people literally every year due to the toxic air pollution they create when burned. So yes it will be very difficult and very challenging to eliminate fossil fuels but we have no alternative if we want civilization to survive.

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I completely disagree with your assertions. The entire climate change narrative is built on complete lies - like the 97% consensus nonsense which is a completely fabricated number. Take the time to read the links I shared in addition to this one: https://www.thegwpf.org/content/uploads/2013/09/Montford-Consensus.pdf

The actual data does not support your assertion of "unprecedented" heatwaves every summer - only false MSM headlines support that narrative. Read the first link I shared and refute it if you can. Also, take a look at this link re: how NOAA and and NASA have manipultated data. https://realclimatescience.com/2021/08/extreme-fraud-at-noaa-and-nasa/

Lastly, look at the graph in this link (you should read the entire article, but can scroll down to the graph) which shows that over the last 4000 or so years, there have been 3 prior warming periods - the Minoan, Roman, and Medieval - each followed by a cooling. What's most interesting is that the cooling periods following both the Minoan and Roman warming periods were warmer than today's modern warming period. https://edmhdotme.wordpress.com/climate-sensitivity-guiding-climate-policy/

One more comment, the narrative that fossil fuels kill millions of people every year is another complete and demonstrable lie propogated by a corrupt media. Burning dung and firewood indoors as people in sub-Saharan regions are forced to do is far more deadly than having a coal fired power plant to generate electricity for heating or cooking. The reality is that fossil fuel power saves lives by providing abundant, affordable, and reliable energy. You really need to step back and look at actual data and stop relying on a corrupt media that spreads lies - just like what we are seeing with COVID - to get a true picture of what the climate change hoax is all about.

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Like I said, Herb, you need to stop reading the headlines of MSM - and, what you posted is an unbalanced opinion piece lacking in any real data. Do you believe what the NY Times had to say about Ivermectin? Or what the WSJ had to say for that matter - other than one article posted last July, the WSJ has also been guilty in their false reporting on IVM. Here is another site that provides actual data, something the NY Times does not provide. Read the entire series. https://rogerpielkejr.substack.com/p/series-what-the-media-wont-tell-you. Seriously, read the info I posted.

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It also strikes me as wildly inconsistent that you ask me to read Rogers post - and I do subscribe to it - questioning how significant European drought is - and perhaps he is correct on that issue I don’t know - yet you completely ignore the fact that Roger wholeheartedly accepts the reality of climate change. Which you don’t. Why would you believe anything that Roger writes - since his basic orientation accepting the reality of climate change is contrary to yours?

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Here is a paper that Roger and colleagues published this very year that concluded that a plausible scenario for climate change is an increase in temperatures from 2 to 3°C by the end of the century. Which would be catastrophic given that we’re only at 1.1 C now. Do you agree with Roger? if you disagree with him here why do you cite him as an expert on drought? Is he perpetrating a hoax on the amount of climate change we can expect but is being honest about drought?


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I can’t engage with someone who asserts that the article I linked to it has no real data. I counted at least 10 links to studies done that were peer reviewed by authoritative institutions all over the world. You may choose to deny or ignore those studies since it obviously doesn’t fit your narrative that fossil fuels are wonderful with no downsides. I’m wondering what you would say to the evidence that Exxon mobil themselves in their analysis in the 1970s correctly projected and predicted the catastrophic impact of climate change that will occur and is occurring right now. You would probably call it a hoax as well as you call anything that doesn’t support your prior belief the climate change is not real.

I am certainly willing to acknowledge that at times journalists and activists and even climate scientists may incorrectly attribute certain physical phenomena to climate change but that doesn’t in anyway shape or form negate the overwhelming evidence the climate change is real, it’s caused by human activities it’s getting worse and it presents a real likelihood of catastrophic consequences.

There is also overwhelming evidence that much of the climate denialist rhetoric and studies have been financed and supported not surprisingly by fossil fuel interests who have hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue to lose.

Yet somehow you accept their claims and reject the claims of disinterested scientists from all over the world whose only goal and training is to search for the truth however imperfectly that occurs

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Interesting. If we were to assign priorities based on the number of people killed worldwide (not unreasonable, in my view), first came nuclear war and that threat has not gone away. Then came climate change and that threat has not gone away either. Now comes viral pandemics, a threat that doesn't look like it's going to go away any time soon. No wonder so many people are generally anxious, confused, frustrated and angry. It seems there has never been a better time for Mass Formations to arise around the world.

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I’ll be honest. I took a full load of environmental science from San Jose state. They have the top environmental program in the country. I believed as you do. No longer. They lied about a lot of things I later researched and discovered. One is Geo engineering which govts admit they’ve done for decades. This changes the weather completely. Please watch ajd do your own research. They’ve been lying to us to control us and usher in the NWO. It’s in their papers from the 1960s. If you follow the breadcrumbs all their admissions of a climate agenda are in writing. It’s a documentary called Frankenskies . Best wishes. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fHdU7jsDYwM

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There can be no doubt that climate change is being used to induce fear that can then be leveraged to justify furtherance of the WEF’s Great Reset initiative, where “you will own nothing and be happy”. But judging by the sum total of their actions, I believe the politicians, billionaires, and other high-level "authorities" behind the WEF care much more about the endless accumulation of wealth and power than literally anything else, including what may actually be true about covid or the climate or digital currency or AI or ....

"Self" is where they always put their priorities. Such people will leverage ANY issue to increase their own status, regardless of what they say about the issue, or what they actually believe about the issue, or (most importantly) what the facts really are. In other words, I would caution against using the political intentions of bad actors in any way to infer the truth of anything.

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When my triple-jabbed older brother (who is on HPB meds) got C19 six weeks ago, I gave him some of my ivermectin. He never took the recommended dose, but he said he felt better after taking it. Still a believer, though, he decided to contact his PCP for guidance. His doctor called in a prescription for Paxlovid without examining or even speaking with my brother.

The pharmacist called my brother the next morning and told him not to take it.

So, having a PCP with access to your medical records write the Paxlovid script is not a guarantee of safety or good care.

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You know what the true Clown War is? It's putting your faith in a crook like Donald Trump, who has no human feeling for others, simply because he heard about Ivermectin and HDC and mentioned them. The other side of this Clown War promptly sprang into action, namely the Democrats in Congress, condemning these drugs outright from guilt by association. But even more so, let's not forget, the corrupt pharma companies and bought and sold media. Don't you understand that if chance had had it that if some Democrat in good standing had recommended Ivermectin, you would see Trump as the grifter that he is? Electing him will solve nothing

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Trump is indeed a self-absorbed, egotistical, insufferable ass - but I can say the same thing about Obama, Buyden and many other politicians. However, he is no grifter - he did not enter politics to enrich himself like the others. He did in fact accomplish quite a bit despite resistance from the swamp from day 1 - and the swamp encompasses both parties. Problem with Trump is he was not a part of the swamp and was a real threat to it, despite his many shortcomings as a human being. I'll take his less than admirable personality and accomplishments vs. the current dementia ridden incompetent fool in the WH whose every action so far has actually caused great harm to the country. I'll take MAGA over BBB where the only thing built back better so far is the Taliban.

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Dr. Pierre Kory did not coin the term “Clown World”, the term was invented before Covid existed, on 4chan and then spread from there.

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