Watch hacking democracy. We cannot trust either side. They’re alll ONE as evidenced by the clear refusal by 99.9% of even Republicans to stand up. Don’t trust any of them. If the powers that be wanted the RA to be the chosen party to push through fascism it would look exactly like it dues now.
Watch hacking democracy. We cannot trust either side. They’re alll ONE as evidenced by the clear refusal by 99.9% of even Republicans to stand up. Don’t trust any of them. If the powers that be wanted the RA to be the chosen party to push through fascism it would look exactly like it dues now.
Not completely true. There are plenty of RINOs, but the grassroots Republicans are fighting hard to get them out. Can the same be said about any democrats? I don't know of a single Democrat in office who criticized or even questioned the lockdowns or mandates.
Yes. The same could be said. I ran the Bernie campaign in 2016 in CO. Then I saw the entire campaign lie to all of us. That was it. I realized then we were ALL screwed. On BOTH “ sides”. Anyone who still believes in that paradigm is naive
You supporting big daddy socialist Bernie tells me all I need to know. You demand that every facet of your life be controlled by a bureaucrat in DC. You don't want the responsibility that comes with freedom. You want to be a carefree ward of the state.
Watch hacking democracy. We cannot trust either side. They’re alll ONE as evidenced by the clear refusal by 99.9% of even Republicans to stand up. Don’t trust any of them. If the powers that be wanted the RA to be the chosen party to push through fascism it would look exactly like it dues now.
Not completely true. There are plenty of RINOs, but the grassroots Republicans are fighting hard to get them out. Can the same be said about any democrats? I don't know of a single Democrat in office who criticized or even questioned the lockdowns or mandates.
Yes. The same could be said. I ran the Bernie campaign in 2016 in CO. Then I saw the entire campaign lie to all of us. That was it. I realized then we were ALL screwed. On BOTH “ sides”. Anyone who still believes in that paradigm is naive
You supporting big daddy socialist Bernie tells me all I need to know. You demand that every facet of your life be controlled by a bureaucrat in DC. You don't want the responsibility that comes with freedom. You want to be a carefree ward of the state.