Everyone locked down for some amount of time. A few RINOs locked down longer. Every democrat lockdown was worse. Every democrat governor had clot shot mandates. Maybe 2-3 republican governors had shot mandates. I'm guessing you're from Masshole.
Everyone locked down for some amount of time. A few RINOs locked down longer. Every democrat lockdown was worse. Every democrat governor had clot shot mandates. Maybe 2-3 republican governors had shot mandates. I'm guessing you're from Masshole.
Not productive. You make assumptions. ALOT of red states had bad mandates. Stop being decisive And maybe start looking at how both parties are ONE : Fascist
19 or 26 GOP governors issued stay-at-home orders in their states in March, 2020. Some of those states stayed locked down for a few months. All democratic states issued them, but like the GOP states they, too, lifted them after a few months. New Mexico stayed locked down the longest, and she is a democrat. .
Mask mandates were issued in almost all states, and in some states, they were only issued in certain cities/towns. These were also eventually lifted.
I couldn't agree more.. both parties are horrendous, both corrupted - think $$$ and Power, although I'd like to believe there remain a few individuals who have not been. To pit left against right is just another way to help usher in fascism.
Which states were the first to re-open and lift the mask mandates? All were Republican governors. You're trying to convince me that losing a finger is the same as losing an arm. The Overton Window needs to be shifted towards less fascism and one party showed that some of their politicians were leading the fight against the covid tyranny
IтАЩm not interested in. Convincing you. You still think the R party is different than the Ds. My dad created meals on wheels , created the entire business of lobbying , worked as senator McGovernтАЩs senior aide and played golf with Tip OтАЩNeill amd Newt GIngrich 2x a week. Those on the inside LAUGH at those clinging to a left / right paradigm.
You're claiming DeSantis was exactly the same as Newsom? Why wasn't Florida locked down for 2 years? Why aren't there vaccine mandates in Florida? Why aren't kids being forced to wear a mask at school in Florida?
Everyone locked down for some amount of time. A few RINOs locked down longer. Every democrat lockdown was worse. Every democrat governor had clot shot mandates. Maybe 2-3 republican governors had shot mandates. I'm guessing you're from Masshole.
Not productive. You make assumptions. ALOT of red states had bad mandates. Stop being decisive And maybe start looking at how both parties are ONE : Fascist
That's right.
19 or 26 GOP governors issued stay-at-home orders in their states in March, 2020. Some of those states stayed locked down for a few months. All democratic states issued them, but like the GOP states they, too, lifted them after a few months. New Mexico stayed locked down the longest, and she is a democrat. .
Mask mandates were issued in almost all states, and in some states, they were only issued in certain cities/towns. These were also eventually lifted.
I couldn't agree more.. both parties are horrendous, both corrupted - think $$$ and Power, although I'd like to believe there remain a few individuals who have not been. To pit left against right is just another way to help usher in fascism.
Which states were the first to re-open and lift the mask mandates? All were Republican governors. You're trying to convince me that losing a finger is the same as losing an arm. The Overton Window needs to be shifted towards less fascism and one party showed that some of their politicians were leading the fight against the covid tyranny
You're not going to convince me that CA and NY were the same as TX and FL the past 2 1/2 years.
IтАЩm not interested in. Convincing you. You still think the R party is different than the Ds. My dad created meals on wheels , created the entire business of lobbying , worked as senator McGovernтАЩs senior aide and played golf with Tip OтАЩNeill amd Newt GIngrich 2x a week. Those on the inside LAUGH at those clinging to a left / right paradigm.
You're claiming DeSantis was exactly the same as Newsom? Why wasn't Florida locked down for 2 years? Why aren't there vaccine mandates in Florida? Why aren't kids being forced to wear a mask at school in Florida?
You are right. I didn't even try to do that.
Wow. Not interested in conversations with rude people.
Rude? That's what they call themselves
not sure who "they" are. and yes, calling someone a masshole is rude.
They are people from Massachussetts and they know the joke